PAGE EIGHT ®\T OW you can make your ■Lx ice-box a Frigidaire or install Frigidaire complete with cabinet at very low cost. See the new Frigid aire models today. STANDARD BUICK CO, t 85 S. Union St. Phone 363 Frididafre I Hear MARION TALLEY g SING | “COMIN’ Thru the Rye” (“When I Was Seventeen” AT TIIE Concord Theatre ALL THIS WEEK On the New Victor Electrola p» Hear the Victor Electrola and Then Only Will You [ l | be able to understand how life-like the above renditions n ft are reproduced. j. Complete demonstration of this instrument and also s 3 | of the new ORTHOPHONIC YICTROLAS will be § H gladly given at our store. “Every Friday Is New Victor Record Day” I Kidd-Frix Mnsic&StationeryCo VICTOR AGENCY ICE ICE Let’s Go—START TODAY a tlegular order. The Price is Right—the Service is Right. Buy coupon books and save 10 Per Cent. Ice delivered on coupon cost 54 cents per 100. On coupon in 50 lb. lots at tCE PLANT, 44 cents per 100 pounds. 300 lb. lots, delivered 40 cents per 100 pounds. 300 lb. lots at Ice Plant 33 1-3 cents per 100 pounds. Please pay driver and see that you receive quantity you pay for. A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 PHONE 244 Be Sure of Y our Shoes Being sure of your shoe« is simply being sure of your shoe store. You know that ours is a reliable shoe store—our shoes are dependable, our values are the best, our fitting service careful and painstaking 6 NEW ONES THIS WEEK These were carefully selected, are of the newest models and col ors for the spring season. Come in and let us convince you these are the prettiest shoes you have seen. IVEY’S "THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES” K.L. CRAVEN & SONS PHONE 74 COAI £■ VyWfllj Plaster Mortar Color, j OLD HENS STILL WANTED 1 The market, to our surprise, is still good and we will [ pay 22t per pound for Heavy Hens delivered to us by Fri [ day noon, May 14th. 1 Young Chickens 35c to 40c per pound, as to size and I quality. I We see no reason why the market on hens should re [ main so high and expect a sudden break at any time. C H. BARRIER & CO. mm - fl y—-,.. . p .p —ri Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is as follows: / Northbound 136-411:00 P. M. A. M. S 4— 4 :10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. SO—ll :«0 P. M. Southbound 89— 9 :S0 A. U 40— 3 :30 P. M. 135 - 8:00 P. M. 29—11:00 I*. M. | LOCAL MENTION | A big crowd was present at the Y Tuesday night for the volleyball game. More games will be played on Thurs day niflit of this week. Panelled visiting cards beautifully nrinted nt The Times-Tribune office. 50 for SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Orders filled on a few hours' notice. Dirt is being dumped in the Cen tral Methodist Church yard to fill up a low place near the parsonage. As soon ns the dirt has been placed grass will be sown. , According to the schedule announe- 1 ed last week t'lie regular movie pro gram at the Y this week will be shown on Friday night. The pictures will be shown on the lawn at 7:30. Playing one of their last games of the season Duke defeated Carolinn at i basebn'l Tuesday. Heavy hitting fea tured the game, home runs deciding the issue. Baseball teams representing the Knights of Pythias and DeMolays will play at the liigh school tomor row afternoon at 3:30. There will be no admission charge. Children's Day will be observed at Roger's Chapel, in No. 10 township, Sunday with a program by the chil dren at 11 a. in. Preaching service at 2 p. m. by Rev. Dr. Daugherty, of Charlotte. No session of the recorder's court will be held this afternoon police of ficers reported this morning. Any < cases docketed for today will be eon- : tinned until Friday When a regular : session of the court will be held. B. IV. Durham has sold to V. C. Lowery property in No. 4 township for .$2.(100. according to a deed filed here Tuesday. Another gleed re cords the sale of land in No. 4 by Mr. Durham to F. G. Stearns for .$295. Uncle Gabe Montgomery, colored, of Montgomery county, died at his home near Mt. Gilead last Sunday and the body was buried Monday. He was more than 90 years of age, and was the father of Puttie Fitzgerald and the late Hammet Montgomery, of Concord. Most of the trash and equipment which had been placed on Union street in front of the hotel lias been re moved. thus giving traffic more space near the square. Glass has been in stalled in the ground-floor windows, adding much to the appearance of the structure. Concord Kiwanians will not hold a regular weekly meeting here this week. Instead they will go to Statesville Friday for an inter-city meeting. Local members will meet nt the Y Friday afternoon at 4:15 and leave at 4:30 for Statesville, the meeting there to begin at 6:30. The President of the Woman's Club announces the last business meeting of the club year to be held at the Merchants and Manufacturers Club Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. This is an important meet ing and it is hoped that every mem ber will be present. Rev. Oscar Rlackweldor, of Balti more. will speak before members of the Brotherhood of St. James Luth eran Church at their regular monthly ning of this week. The meeting will meeting in the church on Friday eve begin at 8 o'clock. Next week Mr. Blackwelder will speak at Jit. Pleas ant. Meeting here Tuesday night mem bers of the cemetery commission au thorized the expenditure of SI,OOO for additional improvements at Oakwood cemetery. The cemetery has been enlarged and improved much within the past several weeks and this work will be continued with the additional appropriation. M. R. Marsh, architect employed by the county board of education, is perfecting plans now for the new Mt. Pleasant high school. As soon as he has completed the plans Mr. Jlarsb will advertise for bids in trade journals. It is planned to begin work on the structure in the near fu ture. A delegation of business men from Spray, N. C.. were here today to in spect the Y. M. C. A. building and to confer with Secretary H. W. Blanks in regard to the Y’s program of work. The delegation wired Mt. Blanks Tuesday that the tour of the inspec tion would be made today and he was on hand to welcome the visitors. Muscle Builder for June, a Macfad den publication, introduces . “Amer ica’s Boy Pilot”, Farnum Parker, the world’s youngest licensed flyer, who although only wonrteen years old haa the steady nerves and sturdy body that are necessary in this work. “How I Jiastered My Muscles” is the story of Otho Arco, marvel of muscle control. “How to Make Muscle at Home” presenting a series of stunts on a door, suggested by no ; less ap authority than Bernarr Mac fadden with illustration posed by Ralph Burns, are a few of the ar, tides in this number. When a mouse or snail enters a beehive the honeybees will sting it to death and then inclose the body in - propolis, a. resinous excretion from j trees; which virtually embalms It. 1 MUBCNE PENNYADS. TRY IT, THE CONCORD DAlt .Y TRIBUNE MORRISON SAYS HE WILL I RUN FOR SENATE IN jiggo I "If I Uvc and Keep My .Health" ' Only Qualification. —For Overman ' This Year. High Point. May 18.—Former Governor Cameron M it ion wm be a candidate for the United States senates in the primary six years I from now, he admitted to newspaper men here tonight. Governor Morrison said he U sap- I porting Senator Lee S. Overman for re-election this year and believo that in view of Senator long career and loyal service 'to the country during the war he is en titled to serve another term. The only qualification former Gov ernor Morrison placed on his inten tion to be a candidate in 1932 was. “If I live and keep my health." Mr. mid Mrs. Morrison stopped over there tonight on route to" New ( York- They are going to bring borne his daughter, Miss Angelin, who is attending school and whose vacation will begin in a few days. The reported admission from Higlt Point by former Governor Met risen, that he will be a candidate six years from now for the senate is no news to most of his friends here, to whom he has long since confided that he would remain out of the sena torial race this year but would be in the race six years from now wneth er Senator Overman is still a candi date or not. Governor Morrison has said to friends here and let it be generally known that he is staying out of the race this year out of consideration for Senator Overman's long service in the senate and his desire to serve another term. He will be in the race against nil comers six years from now. according to his previous ad missions. YOUNG WOMAN IS GIVEN THREE MONTHS IN JAIL Miss Dickerson Charged With Part Responsibility For Cargo of Whiskey Danville, May 18.—Virginia Dick erson. an attractive blonde, giving Iter age as 20 and deelaring that she was a short-story writer of Hender sonville. N. C„ was sentenced at Chatham this afternoon to serve three months in the coflnty jail and to pay a fine of $lO. She was charg ed with part responsibility for a cargo of 50 gallons of liquor seized by officers near Mountain Valley recently. ORDINANCE. Upon suspension of the rules by a unanimous vote the following Ordi nance was passed by the Board of Al dermen of the city of Concord. N. C,: Be it ordained by the Board of Al dermen of the City of Concord, that all persons, firms, or corporations car rying on the business of plumbing or house draining in the City of Con cord shall be required to file with the City Tax Collector at the time the license to conduct such business is issued, a good and sufficient bond in the sum of Two Thousand (S2.O(KIJj Dollars, to be approved by the Mayor and City Attorney, which bond may be given in a surety company or signed by the princi pal and two sure ties and shall be justified. Said bond shall be payable to the City of Con cord and state of North Carolina, con ditioned upon the observance of all plumbing rules aud regulations now in force or which may hereafter come in force. Said bond shall further be conditioned upon saving the City of Concord harmless by reason of nny judgment that may be rendered against sa'd City in a suit for dam ages for injury to person or property on account of the negligent or care less manner in whioh said plumbing business is conducted, or any act of omission or commission on the part of the person, firm or corporal ion conducting said plumbing business, his or its officers, agents or employees. That all persons, firms or corixira t:ons who are granted permits to dig or ent any hole or ditch in the streets or sidewalks shall be responsible for refilling said hole or ditch and tamp ing the dirt in same to the level of the street or sidewalk ill which it is cut, and shall further be responsible for keeping said hole or di(fh properly lighted and guarded at all t'mes until it is turned over to the City for per manent repair. That the bond of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars heretofore required under section one of the ordinance and plumbing rules shall no longer be required to be given, but the bond above specified and conditioned as herein stated shall be given in lieu thereof. This ordinance shall be effective upon publication. This May 6th. 1926. BREVARD B. HARRIS, Clerk. 19-lt. Takes Years Off Your Complexion You have wanted a akin food and beautifier that keeps the face young. T'aere is a new- French Process Cream that will do this. It is so pure and, different one application brings a change. It is called MKLLO-GLO and everybody says it is wonderfol. Get MELLO-GLO Cream now and in crease your beauty. Porter Drug Co. Doing His Duty ■ “For two years I suffered agonis ing pains in my stomach, belching np sour and bitter fluids and gas. Tongue always coated. Doctors were unable to help me. The first dose of JIAYR’S made me feel 100 per cent, better, and I am now feeling better than at any time in my life. 1 deem it my duty to advise other sufferers.” It is a simple, harmless preparation tfjat removes the 'catarrhal arnicas from the intestinal tract and al'.aya the inflammation which causes prac tically 'all stomach, Hver and intend tinai ailments, ineluding appendicitis. I In ftmfrririg dwiston Judge Thf-! ner Clement stated that bootleggem I who n»e women as mnaqum In their mini running escalades cannot, ex -1 pw*t the leniency of the eourf. He | '.lid that it wao evident that women 'are bciug used for this purpose, in !thc hope that officem will not molest liquor cars. I FREE TEXT BOOKS - ASKED BY ORDER Sens of America Also Come Out For Eight-Months’ School; and Annual Session. Durham, May 18. — Resolutions urging an eight-month school term and free textbooks for pnb'ie school children it* North Carolina were adopted at the final session this afternoon of the North Carolina State itunp of the Patriot!" tlrder sons of Atnei-ica. Another resolution urged the repeal or amendment of the law passed by the last legisla ture. placing a two and a half per cent tax on benefit funds held by fraternal orders, on the ground that such orders are not in business for profit and the tax is taken from the widows and orphans. Photographers to Meet in Charlotte. Charlotte, May 18.—Approximate ly 100 photographers from various sections of the State, arc expected to attend the convention of the Tar Heel Photographic Sleiety to be held hero May 24-25. That is the an nouncement of L. Davis Phillips, of Charlotte, chairman of the commit tee on arrangements. Ben V. Matthews. of Winston- Salem, is president of the society: D. Davis Phillips, Charlotte, is first vice-president; It. IV. Goodrich, of Henderson, second vice-president: oel Patton. Fayetteville, secretary: and Robert Barnett. Charlotte, treas urer. A feature of the meeting will be a banquet on May 24. Several visit ing photographers from -neighboring states are expected. Mr. Phillips said- TIMEB-TBIBUNE PENNY ADS, ALWAYS GET RESULTS I WHERE GROOMING GENTLE- jjj MEN FOR GOOD COM PANY has reached perfection | . DRY CLEANING | of better quality—such x as to create a preference 8 for us jj “SEND IT TO BOB” ] “MASTER” Cleaners and Dyers PHONE 787 Office 85-27 W. Depot St CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs .25 Corn *l.lO Sweet potatoes $1.60 Turkeys .28 Onions $1.78 Peas *2.00 Butter .88 Country Ham .an Country Shoulder .20 Country Sides .20 Young Chickens .45 Hen* _• 1 22 Irish Potatou 2.00 TrouM mnirc By r ETZCR 6. Yorke mini luriu If a man shows any 8 signs of wisdom he either X is in the possession of fire 9 ! insurance or he is about 8 to take out a policy and X he is headed for this re- 9 liable house. adfi&K PHONE ~ JBmKm a «/' JR7 CABARRUS ' a3l I ——— — < -i, John Pesefe, rioted wreeiler, ‘j«| also prominent as n breeder of dogs,' and at his liime at Ravenna, Neb-, he has one of the finest kennels of greyhounds in the world. Now Is The Time to Extern minate Flies, Aants and All Other Insects BY USING CENOL Sold and Guaranteed by Gibson Drug Store (Agents) wfal-C : uorr of KAsre • < • VoURTIMC IS NCVCK OURS TO WASTE •'£ We won’t waste your .time or your money. We will fur nish you with the kind of plumbing that should be plac ed in a first class home and we will do your repair work in a “stay-fixed” manner. CONCORD PLUMBING COMPANY 174 Kerr St. Phone 576 —\l SION Disease remedies 7tT y) IA tPngsro rm. Tetter or cthvfUeh ■ ' lug akin dtMeeee. . Try tU tnatOMOt at oar risk. ECZENAH If HUKT»,QU ARANTBgP SKIN DISBASB REMEDIES Si (Hunt'e Belve end Soap),Ceil in f SfrrT the treetment of Itch, Bcreme, TeJT/ j Ringworm,Tetterorotherifcn- f If / / Ing eUn dleeeeee. Try thie * « • treetment at our rleku PEARL DRUG CO. ■t : CONCORD COTTON MARKET ~ WEDNESDAY, MAY I*. J»2« Cotton .17 1-2 Cotton seed 45 “Grandma's wire came this morning and before dinner I 'ppffl!-I iik> had refmished her favorite .J fcjjp fjjm chair with Duco-two coatstoo/’jjl tj DUCO is famous for quick drying. (nil||ljl Ifttb I //// i// But that is not its only advantage -dir'9 » // kill /If for home decorating. jfl || I iWfmLtf Here at last you have a finish that can 1 | ///Jy/// be successfully applied by anyone. Just Try Duco on furniture, woodwork, floor wW IS \ or walL See how easily it brushes on, R how quickly it dries, how the brush //fhTpM *\X?\ ■ |jp— marks disappear, and then the final hard, jhl |• RITCHIE HARDWARE CO. I “YOUR HARDWARE STORE” I QRA y ■ phone 117 H ‘""‘Mss— a i, io ujuif kM vJLs V * Hi So Long Teacher— New Long Trouser Suits. %^I & School's nearly out and 'Til the greatest stock of graduation suits a Cop- ■ cord boy ever called his own is iitf And it’s as long on style as it is on trousers—and ffMW longies are going to car- MS/ A/ ry the diplomas this year. 1 §sy \ Value that makes if pos sible for nearly every boy in Cabarrus County to have new clothing and for nearly every family to come here for it. THE CORRHCT FURNISHINGS TO BOOT HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE Straws for Every Head We are showing Straw Hats from one of the Best Makers in America Priced from $2.75 to $5.00 STOP AND LOOK! RICHMOND -FLOWE CO. t fc ■■ - t ** Penny Advertisements Get the Results May 19, 19215