PAGE TWO Fpp-aM-V 'r* jrfeJ- M* rW, JL ( F iLI ■" Ml * . ■ ' - L ’- - - ■ ■ -- -- H WAITRESSES J X COFFEE i APPLY "iN PpHSO.N TO THE I? .STEWARD. l-3t-c. BKc ll -;- 1 . '.- • T-. m*r Sale—Fresh Milk Cow. W. B. p Little, Route 2. F&nriiiburg. pflTM* Com, Cantaloupes, Ap- I ; pies, Iceberg lettuce and Bermuda E' prb-cooled celery. Dove-Boat Co. 3-1 t-i>. I : I The Public la Cordially Invited to ; an ice cream supper given by the £L Christian Endeavor Society of Btthpage school heuae on Saturday night, June Bth. 3-X»-p. ' _ Fur Rest—S or 4U*furnlsh«d Rooms for light housekeeping. 186 North •’ Union Street. Call 911. l-4t<-p. Par Rent—One Furnished Room With or without meals, Cali 596:, 31-4 t-p. Ice Boxes—All Stoss, Ready Made. .See Jno. R. Query or M. L. Hap -' kins at Warehouse near depot. See 8 my boxes before you boy. 23-12-p. Engraved Wedding Invitation# and announcements on short notice at Times-Tribune office. We repre seat one of the best engravers in the United States. -ts. Wedding Imitations and Announce ments printed on panned el paper, in the latest style type. Invitation Text, at following prices: 50 for $6.50; 100 for $10.50; S4.QQ for each additional 50. Prices include Invitations, with inside and outside envelopes. Printed on a few hours’ notice. Tribune-Time* Office, ts. Paint Year Cm. Get the Best Paint for the outside and also inside of ih your bouse, from Juo. R. Query. f Get my estimate before you paint, gfe All work guaranteed. 25-12 t-p. ! “APPLESAUCE” Largest Audience Yet at Omutauqua Sees Hilarious Comedy. &■ Those who witnessed the rendition of “Applesntice" at the Chautauqua tent last night were more than re . paid for sitting two hours on uncom * sortable chairs. The name suggests the character of the play. The | events had their center around a thor oughly optimistic young man who bad evidently religiously kissed the blar ney stone, and whose stock in trade seemed to be "appleeauee." The story centered around this s young man. Bill McAllister, played by David Pritchard, highly charming but thoroughly prodigal and improvi dent. and Hazel Robinson, the girl who found Bill lovable regardless of i his improvidence and general worth lessness as the world looks at it. This character was portrayed by Miss ' Kstlierine Rogers, and while thes- two young people held the center of the stage and presented their parts in a * charming manner true to character, they by no means monopolized the - appreciation and applause of the au dience. It is difficult to discriminate 1 among the other characters, each por traysi being so well accomplished. The part of the rival suitor, Kollo Jenkins, was most admirably played by lion Harrington, a character ex actly opposite that of Bill. While the latter’s character is probably sum med up in the one sentence. "Happi ness is just like a kiss, tue only way to get any good out of it is to give it to some one else ’ that of Kollo was one of a man who was out to make the coin, and if he made anybody hap py in doing so. this was merely inci " dental and a side issue. Os eourae , in the end Hazel married Bill and ■ "--M ii'-iii— [ EFIRD’S I m, OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY IW j ! I- ? Marking Down Goods \ / For Our * 1 ; CHAIN SALE Which Begin* Friday morning | Kg dupmwti of New ftfer- I nniair Mice rr t DOW> . v/I m- *" - I | I "T a * i .I, - "lfc Call Dove-Boat Company for Good things to eat. Dove-Bost Com •' !**>• ■ ”~T ■: ifelfrp. Several Ntee Freak Milk Coks For sale', or will trade for Beef cattle. Phene 183. G. «.-Uxa*ber , INIt-p. Furnished Room* For Rent In Splen did reamtßriWf aectimr on Sun* Upion, Pltodc 501. 22- tt - Fbr Sale—Rhode Iztond Red Hess and pullets. Mrs. W; A. Over- , cash. 2-2 t-p. For Rent—Two Be pro an Convenient 1 ly famished. 60 North Church | street. Mrs. A. W. Perkins. 31-ts-x. High School Graduates —After grad- 1 uating what? You must fill some position in life; and the printing : industry offers both opportunity j and remuneration. Why not take training in one of the several branches of the printing trade?— - hand composition, proofreading, lin- - otype and monotype composition, and automatic presswork. Investi gate. Compeßnt young men and 1 young women trained in from zve to 1 eight months for positions. Write today for cata.ogue, terms of tui tion and full particulars. Address Southeastern School of Printing, : 508 Union Street, Nashville, Tenli. 31-ts. Porto Rico Potato Plants. We Can ; furnish fifty thousand daily. Crow ell’s Plant Farm. 31-6 t-p. i Wanted to Rent Small Apartment by ! young couple. References exchang ed. Address ZLR, Care The Trib une. -*> 27-ts-p. Program. Invitations. Announcements printed promptly at The Times- Tribune Job Office. We have a beautiful line of wedding invita tion* and announcements in stock and can finish on a few hours no tice. Times-Tribune Job Office. they “were happy ever after." The part -.'f the father. Pa Robin- | son and that of the mother. Ma Robin son. were most satisfactorily present ed by- Edward Power and Carolyn Mackey respectively, while Charles HUnna as Matt McAllister, the rich uncle of Bill, came in for favorable comment. This afternoon at - o’eloek Visoc chi. the accordionist, entertained the children, and at 4 o'clock the“*Herrick Entertainers appeared. Tonight the , latter will appear again, to be foil-, lowed by Private Peat on "The Inex cusable Lie.” Mses Eastabrook Gives Fine Demen. st rat ion. Much interest was aroused in the - dress' making demonstration given here, Tuesday by Miss Helen Easta broofc. State clothing specialist. While M'ka'" Eastabrook gave her principal demonstration hi the after- 1 noon the use of the foundation pat- 1 tern, she met with a number of wom en Tuesday morning and showed them 1 the projier way to make this pattern 1 so they would get the full benefit from the afternoon demonstration. In the afternoon Miss Eastabrdok demonstrated the proper way'to cut other patterns from the foundation 1 one and assisted several women with the making of dresses which were cut at the meeting. A new ticket machine used by the Undergrodnd Railways of London will print, number, date and deliver at the rate of five i>er second. The island of Java, lying just across the Equator, south of Sing apore. is the most crowded country in the world. HMUJUI-J—IEL W AND ABOUT Wffi CITY ~T SELECT JUDGES FOSf SATURDAY’S PRIMARY Men Chosen by Board of Elections WUI Serve for Next Twe Years. L. T. Hartoell. Jr., chairman of the County Bbard of Elections, announced today the list of judges to serve at primaries and elections in the coun ty for the next two years. The judges will have their first work to do on Saturday of this week when the Democratic primary will be held. T r .ie judges and their addresses fol low : Township No. 1; Willis Stallings, Democrat. Harrisburg; Arthur Alex ander, Republicau. r Township No. 2, Box 1: A. K. i Morrison, Democrat, Concord Route 1: C. R. Andrew, Republican, Con cord Route 1. Township-No. 2,. Box 2: Charlie Little. Democrat, Concord Route 1; A. B. Clampett. Republican. Township No. 2. Box 3: Brantley Little, Democrat, Concord Route 1; Carl 'Rlackwe’.der, Republican, Con cord Route 1. Township No. 3: Allen Harris, Democrat, Concord Route 1; John Bradford! Republican. Conebrd Route 2. Township Xo. 4, Box 1: Sam Cook, Democrat. Concord Route 3: Chas. H. Cook, Republican, Concord Route 3. Township Xo. 4, Box 2: H. D. Me- Corckle, Democrat, Kannapolis; «iV. .1. Cline. Republican, Concord Route 3. | Township Xo. 4. Box 3: (J. C. | Mauiden. Democrat, Kannapolis; J. I B. Morrow, Republican. Kannapolis, i Township No. 5: Jay Cress, Demo-j crat, Concord Route 4; M. .1. Shinn. Republican, Concord Route 3. Township No. 6: Eidney Kluttz. Democrat, Concord Route 4: Grover Kluttz. Republican. Concord Route 4. Towndhip X'o. 7: Arthur Gulp, Democrat. Gold Hill Route 2; Geo. H. Moose. Republican. Gold Hill Route 2. Township No. 8: Guy Miller. Dem ocrat. Concord Route 4; W. J. Moose, Kepuhliean, Mt. I’leasant. Township No. 9: W. M. Auten, Democrat, Georgfvijle; John Cox. Re publican. Georgeville. Township Xo. 10: Rowland Brooks, Democrat, Midland: Sam McCurdy, Republican, Concord Route 7. Township No. 11. Box 1: Asa I. Blackwelder, Democrat, Concord Route 5: Hawley Hagler, Republi can, Concord Route 5. Township Xo. 11, Box 2: White Pharr, Democrat, Concord Route 6; Frank Maxwell, Republican, Concord Route 6. Ward 1, Box 1: Roy Sappenfield, Democrat, Concord; David CaldweH, Republican, Concord. Ward 1, Box 2; Thos. It. Brinkley, Democrat, Concord; \V. A. Cagle, Republican. Coucord. Wtrd 2: Jas. E. MdCtintoek, Dem ocrat, Concord; T. J. Smith. Repub licau, Concord. Ward 3: C. H. Foil. Democrat,* Concord; C. I’. Cline, Republican, Concord. Ward 4: G. T. Crowell, Democrat, Concord; Mrs. G. Ed Kestler, Re publican, Concord. i\ anl 5: R. 1,. Sloop. Democrat, Concord; Will Walter, Republican, Concord. PROMOTION OF DAVID H. BLAIR FORECAST Washington Hears That CojAmission cr of Internal Revenue Will Get I tetter Job. David H. Blair, commissioner of in ternal revenue, ijs slated to get a big ger job in the Coolidge administra tion. according to reports from the capital. Writing for state papers from Washington, R. E. Powell says re ports of the Blair promotion "were given considerable credence by well informed folk here. •. * Blair ia close to Andrew W. Melton, the big boss of the administration." Ac cording to t'ue report Mr. Blair is to be made assistant secretary of the treasury. I a the group pictures titled" “In The News of the Day," sent out by the International News Service, there appears a picture of Mr. Blair, who, it is said*will soon be promoted. Writing about the promotion, Mr. Powell said: " "The North Carolinian's promotion. If it eventuates, will be right much of a set back for hi* critics. He ifeas been under fire more of less over binre lie was appointed but he has Consistently had the confidence and bucking of the Coolidge and Harding administrations. Secretary Mellon is suid to admire him as an executive and to be quite fond of him person ajly. i "He would succeed McKenzie Moss, who has just been named judge- of the court of claims.” Mr. Blair i»: a son-in-law of Mrs. J. W. Cannon, of Concord. I Mtohedl* PiutottN* Revival. A large crowd was present again last ntgbt to hear Dr. Williams. He took for his text Acts “Sir* tyhat must I do to bo saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Lhrist and thou shaft be saved, and tby house.” Dr. Williams preached a els K j> rnU,B ' tfaat stir «f the abJSTs'i* A y l„ U " girls came fm-wand and surrendered j Several visiting ministers were gw«e,rt!l»t mght. Itov. BiG. cww- tHE — SCOTIA WOMEN’S COLLEGE' | 4 * I Annual Address Tuesday xigtrt mto-j Wedneaday Morning, By Kir. IF WfU9«N ''Tlth. Ihe. W-iim! address on Tues-j day night and the final program WdjPy nesday morning at 19- oVtootojjfc* commencement exercises of StiMtl Women’s College •ame to an end ttSißr the tbirty-e‘gkt members of the ddMil received their diplomas and ntharetoul tificates of merit wen during, tH|| course. « I The annual address was de'JrdgMtl hy Rev. C. A. Mcßea. D. D., of OlMi mont. Pa,, in Westminster Pre«gsf terian Church to a large and apptgf dative audience. The speaker eMMi as his subject “Growth.” He thlUnl his audience aa he, in a most sdiolwirf manner, proceeded to empbaeixe bjt apt illustrations and well chMtet4|ttO' tations, the salient points in his dttk course, namely; First, The Geapet of Growth, second the Control of Growth and third, The Deity of Growth! ’ "The n.iture of growth is awe inspire ing." declared the speaker and furthi er ’lie said “There is transpiring in cVs 1 try human being growth in the ani* 1 mal kindom, in the mental realm and in the spiritual kingdom. The gore pel of growth that I am preaching,” said the speaker a* he quoted from second Peter 3:18, "is that there b* latent yet vital within the soul of each one of us the possibilitiaa ot growfu. They can be stimulated in to activity. They can be fed, now- j | islied, exercised to a marked degree.” | Speaking of the duty of growth DT. j Mcßea declared that the possibility jof growth makes it a duty, a ditty ,; to oneself to other and to our Ood. [The address made a profound impres sion on the entire audience. Commencement Finals. At 10.a. m.' Wednesday morning • the final program was rendered bc ■ fore an audience that taxed the audi torium of Westminster Church while many were forced to stand on s determined to build up Scotia to the end thSt she may be a credit »ot only to The colored race but to the South. 'STATE INSPECTOR OF HOTELS ANT» CAFES HERE J IJ *>> h«™ With P* 1 " BoritoMn.—Found Chfes in Good Conditio*. J. McLeod, state case and hotel to yesterday here with 8 - Buchanap, county health 'oncer, and during the day inspected u number of local cases! ■ After his tour of inspection Mr. Merged reported that as a whole he found local cases in good sanitary con Pril weto'Uto in b^romUt 1 " ItiN r r % Ier rends: "That the bearer, Joseph Ross has behaved himself inoffensively and in a Christian manner since he has re sided in these parts as far ns R known to us, and sustains the aeter of an unmarried person is 'or dered' with consent of Sessions at Poplar Tent. By "H. J. BALCH, V. D. M." "September 2, 1773.” Persons who have been questioned about the paper have not been able to desrribe the meaning of the initials after the name of Mr. Balch. Vice District Moderator is one definition Offered. PERSONNEL OF ”Y” ' EASTERN TOUR List of Young Ladies and Boys Who Leave Concord on June 12th by Bus F'or New York. ' The personnel of the eastern tour, by the Concord Y. M. C. A. which leaves on a fourteen-day sight-seeing trip to New York June -12th. is as follows: * Misses Muriel Wolfe and Mabel Henry, Bible story contest winners, Concord; Miss Jennie Holdbrooks, Huntersville; Misses Margaret Hold brook. Catherine Rudisill. Mabel Rud isill and Keriba Stough ChaHotte; Miss Sudia May Dry, Kings Moun tain : Miss Kmily IVeddiugton, Meb aue: Miss Iva Lee Carpenter. Gas tonia : Misses Willie and Winona Smith. Mooresville; Miss Bessie Har ris, Norwood; Miss Davies Moliur ruj. Bessemer City; Misses Nellie Russell, Annis Smoot, Margaret Rit chie. Mary Belle Cannon, Mary Flliz abefu Blackwelder, Mary Matthews, Hattie Fuller, Annie Lee Litaker, Blanche Dick, Mrs. Nail I’ickard ami ''Walter Calloway, Francis Pickard, Harry Lee Johnson. Livingston Eas ley and Jim Dorton, Concord. More than one billion - dollars is available for rural highVay construc tion and maintenance during the cur rent year, according to estimates of the United State* Bureau of Public. Roads. a . TIMES-TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. ALWAYS GET RESULTS A—w! in a Jantzen VV/TNOUKE through the. JWr earlNgwdosmthrough 4m cooling rush of water. ThriM Pun in tl* babbling blue. " Jautsen made aU dug a iky. For in the worker mow Jantsen swimming guie. you re free—yet togged with the trimness beach fcaEirm demands! S7B out trf 517 leading phys ical instructors said the suit originated by is ideal for swimming. The world’s most widely •rid suit! See our stock erf smart YOUP —reOghd# '.. -r ~-r stosdp**f3|igri| v I -Jtm? I r*, v-."Tn FiDi l it I *""w* I I- 11 *••. BPt ■ I B? ~ yg ,o vWi. gJjk ■ ' ./-J 'otaL Specials For Friday and Saturday In Our Grocery Department Sour Pickles, quarts, special 4 for— s l *® o x No. 2 Tomatoes, special 3 for , “~ e No. 3 Tomatoes, specials for -------- “ Campbell’s Pork and Beaus, special 3 for 25c No. 2 Com, good quality, special 2 for —.— r 25c y No. 2 1-2 Gan Roman Gold Syrup Peaches 29c can No. 3 String'Beans, special 5 for ___.— SLOO Monarch and Old Reliable Peanut Butter, 1 lb. bucket, 24c Red and Blue Label Karo .also Mary Jane ?- Syrup *■.; ._ 1-2 gallon 32C ; gallon 62c ■, j 1 1-2 lb. Blue and Red Label Karo, special —i 12c Nfew Irish Potatoes, special per peck -90 c New Itexas,Onions, special 3 pounds for ____ —2sc-, Good Lemons, fecial per dozen —1 25C Arm & Hammer Soda, special —**_ 4c Jello Ice Cream Powder, special, package 10c Fresh Crackers, Premium Sodas, special pound 16c Libby’s Loose Sweet Mixed Pickles, pint ♦ 250 Lusco Pesemes Assorted Flavors, 2 lb?, ll ozs. _. —_ 45c. i ' Calumet Baking Powders, —l-2ib.lsc; 1 lb. 29c 5-pound Pail Peanut Butter, special sl.OO ' Kisses, big quart ! 10c Pinto Great Northern and Michigan Pea Beans quart ,__ - 12 l-2c Parks-Belk Special Brand Coffe, special 3 pounds sl.OO Caraja Coffee : ._ 1 lb. 43c; 3 lbs. $1.23 . Snow Drift Lard 1 4 lbs. 81 c; B'lbs, $1,59 . Flake White Lard _» _ 4 lbs. 72c; & lbs. SL39 Arbuckle’s Coffee, ground! 1 _j _ 40c Vihgear, good and sour: Pints ______ 12c ■ Quarts 22c One-half gallon i r * ______ r 38c Gallon _ _ i __ 65c Salmon, good quality _ j_ -15 c \ Fresh Com Meal, 3 pks. for ___. SLOO P. & G; Soap, and Star Soap, 3 for * 10c Red Devil Lye, 2 for ___ <___ 25c Wesson Oil pints 27cj quarts 49c Sunflouf Sausage, 3 cans for „ ' _ SLOO Post Brand _„___• 13c; 2 for 25c Post Toasties and Com Flakes pc Wkeatena, special 22c Duke's and Carolina Mayonnaise Relish: Pints ___i. ___ _______ 48c Medium size __ 28c Small sifce __ 10c l HEADQUARTERS F