Monday, May 3, 1926 GOOD HEALTH Points the Sure Way to Happiness '' S&JA! 1 SPEEDWAY TICKETS FREE HERE’S HOW _ , _, To Every Boy and Girl Boys and Girls - j jk jm'm t L 111 • f years. This state of affairs is the t result of a wholesome sentiment . against the crime of lynching which has been steadily growing for years, but more especially the punishment of lynchers which courageous judges have imposed on those who take the law in. their own hands, and sunrp i the prerogatives of our courts of jus e tice. The state owes a deep obliga tion to Judge N. A. Sinclair who put several members of the mob in the pen, in the famous Needleman ease. The solicitor of tft e district also per formed a great service for his vigor ous prosecution of members of the mob who defied the courts and made themselves judge and jury in this de plorable affair. Since that time other I judges have handled the lynchers without gloves, notably in Buncombe | county, where proper punishment was I meted out to a furious mob who have had time to cool off under the stern hand of the law. The mob is never led by people with any sense and is controlled entirely by passion .and prejudice. It is futhermore coward ly, and stands in mortal dread of jus x: WWGL£YS RK. | NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand ~~ pocket and purse cAlways ready. In your pocket, t to give you long lasting bene ' fidal refreshment. BEST Chewing Sweet for ary money. I Look for Wrigleys P.K. Handy Rack on the Dealer's Counter. §g i PAGE THREE tice. The courts have proved to these impulsive people that they are’ not impotent, but that they are mast*- ers of the situation and cannot be treated with contempt. Having.shown, t’iiat they are competent to deal with the lynching bee, members of the mob : will think twice or three times, be-„ fore they make a raid on a jail audS take a prisoner out of the hands ofqj the authorities and take his lifewifh- ■' out a trial. The good people of the - state have been pained at the dis«.: grace the lynchers have brought upon it, but hail with joy that the crime has been suppressed. The human foot contains twenty six bones and thirty-eight joints.