Saturday, May 1, 1926 II, Dinner Stories A Worm’s 'Eye View. j Ad lowa boy eh roiite to visit I friends in New York entered t'ie city ’ 1 by the Hudson tunnel, then took the ! subway to their address. “What do you think of the city?" they asked on his arrival. “I eouldh't say,” he replied. "I've ' had only a worm's eye view.” Knew His Fate. V “Judge.” pried die prisoner in the dock, "have I got to be tried by a woman Jury?' • "I* q«it,” whispered the counsel. : “I won't be quiet! Judge. I can't even fopl my own wile, let alone twelve strange women. I'm guilty 1” . The Poor Mother-in-Law. Visitor —Your picture of the Fiery Dragon is a masterpiece. Scbram the Aftist —Fiery Dragon? Where did you see that? Visitor—ln the middle of the wall in the next room. Sellrom—Oh. that is a portrait of. my mother-in-law. Some Do Have That Failing. “Wlmt did the pahsoii ’seiiss in his sermon?" asked one negrrf of an other, returning from preaching. | “Well, sah,” was the reply, “he used so many words I didn’t 'zaekly ketch fithathe was talkin’ ’bout." —The wages you ask are ifj»her higii for one who has no ex perience as a cook. New Maid—Yes, hut think iiow much tinnier it is for me when I don’t know anything about it. Judge—Do yWi know thnt you are not to resist an officer? Young Lady—Yes. but my hus band was looking. Tlie hostess was pressing. “Oh. Mrs. Jones; do try a little more of the pudding." Mrs. Jones-—Weil, dear, it really is nice. I'll have another mouthful. Hostess—That’s right, Mary fill up . Mrs, Jones' plate. v She—Do you think it will be all right for us after we are married to settle a couple of blocks away from my family? He—l was going to say a couple qf states. Protect Your Property and Your Money aXXOUR bouse, when painted with •i Marietta House Paints, is practi cally guaranteed against the ravages of foul weather by the Marietta Service Certificate. No other pain: manufac | turer offers you such a certificate. Ad us about it today. Concord Paint& Paper Ccupany 342 N. Church Street Phone 16L y^?^a ,:^:^ j ~~ ' * ' ■ - - £ _ Vi 'TT-xrai ___ J2VERETT true by condo Nfoo ASKei? ME II lAhAIT AMI NUTS. AWD Gdb? «UH«E.THeR (■ I) ANYBODY SAY THAT WHftfl ,1 -=• —V HAS A M6M©£(? Os THE gT~ — jjg£> board that i was ever fy -zz jS&r- ON THe WROM-E OF awk iimportant f i CAN SAY [ Youß TiRST IhwAir A MiNove — Ano Cam ' I Cf>ue-ST'ON You I /VNYBeyPY SAY THAT , j I Asktsp is-. on that board i>«. ' 1 THC VO&CIC 'RA'AJ || ~ ML PEAC ? ANV^oTY ■ K)A«T A MJNUtei HHeN You ASK P&RSonW B , r r , , _ A QOeSTIOn TOO ALWAYS m*=r < '=__r=-/''“<<• < Votes on the Dollar for your favorite contestant Sanitary srcsery Company fHB CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNfc There’s Always Something Doing in His Line OUT OUR WAY BY WILLIAMS /'fae.sE Biros bringin'-thef?\ /weg^knova j7he\ FLiUNERS AN TiricF? WIFE'S 1 HA’S "T' ShL'fU'T \ || WASH MACHINES AN Such 1 TW BOkAPS AIN'T ( 1 z iNTb'TH shop-r’ Repair Em, no Bigger goin' i■ \ HAS MADE QUITE A BUMP °°' WHEN XSiSiP \ \ READER OOT o' Oil KuNGr II CAME,IN'. *’\ • 7m [lit HN .AvBRAD'Y HERE. J\ HEsGoTSOHE , -v+fcr-- | Kin Tell iF'lHers ; d ,-; —' S r--», ..111 ..I ... .i..! . ... 'l' CT HOSE OUOeR THE SEDRCOM m ( VIOMT MARE HER MOVS- J I Jr -DOOR AMD PUMP SMOKS 1 l SHE'LL LEAVE THAT BEi> Lr SHE LL T&AR y, lliL IfOTO HER f?COM AMD J | OKE A .STREAK OOKJM ThS SnJ_ L'LL YELL '*Y l I(ZG."J j TNI k )OOT)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOy f Don’t Be Misled, Look and see that | | t ou get the yellow checkered Bag | I and then you will know that you % have got the original Startina to feed your baby chix on. Cash Feed Store PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. - j |9 voooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo : ‘ | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR | i fOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoaoooooooacxycKx^xiooooooooc>