PAGE SIX f THINK! For The Good Os Concord! * <*t Think well of Concord. Believe in its posibilities. Feel that your big opportunity is here - - among the friends who admire and respect you. Talk loyally of your community. Grasp every chance to spread the gospel of faithfulness to your home town. Act what you think and talk. Give your efforts to anything that means improvement so Concord. Buy from your home merchants. Shoulder your share of civic responsibility. Be generous with good cheer. Help carry Concord FORWARD! Let’s go! We’re going - - come on along! CONCORD & KANNAPOLIS GAS CO. RITCHIE-CALDWELL COMPANY MARKSON SHOE STORE CONCORD FOUNDRY < CONCORD CHAMBER OF CONCORD MOTOR COMPANY FISHER’S COMMERCE CORL MOTOR COMPANY EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE W. J. HETHCOX REID MOTOR COMPANY J. C. PENNEY COMPANY F. C. NIBLOCK BROWNS-CANNON COMPANY E. B. GRADY KIDD-FRIX MUSIC & STATIONERY CAROLINA CAFE HOOVER’S COMPANY, Inc. WHITE AUTO COMPANY RITCHIE HARDWARE COMPANY SANITARY GROCERY COMPANY PEARL DRUG COMPANY C. H. BARRIER & COMPANY GIBSON DRUG STORE THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE Monday, May 3, 1926