Friday, May s& } 192 d Dinner Stories Boarder —What's for breakfast? [am.and eggs again? Maid —No, sir, not ham and eggs tis morning. Boarder—Thank the stars. What it? Maid—Only ham. Teacher—ls you don’t behave, I’ll ave to send a note to your father. . Johnny—You better not, teacher, la’s awful jealous. Mrs. Jones—May I offer you some ■freshnients? , Mrs. Onjy —Not just now, perhaps ?fore I gov Mrs. Jogds—Oh, do let me get it ' JW. Jack —Did you hear my last song? Margaret—l hope so. Son —Ma, did you ever hear a■ •' ibbit bark? Mother—Why, no, dear. Rabbits j ' »n’t bark./ Son—But, Ma, this book says that 1 ibbits eat cabbages and bark. ~ | He—Darling, I shall be miserable II the time I’m away from you. j She—ls I could be sure of that I rould be so happy. j . , ! I Employer: “You want me to raise salary eh? Give me at least 'iMffJPreasons.” Oferk: ‘Twins." "Mother,” said little Bobby, burst ! into the house all out of breath, j here's going to be a peck of trou-: t down at the grocer’s. His wife's I t a babjy girl and he's had a ‘Boy knted’ sign in the windoV for a eek.” After years of endeavor the per ettial motion inventor met with sric ■ss, and came hurrying home with ockets bulging with money. Te joy usly strewed banknotes in his wife's ip, crying: “Now. at last, my dear, ou will be able to buy some decent lothes.” “I'll do nothing of the kind," was lie sharp retort. “I'll get the kind liat other women are wearing?” - / Country Cured Meats HAMS SIDES SHOULDERS We always buy all the well cured, nicely trimmed country .cured moats that comes on thie market. The lot we have now is just the fin est yet. Sell you whole hams or illeed hum. The finest country cured side to Blico just* like you want it. It's fine. Talk about Western Bacon. We have justr 1 the freshest, thickest, cheap esifcSmd best at all times. TBany gifher good tthings to eat. CLINE & MOOSE "Phone 339 I*. S. Phone 339. We deliver quick everywhere. ~L- il"—"'" "Protect Your Property and Your Money F'’*' ll ' VT’OUR bouse, When painted with' I H Marietta House Paints, is pnacti- I jg I cally guaranteed against the ravages of -V 11 foul weather by the Marietta Service v fIBRORA FiM Certificate. No Other paint nanufac hirer offers you tuck • certificate. Ask *—7 «* about it today. Concord Paint&Paper Company 342 N. Church Street Phorn I6L 1 1111 11 * ll '■■■*■ * ----- ■ - ' PA WASN’T DRESSED FOR THE OCCASION . \ 1g if I'll LET 4 BURSL^I TWO ARE JAILED FOR ROBBING BUND MAN Persuaded Him to Go Swimming and Then Rifled His Pockets of More Than SIOO. Wilmington, jlay 27.—Mack and Mose Tyson are in jail in default of bond charged witlf'having robbed the pockets of Hines Faulk, a blind man, after they had persuaded him to go shimming with them in a creek jqst outside the city limits. The Tysons are alleged to have removed more than SIOO from the blind man’s . pockets, all of which has been re covered by the police, having been surrendered by the Tysqns with the statement that they were playing a joke on the man. The money, saved from the sale of small articles on the streets in tlje downtown district, was being hoard ed for the purpose of paying for an operation. All the parties arc white and Frank is well known in the city. j— | i Fenner anil Beane’s Cotton Letter. | New York May 27.—Additional 'conditional estimates continued drought in eastern states and fear .unfavorable weather developing in ‘ west in next day or two Checked short selling and kept cotton mar ket steady. Many complaints are 1 coming out of east of delayed germ ination at this late date on account ]of lack of moisture. On top of this | temperatures in drought section have averaged around 100 degrees for two days with many points get ting 101 and 102. Effect of this is! to dry out soil further and adds trouble on eastern producers. Rains were reported in Terns Panhandle | and western Oklahoma. Showers at : this stage would be considered bene | fleial over large portions of the west i ■' =■- OOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO Special - Saturday Only $4.95 Hats for $1.98 Millinery Dept. ji i MISS ALLIE LEGG. Prop- 5 Phone 830 while another period protracted rains would be determinal. The con dition . figures issued today range from 68 to 60.8 compared with a ten year average of 71.0. Trading is rktructed on desire of trade to get more light 'on crop. Its condition is generally acknowledged to be low and further unfavorable weather ought to have a stimulating effect. FENNER AND BEANE. TODAY’S EVENTS Friday, May 28. 1*26 The Roman Catholic diocese 'of Sacramento observes its 40th anni versary today. Centenary of the birthof Benjamin Grata JJrown, the Missouri statesman fenj was tlie 'DeYnooraffc candidate ter vice president on the ticket with Horace Greeley. “ < ‘ The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Sweden on this, the first f»j of their Stay in Washington will De received by President Coolidge at Sie White House. The borne of the Boston National League baseball club will be the scene of notable ceremonies today when a memorial tablet will be unveiled in honor of the late Cnristy Mathewson, one of the most beloved players of the national game. T'neodore Douglas Robiusou, as sistant secretary of the 'navy, will be the guest at the annual gradua tion exercises (jf (he Newport Navql War College today, when he will de liver the principal address and award diplomas to the graduates. Boy Browned While in Bathing hi Pwgd- Gastonia, May 27.—Glenn Garner, ltiryoar-old adopted son of Lee Gar net .at .the Mountain View mills was drowned late yesterday while swim ming with a number of boys. He went under in 12 feet of water, it was stated, and was not reached in time to be saved. The boys were swimming in a small inlet of the PPfid. The body was recovered about one our later. It was brought to the sur face by Carl Mullinax, aged 15. The Mtollinax boy almost gave out in his efforts arid himself was carried to. the bank by J. W. House. Mullin ax dove three times before he could gain a good hold on the body. Make First Purchase in Smokies Mountains- Asheville. May 27. —Arrangements for the first purchase of lands for the national park in the great Smoky mmftitains will likely bbe made in Asheville early in June, when the members ofthe holding corporation's funds, which have been’raised for the park, will meet, it was learned to day. State Senator Plato: Ebbs was op timistic today in commenting on the work which is going forward with the object of carrying to a success ful conclusion the movement to - create the national park in the great Smoky mountains. Two small girls were playing to gether one afternoon in the park. . “I wonder what time it is,” said one of them, at last. "Well, it can’t be four o'clock yet,” replied the other with a, ..magnificent k(gic, '‘because my mother said' I was to be home at four—and I'm not ” OUTDOOR SPORTS fHE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNB FINALS AT DAVIDSON WILL START SUNDAY The Baccalaureate Sermon Will Be Preached by Rev. E. A. Penick, of Charlotte. Davidson, May 2T.—The graduating exercises at Davidson College begin Sunday, May 3Qth, with the bacca laureate sermon at 11 o’clock in the morning, to be delivered 'by Right Rev. E. A. Penick, Episcopal bishop of the diocese of North Carolina, whose home is in Charlotte. The second even of the graduation exercises will be at 8 o’clock Sunday night, when Prof. K. J. Foreman, o# Davidson, professor of Bible and pftii losophy in this institution, will deliv er the annual sermon before the Y. M. C. A. He is one of the youngest professors of Davidson, is a clear thinker and a strong speaker. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will see the commencement exercises EDUCATING A FUTURE BANDIT V cyjil continued, with the diplomas award ed Wednesday morning,., The pro gram for the events fol- Monday. May 31st— -5:30 i). m.—Senior class exercises. 8 :00 p. in.—Dramatic Club presen tations. 10:00 p. m.—General fraternity re ceptions. Tuesday. June Ist , * 4:30 a. in.—Meeting of board of trustees. J2:15 p. m.—Annual literary ad dress —A. M. Scales, Greensboro. ■1:30 p. m.—Annual alumni lunch eon. Annual meeting of alumni associa tion. “Liza. you remind me to’ the world of brown sugar.” . “How come, Sam?” “You are so sweet and so uurefin ed.” y v Eat More Fish Better Than Pork For Hot Weather and Cheaper We have Extra Nice Speck led Trout, Gray Trout, Rock Fish and Butter Fish. Sanitaiy Grocery Co. —1 - 'BE 1 . ■ ■ ■■■ OMOLINE SWEET FEED I' h - TO FEED YOUR HORSES AND MULES 1 And you can feed one-third less and keep your stock up 8 better on a Balanced Fged than you can on oats or corn. 8 Cash Feed Store I PHONE m SOUTH CHURCH ST. 8 ooooocxaooooooooooooooooooooooeooQooooooooooooooofa j | FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR | | DELCO UGHTj Light Plants and Batteries Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter- S nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or A1 fi ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent ] | .-Phone 069 Concord, N. C. ' 8 your car greased with ALEMITE HIGH PRES SURE greasing system. .. ~ | We Specialize in Cafr Washing, Polishing, Alemlfe Greasing and. Crank Case Service. ’f Gas, Oil Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Tire and Tube re pair. CENTRAL FILLING STATION PHONE 700 ■maiaeaMaawHw u-m* - ~ a [[—"l f Money Saved for Millions of Users— Save money on first cost. Save money on ice through the long years of service this wonderful Gurney Refrigerator will give you. Your money will buy more in a Gurney Refrigerator. We have the right size for your requirements. nit refrigerator is om JistJay utm. See it »—'m Hot Water match and in a few minutes steaming hot water will run Pays for itself quickly 7 E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER ;iS Office and Show Room 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phone 334 W ■■ ■ '■'«> ■ - < ■ ——■— ■ 1 »wr^ ~n ywrerirnsreTi ■■'•■a -as . the DAILY TRIBUNE THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER 1 8 BOTH ONE TEAR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: ■’ In State outside Concord ’ i• *■ Mf,«t ■ g»;. The Progressive Farmer is the best farto paper published, and its®'' price is $1.09 a year. • y -5 :• aHjK You need not pay for the Progressive Farmer at the same time you 'V'j| pay for The Trihuue. We will jet it for you a whole year at say time 8 on payment of only 25 cents. Pay your subscription to The Tribune to any contestant, but M& come to The Tribune office to pay for ysur Progressive Farmer. PAGE SEVEN Gurney Refrigera tors have proved their efficiency in laboratory tests with the high est priced refrigerators manu factured. •The Refrigerator you have al ways wanted—and Moderately Priced. H. B. WILKINSON Concord Kannapolis •- Mooresville China Grove f lggsasajiaL?3s: itinra: a-inr-ui a,a snaa