PAGE SIX |P;E NN Y COLU M N Hjittts, Squash. Cucumbers, Beans, ■piarrots, bell peppers, peas and ev good lo eat. Dove-Bost , < 30-1 t-p. Bgeatn Cotlage Cheese Fnsh Today. grPeve-Host Co. 30-lt-p. Male of New Summer Hats, #I.OO Off ■j price Saturday. Mfcts Braehen.! 29-3 t-p. j Bloiee Cats of Veal and Mutton. ] R Phone sto and 525. ('has. C. ■lpraeber. 30-2 t-p. j ■We Sell Kodak Films. Also Develop RM&em. (fine's Pharmacy. Phone I 333. 30-2 t-p. ■ptrawberri*! Strawberries! Fresh ■pF'-eeh Carolina grown strawberries, g lippard & Barrier. 30-lt-p. _ gCaM I s For Eatables—Always Some- Bp-' thing to jat. We appreciate your Ri orders. Lippard & Barrier. I 30-lt-p f ; Broad fi Cents a loaf. Fresh Veg- K etables at all times. PtiiUips Groe f ery Co. 30-lt-p. | Learn a Trade—He Is Thrice-armored f who knoys a good trade There p is not thrift equal the acquiring of : skill antk knowledge. A man can never wtjk iu the "full strength of years" usles he is able to say, “I ; am a master workman." Youth i with wisdom is youth preparing for the of life, however hard it may be A good trade is ham-au-egg insurance. The print ing industry offers, at the South eastern "School of Printing, 508 Union Street. Nashville. Ten., the opportunity for young men to fit themselves quickly and thorough'y to well-paying positions at pleasing "work. Write today for catalogue and particulars. 2S-tf. Lost—Pacßage of Lace. Return to Tribune 26-ts-p. g- *— ‘ ; Wedding Invitations and Announce ments pgnted on pannellel paper, in the latest style type. Invitation Text, at follt wing prices: 50 for $6.50; MO for $10.50; S4.QO for each adtlltional 50 Prices include ] invitations, wAh inside and outsrde . envelope*. Printed on a few hours' ii' notice. Tribune-Times Office, ts. >Do Yon Seed Some Letter Heads, | bill heads or statements? The ; Times-Tribune Job Office can get them out for you promptly. Os cou~e tie quality of the work is the best* ts. Trogram. Invitations, Announcements printed promptly at The Times- • . Tribune .Job Office. We have a { beautiful line of wedding invita :. tioiie and announcements in stock - and can'finish on a few hours nog I ties. Jimes-Tribune Job Office. r— - Business Genius. R« stns Jnd Mose were in business together. « owning jointly a small blacksmith- shop. After a quarrel, however, they decided to dissolve the partnership. Rastus announced the change in dhe business by the follow ing ad. in-the local paper; t "Notice - De eopardnership hereto fore resisting between me and Mose Skinner am hereby resolved. Dem i-whut owned de firm will settle wid me: and dem whut de firm owes will settle wid Mose.” Big Contract. | “I want your daughter’s hand,” Said the lover, falteringly. I "Well, go down into the kitchen and you’ll find it in the dish-water,” Replied Vj* heartless father. "But, : say.” he culled after the voung ftfc ' in you support a family?” Si^Certaiiily.” |C‘Then get to work, for there’s thir een of |OOOO«XXX>XXXX)OOOOOOC«C>OCXX>IXXVXXXXXXXX>OOOOOCVV> EFIRD’S I Just Three More Lots of Spring Coats Uft Specially Priced to Move Them Quick | 17 Coats at,.. $9.95 i :14 Coats at $18.50 :ll Coats at $14.50 gl. Good Range of Sizes and all are § Good New Spring Colors and Styles 8 lEFIRD’S 1 Fresh Daily—Cream Cottage and pimento cheese—it’s fine. Dove- Bost Co. 30-lt-p. Horse For Sale. Phone 263. Fisher 4 Litaker. 30-ot-p. Mother’s Day Candy and Mother’s | mottos. Cline's Pharmacy. Phone j us- 30-2 t-p. ] For Sale—Peutnia Plants, 25 Cents per dozen. Mrs. Fred Peek, 82 I Nortii Church Street. 30-2 t-p. 1 Fresh North Carolina Strawberries for Saturday. Dove-Bost Co. 30-lt-p. Fresh Yellow Squash. Beets. Radish, spring oniony, bell peppers, sugar peas, string beans, cucumbers, coun try sausage. J. & H Cash Store. Phone 587. 30-lt-p. Fresh Fish, Speckled Trout, Grey trout and eroakers. Phone 510 and 525. We deliver. Chas C Grach ev. 30-2 t-p. Piano Tuning. Revoicing and Repair | ing. See A. Viola. 66 Loan St. j ! Phone 471 J. _ 29-St-p. j Lost—On Charlotte and Concord highway, shopping, bag containing baby clothes. Finder please return to Mrs. R. A. Harris, Harrisburg, N. C. 29-2 t-p. I For Sale—One Five Room House, 2 vacant lots on South Spring street, j George S. Graeber. 29-2 t-p. For Sa'e—A Nine-room Residence with modern conveniences, 1 3-4 acre lot, barn, garage, apple, peach, pear, cherrie and walnut trees, Con cord and sueppernouing grape vines. Located in Mount Pleasant. Good school advantages. For quick cash sale will sell at a low price. Ad dress P. O. Box 65, Mount P eas-i ant. N. C. 29-2 t-p. j Garbage Cans $1.25 Up. Ritchie Hardware Co. Phone 117. 27-ste. For Sale—Two Houses on Buffalo Street at a bargain for quick sale. C. A. Isenhour. 23-6 t-p. If You Want lee Boxes, Call Jno. R. Query or see M L. Hopkins at warehouse near depot. All sizes readymade. 24-12 t-p. i Place Your Order Now For May aim June day-oid chicks. After Maj 10th prices for White Leghorn chicks will be reduced to sl3 per hundred from my beet pens. B'ew Buff Rock setting eggs for sale now. J. I rev Cline, Concord Route 1. Engraved Wedding Invitations and announcements on snort notice at Times-Tribune office. We repre sent one of the best engravers <n the United Stales. ts. Liquor drinking among the Hindus j decreased 7 per cent, last year. To Mother * r The Most Pleasing of All Gifts Your Photograph | We offer you the following iCut Prices until May 10th: Regular Price “Cut Price j $5.00 for 6 $3.50 j 54.00 for 6 $3.00 , j $3.00 for 6 $2.00 'The Latest Spring Styles in Folders. Don’t Miss This Op- 1 ; portunity for Your Gifts. , The Simpson Studio i IN AND ABOUT THE CITY ]l SOUTHERN CONFERENCE r Os the Inked Evangelical Lutheran! Synod of North. Carolina at Dallas | s May 4-5. s The Southern Conference of the T T nited Evangelical Lutheran Synod . of North Carolina will De held in the i Holy Communion Church N at Dallas > next Tuesday aml Wednesday. May 4th and 3th. The following will be ■ the program. • Tuesday. May 4th. 10 a. m.—Opening of Conference, Enrollment of Ministers aud Dele-j gates. • 11 a. m.—Sermon by the President. Holy Communion. Intermission. 2 p. in.—Devotional Service—Rev. ■ B. M. Clark. 2:15 P. M.—Transaction of Busi ness, Appointment of Committee. .*1 p. m.—“ The Needs of the Church Call for Prayer'* | (a) “Who Should Pray**—Rev. M. L- K ester. Delegate from First Church Albemarle. j (b) When to Pray”—Rev. B. J. i Wessinger and Delegate from Faith Church. (c) “For What to Pray”—Rev. P. j L. Miller and B. Capps, Delegate j from Holy Trinity Gaston : a. I General Discussion. I P- ni.—Sermon : “Future Punish ment”—Rev. M. L. Ridtnhour. Wednesday, May sth. 9 A. M.—Devotional service—Rev. H. A. Trexler. , 0:15 a. m.—Business Report of Committees. 10:10 a. m.—“ Our Textile Cen ters —A Challenge and a Menace**— Prof. J B. Henson and Delegate from Kimball Memorial. 11 a. in.—Sermon—Rev. C. E. Rid enhour. i Intermission. 2 p. in.—Devotional—Rev. G. O. i • Ritchie. 2:13 p. m—Business. 2p. m.—“ The Sunday School", j (a) “The Literature to be Used” j —Rev. John L. Yost. (b) “The Teacher to Instruct”—M Rev. N. D. Yount. (cl “Holding the Scholar for the M Church"—Rev. C. P. Fisher. ! i Rev. L. A. Thomas, of Concord, : s ■ President - f the Conference. GIBSON IN FIVE SHAPE 1 FOR ITS OPENING GAME Manager Basinger Has Collected Ball Murderers for Season’s Opener. i Tlie Gibson gasebail team is all set! ' for the season's opener here tomor- j ! row. During the past several weeks j ' members of the team have been prac- J ticing here and in other cities and j they will report to Manager Sid Bas-1 1 inger in the proverbial “pink" tomor-1 row. | 1 Manager Basinger has collected a | bunch of ball murderers and they ex- i pect. to fatten their averages tomor- ( ’ row on anything the opposing hurl- j ers offer. There is not a weak hit- 1 ter on the team and several of the | players have gained state-wide repn- ' 1 tation for their hitting prowess. j t Daniels, a pitcher from Alabama. 1 expects to start the game for the lo- 1 cabs, but should he not be ready ' Momesley. from Lenoir-Rhyne will be c on hand. Either twir'.er should be: < ab.e to bold the opponents. Manager' 1 Basinger thinks. j r The game will be played at 3 :30 at i the Gibson Park which has been! greatly improved since the close of! t the last season. The Highland Park ! 8 team from High Point will reach | * Concord about noon. 1 Manager Basinger has not an-i (l nouneed the line-up bnt he expects j r to use the following players: c Hawn. Lenoir-Rhyne. 2b. |e Jarrett, Mooresville, rs. % i t Ridetihour, Coo’.eemee. If. 1 n Whitnant. Maiden, lb. j h Haynes, Salisbury. 22. Basinger, Concord, 3b. j 11 Clemmer, Concord, c. j t Smith. Concord cf. 1 Daniels, A’abama. p. o Homeslcy, Lenoir-Rhyne, p. t Andrews, utility 1 J Distinguished Visitor. * ' c Dr. T. K. Martin, of Texas, will * preach at McGill Street Church next ' Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Dr. ! Martin is the director of the Bible ' Crusaders, an organization headed bv 1 Mr. Washburn, the millionaire of Clearwater, Fla. This organization * active y opposes the teaching of evo lution. Dr Martin is the author of sev eral books, a well trained man. a former teacher of science. He is one of the leading evangelists of the country. We believe that the peo ple of Concord will gladly hear this able and distinguished minister next Sunday morning. J. R. PENTUFF. To „? < ‘ Represented in Circus Parade. C 1 e follow ng merchants of Con ™r‘„hJve alr eady agreed to put in a small float or some other interesting 8th eC .t, m thP Y Circus parade 011 May tMnv h th t UrP m * t 0 entcr Home renre adv, ‘ rtis <' the hnsiness represented : J. C Penney Co., Cline's Pharmacy a ™* C °™ S - W Prcslar's Jew eh-y Store, Moolworth's. Cabarrus B itc We Hardware Co., Star Theatre Army sEore! Wilson Had 27 Degrees. v. Lansing Collins, secretary of Princeton University, says Woodrotv Wilson had more university degrees than any other man of his time The war president was honored with de frees by eighteen American and nine European universities. Besides these collegiate honors eight European cities conferred “honorary citizenship" up on Wilson, and he was made a field marshal in the Brazilian army. An annual hospital fee of sls, en-! titling them to medical treatment, op “d hospital room service, Watotogtoi ° itl ** n * ° l Lon « view - THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE j BILL. DAVIS ARRESTED BY CHARLOTTE POLICE '! f 1 Escaped From Chain Gang Camp Here Early Thursday and Was Ar-, rested That Night. I 1 Bill Davis, Roxboro man. seems unable to quit taking things. Daviu escaped from the Cabarrus county chain gang early Thursday j morning, went to Charlotte and was arrested there Thursday night charged , with stealing a watch. The Roxboro man got in trouble ! here when he carried off an overcoat j belonging to WJ. Montgomery. He was arrested in Roxboro ami brought j back here for trial, being sentenced I to serve eight months on the Chain gang. Thursday morning he told ; prison officio's he was ill, so lie was left in the camp. Soon after he cut his shackles, priod open a window and escaped. Where 'he secured clothing is not known. i According to reports reaching Con cord he was arrested in Charlotte nf-1 ter taking a watch from a man. The > j man. whose name is not known here, J I felt someone in his pocket and glane-1 ing nrountf saw Davis walking off | J He felt for his watch and missing it, 1 j called an officer. Davis had the, watch, it is said. Sheriff Caldwell went to Charlotte! today to ask the officers there to re turn Davis to this county to com- j plete his sentence before being tried for the theft of the watch. If Phis is done. Davis will be turned over to the Chnr’otte officers when he finishes his term in this county. Sheriff Caldwell. Deputy Sheriff Honeycutt and Chief of Police Tal-j birt went to Charlotte this morning j in an effort to bring Davis back, but I were advised that he already had 1 been bound over to Mecklenburg Su ! perior Court under SSOO bond which j he could not give. Tiie officers also learned that first i reports received here of the robbery ! for which Davis is being held, were j n °t accurate. Instead of taking the watch from a man Davis took it from ' a home, along with a pair of pants. ' According to information given the local officers the owner of the watch and his wife started for an auto ride late Thursday afternoon, after noting • that a pair of pants containing the watch had been sto’en from their home during the day. As they were riding along the wife saw Davis and told her husband. "There’s a man with your pants on now. The husband stopped tfie car. grabbed Davis and sent his wife for an officer. The watch was found in the pants when Davis was searched. Davis will be held for local officers when the Mecklenburg courts arc throng’ll with him. ! RANDLEMAN NOT WILLIAMS TO OPPOSE JI'DGE OGLESBY Salisbury Lawyer Filed With State Board of Elections.—Haywood For Senate Seat. T'.te report that 11. S. Williams, of the Concord bar. has been nominated to oppose Judge John M. Oglesby in the Fa 1 election seems to have been 1 unfounded. The Concord lawyer in sisted that iie had not filed for the office and reports of the State board ; of elections shows that John L. ' Ranilieman. of the Salisbury bar. and n "t Mr. W illiams is to furnish oppo sition for Judge Oglesby. The report of the board shows also i that no official recognition will be given to either of the opponents of , Congressman R. L. Doughton. Dr. ’ Thomas L. Estep is running ns an in dependent candidate and the board - ruled p.iat it had no authority to ac- " cept his application. There was an error in the application of O. F. Poole, j the Republican nominee, so he will not be officially recognized by the board. 1 This does not mean that be will t not be in the race. It just means, that lie must bear the expense of printing his own tickets and any other expense that ordinarily is met by the State board. F. .1. Haywood, of the Norcott MiJ, fi ed with the board as the Dem ocratic candidate from Cabarrus for the State Senate, ami his application was accepted by rile board. His s ection is assured as both Meeklen- . burg and Cabarrus counties vote on this office. » FUNERAL SERVICES FOR I HERBERT E. BOST TODAY Services Held in Trinity Reformed J Church ami Interment Made in Oak weed Cemetery. Funeral services for Herbert E. Bofit, well known Concord man who died at bis home here Wednesday, were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in Trinity Reformed Church, of which he was an active member for a number of years. '• The servgbes were conducted by Rev. W. C.. Lyerly. pastor of the Church and interment was made in * Oakwood cemetery. During the services nt the Church the many beautiful floral designs sent as’last token’of love and re spect by relatives and friends were banked around the altar, and later they completely covered the grave at Oakwood. Honorary pall bearers were: J. F. Gcodson. P. G. Cook. W. F. Good man, T. N. Deaton, Boyd Moose and Phenix Query- Active pnll bearers were: J. O. Moore, J. H. A. Hol shouser. H. S. Barrier, J. T. Fisher, C. P- Cline and A. J. Lippard. Members of State Committee From Eighth District. The following are the members-of t the State Democratic Executive Com mittee from the eighth congressional district: , J. P. Cook, Cabarrus; W. C. Cough enhour, and Mrs. W. H. Woodson. Rowan; James A. Hartness and Mrs. W. E. Selby, Iredell; T. C. Bowie, Ashe; A. B. Carson, Alleghany; Mark .Squires and Mrs. W. Ci Newland, ! Caldwell; Mrs. E. S. Coffey, Watau ga ; Mra. R. A. Doughton, Alleghany; Mrs. J. H. Burke, Alexander. CW PENNY COLUMN—IT PAYS < in. BTATE SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION AT HICKORY I Will Meet in Corinth Reformed j C hurch There May S-5. I Beginning: on Monday night. May 2. the Western Section of tffe Annual |*convention of the North Carolina Sunday School Aaaoe’ation will be , held in the Corinth Reformed Chur'h, lat Hickory. General session* of *he convention will be held on Monday I night, May 2, and on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and nights. May 4 and 3. The of thrse laat two days will be given over to , departmental conferences. I # An out-of-State Sunday School specialist will be in charge of •aeh of the depart mental conferences. Direct ing the work in the conference for workers with children in the Sunday School will be Miss Mabel Coop er, New York, Field Worker in the Department of Religious E lucation. National Comic’l of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The Conference for workers in the Intermediate. Sen ior and Young People’s Department#? I will be conducted .by Mi** Cynthia Pearl Mans, St. Ixiuis. Mo., Young Division Superintendent for i the Christian (Disciples o f Christ), I Church. Dr.‘ Owen C. Rrown, Philadelphia. f Pa., editor -in-chief of Sunday School ' publications of the Northern Baptist Church, will be the specialist in the conferences for workers in Adult B ; - I ble classes While Sunday School Sup-1 erintendents and other general exec-) I utive otficers will have conferences' conducted by Mr. Robert B. Davids, | Chicago. 11l . Dim-tor of Organ zation | and Promotion for the International Council of Religious Education. Special conferences on the work of the Daily Vacation Bible School w : ll ,be in charge of Mrs. S. H. Askew, j Atlanta. Ga., who is an outstanding i leader in Vacation School work, and 1 Editor of Junior Departmental Grad ed Lessons for the Southern Presby terian Church. TAX NOTICE. All property on which taxes have not teen paid by May first will be ad vertised for sale. Came and get your receipt and save the trouble of adver tising your property. R. V. CALDWELL, Jr.. Sheriff II I ~Here’s the COMBINATION to raise your chicks J* Here’s the way to get strong-framed, plump-bodied poultry that will earn you greater profits. Low mortality, better health and greater egg production result from feeding these Ful-O-Pep feeds. Tho Quaker Oats Qmpany Sold hr ‘ m G. W. PATTERSON | Wholesale Distributor 42-44 Sooth Union Street ! - Concord. N. C. . 1 In addition to these out-of-State specialists, a large , number of the best Sunday School workers in North ■Carolina will take part on the pro gram. On Tuesday night May 4, a special feature of the Convention will be a mass meeting for young people be tween the ages of 12 and 2Ji years. Several of the outstanding young people of Hickory will take part on the program. The only adult speak er in the meeting will be Miss Cyn thia Pearl* Maus of St. I»uis. While the young people’s meeting is in ses sion at the Presbyterian Church, the regular session of the Convention will be held in Corinth Reformed Church Mrs. Wilson Ahxkma to Reply. Friends say that Mrs. Wilson, widow of the war president, is pre paring to answer Col. House's me moirs through the medium of the press. She desires to shed more light on just who was chief execu tive in the trying period leading up to and including the World War. Mr. Wilson's widow objects to inference given by Co!. House that he was the power behind the White House. She also contests Col. House’s claim to have originated the Federal Reserve j Rank. Ever since Col. House’s “in timate paper” were made public* friends of President Wilson have been anxious to publicly defend him. They want to tell his £ide of the story of the Wilson-House break. | Tjovulose. the sweetest sugar known, • is derived from dahlia roots and arti | choke tubes. # . ! ==Ci-=^J!LJ. i Women Rave Over New French Powder A new kind of face powder is here. Made by a new French Process— stays on until you take it off. Pores and lines do not s'iiow. Not affected by perspiration. Gives life and beau ty to your complexion almost unbe lievable. It is called MELLO-GLO. You will love it. Porter Drug Co Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature’s Foundation of ?erfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. On pt drugstores. (Adv) ROB PAIN OUT OF RHEUp JOINTS For 65 years, millions have rubbed soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right on the tender spot, and by the time they say Jack Robinson out comes the rheu matic pain and dis tress. St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheumatism a n d pain liniment which never disappoints and doesn’t bum the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiff ness from aching joints, muscles ana bones; stops sciat ica, lumbago, back ache and neuralgia. 35 cent bottle i guaranteed by all druggists. PARKS -BELK Concord’s Largest Store i V MOVIES - ITh SAFE TO CHARLESTON IN CO YOU OANCt A /YOU BROADCAST ITM ( START THe JaZZ.- I'LL ' A chaqlesvon i ( co n Ei charleston \ TREAT vou OANCE. Hounds I 1 15 “'T MIDDLE IfOA MEAN CHARLESTON J *TV4tct 5 A coNTtarj / .... ~ V - -/ - lON TON I GMT J , IW / s ■III*- —>/ |T*,I,T[W.e...U J.iZUPIM. WJWt-m 1 [ n „ „„ 1 ] tIKNtw I WA6.A,e in aan I Come in and let us fit you in Coopers i| Underwear. We have your sizes in ij Knit Seat Tape back Slims, Stouts jj and Regulars, all for 98c. Another big lot men’s Union Suits, jj Special for this big sale 48c to 85c a Don’t forget our big shoe sale—3 big ji days, Friday, Saturday and Monday jj All Men’s Shoes and Ladies’ Shoes j! and Oxfords 10 Per Cent Off except one already advertised. I See us before you buy. For Friday, Saturday and Monday in Our Grocery Department 12 Qts. Pinto Beans SI.OO i 6 Qts. Pinto Beans 50c j j Fancy Tomatoes, No. 2 Can, Limit 12 cans. Special .per can. 5c jjj No telephone orders filled oh these ! two items Parks-Belk Co. j SELL rr FOR LESS f I Phone 13&-608 Beauty Shoppe 892 | O Friday, April 30, 1926

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