PAGE FOUR i 6 Bte Concord Daily Tribune The Aesoeia /id T p”r e*««* La *e xclu«i v e 1 .* £ entitled to the use for republication of HO news credited to It or not otherwise Hf credited in this paper and also the lo pA eel news published herein. All rights of republication of apec m Wdiß patches herein are alas reserved. Special Representative g FROST, LANDIS A KOflN I'll 325 Fifth Avenue, New York 2 _JPcepJ?s’ Gas Building, Chicago x *IOO4 Candler Building, Atlanta ■5? Entered as second class mall matter ils at the postoffice at Concord, N. C., un -2; der the Act or March 3, 1879. IS SUBSCRIPTION RATES |S City of Concord by Camer i ©Stride of the Star; the Subscription j- Is the Same as in the Oity Out of the city and by mail in- North ' Carolina the following prices will pre- U ! $5.00 P ( Six Months 2.50 ; 2 Three Months _ 1.25 fS'l Less Than Three Months, 50 Cents a : X Month - O All Subscriptions Must Be Paid in Advance 1£ RAILROAD SCHEDULE 5 , In Effect Jan. 30, 1926. I 1- Northbound -ng* 40 To New York 9:28 P. M. • No. 136 To Washington 5 :06 A. M. C No. 36 To New York 10:25 A. M. «: No. 34 To New York 4:43 P.M. ir W«t 46 To Danville 3 :15 P. M. X 12 To Richmond 7 :10 P. M. X Nb. 82 To New York 9:03 P. M. 6 No. 30 To Nfew York 1 :55 A. M. flout Idinnnd 5 No. 46 To Charlotte 3 :45 P. M. X No. 35 To New Orleans' 9:50 P: M. I O No: 29 To Birmingham 2 :35 A. M. O No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. X No. 38 To New Orleadk. 8:15 A. M. C- No* 11. To Charlotte 8 :00 A. M. c 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M X Nb. 39 To Atlanta 9 :50 A. M. O No* 3? To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. : Q fTrain No. 34 will stop in Concord 5 titake on passengers going to Wash fanon and beyond. as* ,5 gtraia No. 37 will stop here to dis ; O chargepassengers coming from be • fond Washington. ' All trains stop in Concord except No. 38 northbound. THOUGHT! IX—FOR TODAY—I •v; W Bible Thonjrfits memorixed. will proro •j|| priceless heritage in after years jSj Tidings :—The Spirit of the Lppl God is upon me: because the laird hath anuointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek: he hath sent me to bind up the broken'.ienrted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and ; .the opening of the prison to them that are bound.—lsaiah 61:1. I HAVEN’T OCR AVERAGE YET. y ini The rapid anil consistent manner | *dn which North Carolinians are buy • "ing autos has caused much wonder. ; As a whole we are inclined to believe Hggtbat Tar Heels are buying motor ve -1 > hides at a faster clip than persons ; sos any other State. Such is not the i Please. i The annual report of the National - * Automobile Chamber of Commerce 1 $5 for the year 1925 gives figures for the J WRITE NEW’ CHAPTER d . IN NOTED ALLEN CASE q Tablet at Graves of Floyd and Claude Allen Removed and New One Erected. r Mt. Airy, May 27.—One day last week a stranger, representing some ’• monument concern in Virginia, quiet t ly entered the little country cemetery son the Want- G a p road in the Yir -1 ginia foothills where the remains of f Floyd Allen and his son, Claude Al len, have lain since they died in the electric ehnir in t?.ie Virginia peni tentiary more than a dozen years ■ ago, and with hammer and chisel re moved the tablet which bore this in scription : "Sat'Vd to the memory of -■ Claude Allen and\his fattier, who were 1 judicially murdered in the Virginia , penitentiary March!2B, 1913, by order 1 of the governor of Virginia over the protest of 100.000 citizens of the state of Virginia. Erected by a friend and citizen of Virginia." And in place of the tablet bearing the above the stranger placed upon ■ the marker another bearing I’lie fol ■ lowing: “In memory of Floyd and : Claude Allen, born 1857, born 1889, died March 28, 1013. Asleep in , Jesus.” It is not known who gave the order for the change but it is the opinion that some of the relatives of Floyd and Climde Allen had Pne clmiige made and so the marker that.vdped a si lent protest of numerous gjftteqns of the Old Dominion lias pjpjsfd Rom public view and is evident-* th*g\he bitterness that once ranklqd rn-.*khe hearts of many has passed awhjSJ A Condition Voluntarily Assuto^* Henry Ford. Prohibition became :",ie law of America through the vote of the pe&i pie who used liquor. There wefp-uaMi enough total abstainers to pass sued! a law: it was a condition voluntarily as mined by tiie majority of* drinking men for the benefit of the ®un*yt*' The saloons were more for prohibition than oothei agency. They were trap-dobiis'Tilon the way df life for voungg- It is the nature of American* t, make life as happy for the ybung us 1 . possible, to open up proniisiiife way.4 i of usefulness for them, to place opt ; port unities in their path, not pit! falls. Abolition of the saloon through prohibition was natural aiyl f Dt. Cook took Ills flier ill Texas oil instead of a dirigible and look wlierj he landed.—Durham Sur. 1 tj !. Electricity is a life giving and a life saving current. It is the all powerful "juice" that puts the pep into powerful motors and batteries and places labor conserving devices in the hands of the housewife. Get ac quainted with the myriad pos sibilities of electricity. .tCtUfiftn $ twice W. J. HETHCOX — HOTEL WALTON PHILADELPHIA on Broad B*. at Locust n Mairi Highway J to Scsqui-Centennial a i Exposition a | ' • 8 f Best located hotel r for autouts * Iv . A u T 409 Room wttß*otlK f i-50 single 5.00 double . Newly Furnished r ‘i iHh 1 ';/®. ♦ „'-V I HOME COMFORTS WITH I t MODERN HOTEL SERVICE « Excellent FoocL-Mbderat* Prices ” T'. B. Johnson, Dtssanno Manaoui I- f f 11 ■■■■ , -f \ - , -# 1 b'P ri.:: - the coNdoitto daily Tribune (redpath ICHAUTAUQUA :~ f " ! i 19 attractions 19 ; I 16 INCLUDING Great Comedy Drama “APPIESAUCE” 1 Solis’Marimba Band G, E. Solis and His Central American Artists : Ruthven McDonald and His Highlanders Greenfield Orchestral Quartet Herrick Entertainers Fun Makers De Luxe 'i 1 11 * Reno, Magic and Mystery ,, „ j h SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN | NOTABLE LECTURES I iH DAYS— — S I Redpath ChautauquA Season Tickets $2.50 : Chautaqua Week Here May 31st to | Julie 4th n rcr TTTTTTr^TTT^^T^'r^rrttr:- -' ■; -r-;-i:rgnqit.D! ixEEsrrrrES sensational development now contains COD LIVER MEAL This vital new element means much the same effect Tats direct sunlight for your hens all year round, feeding new vigor . right into bones and tissues. ■ It means more eggs, larger eggs, better eggs, bigger hatches, stronger chicks— decreased mortality of both grown birds and chicks. Costs but little more than home mixed mash and opens up eight new sources of greater profits. Mnnufsoturad by The Quaker o*ts G»mpany G. W. PATTERSON Wholesale Distributor 42-44 South Union Street * Concord, N. C. Ggg|j EEraf Talking About ft The only stropper that pdishes and fric-U*f**'? C —' 4 Sffid tions the orig Sal blade a. 1 •«* V. ' accurately a« the stropping machines used Vi ; idTn by the manufacturera. VI Pv \ '£ m J£Zs Actuany makea your used blade sharper better than a new one- ' G.LWTT* L Gibson Drag Store 'LI, J / ! mSU [ »••—.. N. c. 1 ABfa K v, 8 “ M " U,u * c ° Im! L Kau.ia|>oli», N. C, LsszslS*-. L - f... - »w< * •* U . . a . ' « ’" '. t .' ■ . '■%£. 1 -v • .- ... : Further Big Reductions Saturday Our Closing Out Shoe Saleis as Interesting as the Day it began. No lull! No let up! We’re busy all the time helping scores of customers make a great saving hi this closing out Shoe Sale. ■—"" - ■ ■■ ■—' LADIES SLIPPERS ' MEN’S OXFORDS 100 Pairs more hive been added. Great 100 pairs more have been sacrificed, values. All sizes 00 Black, tan and brown, as QC Given away at l ong as thcy Jast Beautiful styles in Ladies’ Pumps and N w ew , est arrivals in Men’s Oxfords. Straps. All sizes. All leathers. All absolmdy new and correct m style, keels. Practically all new patterns Values “P to J s ™ o *" 4 f 2™ $1.95 $2.95 $395 $2.95 $3.95 “* $4.95 ' Children’s Pumps and Sandals from 1 Nothing over $4.95 50c 65c 95c to $1.45 Don’t Fail to come Saturday. Every remaining day of this sale is precious. No Refunds. ' MARKSON SHOE STORE J „ j, > 1 ■ Old Folk’s Best Friend That'* wliat many call it, for it |uita vim and vigor into ok. stomachs: rich, red blood into old veins; sound flesh on old bones. Drink a glass of this delicious digest ant with each meal. Shivar Ale Pure Digestive Aromatics With Shivar Mineral W liter A Ginger Your grocer or druggist will refund yonr money on first dozen if you are not delighted with results. If your regular denier can- • not supply you, telephone F. M. Youngblood and Co., wholesale distributors. 1 m E MR. WRIGHT IS 3 ! p milk should be as ■ E pure as it can be. So 9 B milk is perfectly pas- us a teurized and There (3 B is no Better Food. A Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will'tell you that “Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's Foundation of Ferfect Health.” Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature re- j wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package with full directions. On ly 35 cts. at drugstores. (Adv). To Mothers! Are your nerves strong? Does >onr work get on your nerves ? Do 'oar children set your nerves on idge ? Do not become discouraged, -elief is in sight. What you need • Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, i medicine adapted to the weak lesses of women, containing np tlcohol, made of herbs the Indians mew about years ago. Thousands if homes for fifty years have 'inown the value of Doctor Pierce’s nedicines and testimonials to heir worth come unsolicited. Try it. jowl Delays are dangerous. * ■ m, | a V * ; * Our policy is one of candor aodrespectf ul ser vice. Fairness is a requi site where need is to be served with dignity and consideration... And we are proper Jy equipped to conduct a .ceremony of perfect appcdritmeSt. ■* : PHONE « r Opqp Da* JW fogfif AMBULANCE, SERVICE Friday, May 28, 1^26 Tfllllil TfiniffC lunYnWroj gMT THE miws T CM£D °/£C£S won’t j j t than i jf can- ; s. We jj| licy it | you to | ; * i BATIK BLOC Just Received Fitsh Shipment of ; Finest Imported Nuts Salted Almonds ||b"gfe Elected Salted Pecans Filberts Pefii&if Pistachios Nuts) i- i*k ik &■ M %, ■ < PEARL DRUG ca % **♦•*#»-*.-•* * * • t - ■ *ij. twy « Vsas.