. Tpes4ay, May 18, 1928 ifir) L—y pzA .1 >W•H' 1 i‘ 'Mgh ,fW*d B •W• wry "" g MriJ IT-jPwil■ dSg ? ,* ' whot/mw SP"**/ section cV I NLn JbA£ * darn I yjP* nt | Lh/otsj/ ’ \ A I ■r I fWft lAj*r .vr» -y A YLsaR ■ I _ B I ncar*/rig H I* * 1 | COUNTRY! bORRESPONDEkH ROCKY RIVER. It was getting very dry and crops were needing rain until Monday af ternoon. Since this we Jiavc been having an abundance of rain. Had consinderable wiud and some bail Monday. * Mrs. T. H. Spence is visiting friends in Sinitbiield. Miss Ivans, of New York, is visit ing Miss Frances Akerstrotn. '* The high school commencement took FwKWJealth^-Ice ■E REFRIGERATOR Balance in Small Weekly or Monthly Pav- High m Uunlit. 1...U 111 price." Concord Furniture Co. •’.).»• ■■ TUB! Mumnjt yt uviTymr btauk ’ ■ * 11 ***■ vw"**»-sr r ' ■[*(* . . '.V, ' *.-'.7iV'4 1 •’ ■ V ,*- ' of laWaKtatal wS*«s?aW£3gf yea& program cannot be achieved OVER NIGHT YEARS. Such a f olf.ta»nh.&tag“mhta»?®a.to^™?h°wkter B ?p™? MI S Si. fS SN.Y b 2 O° rl ” CiP *' 8 "” 1 ' h SorrXnftte iXinlTtX MouSaS shefeTftr^Mn h S y^0Ck ’ kary ? ut Chimney Rock cent]V von L for y o»- U you have been there, but not re "on"'' Thls ia the Bfollv ‘rnR 11 iPjrT »} th /.? ,2 l * n, < teOPE “ f OF NORTH CAROI ?N4 tne Sky—ln the whole STATE ment of NATURAL e£»JS^U&NCE 8 thC outetandin » Playground develop- n^nfSf anch mP ffice -, Get acquainted with the program through ’ ’ P 1 gs. Then make e trip to the property as soon as possible. ';f Z' A $6,000,600 Job Purchase pf.B,SDO acres and cost ol ' Uk. Lure tines ' 28 Days More ‘Jt&kc Lure Dam and Hydro-electric Commodious, com- plant, $850,000 sortable, safe Pullman- Highway grading. harJ paeing and ot “vantage for home style busses, making bridges, 1500,000 ft)Hcs the sum -8 through Hotels and other company buildings, mer crowd (arrives aU the Carolina cities 52.500.000 from »u„ ~ „ Within a day’s travel! Purchase of Chimney Rock, scenic j n( - rj j " . Transportation free to highway. Cliff Duellers’ Inn and S-, S y those interested, with- improvements, $600,000 untu then, there will . . sapjsssr* - ChimnevßofkMnunlains./w -CHiMunr ,rpck,n.C _ A. J. COLEMAN ayvault. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Whitley and fam ily, silent Sunday with Lee Whitley. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shelton, of Con cord, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Shelton’s mother, Mrs. A. M. Purr. Mr. Prank Eddleman and family, Vs Florida, spent Thursday with A. M. Purr. SJr. and Mrs. C. U. Carrier and laaiily, E. E. Harrier and Melvin Bar rier, of Concord, silent Sunday with their mother. Mrs.‘St. F. Barrier Mr. ami M rs. Marvin T>ayvault were] Sunday visitors at J. C. Shinn's. Miss Corrie Barrier is right s ! ck at this writing. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Miss Apnie KiutU and -A 11 - mnn spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. Men Heehirr. of China Grave. ’ "Misses Bessie and Dtais.v Ppif spent Tuesday with their sister, Mrs. Luke Shinn. Mr. Tim Vuncaimnn lost a pair of Hue mules last week. L ghtuiug struck the barn and killed them both. Mrs. J. M. Kluttx and family spent | law hours Friday night in Stanfield with C. ('. Turner. Miss Novellii Shinn is spending y while with her grandfather, Jake I 8b inn. Ivan Kluttz spout awhile Sunday afternoon in Mt. Pleasant with Lap* Move. -Miw Zpra Cox has returned tv her home after teaching the past year ijr eastern part of the state. FARM GIBB. | ENOCH VILLE. • jMr. ;iy. S.;Sercy pud two, sous andti iCvert:aidnnnd,;M. -y. ,jf||ljllnSi Jhade. a tr.jy'to- River Fri day and caught u large number of Hah. H. L. Karriker ami family and H. V, AJarriker and family and Mr. '}, 8. Browu and famjlj. of IVaspeet N. WVlß'vwn. us k#(ktit>, Ipst Sunday - ’ * Specials For Saturday and Monday A XL 1 We have a number of the Newest | Styles and Shades in Ladies’, Children’s iK J and Men’s Slippers that we have decid f I cd to L 'l° se out at greatly reduced prices O j[n| Saturday and Monday. Mz-% LADIES ’ andmisses white 4 hJJFn $2.95 $6.85 B /it 4 Blond Kids $2 Up j MEN’S SLIPPERS IN THE NEWEST In Tati and Black $2.45 | 1 Florsheim Shoes For Men gg shoS°« ” 8 $4.95 to $7.95 Ruth-Kesler Shoe Store T. G. Furr, of Salisbury, is having n ditch cut through his meadow in Western Rowan. Mr. O. S. Westmoreland, of Unity neighborhood, took his little son back to Gastonia last Tuesday for exami nation. Mrs. E. S, Serey and Mgs. It., O. Steel are on the sick list this week. There will be preaching at old Beth page Church Sunday evening at three o'clock and Sunday school at two o'clock, by Rev. Mr. Hufty. We hope that the good people of this section will fix their pasture fences as people’s garden stuff is go ing to be scarce this year. 11. L. Karriker is helping to cut a ditch in Western Rowan this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Karriker and family and H. L. Karriker and fuui ily epjoyed an ice cream supper last Saturday night at Unity. Thieves are still raging, so look out for your automobile pumps and gas tgnks. Mrs. Elva Weddington purchased a nice lot of straw last Monday. Mrs. M. S. Karriker returned to her hpinc in Kaunupolis last Sunday. Mr. Neal Karriker and three daugh ters of Kannapolis, visited his sister, Mrs. Jennie Brown, of Landis, last Sunday evening. Kev. Mr. Gentry is holding a meet ing this week at Palestine. Mrs. -Lester Hobbs visited relatives in Kannapolis last Sunday. .Mrs. lipra Upright aud family mov ed to the home of her soil, Mr. C. C. Upright, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Correll visited the latter's futher in China Grove last Thursday. y Mr. A. I). Correll purchased a nice epv the other day. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Weddington And chi Wren visited Mrs. Elva Wed dingtou lust Sunday evening. Mrs. H. L. Karriker apd children and Mrs. C. A. Weddington and chil dren, visited Mrs. Mary Weddington last Tuesday evening. • Kuochville neighborhood has been hlessed with some pice showers this week, which were certainly needed. Mrs. Maude McQuay and little daughter, Martha, have returned to their home in Charlotte after spending several days with Mrs. J. N. Plaster, Mrs. SRHJuay’s mother. TULIP. ROBERTA. A box and pie supper will be held at the Roberta scluiolhou.se Friday night, May 21st. The public is in vited. The condition v. Mrs. L. J. Foster and Miss Ethel Blnckwelder, who were hurt in an automobile accident on last Monday night, continues to improve. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lum ybert. May 14th. a sojp. Mr. stud Mrs. Adam Hudson spent the Week-end iu South Carolina visit ing relatives. Miss Mae Rrattain, of Asheville, N. C., is visiting her brother, ltev. N. Brittain. Mr. IV. W. Harrington, of Taylors ville, spent last Sunday here with friends. Mr. Caleb AHtuuu, formerly a res ident here was fanriqd at the Method ic Protestant Church last Thursday. Ihtn t forget the box and pie sup per Friday, the 2Srt. Everybody wel rtWie. ROSE. gerrgbvuaa: The furwers are busy after the good rains planting their craps. Gerry Barrier uud W*de Biggers spent Saturday iu Badiu Sailing. They had good luck. j-hfiss Lisaie Klutlz returned last munday from a week’s visit to her. ittpcle, Mr. Paul Turtietr, of No. 10. Rev. Mr. Scott, pastor of the Meth odist Church here, was u visitor hfcrcj last Friday. ', ■ Quite n number of our young peo ple are returii'ug to their homes from whool. We are glad to welcome them back again. | . Miss Carrie Barrier is improving very much gt this writ iug. I, Ur. and L T Shiny tycnt last A GREAT PRIVILEGE • l - ' We consider it one of our greatest privileges to he per mitted to assist in the planning and equipping of the homes of so many people. We are glad to place at the dis posal of anyone who will accept our evidence, all the ar tistic skill we have gained by years of experience. Through its manifold services, this organization enters - many phases of the home life of the people who come in contact with it. Our function is to make possible and easy the realization of the home ideals. With large and varied stocks of furniture at our disposal we can assist each one in the exercise of his individual tastes, and he- \ cause we have nothing but furniture of depenedable qual ity we can assure complete and enduring satisfaction with each purchase, regardless of the amount of money involve ed. ■ • i ■ I In order that you may become fully acquainted with, the possibilities of this store, we welcome an opportunity to show you in person anything in which you may be in terested. BELL-KARRIS FURNITURE CO. North Carolina Popular Excursion TO WASHINGTON, D. C. VIA —Southern Railway System— MAY 21st, 1926 three Whole Days and Three Nights in Washington Round Trip Fare From Concord *| QgQ Leave Concord 9:38 P. M„ May 21st Arrive Washington 8:35 A. M., May 22nd THE FIRST EXCURSION OK THE SEASON % Tickets on sale May 21st. good to return on all regular trains (except? J7 and 38) so as to reach Original starting point Trior to midnight May 25th, 1020. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES. Washington Senators vs. Detroit Tigers. May iUnd. Washington Senators vs. Philadelphia Athletics, May ast. A See Ty Cobb, Walter Johnson, Eddie Rommel, Sam Gray, Lefty Grove j and other great stars in action. I Fine time to visit the Nation’s Capital, the many public buildings. I Arlington National Cemetery, etc. , ] Make your sleeping raj reservations early. 1 For further information Call on nny Southern ltuilway agent or M. E. woouy, T A., R. H. GRAHAM, D. P. A„ S Concord, o. C. Charlotte,_ K. C.. M ~ . t- Thursday iu Mt. Pleasant , Miss Novellu Shinn, of BUtutield, is visitinf beer grandfather, .Mr,' J., L. Shinn, ( for awhile. Rev.' Mr. Jeff coat pastor, pastor of the Lutheran Church here, was the week-end guest of Mr. afcd Mrs. L. J. Sfiihn. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Kuily. of Con cord. spent Suuduy with Mr. Rudy’s parents, Hr, and Mrs. A. Eudy, PAGE FIVE The Georgeyillo Community .Clutt will meet Saturday uiylit. May} More than two million penton*. du.v, or about two per cent, of tUMH tire population of the United age time lost for each penwu^jfjfi working days a year, *