PAGE EIGHT COZY COMFORTABLE PORCHES £ f You spend the summer on your porch. Why not make it and comfortable by adding' a few awnings? Protect ypur porch furniture and rugs from sun. heat and rain. •#« Adds beauty to vour home and makes the surroundings attractive. Once \ou use awnings and realize the real com ’srt, you will wonder hcnv you got along without them 48? ipE. samples and prices. No obligation. More than one hun ®ed samples to select front. Prices reasonable. Terms if you like. We are the awning people. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FERN LITRE STORE ARE YOU SATISFIED? Publishers want intelligent men and women -8 to 35 f years old to learn to operate type setting machines. We can train and place you with reasonable earning power in four months. You then rapidly develop in a fine trade, one of the best paying and most educative. Expense of > schooling is not great. Address Macon Printing School, fc Georgia-Alabama Business College Building Macon, ! Georgia. AOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOODSIOOOsWOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI pCOAL 1 No Dealer in Concord Sells Coal for Less than I do. ]! 8 Best Furnace Coal s'B.oo to $ll.OO. g Best Grate and Stove Coal SB.OO to $9.00. |[ 8 flest Steam Coal $4.00 to $7.50. O Best Gas House Coke—Made in Concordsß.so. Purchase Your Coal where you can get QUALITY 8 | and SERVICE. fi A. B. POUNDS I J THE JOYCE ] B Is among the exclusive new beauties that arrived a. our store this it 5 week, this lovely step-in Pump is of Hie popular parchment, trimmed Sj W with narrow strips of patent forming a little bow of the same. This is jj I a wonderful little pump and fits to perfection 50 IVEY’S "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSCOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXSOOOOOO [LL CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 5 ai V/Vyiilj Pkßter § Mortar Color. 8 MOOOCXMOOOOOOr/OOOUOOOrtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* Sell Your Hens Now or Take Less For Them Later - TVe will pay 22c per pound for heavy hens delivered to us by Thursday noon. May 6th. Leghorns and light weight hens, 20c per lb. We guarantee you 40c per pound for colored fryers weighing 1 1-2 pounds or more and 35c per pound for’White Leghorns. None want ed that weigh under 1 1-2 pounds. ■■ We are not car load Shippers but we ship regularly and furnish you a steady market and never get tow many. C H. BARRIER & CO. 11l POWV IDS. MS GET UTS Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follow*: Northbound 136-41:00 P. M. A. M. 34“ 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. V M. SO—11:00 P. M. Southbound t 39 9:30 A. M. 1 45 3:30 P. M. 1 135 - 8:00 P. M. I 29—11 .-00 P. M. 1 LOCAL MENTION j A play. “The Courtship of Mother t Goose.*’ will be given at the Barrin ger school house Friday at eight p. m. Everybody is invited. Morrison H. Caldwell, of the local bar. has accepted an invitation to deliver a Memorial Day address in Statesville on May 10th. Mrs. W. R. Smith and daughter. Mrs. Banks R. Oates and children, of Charlotte, were the guests of Mrs. F. M. Youngblood Wednesday. The weekly meeting of the Concord Kiwanis Club will be held at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30. Mor timer Risley will be program chair man. The condition of Miss Helen Fox, who underwent an operation for acute appendicitis in the Concord Hos pital a few days ago. is reported as improved. There will be a called meeting of j the Cabarrus Chapter of American War Mothers this evening at 7:30 j o'clock at the home of Mrs. John K. ! Patterson, on North Union street. Tickets for the Charlotte automo bile races May 10th will be on sale in Concord one day only, tomorrow. | Friday. April 30:*a. at the Reid Mo- ! tor Co. (let yours tomorrow. Miss Theresa Dnns.lill, expert in ] children’s diet, will speak here twice) ’ tomorrow. At 3:30 she will be heard j at Central School and at 7 :30 at No. j 2 school. The public is invited to hear her. Officers of the American Legion re quest that business houses and homes \ of the city display their flags on May j sth and 6th while the War Mothers j are holding their State convention j in Concord. The Poplar Tent and St. John's j schools will close their year's work! tomorrow afternoon. These are two j of the last schools in the county to j close. Exercises will be held at the schools tomorrow night. Jesse B. Raiford. local Frigidaire salesman, has returned from Greens boro, where he attended a three-day ' school conducted by the General Mo-' tors Corporation, manufacturers and i distributors of Frigidaire machines. Democrats of the State are mak-l i ing Raleigh their mecca today while 1 the State convention is in session.' No startling results are expected at j the convention, advance information j being that the session would be a I most harmonious one. Cabarrus people who have been at-j tending the Rotary orthopaedic din-! ic in Charlotte are expected to report | i there Saturday for another meeting of the clinic. ) The meeting will be | held in the city and county health | office, where clinics have been held in ! the past. Officials of the Concord V. M. C. j i A. are planning to publish a "Y" j edition of the Concord Daily Tribune j on May 10th. It is planned now to carry six or eight pages of Y j faats in this edition, in addition to j photos showing activities at the asso | ciat'on building. j Owing to the cool weather and ex- I tra work incident to the Y' circus to i be given on May Sth, the Y pool will not open May first. It is now plan- i [ ued to begin the pool schedule as soon j as warm weather comes to stay. The program for the pool will be an nounced later. Some one left a pint of liquor in ! the hedge at Central school and Prof. | Webb states that the owner can get the same by calling at police head quarters. For some time empty or partially filled liquor bottles have been found in the hedge but this is ! the first full bottle to be discovered. j The general public is invited to at ( tend the meeting at the court house | Saturday when “National Egg Day" ] will be observed here. Dr. B. F. ( Knupp, of .State College, will be the [ principal speaker, and there will he I short talks also by county agents » of this section of the state. The J meeting will begin at 2:30. [ According to deeds filed Wednes- E day A. M. Shinn has sold to B. R. | White property on the Coneord-Mt. | Pleasant road. The purchase price ) in each deed was given as $lO and I other valuable considerations. An- I other deed records the sale of land I by Mr. Shinn to B. L. Crow-ell for I $202, this also being located on the ■ Coneord-Mt. Pleasant road. A medical school for Chinese wom en has been established in Shanghai. * * * A WORD TO OUR ADVER- $ * TISERS. * * * jK Our good friends, our adver- $ id tisers, are aßked to help us give id id all better service b- observing id: id strictly our rule that copy for id id all advertisements requiring ex- id: id tra space or a change in form of id j id the ad. be in the office the after- id 6 id noon before the day the ad. is to id t id be inserted. Copy for ads. oe- id 1 id cupying the regular Bpace will id . id always be changed if received In id lid the office by 10 A. M. on the id id day of publication. * . £ £ '♦************♦ THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE ]■ II - j Miss Sarah Iloyd, of Mooresville. X. c, beautiful senior at the University ; of North Carolina who plays tile char mi .g Mrs. Bnrxtow in Frank Craven's comedy. "The First Year."'to be pres ended by the Carolina Haymakers | here May 4th at the High School Auditorium. Miss Boyd is a member of ! the Chi Omega Fraternity. WEIGH 5 POUNDS MORE IN THIRTY DAYS | Auk the Pearl Drug Company or i j any druggist for a box of McCoy’s . | Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets. < 1 They cost but little, are sugar coated and as pleasant to take ns candy. Skinny men and women take them - to speedily put on plenty of good healthy solid flesh ar.J for fliis pur pose they are so extremely good that thin uieu and w nnen often take on 5 poundiv or more in 30 days. As a matter of fact, your druggist is au thorized to return your money if you don’t take on 5 pounds in 3ft days. One thin woman gained 15 pounds in six weeks. j Be sure and ask for McCoy’s, the original and genuine Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablets—Oft Tablets —00 cents. She Simply Won't Wear* Em | == « , - Bb Dorothy Carrington, former University of Missouri co-ed. simply won't wear women's clothes. Arrested In St. Louis in connection with an em bezzlement charge In Detroit, she was garbed as a man— and she told police that as soon as she gets out she'll dress as a man again, dlscard-j lng the dress they're malting her wear now Photo shows her as she ap peared at the tuna at bar arrest. ■ ' : • u <u, ’ THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER 1 CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER i > The American newspaper is a marvel of intelligence | j | and enterprise; in many respects the most wonderful | i ; production of our civilization. Consider the brains, the i s hard work, the incessant vigilance, and the mechanical in- jj ; genuity needed in one issue of a great daily, which is an 11 amazing conspectus and reflection of the life of the entire ; globe the day before. Remember the hurry and excite- : ment in which it must he made up, and the brief time al ii lowed for deliberation, the wonder is, not that there are in it so rhany mistakes, hut so few. And considering its con- In tents, and its cost in its pay of employes, in its outlay for |] 11 news, in its ingenious machinery, it is the cheapest of all 111] ; 11 human products. The reader pays for that which gives fj ; • him the daily history of the world (and most of that he B uses in conversation) scarcely more than the price of white [i S paper- ' | - : ----rrr T--vrTrr-pi:LVI»L> mmf CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our thanks to <>;tr many friends for their kindness duriag the illness and death of our daughter and sister. Virginia Roger. MU. and MRS. W. B. BOG Ell - l lt-p. A Nil FAMILY. ODD FELLOW NOTICE. Moots every Thursday evening at eight o’clock. Work ’n initiatory degree. M. L. ROSS. N. G. C. 11. RITCHIE, R. S. Engraved Wedding Invitations and announcements on short notice at Times-Tribune office. We repre sent one of the best engravers in the United States. if. mm A serious shortage of people with out spring fever is reported. IJvery one seems to save up a grouch for a rainy day. Having the iti’ii develops the lin gers for playing a banjo. If you need a kit of nnto tools work nil day as a mechanic in some garage. Fish wid bite better if you will disguise yourself as a country boy. New fashions would bn more com fortable if the weather wasn't so old fashioned. (Copyright. 11)20. NEA Service, Inc.) The Sorbonne. oldest of European universities, now permits student dances but forbids jnzz. DISTURBED SLEEP . Caused From Bladder Weakness.— Natnrf’s Way of Telling You of “Danger Ahead.” ,7. H. Hanford. 71u5 Yale Ave., Chicago, 111., “For two years I •jave been troubled with gravel. Many times it would cause me to get up ♦•iflit to twelve times at night, and it was very painful. Uithiated Buchu cleaned me up in one week. I will be glad to tell or write my experi ence.'* Lithiated Buchu is not a patent yiedicine as the formula in on the label. It cleanses the bladder as < p.som salts do the bowels, driving out. abnormal deposits, neutralizing excess acid, thereby relieving irrita tion which causes disturbed sleep. It is not a cheap medicine. The tab lets cost 2 cents each at ail drug stores. Keller Laboratory. Meehan iesburg. Ohio. Gibson Drug Store. K. OF P. NOTICE ■ Regular meeting Concord No. HI K. of P. Thursday evening at S o'clock. A welcome for all Pyfiiians and visitors. W. 11. FISHER. C. 0. 1 jOOOOOOOOCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOH California | Tours Contest iji | Ends Monday, iji | May 3rd 5 Send your Cleaning to us ijr 2 NOW and get votes for !i| 1 8 your favorite contestant, 'j l ‘ | SPECIAL 8 500 Votes on the Dollar |! g on Ladies’ Work Until | Contest Closes x -Pay your monthly ae- i g count Before May 3rd ! 5 and Get the extra votes— ] X 500 votes for every dollar 1 g received on accounts. ;! j&sO&O. “MASTER" Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 787 Office 25-27 W. Depot St CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY. APRIL 2*. 1926 I Cotton .17 1-2 I Cotton seed 52 1-J NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock- I holders of the Citizens Building and , Loan Association will be held in ita office in the Citizens Bank and Truat Company building in the city of Con cord, N. C., on Monday, May 3rd, 1'126, at 4 :30 o’clock P. M. A. F. GOODMAN. Secretary and Treasurer. CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline tc Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: •' Eggs .25 \ Corn sl.lO j Sweet potatoes SI.OO Turkeys .25 Onions $1.75 Peas $2.00 • Butter .88 r Country Ham 4h* • Country Shoulder .20 jj Country Sides .20 - Young Chickens .45 Hens .22 l Irish Potatow i. 2.00 j • —gTflUJl \ Monty back without QUMtiof \\lf HUNTS GUARANTEE! -J#. t SKIN DISEASE REMBDIBf /iff wj (Hunt*. Salve ana Soap), Wilt f U 17 th. treatment of Itch. Kcxnot V Id *. , n*aroim.Tette? or other Keh- m * log aUn dleeaeee. Try thb { treatment at ear risk. \ .1 *™r *Wn Try this * « * ; treatment at oar risk. PEARL DRUG CO. I You are as as in a | 5 HOOVER Suit Right Sj now A broad statement involv ]i( ing'sijtrte “ifs" but if you iji ]!' will accept the following ![! ji provisos there’ll be no j •[> '? BjF ’’ifs” altout it—’ X |(i IF you’ll use every ounce of style, value and comparison ! X judgment at your command ] | |i| IF you'll forget our feeling entirely and consider only 11 X your own * fi !]! You’ll own a SCHLOSS BROS. & Cp. Spring Suit— X X just as sure as shooting! ’ “ «; '!' With One or Two Trousers. ?i HOOVER’S, he. j THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE ' >!. Melrose Flour Liberty Self Rising Flour Why use Flour that may please you at some time, and will not please you at other times, and that too, when you most want the very best. Melrose is just the very best at all times. It has stood the test—on this market for more than twenty-five years. Liberty Self-Rising is made ready to bake. It's Melrose in quality. Our price is no higher now than any other brands. CLINE & MOOSE Phone 339 P. S. —We Deliver Quick Ev erywhere. For Ambulance and Prdfesaiohal, Services CALL 640 DAY OR NIGHT BELL & HARRIS FUNERAL HOME Frigidaire Requires No Attention With Frigidaire you have nothing to , refill or replenish—nothing to adjust. Frigidaire is dependable, automatic elec tric refrigeration. New models, new low prices and con venient terms. Investigate today. STANDARD BUICK CO. 88 S. Union St. Phone 363 tWrtldalrc ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION I SMI-LAX I TONIC and | Laxative Compound The new and wounderful Medicine for people who are ; suffering with Weak and Rundown condition of the CSystem, Loos of Appetite, Constipation, Indigestion, Sto- , mach and Liver. j . . 1 See your Druggist for it is only sold through Drug ! I Stores. OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOCOOOCXXXX Thursday, April 29, 26 I SULPHUR IS BEST TO QLEAR UP UGLY, BROKEN OUT SKIN Any breaking out or skin irritation on face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mentho-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, nothing has-ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irritation. Mentho-Sulphur heals eczema right up, leaving the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment or disfigurement. A little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur may be ob tained at any drug store. It. is used like cold cream. For Free Sample Mail This Advertisement to WHITEHALL PHARMACAL CO.. Inc. 598 Madison Ave. New York, N. Y.

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