r Saturday, June 5, 1926 SICK HEADACHE No Pleasure, Says Ohio Lady, to Go Places, Till She Took Black-Draught Which I Brought Relief. Langwffle, Ohio.-«For years and I ye ? r8 _ suffered with severe head' ache, says Mrs. Jane Campbell, of this place. “It wasn’t any pleasure for me to go places, for I came home with sick headache. If I went to church or to any social gather ing or to town to shop, when I got “sdc I would have these headaches and have to go to bed for a day or more, till I would just get out of heart and would not try to go. “About 15 years ago I discovered that Black-Draught was good for these headaches. I began mrin g it I would take it two or three nights in succession if I felt the least bad, md it sure did wonders for me. It s about; 14 years since I had sick leadaches, and I can goplaces **Uy enjoy life. It surely is eplen hd.” Headache often is a symptom of lonstipalion. The best relief is se mred by treating the cause of the rouble and in such a case many >eople have been greatly helped by jb* use of Thedford’s Black tJpurelyi vegetable. Recommended K young and old. No harmful after gffecta. Bold everywhere. SC-169 Nothing brings such com forting relief as toe original Baumeßengue. It starts to drive out pain as soon as you apply it. .s GET THE ORIGINAL FRENCH BAUMEBENGUE (analogsiaus ) VALET -AuioStrop Razor -r sharpens Uself ' ~ -J UB Our policy is one of I candor and respectful ser \ vice. Fairness is a requi ij| site where need is to be I served with dignity and § consideration. And we 1 are properly equipped to I conduct a ceremony of || perfect appointment. Wilkinson’s Funer ■ 1 al Home PHONE 9 t Day and Night BfcuLANCE SERVICE E POURING 3 ! ■health from R A BOTTLE S Pasteurized Nf f eely. Through '■ centuries milk £ proven itself to ■ Se the easily digest- 3 economical food. R should drink V pure milk. d —tell us where D ?a» “JiourßliltCßian " v ■ [ In Centre of New Whirl _7 'IK -^ , m:a fer.GuroN dam moody ARIS'TIDE BRIAND MEM/IE DUNHAM Governor “Ma” Furguson and Dan Moody, Attorney-General, opposing candidates for Governor of Texas, have agreed to resign if the other polls more votes in the primaries. French rumors say that Premier Aristide Briand is to marry a widow. Mellie Dunham was given a royal welcome on his return home to Norway, Me., after “Henry Ford’s fiddler,’' concluded a successful nation-wide tour. A Tribute to the Memory of James B. Duke By the North Carolina Society of New York. (Adopted at a meeting of the So ciety at the Astor Hotel, New York, Tuesday evening. May 25th, 1920). I Eminent as he was in industry and j finance, a towering figure in the busi- : ness world, a great merchant with vast enterprises, and a philanthropist of matchless generosity, Mr. James 15. Duke contributed so much to the economic upbuilding of North Caro lina and provided for its future so cial and intellectual welfare with such magnificent vision amid liberal ity, that we natives of the “old North State", resident in New York, feel that, in common with other North Carolinians, we owe him a debt of especial gratitude and regard it as| a privilege to pay this tribute to his memory. Mr. Duke was a North Carolinian born and bred: He was bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, and in the building of his own fortune he contributed in greater share to the prosperity of his native State. Un der the influence of his genius the to bacco industry, begun in our State by his father, Washington Duke, grew to be one of the great businesses of the country, and as bis personal for tune increased he built up within the FEEDS THAT’S OUR BUSINESS— to sell the Best Feeds for the Least Money. If you want to buy tht Best for the try our Spartan line of Starting Mash, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Scratch Feed and Spartan Dairy Feed. Just Call Us. We Deliver Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. PHONE 571 HOUSE!! I WE’LL WIRE YOUR HOUSE from the cellar to the attic if you say so. We understand the theory and practice of elec tricity. We consider it the most useful element-agency used by man. We can help you electrically. | W. J. HITHCOX borders of North Carol inn great in - (lustries, tobacco factories, cotton mills, railroads and power plants, giv ing employment to thousands and as ! fording a market throughout file | railroad for tile products of the farms ! and tields of the State. This, alone, would give him an hon ored place in the annals of our State and country as a man who used his remarkable talents to the full and in so doing brought happiness to many thousands and prosperity to a large region. Yet, wonderful as these achievements were, he did a bigger thing—a deed so generous, and so far removed from material profit, that it could only have been inspired by a heart filled with kindliness and love | for mankind for he created an endur ing endowment of such richness for the alleviation of human suffering and for the education nnnd moral up lift of the people that generations yet unborn will feel the beneficence of this great gift and bless the giver. The generosity of Mr. Duke to the people of his native State cannot be measured in money and its magnitude is over-shadowed by the inspired wis dom and belevolence which directed its application. This was no impul sive philanthropy born out of abund ance of riches; rather it was planned with an increasing purpose through the years and the provision with which the gift was betsowed revealed a purpose which must have been long in his thoughts. Evidence of this long-nourished vision was the splen did act. of giving to the people as a part of the endowment, to be theirs for all time, the great power de velopments which, in the employment of his constructive genius, he had built. Harnessing the rivers flowing through their midst, he converted the wnsting energies of those waters into electricity to become the heart's blood of the industries he foresaw would spring up under this implse, and gave back to the people these natural re sources, trained to be their useful servants. This was part of his vi sion and one of his ambitions, for in making the gift he said: “My ambition is that the revenues of such developments shall minister to the social welfare, as their operation is ministering to the economic wel fare. of the communities which they serve.” Great as were his material achieve ments, vast as were his benefactions, Mr. Duke left another heritage which will endure as long as the record of his deeds, for its imprint is on all that he did. That heritage is the inspiration of his character, marked by his simple faith in the religion of his father, his determination and courage, his application to his work, his simplicity and kindliness, and his ! love for humanity. A character, comprising such attributes is an in- j spiration to all who aspire to worthily : and successfully fill their place in life. t'hnrncter was a quality which j Mr. Duke insisted upon in all those, with whom lie surrounded hiself, and j the burden of his educational scheme under his great endowment was to crate character ip men. Mr. Duke had an abiding faith in the character of the people from whom he sprung and one of his outstanding traits was his deep affection for them. From these he chose the men to work with him in his immense business enter-/ prises and from these be picked the men into whose charge he committed the fulfillment of his great benefac tion to our people. Every North Carolinian experienced a personal loss when Mr. Duke died; but it is especially appropriate that the members of the North Carolina Society of New York express their profound sorrow for bis death and pay a grateful tribute to his memory; for Mr. Duke was a member of this THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE for Economical Transportation J J ■«>< rci'i nuC3 Constant & Improvement Jk A -has made tins the WOrLdS BnestLow Priced Car For year after year, Chevrolet engineers have been refining and improving Chevrolet’s time- 1 \ proved design. Examine the Improved Chevrolet f \ 1 and you will discover every engineering develop \ kpjfe’g ment essential to finer performance, smoother 'irk J operation, more striking beauty and greater econ- •ntetyiß. omy of operation and ownership. Quality ‘"mir j features! Quality materials! Quality workman skip! Come in! Get a demonstration! ~—jl I,MI, (Chattit Only) SSO All prices f.o. b. Flint, Michigan Small Down Payment *—j S Convenient Terms -9 Jb 1 *4 • -,ls.'. ■vm WHITE AUTO CO. I t J QUALITY AT LOW COST lii Society from its organization in 1900, i and many of its most active and use ful members were his close personal | and business associates. Therefore, be it resolved, that the 1 North Carolina Society of New York : and its individual members have sus tained a personal loss in the death of ! James B. Duke, and deeply sympa ! thize with bis family, his personal friends and business associates in their bereavement, and that copies of these resolutions be delivered to Mr. Duke's immediate family, to his broth er, Mr. B. N. Duke, a former presi dent of this society, ana to the trus tees of the Duke endowment; and / further, that a copy of the resolu tions be spread upon the minute book of thiß society as a record of our I admiration of his character and achievements, and our appreciation of his services to our State and coun try. According to baseball statistics ' the veteran Tris Speaker nas more i two-base hits to his credit han nny other player in the history of the i game. ffe (E 3 A small boose with a properly arranged floorolan and Jung, '"I ■' i ■ U>« right number of rooms is often more desirable than the jf* lm-ger ones, especially for the young couple just starting out In j ; 'iMBSS Thatcher has most of the good features and none or the bad -> j --T fm .. i l ' -—At « features of some houses. The design of the exterior is of the „ J f - rse _' ~~~ type, the wide siding and shuttered windows, wtth ":%|8 rTR' WdwHlfriKLa ;tbe trellised porch-column and sawed brackets at the roof-line, 1 i njj ' Wp ] <>U tM ' ine <tetalls of this popular type. Balm klfnl rf' 11 -jSlsi ri BLvflr 0 - ; besid « 8 bath and laundry ot service porch. The porch. . ' [|| j __ f which is seldom found in the smaller homes, accommodate the a‘ Jp . IwM -- . " I ■nßnp hundry-lmyii and storage space as well provides covered eu- J- 4' ®" tnuice kitchen 4 -< \ (hndvoard space and room for the sink are provided under - '.'J M J V- Hfitt w * ndow h* Itftchen where there is plenty of light; ahd J \ V . K ««w «J*> la Plenty of room at the front for a small dining- v— table. The cellar is just large enough for fruit and vegetables 1 •nd a storeroom. F. C. NIBLOCK I PAGE THREE

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