PAGE FOUR PENNY COLUMN Quartettes: My Wild Irish Rose Whoa You’re Gone I Won’t For- I’ll See You in the Morning Sacred: Rock of Axes Shall We Gather are the Tpver? I Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray (Spiritual) Marches: Blue A Gray Patrol, j ' Under the Double Eagle - Waltzes: Always In the Middle «f the Night When Lights Are Low Carolina Sweetheart Fox Trots: Poor Papa Just a Cottage Small Everything's Gonna Be Alright Humorous: Uncle Josh in New . York. Mrs. Rastus at the Telephone. Niggah Loves His Possum. 20-2 t-c. / Did You Know Ritchie's Case Served a big special Chicken or other meat dinners on Sundays? Try one and you will be pleased and smile with- jby. Geo. A. Ritchie, owner. "Opposite Library.” 20-3 t-p. r, » Rent a Fond and Drive It YonrneU. Phone 508. J. D. Boyd. IT-lOt-p. For Sale—Collie Pups. E. 8. McDan iel, Route 4, Coneord. 19 -1 p. . Notice to Tax Payers of No. 2 Town ship—Will list tax on Saturday, May 22nd, at court house. W. F. Cannon. 19-2 t-p. If You Want Ice Boxes, CallJno. R. Query or see M. L. Hopkins at warehouse near depot. All sites readymade. 10-12-p. j Visiting Cards Printed at Times M> Office. Panelled visiting cards beau tifully printed at The Times-Trib une Office. 50'for SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Orders filled on a few hours’ notice. , , For Rent—4 jor 6-room House. Call 328 R. P„ G. “Cook. ( lltf-x. WELL KNOWN RESIDENT OF ROWAN COUNTY PASSES H. F. Turner Dies at Harrisburg.— J. Ben Hudson Dies in Mexico. Salisbury, May 19.—H. F, Turner, uged 76, prominent citizen lot ■ Irish township. Rowan county, died > Sunday at Harrisburg while visiting a daughter. Mrs. Gourley. The body was brought to the home of the de ceased and funeral and interment took place Tuesday at Society Chureh, Iredell county. Burial was with Ma sonic honors. Mr. Turner was for many years a prominent member of the Methodist Church, the South Riv er Church. He was an uncle of Rhodes Gussy. of Salisbury. There children survive. A strange coincidence is related in regard to Mr. Turner's death. Six months ago his wife went to Harris burg to visit her daughter, Mrs. Gour ley, who was ill. Mrs. Turner be came ill with pneumonia and died at the daughter’s home. Two wee£s ago Mr. Turner went to visit tile same daughter, she being ill. and he con tracted pneumonia and died at her house. J. Ben Hudson, son of the late Macon Hudson, of Rowan -county, and brother of H. M. Hudson, of Salis bury. died Monday at Albuquerque, N. M., to which place he went four years ago on account of ill health. The body will be brought to Saint EFIRD*S DECT. STORE 1 THESE NEW HA* HATS | ARE CHARMING I $2.95 and Up j| In-White, Pink, Rose, Copen, Sand, Orchid, ideal for Jl, hot summer wear, so. i H *\ye°a«*also showing a intensive line of rfril ' - jQC wi»#j •'YfTY Lost—Cameo Pin UK Night Be - tween Bcotie Seminary and Widen liouse store on West Depot. Find er please return to the Seminary. 20-lt-x. - We Mm Give Free a 75c Player Roll with every three rolls yob purchase this week. Come in and select them. We are listing below some of the new and best ones: v When The Work’s All Done’ This Fall . :• j I’ll Never Leave Old Dixie Load Again- Let Me Call You Sweetheart That ©eitoin Party j Five Feet Two, Eyes of Blue Engineer’s Dying Child, The Rose of Heaven (Hawaiian) Wreck of the 1256. The Vacant Chair Magnolia ] llossoms Drowsy Waters (Hawaiian) Repasz Band March Kidd Frix Music 4 Stationery Co., < • Inc. v 2(>-2t-e. 1 v : Remove Those Pimples and Blaefc ‘ heads with Mel-Bro Lotion. AU druggists. 26-lt-p: Are You Hungry? Try KitcfcVs Ca/e for something good to eat. ... You will he satisfied. Geo. A. Ritchie, owner. ‘•Opposite Li brary.” 20-3 t-p. Salesmen—9lso Month and Expanse selling cigars. Experience not nec essary. Send self-addressed stamp ed envelope for information. Na tional Cigar Co., High Point, N. C. 29-lt-p. Oars With or Without Drivers. Phone 508. J. D. Boyd. 17-10 t-p. For Sale—Two Incubators. Will Sell cheap. One 1100 capacity, the other 500. Now is time to buy cheap for next season. J. Ivey Cline, Concord Route 1.18-2 t-p. THOMASVILLE (N. C.) BUSI ness college prepares you for busi ness. Enquire about as. Write us. It pays to attend a good school. 4-28 t-p. ,1 ,<. I .. uakaau: bury for interment, reaching hero the latter part of the week. Glenn Hayes, white youth, was tak en to Raleigh to begin a sentence of from' six to ten years. He had been convicted of robbing a filling station Jn tile , western section of the city, pfapre; wore two other white Uuhn iih "Hayes at the time of the robbery but he assumed all blame. To effect the robbery, a murderous assault was made on Boots Nesbit who was in charge of the filling station. There were several charges against Hayes and in one case he was sent to the county road force for six months. This sentence has just expired and he was turned over to the state pris on authorities. John Morris, whie man, in whose ear officers found fifty gallons el Whiskey, was sentenced in eountjj court to six months on the road in one case and to two years in another, in the latter the sentience is suspended a year conditioned on good behavior. Mrs. Bessie Rash, who was alone in the ear when officers arrived on the scene, had judgment suspended on payment of costs. The formal title of the King of Sweden is "King of Sweden of the. Goths and the Wends Gustav V.” 1 The largest barrel in the world, ca pacity 70.950 gallons, has been cons _strueted at El Tavilie-on-the Rhyne. j ’ J i- , ■■ ■■■■ ■■ —n» II" i PRIMARY VOTE IN THIS COUNTY MAY BE LARGE i Due to Fact That Concord Mam It to g Be Voted Far Big Veto Is Expeet * Ordinarily a primary vote 1n Ca barrus county on “off years” is not very big. but there are indications 1 that this will not be the case this t ye®*’- Going about the streets now one hears politics discussed rather fre quently, interest for the present be - ing centered in the Democratic pri mary vote of June sth. One factor expected to bring out a big vote in the county is the can didacy of Judge Joint* M.' Oglesby, seeking the Democratic nomination for judge of the fifteenth judicial dis trict. Judge Oglesby will have no opposition in the primary, to be sure, but just the same his Cabarrus friends «eem determined to give him a large vote of confidence. Interest here has been aroused too, in the fight between Senator Over man and Robert R. Reynolds. While most people contend that Senator Overman will carry the county there are many who will argue that Reyn olds will get more votes than the Ov erman forces expect. It is a fact that many prominent men of the city and county are working for the Ashe ville candidate, and they are going to throw votes his way. Often it is heard that the Reynolds vote through out the state is going to surprise the Overman forces. The contest between Solicitor Zeb V. Long, of Statesville, and B. F. Brittain, of Asheboro, for the Demo eratis nomination of solicitor of the fifteenth district, is arousing interest in the county. Both candidates have been working in the county, Mr. Brit tain having paid several visits to the county within the past several weeks. Mr. I-oug is conceded the edge in the county at present, he having many friends here who are working earnest ly in his behalf. Mr. Long has server! but one term as solicitor, these friends point out, and his service has been very efficient ami effective. The vote in the county this year may be as big as it was two years ago when the gubernatorial candi dates were responsible for a large vote. PERFECTING PLANS FOR LEAGUE CONVENTION Definite Program of BntertalniiKvit Will Be Completed by Saturday. By Saturday of this week local committee members will be ready to make public the program of enter tainment for delegates to the State convention of the Building and Loan League which will meet here June 22, 23 and 24. The entertainment committee, com posed of O. H. Hendrix. H. W. Blanks and J. I*. Cook, has held sev eral conferences during the past two days and it was stated this morning that they would have the program worked out by the last of the week. Between 130 and 175 delegates are expected to attend the sessions which will begin on the afteruoon of I the 22nd. Tentative plans call for a banquet, dance, theatre party, swim ming party and a trip to points of interest in the county, including the Canon Manufacturing Company at Kannapolis, and the Jackson Training School. The management of the Hotel Con cord is certain everything will be ready for the delegate-, when they ar rive the latter part of the month. It is planned now to open the hotel June lAth and if this plan is carried out the management will have two weeks in which to get everything lined up for the first convention in the history of the hostelry. ROTARY MEETING Recitations by Mary Frances Bam hardt and Sara Niblock Enjoyed by Mi lton .. Little Misses Mary Frances Barn hardt and Sara Xihlork. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barnbardt. Jr„ ami Mr. ami Mrs. F. C. Nibloek, re spectively. offered interesting enter tainment to members of the Concord Rotary Club at their weekly meeting at the V. 51. C. A. yesterday. The children, members of toe ex pression class of Miss Delma Her- sperger. were guests at the meetimg of the fellowship committee which had j charge of the program. The oom ! mittee is composed of L. M. Rieh l mond. E. C. Barnhardt and Rev. R. M. Courtney!. The several recita tions given by the children provoked j much applause. Miss Herspergcr. was a guest at the meeting, also. ' Mr. Weurick, who is to be manager \ of thb new Hotel Concord, was a I guest' ut the meeting. He rescinded ‘ briefly when introduced, declaring he •- was certain he would grow more in terested iu Concord now that he bad become intimately acquainted with ; many of its prominent citiaeas. DELEGATION MOM EMMY VISITS CONCORD “Y" Came to Inspect Plant and Discuss Program With Secretary Blanks. Four men from Spray, all actively identified with the Y. M. C. A. of that city, several hears here yesterday in conference with H. W. Blanks, general secretary of the Con- cord Y. , the delegation came to Cammed Ito inspect the Y building and dtoeustf with Mr. Blanks his programs of ac tivities. They were delighted with H she general appearance of toe tafld iag Md equipment and tel Mr. Blanks they had received from Urn many fil nmrrstiiiTii' for work. 11l men were especially interested H in the “SundayWiang” and the. Bible ||ltlto%toe'rul plto ttiSer which'otitis Ipso VS SSJT^ T*i|i6oNo6ft6 iSyULV TRIBUNE VARIOUS ROABRJIiItoE E COUNTY BUHbwORKEIM » Side Reads as WeH as Obifai High ways Getting Attewtltm of she Road Commission. - toH Highway forces of the bounty art? : engaged on various roadproj-t- at 1 present, and their plan og operation > calls for the rebuilding of side roads as well as the principal'jjghways. During the past several weeks tiie road leading from State highway 13 to Mooresville has been reconstructed. This road runs over Gabgjtras county for a distance of abont five miles and this stretch has been pat-in excel lent condition. - At present part of the equipment of the commission is engaged on the road extending from Pioneer Mill to Harrisburg. This road is one of im portance and will be modernized in its entirety. The major part of the Mad force at present is at work an the Beth page road. This road, which extends from the Kannapolis road to* the Ire dell county line, has been Wworked to a point near Coddle Creek. In discussing the work one road official explained that much atten tion is being given now to the side roads which connect the more im portant highways. “While we art trying to get as litany Os toe winci-l pal highways as possible Completed this summer,” the official stated. "we are giving time to the dknnectiug roads. AVe have widened 'Many of these roads and in addition resurfaced them with topsoil.” It is known that the commission plans to rebuild the road from the Shakespeare Harris home to the Mecklenburg line within the next sev eral months, although no definite an nouncement to this effect has been made. MT. PLEASANT FINALS' WILL BEGIN SATURDAY Class Day Exercises Will Be Held at Mont Amoena Seminary Saturday Night- The commencement program at the two schools at Mt. Pleasant. Mont Amoena Seminary and Mt. Pleasant Collegiate Institute, will begin on Saturday evening of this week. The exercises will be concluded on Wed nesday of next week. On Saturday evening at S o'clock class day exercises will be Itehl at thq Seminary, the general public being ’in ’vited. The Sunday services, the bacca laureate sermon by Rev. Prof. C. K. Bell ami the address before the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. by the Rev. O. F. Bluckwelder. will be held iu Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. ’Hie other exercises will be held in the au ditorium. Sunday evening at 8 o’clock Rev. Oscar Blackwelder, of Baltimore, will address the I-other Leuguegof the Seminary and the Y. M. ,C. the Institute. • „ The exercises will be held tin the auditorium at Mt. Pleasant. Tickets are now on sale at Cook and I Foil’s for the commencement drama, "Sherwood.” NEGRO BELIEVED TO HAVE STOLE CLOTHING Negro With Cap Such as Was Loft at Elliott ■ Home Visited Other Homes. It is believed a young negro man carried the strit of clothes and kit from the borne of L. V. Elliott Tues day afternoon. Mr. Eliott has been advised that a negro yooth, wearing a cap such as was found in his home, visited the borne of R. V. Blackwelder TkMkday afternoon and when children asked him what he wanted replied that he wanted to buy some old clothes. Be ing told there were ho clothe* sos sale at the Blackwelder home the ne gro is said to have gone down South Union street iu the direction of the Elliott home. It is believed the negro takes a chance of finding everyone away from homo If does, he goes in wod ■ gets what he wants. If any’-One is seentoe asks if they have any clothes ; to sell. No one saw the uagro eater or leave ■ the Eliott home and officers have no - cine as to the mna’s identity. BAGCALAUHMMH9 -SERMON AT mm HIGH SCHOOL WSI Be DeUrmod Sanday Morning at If O’clock by Rev. *M. R. Gibson. The baccalaureate sermon to mem , bers of the graduating class of the • high school will be delivered next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock wt the high school auditorium by Itev. M. R. ’Gibson, pastor of the Asaociate , Reformed Presbyterian Church. ’ , Mr. Gibson is spending the week in Due West. • 8. C.. bat be will return i to Concord Saturday. On next Wednasdiy evrurag 4Hte class play Will be presented with the literary address by Dr. Howard Rond ’ thaler on Thursday evening of next tfeek. i Members of the senior class at the school started their final exajnina f tions on Monday of this week and f will finish them tots Week. Members 4 e of the freshmen, uapboamre andgaater 4 ■ classes began their examination* this t- morning. I . .. Hay, at Harrisburg. > 1 The Grace Weuley Bible Clans of i the -Brevard Street • Methodist Gborrh Charlotte will present a play “Miss Hearless and Company,” at the Har risburg school bouse Friday evening at, 8 o’clock of this week. The play is given under auspAces of the Wood-, men Circle Grove of Harrisburg. The] •proceeds will go-to the class #pd tyj (the charity fondfodAHtoie GrddaStod mission 15 and pSfits. i This play h%# been given-g* Abis f class of young girls at several snurt i and has been a great sure The rjwfco show grtat “talent in uuiMMlig I I TTte*Mrthodßt , come J ty held an enthusiastic and delight ful meeting at Mt. Olivet Church oa Wednesday when a county organisa tion of he misakmary society was es-l fected. Members of missionary socie ties from all over the county were present, and an all day meeting was Mrs. C. C. Weaver, of Winston-Sa lem, president of the Western North Carolina Conference Society, and Mrs. W. C. Houston, district secretary,’ were present, and assisted,lp the or ganisation. Mrs. Houston presided. Mrs. J. W. Pike was chosen secretary pro tern- , '. At the afternoon session the fol lowing officers were .chosen of the County Federation: Chairman—Mrs. *.W. C. Graham. Vice Chairman—Mrs. O. H. Bar rier. Secretary—Mrs. W. L. Scott. Superintendent Young People— Miss Blanche Turner. Superintendent Juniors—Mrs. J. W. Pike, } Superintendent Mission Study— Mrs. R. M. Courtney. ■»■*■ ■ 1 1111 ■■ 1 ■■■ I 1H11.M!., 1 Graduation Day Calls for a gift, which ( during the passing years will be a reminder of old friends and old times, a gift that will last a life time. Such a gift can be selected from our complete stock. Don’t fail, to see fore buying. Stames-Miller-Parker Co. Jewelers and Optometrists 5 !■ -i- | OLD ENGLISH i BOXWOOD WANTED l 10 per cent, commission paid on purchase price for in * formation sent us by any one advising us where boxwood ! can be fatind. Either individual plants or hedging. | I3E3WBiW>D VAUENIINECO. ; ARDMORE, PENN. ;| ■ . I - ---.-A - ' lll I I 11l Is it time for you to get outside and gehb | yourself some atmosphere? Don't you need a new view and a new viewpoint? v 'GO on Hood Tims. I 1 1% T m I T .t n :u,- _ ■ v j ' hardware Company * A A Kimi’| J. I* Crowell, A. 8. Dayvault. R. A. J White, i. M. Howard. G. R. KeeOwJl Krneot Hicks, J. W. Pike, W. R. 1 Odell. ) The meetings of the Federation ore j Mrs. Weaver end Mrs. Iloturtou, •re fn Spencer today eßecting an or ganisation for Bowun county. " - «J nv-a -e wwt»— Davidaon, May I)>.—The Davidson I freshmen debating teams defeated the University of North Carolina teams last night in two debates, one J held at Chapel Hill and the other at Davidson. Ike two debates were on the same query concerning the con solidation of military forces into one national department. Davidson won j on the sffirmativ* side at Datddson 1 by a two to one vote on he negative I side at Chapel Hill by a three to I nothing decision. J The entire population of llelgittm J is less than that of the two cities of 1 New York and Chicago. ? 6 . ~ •• _ O "•"’-i/ - - •* * ' * V 'T* V } Wi X - •* . j . D H Q I §WW Bjjßr H 0 Hr s HBEH SB 8 'v ■ | SATURDAY I MAY 2b* I S B Concord, Nv€*i| fi * - $ J On the above day and hour we will sell at 9 ! ; absolute auction the J. Y. and F. W. Pjharr prop- 9 ! erty located just outside the prosperous aid pro- 9 j; gressive town of Concord and on the Charlotte 9 ; hardsurface road and borders on the Rocky River 9 road. This .property consists of about 75 acres B of valuable land, which has been sub-divided into B high class home site and small acreage .tracts. 9 This property is beautifully located, outside where 9 you have no city taxes to pay and where you can 9 enjoy the pleasures that country life has in dare B ; for you. So remember the above -day and hour 9 ! and meet us on the grounds. ■ Band Concert Terms Easy! . r j. FREE FORD CAR! * L This brand new Roadster Car will tt I given away at this sale. No oMfenflwn on part, just your presence. You must be oh til 9 ground at the begimung of the sale. SALE WILL BE,CONDUCTED BY THE RP I ous Pitts brothers I Carolina land Company, I Lj, ' j li i^g

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