PAGE TWELVE fi • p’”' , r"' ; : ; WeSupport Every Worthwhile ICoacord Institution 'Hiat’sWhy We Back the Y. M. C. A. Bell & Harris j Furniture Co. We Answer i Every Ring \ I Our Y. M. C. A. | I Is Calling You | Ij To Answer the ij; Budget Campaign May 1243 Concord | Telephone Company j MOOOOCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooooooooocxx>; ! Portraits and || Groups For I Special Y PAPER Made By | Boyd W. Cox j Studio (Over Correll Jewelry | Company) 11 Concord’s | | Leading Studio ! i«wwiiw>ft. , B Dear Mr. Blanks: , 5 I appreciate the Y. M C. A. be ll cause it improves me physically, men Xj tally and spiritually. 1 1 First. The Y has gymnasium class* s es that 1 may attend daily. At the ! public schools I take physical truin ■ iug under the direction of Mr. j. W. ? Denny. Second, by taking physical train ing it keeps my mind fresh and able to do the best in my studies and my • work. !• Third, Last, but not least, for my I spiritual improvement the Y has the • Sunday Gang that I may attend. The Bible Story Contest that I may enter and many other things. The “Y” lives up to its name—“ The Young Men’s Christian Association.” Sincerely yours, STUABT HENRY. Mr. H. W. Blanks, General Secretary Y. M. C. A., Concord, N. C. Dear Mr. Blanks: As a pastor of one of the smaller churches of Concord, 1 can give you hearty approval of the program of work. You are doing a work that no one of the churches could do. a work that all the churches of Concord are doing iu co-operation with the Y pro gram. In planning a new church provision was made for the worship and the ed ucational program that is 'needful to day. YVe made no provision for the recreational, and very little for the social. The reason for it is that the Y takes care of the recreational and the social in a far better way than the local congregation can. The Y' provides both room and leadership. The Y is doing a good work for Concord and deserves the continued support. Respectfully, W. C. LYEBLY, Pastor, Trinity Reformed Church. Y PAPEB y North Union St., Concord, N. C. May 5, 1926. Dear Mr. Blanks: I want to thank you for what you have done for the boys and girls of our town. I wonder wbat we did be fore you came? I have become more interested in athletics, and am therefore stronger. I have been helped by the physical training that Mr. Denny gives us at school, for 1 do not have the colds I used to have. I have enjoyed the clean athletic en tertainments you have had at the "Y.” I would hate to see the "Y’’ : close. Sincerely, WILLIAM CANNON. Concord, N. C.. May sth, 1926. M.v dear Mr. Blanks:— I take pleasure ill adding my mode of praise for the splendid work you are doing in our city. I think Con cord would bo getting it cheap for twice the money. You have added greatly to my hap piness and effectiveness during the one year I have been privileged to as sociate with you. For this I am grateful. YVith the equipment and means that you have at hand I think the amount accomplished is truly magnificent. Any organization that is doing ns much for a community as yours is doing should have the hearty co-operation and support of every public spirited citizen. Sincerely, R. S. ARROYVOOD. Pastor McKinnon Presbyterian Church. Tile world's record high jump by a woman rider is held by Miss Dor tli.v Wood of Edmonton. Alberta, whose horse. Bay Eagle, cleured the bars at C ft. 4 in. ' ' — 1 MISS CATHERINE WIDENHOUSE Winner of Second Prize in Senior Bible Story Contest > _ _ 1 I j MISS FRANCES B.ARNU YKDT Representing First Baptist Church, took one of the honors in Bible Story' . Content. THE COjjßfep DAILY TRIBUNE The Y. M. C A. a Builder of a Community Center in Concord The Y. M. C. A. of Osncord is do ing a marvelous pies* of work for this city in that it is serving as a lev elling force to take away 'sonic of those things that separate.people and divide them into classes, T» is easily Seen that class feelings keep down many pieces of work iu the city that should be put across. The churches cannot do very much to put over a city-wide movement because of the denominational feelings Which come to light iii our plank. Thercfore the Y. M. C. A. is meeting a peat need of the town in that it does not deal with denominational issues. Our Y. M. C. A. has as its task the bullying of a new order in Concord. Any ope who watches the work that is tjsarried on in this institution can see tkat the ul timate aim is for tlic largest amount of good for the largest lumber of people that it can possibly reach. Tlic work which is being done In this in stitution is a builder ofrigkt attitude between man and man and at times is trying to cause people to seek af ter the righteousness of God. The Y. M. <’. A. does not preach sermons. Th<% Y’. M. C. A. does not have a cut and dried system to which it must conform. It lias no doctrinal hobbies that it has to hold up all the time. The Young Men’s Christian Association of Concord to frying to put full meaning into the name it bears. The doctrine that it is de fending is the doctrine of service and helpfulness as is seen in the program which Jesus brought to the world. Jesus did not bring a religious pro gram to the world and say work this every Sunday and then run your bus iness through the week as it seems best. Instead Jesus tried to build up a community of interest and helpful ness. He wanted people to be relig ious and He knew that in being relig ious that that would take care ofetlie whole life of the race. We cannot continue to go on feeling that relig ion is one thing, business another, 9k J mm&tOS. - 1 - iH MISS JESSIE HAYES MISS PAULINE WIDESHWUSE Os Sunderland Hall. One of the One of the Bible Story Contest Win- winners in Senior Class Bible Story ners Contest. TRAINING WORTH WHILE flafafe ij - •: JHFjpjwfr Li Scenes like this are frequent at the Y. M. C. A. Lawn BEST BIGGEST NEWEST ARRIVED TODAY The Newest m Sport Jr apparel STYLES I which accurately > 'meet the demands of correctly attired women— V Moderately Priced • j SPECIAL VOILE DRESSES $2.95 recreation another, social development another, and service another. Many of the youth of Concord are hungering for a unified program of life and they are going to find it tet ter at this place. Here is where spec ial attention and effort is being given to a program that meets the needs of the youth. Recreation is good and it is well supervised. The boy or girl who cannot play by rules and do it manly or womanly and at the same time in an honest way will never be able to live an honest Christian life. The man or woman who lives in a city 4nd cannot make some constribu tion in a social way to building up of the city should see a specialist: and the greatest specialist that has given a prescription for selfishness and nar rowness was Jesus. When we take His program and begin to live by it, it means that we get into the best relation to our fellow man and to God. The Y. M. C. A. is working along this line and is trying to wort: up the best possible relation between the people of Concord. If you are not ashamed of your reputation in the City or in some other place, you ought to come to the Y. M. C. A. and meet some people and see what is go ing on there. It is certain that the Churches of Concord have been drawn closer to gether. because of the work which has been done at the Y. M. C. A. and if the churches can be drawn closer' together there evidently is something of the community interest in it that can draw the classes together and cause us to see that we are children of the same Heavenly Father. Con cord ought to be proud of the com munity of interest that is touching the people as is the Y. M. C. A. Every good citizen should give their moral and financial support to the work which is being done in this institu tion. REV. T. F. HIGGINS, Pastor Forest Hill Methodist Church. I ||v I I oc Hi ( i | I !>* H ie ■ bi Hi th H HMfl to th SUSIE K. POUNDS t I Whose story of Moses captured the large audience in the final Bible Story Contest. • -j m MISS MI'RIEL WOLFF £j Winner of Senior first prize, “an East- jk ern Tour” in annual Bible Story Con- A test. -• SUSS ALICE MAE FULLER " A Trinity Reformed Church Winner in the recent Bible Story Contest " Sunday School Superintendents. Called together at Y and organized * into a Sunday School Superintendent’s " organization for the purpose of fur ther promoting the work of the Sun- ' day Schools of Concord, those present s decided to meet once a month on the night that the ministers hold their ’ meeting and have supper together. ■ Mr. H. L. Collie of Central Methodist Church, urns elected temporary chair- 1 man. Much good will come out of - group, for the destiny of many fu- ’ ture citizens depend on our Sunday Schools. 1 ' i Si fLJJIii—L.... - . 3 — ll * 1 ■i.ii.y.'i M Will die Dream of Concord’s Youth Come TrJ That the building used by the Con wed Assosciation is entirely inade luate, that the' equipment has seen tetter days, that the thousands of «et that enter the doors of the asso ciation each month should have a milding adequate and in keeping with he churches and other public build ngs of our city, that the youth of Joncorfl should have the opportunity o be trained under able leadership, hat the equipment should be ample to neet the needs of a growing city, that ■ ■ r. . d Citizens Bank & Trust Co. \ ♦ | 'I i '» ,*• TJB i * . ■ Your Funds Deposited to . \v I the Credit of the I Y. M. C. A. 1 Will Produce Character • ■ I J - | * CX To Our Friends—the Producer* yj We solicit your trade—not only far the reason want to sell you your supplies, but we want to bjuy produce to supply our city trade. s§..> H We specialize on poultry and eggs and never get many. ft. H We are in a position to paj r you top market prifees at M times. ?• H To Our Friends —the Consumers l Our stock of Groceries Fresh Meats, h ruits, Poultry and Produce, is Complete at all times- H Our delivery service is at your command and • charge no more than y§u pay at Self-Service stores.. IS C.H. BARRIER & CO. I Tuesday, May 11, f92® a greater day will dnwn and ■ come when a eity rises to meet ■ news is easily proven. | The citizens of Concord have failed.- J A big gynmasiam—a gymnasiudH boys and girls, an adequate swidß that will coverH needs of such a building—coming#! —your opportunity to leave somfll worthwhile to the youth of yourMl Then and only then will a neiH have dawned for a greater and lH service to humanity. 1