fegdnesday, May 19, 1926 Dinner Stories fcl I to— , -.1 fee—l unndersUSd Jbt lb getting Bious. Whe —He certainly is. He asked pie ■t night it 1 snoped. ■“When did yon first become nc ■ainted with your husband f ■ “The ftret time 1 asked him fop loney after we atere married.” a ■ May—He looked awfttily silly when ■ proposed. ■tfarjorie—No wonder; look at the Bl thing he was doing. ' (waiting at the door for her to kiss her) —Well, Jack, are you waiting for!. —For the paint to dry. —What shall I do to keep Hn falling'in love? Hohn—Try pricing apartments. —When' T said “yes” Jack me he was in his seventh heav —Well, you know he has ■1 engaged six times before. AU Present. man slipped on a banana peel executed a very funny fall, not ■>g hurt, as it turned out, but hav ■ his dignity somewhat ruffled. eople had formed u cir- B|Vliu; do these idlers want?" he are not idlers*!' explained soothingly. "Here's a doc- wants to look you over, a ready to bring • suit for you, Couldn’t’ Fool Her. /.■Henry, I smell strange perfume on Hi. Where have you been?” ,HWhy—er— my dear, a man wbs ; Hiking along the street anil squirt <■ this perfume on people ns he ißssed. to advertise it, and he squirt ■ some on me.” (■“Umpf! That man must have been [■paster realist. X suppose he also a handful of long blonde hairs )■ put this one on your coat ( < just ■make you feel devilish!" -|.f ! , ■ .. „ I Country Cured Meats HAMS HltiES SHOULDERS ,1 Wf always buy all 'the. well cured; ,fcely trimmed country ■ cured meats comes on the market. x &•-**> l°t we have now is just tlie fln- H yet. Sell you whole hams or Hed ham. HPhe finest p.mntry cured side to ■ce just fee ran want it. It's toe. , f Jnlk iifcut Western ..Bacon. We Mfflje just »e freshest, thickest) cheap law and be#t at;all times. ■ Many other good tthiugs to eat. CLINE & MOOSE Phone 388 ,IP. S. Phone 339. We deliver ■lick everywhere/ Protect Your Property and Your Money afHHSSHMgt house, when painted frith * Marietta House Paints, is practi p | cally guaranteed ajgfiinst the ravage* of k I 9$ | f°’' :*i 05/ v v yV 1 Millinery Dept. ! MlfjS ALLIE LEGG, Prop. ' ! I Phone 330 : * nc/wVVfWYV (vvwwincp lie dance halla say they lutve the most cause fur complaint. “The trouble Charleston era." according to the manager of a Hammersmith dance-hall, "is that they exaggerate it and make a stunt of it. They stand in one spot on the floor and side-kick. The result is that oth- , er dancers are kicked, and the girls have the'r silk stocking* torn. When this happens* they come to, me and de mand compensation for damages. The Qfily solution was to stop the Char leston entirely.!' Injuries to other dancers, and some times Jo the Charlestoners themselves, j was- the reason given at the Crickle wood Dance Hafi for proMbiting *the Chariest on, while at Brixtbn, a sub urb. a. special part of the floor has been roped off and allocated to the Charleston enthusiasts. . ‘There." said the manager, “they can-kirk each other as much as they want to and leave other people alone. As soon as we notice-any couple look ing like they were about to succumb to the Charleston fovcjr, we shove 'em behind the ropes, and make ’em stay there until they recover.” years they, must make humanity a subject of constat* study. - | This is a conclusion Sopie Tucker, i internationally known, night club art ist, reached long ago. She believes its : observance was never more neces sary than at present. “When I came back from Paris and London last winter, after seven years absence from night life here, I found conditions ehtire'y changed from what they used to be,” she said. “Would you think ballads* would take with those who now frequent the clubs? Oh, no. They don't want any Little Gray Homes in the West songs. “Hot songs ale what they demand l and you've got to aing them if you want attention. I use a ballad now and then and whenever I do :! always feel the attention of m.v listeners dropping away. “I make a close study of the people in my place, every night and before I begin singing try to meet as many as possible. I want to know them and I want them to know me. Then I know what to give them ip the way of spngs and other entertainment.” Mias Tucker is disappointed in New $ $ Specials $ $ Four 35c Cajjs SlicetFbr Grated Pineapple.- -- | Three st)c Cans Bartlett (t | Pears in Syrup * I Four 35b Cans Red Pit- C 1 I ted Cherries for • , | All Good Quality Packs Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. INDOOR SPORTS iHE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE YhrkV' present night life. The fel lowship and desire for real entertain ment, which she said existed in the days M‘the old Rcisenweber club, now are missing. "There’s too much drinking now,” she explained. “In fact, the chief thing appears to be the bottle and no one wants to quit until the bottle has been emptied. "The night life of Paris and Lon don is on a higher basis from every point oF view.” ✓ _— Catawba Man Brings Down Eagle Measuring 6 1-2 Feet. Newton, Hay 18.—J. F. Boyd, who conducts a stock farm on the South Fork river, about ten miles from this city, tells of the capture of a bald eagle on his farm a few days ago. This eagle was seen flying aroqnd OLD FASHIONED BUT EFFI CIENT J it m be km wait) v . ,-vl m tuey’Re all \, , 1 J\ IN CELLS* I’LL FEEL j SATE ,^U4 1 " i Cm. oey ■. \ IMP BAIL CAU6UT m \ '"I us our, wsthUmtM x \ > l DIDN'T VA? ) HES IN HERE | j R l/ - Wvi- ;V5 c-x* ; ■' QuinS .A- ...r-t ' f % t ' 'S- lg hXIU his Sheep barn by Mr. Parkß, super intendent of the farm. Mr. Farks shot at the bird, breaking the end of aue of its wings. It flew after being shot to a nearby tree and Mr. Parks shot it again, this time strik ing it in the breast. This Shot brought the big bird to the ground. The eagle, says Mr. Boyd, is still alive and will recover from its wounds. It measures seven feet and six inches from tip to tip of wings and has live-inch claws, it is of the black variety and as large as a tur key gobbler. It is thought the eagle xva« riven from ' the mountains by the recent fires. Scores of people | have been to the stock farm of Mr. | Boyd to see thia immense bird. I The June number of Own Your Own Home, a Macfudden publication, is filled with suggestion* for the home owner, or the prospective one. Here are some of them: “The Magic and Charm of Tiles," how from the stand point of artistic merit, durability, per manency of color, ease of maintaining cleanliness. American tile is of spe cial importance to the owner of a, moderate priced home. “Good and Had Foundation Planting" not merely the satisfying of an esthetic craving, it is a sound business investment as well and what It means to the general appearance of the place. "Honey Bees at Close Range" proves that the honey bee is the most interesting of all domesticated creatures. There is also a page devoted to better ways of getting things done around the house with the title "Short Cuts in Housekeeping and Cooking." OMOUNE SWEET REED TO FEED YOUR HORSES AND MULES ] A j I And you can feed one-third less and keep your stock up ' better on a Balanced Feed than you can on oats or com. . Cash Feed Store PHONE 122 SOUTH CHURCH ST. MXX»OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mw n bkfiftri m m iii'iwnirwi FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR . ... v : . „ r: ...^--. „ , IDELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries 8 Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent j .-Phone 669 Concord, N. C. I Have your car greased'with ALEMITE HIGH PRES- I SURE greasing system. We Specialize in Car. Washing, Polishing, Alemite Greasing and Crank Case Service. Gas, Oil Tires/Tubes, Accessories, Tire and 'Julie re pair. 1 CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE 700/' TjpaUtlfiil Summer Time Is Porch Time A See us for Porch Swings, Old Hickory Chairs, and Ta- At Amazing mm ‘Price Savings tiles. Ilanjmock Swings arid Just received a new shipment of Kimlark m Porch Rugs. Now showing a Woven Rugs in latest m colors and patterns. W large selection of Quality Comeinand seethem. Th*y are tremendously low-priced end giver %■s 1 Porch Goods, years of service. yT/ bo* EVERY BOOM IN EVERT HOME. H. B. WILKINSON Out of the High Rent District, Where Pariting Space Is Plentiful and time unlimited. Concord Kannapolis, Moorcsville China Grove Hot Water This gas hot water heater f| ’ s surel r a friend in need add*" j [ IjlpSj, I a friend indeed of every cook P fflnl S match and in a few minutes [ I|| || steaming hot water will run MSmS Let us install one for you. Pays for itself quickly. .« E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W lA..MM.U ~.iu ..m.u.j. m THE DAILY TRIBUNE and- B I THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER I BOTH ONE TEAR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Bj In State outside Concord , $5.25 ■ The Progressive Farmer is the best fmrm paper published, and it*/ 1 price is SI.OO a year. ' ' I Tou need not pay for the Progressive Farmer at die same time you ■ pay for The Tribune. We will get it for you a whole year at any tim* : ■ on payment of only 25 cents. H Pay your subscription to The Tribune to any contestant, hut I come to The Tribune office to pay for your Progressive Fanner. X PAGE SEVEN