PAGE SIX fpOUGrHT TO KNOW Kpj|fa probably know tbat Cod Liver gJill in the greatest flesh producer in Mallicanse it contains mrc Vita mines Shan any fowl you can get. Kl»i'l! k glad to know that Cod S®.#! 1 OH comes in sugar-coated tab |«|s now, so if you really want to KkH' or 20 pounds of real healthy WsSK&t- on your bones and fee! well and ii ‘®Nbni ask Pearl Drug Company or RiHfe-dfttggist for a box of McCoy’s BPjPßfr Liver Oil Compound Table's. egjcfefilS' 60 cents for 60 tables and if Pf [BjB-don't gain five pounds In 30 days ft; 'JSiiP druggist is authorized to hand | back the money you paid for isn’t anything unusual fr.r a per fv'V.apn to -gain 10 pounds in 30 days. ||s|s?'f3.£t McCoy’s, the original and - SMEitne Cod Liver Oil Tablet." lH |J Frigidaire Keeps Food I 3 1 Perfectly H H I |^s C(if _ 1 Not a single peach, tomato, or I X I. , rr -i other hard-to-keep fruit or vege- H[ table need be thrown away. I i. Automatically, day after day, p / and month after month, Frigid gp, / aire keeps your refrigerator cold and your foods fresh. STANDARD BUICK CO. * 85 S. Union St. Phone 363 New Models, con* L uenient purchase > §P terms and new low W r prices, $l9O up —————— fe k plus a slight charge th JW • •?*?; Frtcfldalffe ELECTRIC® REFRIGERATION P* j Let’s Go—START TODAY a regular order. | A The Price is Right—the Service is Right. L | Buy coupon hooks and save 10 Per Cent. L lee delivered on coupon cost 54 cents per 100. ■ S On coupon in 50 lb. lots at ICE PLANT, 44 cents per || gg| 100 pounds. ]i [ 300 lb. lots, delivered 40 cents per 100 pounds. 300 lb. lots at Ice Plant 33 1-3 cents per 100 pounds, ij j H Please pay driver and see that you receive quantity | [ Ik' . you pay for. i [ A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 PHONE 244 jj Ilcraven&sons| PHONE 74 j; : COAT s. Plaster || j Mortar Co i or , 8 aoooocx)ooocxx30rAXxxxxxx>ooo66oooooooooooooocooooo If jMMuiimßßgißsatitßgHSKawJ^^ ARE YOU TIRED OF POST TOASTIES, DRY != BEANS AND CANNED GOODS? Fresh Tomatoes Young Chickens R* Tender Squash Old Hens | I’i String Beans Fresh Eggs Head Lettuce Fresh Butter Onions, Sweet Milk | BE Cucumbers Fork Chops K Strawberries Beef Steak New Irish potatoes Sausage , | Sweet potatoes Boiled Ham | Cabbages Country Ham ' Pineapples Breakfast Bacon | H , Oranges Winnies H| ' Bananas Cheese | and anything else you might fancy. We don't meet prices. We make ji H them. Our Service is at your command. I | C. H. BARRIER & CO. | r < | : i,, ' " j • ODD FELLOW NOTICE. Meets every Thursday evening at eight o'clock. m: L. ROSS. N, o.< , e. H. RITCHIE. R. S. U. "s t_i ■ uaa ! CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET 1 (Corrected Weekly by Cline & Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: . Eggs ... _ .25 Cora i fIJO Sweet potatoes $1.50 Turkey. 26 Onions $1.75 Peas $2.00 I Butter .85 Country Ham .36 Country Shoulder .20 O'untry Sides .20 Young Chickens .431 Hens .22 Irish PoJatosj 2.00 • , "JLB. -= " 5L_-"558.., .Mils Concord Daily Tribune j TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of maila at the Concord postoffice is aa follow*: l Northbound I 138—41 .-00 P. M. 84— 4:10 P. M. 88— 8:30 P. M. , 80—U .00 P. M. t . goiltllbOVlld 88— 8:80 A M 1 45 8:30 P. M. 29—11:00 P. It. | LOCAL MENTION j I We hnve received a letter signed “Blue Eyes", but as no name ac companied it we cannot publish it. Panelled visiting cards beautifully printed at The Times-Tribune office, 50 foe SI.OO or 100 for $1.50. Orders filled on a few hours’ notice. The Music Department *of the j Woman’s Club will meet with Mrs. W. j H. Gorman Friday evening at eight I o’clock. Marriage license was issned. here yesterday by Register of Deeds El liott to Edwin O. Parrish, of Rouge mont, and Miss Anna B: Grier, of Harrisburg. Rehearsals are being held daily now for students who are to take part in the annual high school play which will be given at the high school auditorium on next Wednesday eve rting. Police officers this morning stated that ihey had nothing new to report. No session of the recorder’s court was held yesterday afternoon and no busi ness of unusual interest developed during the day, they stated. .1. A. Walker has the contract to build the new sidewalk in front of the hotel. Excavation work for the sidewalk was begun this morning and the cement will be laid as soon as this preliminary work is completed. If the weather is favorable the K. of P. and Detnolay baseball teams Will play the high school this after noon at 3:30. No admission will be charged to the game which will be the first of the season for the two teams. May twentieth is being quietly ob served here, The banks and library are closed but otherwise business is being carried out ns usual. No spe cial celebration was carried out in Charlotte where the Mecklenburg Declaration ' was signed. The tennis court at the country club is being used now. A wire fence has been erected around the .court which was used for the first , time yesterday. While the court is not in good condition yet it is smooth enough to allow players to use it. Police officers yesterday continued their war against ’’ homeless dogs. Eighteen were killed Tuesday and > . about a dozen others yesterday. As a result of the campaign Dr. T. N. Spencer, veterinarian, states that he has given more than forty dogs the rabies serum this week. Examinations are being held at the ' high school this week. Work in the school will be completed within the . next week, the commencement exer- ; rises to be staged next week. Mem- : bers of the senior class always have j their exnmiaations a week sooner than members of other classes. * R. W. Graeber, state forestry ex pert, will pay a visit to the county tomorrow as the guest of It. D. Good- ' man, county farm agent. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock he will give a < demonstration in forestry at the farm of B. F. Moose and all interested per- 1 sons are invited to attend. Concord Kiwanians who are go ing to Stltesviile tomorrow for the inter-city meeting will leave Concord at 4:30. They will meet at the Y at 4:15 and leave in time to reach Statesville by C :30 When the meet ing starts. So far as is known now' k every member of the club plans to make the trip. According to a deed filed yesterday ! -I. B. Linker has sold to the Yorke & Wadsworth Company property in Ward 2 for $2,850. Another deed records the sale of property in No. 4 township by John A. Si mo and others to Charles G. Sims and an other records the sale of land in No. 4 by Charles G. Sims to R. S. Rumple for S3OO. . TODAY’S EVENTS. Thursday, May 30, 1030. Today is celebrated as national independence day in Cuba.’ North Carolina keeps a holiday to day in celebration of the anniversary of the signing of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, in 1775. Centenary of the birth of Potter Palmer, the famous Chicago mer chant who originated the bargain sale idea and was the first to make extensive use of newspaper adrer i tmg, ■ • , Seventy-five years old today .is : Bose Hawthorne Lnthrop (Mother , Alpbonsa), daughter of the novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne, and who re cently was awarded the Rotary medal for “outstanding service to . humanity.” r San Jose, California, has made elaborate preparations for its early summer floral carnival known as La Fiesta de las Rosas, which will be inaugurated today and continue through the remainder of the week. Noted economists and taxation experts representing a dozen coun tries of the League of Nations are to meet at Geneva today to partici pate in a committee meeting for the discussion of the subject of double taxation. - ■ _ In the construction of early rail roads, two-inch cxiar pins were used to hold down the wooden rails. Tnto [the holes drilled for these, salt was [poured in the belief that this would [preserve the wood from dec«y. g&VfV i I&r’ir.'V. Q . IpjtaVBRAN BOARD AGREES TO BpiU) WiH Erect Recital ion Hall at Omni Decision to construct a $40,000 ad ministration building for Lutheran Theological •South .-rri SerulnmESas reached yesterday at the annual twitt ing of the. “board of trustee*, of the institution. A building committee wa* named sometime ago. pending Anal action on the board, and contract fdr Ac structure will be let at an early date. Tiie new building i« to accommodate i classrooms and offices and the old building fg to be converted in its en tirety into a dormitory. ' ;.C The proposetHrecifation hall woglfi “be a two-story, granite structure—4n' material and architecture similar to 1 the present seminary building;—con taining live recitation rooms with the' same number of connecting studies and other necessary rooms. Theboild ipg will cost about $40,000. Floor space wijl total 6.800 square feet the dimensions being 85 by 40, with ample I | provision for '.tall space. .No base i men) is provided for ill the structure, i as the building is to be heated from the main plant. While plans for the slructure have not reached such a stage as to pro vide the exact site, the building mill probably be erected to the west of the main building—now used both as a recitation hall and as a dormitory. The ajtion of the board was one of the outstanding events of the com mencement season nt. the seminary, whieh beginning with the convening of the board yesterday morning draws swift to its close with the conferring of degrees around noon today. 4 Other action taken at the meeting of the board included the naming of the Rev. H. A. McCullough, D. D., pastor of St. Pauls Church at Co lumbia. as president and of Dr. Charles Snncken, of Augusta, Ga., secretary, and of the re-election of F. William Cappiemnnn. Columbia at torney, treasurer, aiuf the Rev. M. ,T. Epting. D. D., of Savannah, vice pres ident. Reports were made and received, one of these—that of the Rev. A. p. Voigt. D, D., dean of the institution —tending to show marked progress and a successful session. To Confer Degrees. Four degrees will De conferred this morning at 11 o'clock nt the dosing exercises in the seminary ifiapei, too: Wynne Colford Boliek. Shenandoah, Va.: Chitose Kishi, of Nagoya, Ja pan; Hugh Jenkins Rhyne, Dallas. N. O.: and Curtis Kerr Wise, Barber. N. C. Diplomas will In' awarded to Bradshaw DeKime Castor, of Con cord, N. and Edwin Flay Trout man, of Statesville, N. C. William Fulton Heirs, of Leesville, will re ceive a certificate. Presentation will lie made by Dr. Voigt following the giving of the ad dress by file Rev. George J. Gonga k ware, D. D„ pastor of St. Joftns Lu theran Church, Charleston. Activities of the commenceme,nt season yesterday, other than the meet ing of the board were: the addressing NOTICE TO THOSE LISTING TAXES. Persons owning real estate outside of the township in which thpy live are most earnestly requested to write the list taker asking him to return your land as it was last year. If you have bought land since May 1. 1925. give the name of the person from whom you purchased the pro|>- erty. This will enable the list-tak ers to get the valuation. List-takers and addresses: J. W. Stallings, No. 1 towns'llp. Harrisburg, N. C. W. ‘J. Cannon. No. 2 township. Concord, N. C. R. G. Summers, No. 3 township, Concord, Route 2, N. C. R. S. Rumple, No. 4 township, Kantiaolis, N. C. t>. B. Castor, No. 4 township. Kan napolis, N. C. J no. it Casper. No. 5 township. Concord, N. C. J. R. Fink, No. 6 township, Gold k Hill, Route 2, N. C. ’Albert Penninger. No. 7 township, Mt. Pleasant, N. C. L. A. Lipe. No. 8 township, Mt. Plensant, N. C. Phillip Barrier. No. 9 township, Mt. Pleasant. N. C. Henry Furr, No. 10 township, Con cord, N. C. Asa Blackwelder, No. 11 town A ip, Concord, N. C. No. IX Township Hal Jarratt, Ward 1, Concord, N. C. J. F. Harris, Ward 2, Concord, N. C. H. C. Ridenhour, Ward 3, Con cord, N. C. J. G. Comer, Ward 5, Concord, N. C. 20-11. ________ 20-It WHY SUFFER SO? Got %aok Your Health aa Other Concord Polka Hava Dona. a, Too n»any people suffer lame, aching backs, distressing kidney disorders and rheumatic aches and pnlna. Often this la due to faulty kidney notion and there’s danger of hardened arteries, dropsy, gravel or Brlght’a disease. Don’t let weak kidneys wear you out Use Doan * PUla before It la too late! Doan's are a stimulant diuretic to the kid ney*. Doan’s have helped thou sands. Here la one of many ’Ccn cord cases: Mrs. M. M. OlUon, 4S Bell Ave., ssys: “My kidneys wero out of order ttd acted irregularly. My baok became Uune and weak and I frit deU end run down. Doan’s Pills helped me by qiglilating my kidneys and relieving all signs or j kidney trouble." v ■ Prloe 88c. at all dealers. Don’t * l ®D l 7S*k for a hlAtey remedy— °f b v- Gs the aiajnni by (tie Rev. J. L. Mor-> 1 gnn, D. D., of Salisbury, N. C.: the 1 folding of tbe annual ahimni ban-1 quet: and (he address last night of, I the Rev. A. 4. Bowers. D. D.. pastor ‘of the Church of the Reformation. Savaiina’.i, before the Students’ Mia kTofp~ notice I Regular meeting Concord Lodge No. 51 K. as P. Thursday.evening at 1 8 o'clock. Work in third rank. Aj cordial welcome to all Pythians and I visitor*. I I W, R. FISHER. C. C. GOITRE VANISHED Stainless Liniment Used Successfully by Clnemnati Lady. J Mrs. Clara Pobodie, 512 W. 3rd ’street, Gastonia, N- “Sorbol- Quadruple completely’ removed my j daughter's goitre four years ago. Will 1 ' he glad to teU' or write our full ex ' perienee.” Sold at all drug, stores or write Si.rbol Company, Meehanicsburg, 1 Ohio. Locally at Gibson Drug Store. “ACHED &> ACHED” Lady Says Her Back “Hurt Nifht and Day”—Least Noise Up set Her. Better After Taking Cardui. Winfield, Texas.—"My back hurt sight and day,” says Mrs. C. L. Eason, of R. F. D. 1, this place. "I ached and ached until I could hard ly go. I frit weak and did not feel like doing anything. My work was , a greqt burden to me. I just hated ’ to do up the dishes, "even. I was no-account and extremely nervous. “My mother had taken Cardui and she thought It would do me good, so ehe told me to take It My husband got me a bottle and I began on it I began to Improve at once. It was such a help that I continued It until after the baby’* birth. . "I took eight bottles and I can certainly say that it helped me. It is a fine tonic. It built me up and seemed to strengthen me. I grew less nervous and began to sleep better. “I can certainly recommend Cardui to expectant mothers, for to me It was a wonderful help. ... In every way I felt better after taking It and I think it Is a splendid medi cine.” Cardui la purely vegetable, and contains no harmful drugs. For sale everywhere. NC-162 QUIT GETTING UP NIGHTS A Healthy Bladder Acts During the Day. C. N. Shuman. ’ Republic, Ohio, Says: "Before taking I.ithiated Btichu (Keller Formula) had to get up six or seven times each night. Now I do not get tip at all. You, may use my name if it would benefit anyone with bladder trouble.” Be careful not to take drugs that check the action of the bladder. You may have to continue its use. Lithiated Btichu (Keller increases the ac tion during the day. It eleanses the bladder as epsotn salts do the bowels driving out foreign matter, neutraliz ing excess acids, thereby relieving the irritation which causes ‘■‘Getting T’p Nights." The tablets cost 2e each at all drug stores or Keller I.abora tory, Meehanicsburg, Ohio. CONCORD COTTON MARKET THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1026 Cotton L .17 1-2 Cotton seed 45 666 1 is a prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. II kills the germs. , TWifM Tnmre lunWiira Ar (m A ier ** ■ igpr ■■ ■SC.-- —j 8 If Slows any 8 jillT IfflPf 01 or Now la The *Time to E*ter»| i minate Fhw, Aants and AH , BY USING I CENOL | Sold and Guaranteed by Gibson Drug Store Weak? Always Tired? Take Iron with Cod lirer Oil Easy to Taka in New TaUst Pom How to Order from Your {druggist Get strength and; nery* H»jS» quick 1 Stop getting up tired in the morning. Add 5 to 15 pounds a month. Tske lron fat rich, red blood. Take cod liver oil sot goad healthy flesh. Physicians say these , arc sure body builders. Chemists now extract the vita mi net and energy-producing, / wdgbt-bnildlng elements from cod liver oil, and throw the useless nauseating oil away. These extracts are mixed with Iron and Other health-building Ingredients In easy-ta- i take tablet form. Specify Burke's Cod Liver Oil and Iron Tablets at the drag storo. They'll start to build your weight ■ and give you strength and energy almost at unco. " • , : j For sale by GEbsow Drug Star* j U«T OP RASTC. • • • • i VouRTIMP VS NSN/CB. OURS TO WASTC We won’t waste your time ; or your money. We will fur nish you with the kind of i plumbing that, should be plac ed in a first class home and we will do your repair work in. a “stay-fined” manner. CONCORD PLUMBING j COMPANY / 174 Kerr St. Phone 5*4 —% ; ■■■ —* ; EgLfjjH B H[ ‘fll U zrsmsgtfs'S treatment at oar Mk. saga untaut atOox'risk. **** ~ PttABL DBCO 00.. ' HUDSON COACH . v ." r.;. Z ■' " * 1, i Hudson holds first advan slooo tage becauaeof its patented \J+Sy Super-Six—the world* * ' ’ Brougham - H 554 built fc>/ Hudson under M» ■< 7-hnStdin 1795 exclusive principle. For 11 becn^ojrt mj rKtSSoBKO&SttKBKBHM ten ■ — - ' 1 —^ O So Long Teacher— -9 New Long Trouser Suits. rUQxT’vB A 9 School’s nearly out and < I I X graduation a Con- mPff >j 0 cord boy ever called his g a own is m. MS ■ X And it's as long on style 8 as it is on' trousers—Arid , - W) 0 longies are going to car- OK ' A/ o ry- thle diplomas this year. JfSxjf X Value that makes it pos sible for nearly every boy in Cabarrus County to have 1 new clothing—and for nearly every family tc/ come here ! THE CORRECT FURNISHINGS TO BOOT HOOVER’S, he. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE pQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOewI '"r” f '»»■ »y l? ’'ft* I .' ' V| ', teiM **jm£*k*ti | Straws for Every Head j We are dewing Straw Hats from | one of the Best Makers in America j ;£ Priced from $2.75 to $5.00 STOP AND LOOK! RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. Be Sure of Your Shoes Being sure ot your shoes is simply being sure of your shoe store. I You know that ours is a reliable shoe store—our shoes are dependable, I our valties are the beet, our fitting service careful and painstaking. • NEW ONES THIS WEEK These were carefully selected, are of the newest models and col- I ors for the spring season. , Come in and let us convince you these are I the prettiest shoes you have seen, IVEY’S 1 , Tint HOME OF GOOD SHOES” Thursday, May 20, m