PAGE EIGHT aSB^X Their Health Is Worth It Is it worth while to risk your children's health and your *■ «wn by taking chances with iced water? Besides its food preserving and ice saving features, this Automatic has * built-in water cooler providing chilled water untouched. Baby'S y MibKtpt\ I 'I- Sweet'Ffesti *^TSj A T lc Costs More to be Without One It really costs more to he without this Automatic than it does to buy it. Think what you will save by practically cutting your ice bills in two and never having any spoiled . food to throw away! Poor refrigeration is too expensive to put up with. Let Us Show You This Wonderful Refrigerator Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE ooooooooooooooooooooooocaoooooouoooooooooooooooo* I ICE ICE I Let’s Go—START TODAY a regular order. !| The Price is Right—the Service is Right. .\ j Buy coupon books and save 10 Per Cent. Ice delivered on coupon cost 54 cents per 100. On coupon in 50 lb. lots at ICE PLANT, 44 cents per !{ 100 pounds. 300 lb. lots, delivered 40 cents per 100 pounds. 300 lb. lots at Ice Plant 33 1-3 cents per 100 pounds, j Please pay driver and see that you receive quantity J s you pay for. 0 A. B. POUNDS ij PHONE 244 PHONE 244 j pOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOWeoooooooooooOOOOQOCOOC The Poultry Market Is Very Active | Prices are good—why not get active and sell now? We want 300 Fat Hens and 500 young chickens by Friday Li noon, June 4tfi, and will pay 22e per pound for Heavy Hens, 40c per fa pound for colored friers of 1 1-2 to 2 pound size. Leghorns and H lighter weight chickens discontinued. We can use 25 at 15c per pound, and a limited number j™ of turkeys at 25c per pound. Eggs are nctive at 30c per dozen. || C H. BARRIER & CO. | ■sr-nrj * ■ jy —— ———~ "rfJEr - I . . , .■ jBM - W" | For Ambulance and Professional Services Eh CALL 840 wh day or NIdHT SELL & HARRIS FUNERAL HOME i* —i L.,.-- ■ — i £ — Fanny Advertisements Get the Results Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice 1b as follows: Northbound 136—41:00 P. M. 36*-10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8.30 P. M. 30—U :00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 45 3:30 P. M. 135- 8:00 P. M. 29—U :00 I*. U. [ local mention - ] Cold weather caused the cancella- I tion of the junior and Indies' swim ming classes that were to be held in the “Y” pool this morning. Miss Margaret Ford, county tuber culosis nurse, left yesterday for the State Snnitorium. in charge of several patients who will be given an X-ray examination. Through special arrangements with the steamship compnny the Concord “Y” tours to Europe, under the direc tion of H. IV. Blanks, has secured room for two more people. Marriage licenses were issued here Friday to the following couples, both of Kannapolis: Ponie Yow and Miss Ennna Petrea. and Reuben W. Har rington and Miss Jennie Brookshire. The Loyal Order of Moose will '.lave on important meeting in tile auditori um of the Concord High School Mon day night. Supreme Officer E. A. Mifka, of Mooseheart. Illinois, will speiik. The county board of education is meeting this afternoon to consider matters pertaining to the reorganiza tion of the schools made necessary by erection of larger central high schools in the county. Tile Redpatli Chautauqua which closed a five-day engagement ’here Fri day night, left this morning at 5 o'clock for Tennessee. Later the troupe will move to Indiana and then to Canada. The season will close about the middle of August. A wire from Henry Scott, trainer of the race horses in the stables of J. F. Cannon, stated that he had ar rived safely at Batavia, X, Y.. and that the horses write in good shape. Excellent time was made on the trip by virtue of catching the Crescent Limited at Danville, Va. Fourteen defendants tried in re corder's court Friday paid $280.55 incosts and fines, it was reported this morning. In addition several other defendants were given until this af ternoon to raise their fines. A num ber of cases scheduled for trial were continued. Friday evening at the Methodist Protestant Church a large and attent ive congregation heard Rev. J. D. Williams discuss the words of the Psalmist "I thought on m.v ways, and turned my feet uuto thy testimonies.” Mr. Williams will preach again this evening at 7:30 and tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Two strong amateur baseball teams will clash this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock when Manager Basinger’s charges meet Hie fast nine represent ing Belmont at the Gibson Mill park. Both teams have strengthened consid erably during the past week and a treat is in store for the fans who brave the wintry weather. D. A. McLaurin has sold two tracts of land in No. 4 township to E. L. Lowie, each for $l5O, according to deeds filed here Friday. Another re cords the sale of land in No. 4 town ship by B. L. Umberger and C, I’. Lippard to Mrs. Minnie Lefler and another records the sale of laud in Ward 1 by R. G. Helms by J. C. P, McDonald for $5,000. Wells in the county are already go ing dry. according to reports received here. Several farmers have found it necessary to dig from 20 to 30 feet deeper in their wells to get water, it is said, while others are faced now with the task of hauling water as they had to do last year. The situation is expected to become more serious un less there is plenty of rain soon. The Chamber of Commerce is mak ing overtures to have Concord select ed as the site for the annual mid winter meeting of the North Carolina Theatre Owners’ Association to be held in January. A number of bus iness and civic organizations in town are co-operating with the Chamber of Commerce in extending .invitations. The town in which they will hold their mid-winter meeting will be se lected by the theatre owners when they meet at Wrightsville on June 13th. Heath of Robt. U Keesler. A message was received in the city early this afternoon announcing the death of Prof. Robert L. Keesler, which occurred at the home of his sister, Mrs. T. P. Johnson, at Salis bury, this morning after an illness of about three months. Mr. Keesler was a brother of Mrs. John M. Young, of Concord, who was at his bedside when the end came. Mr. Kessler was reared in Concord, but had been a resident of Charlotte for many years. The funeral service will be held at Salisbury tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, and the interment will, be made there. Lack of Clothes Kept Man In Jail. (By International News Service) West Palm Beach, Fla., June 5. After serving a long sentence in the city jail, N. McPherson, white,'was again a free man. The last ten days of his sentence were suspended. Yet he lingered on, and wouldn’t— or couldn't leave the drab prison walls behind him. For when he was given his free dom it was found that the prisoner could not leave jail urftil the follow ing day. .His clothes were-in the waah. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE CHURCH NEWS j L-i.'h, T— . Calvary Luthfran. Sunday school at !l :45 a. m. Oiicf service- at 11 n. m. Luther League at 7 p. m. The public is cordially ’nvited to all services. St. Andrews Lutheran. Sunday school at !> :45 a. m. Light Brigade immediately after Sunday school. Luther League at 7 p. m. Vespers at S o’clock. The public is cordinlly invited to all services. Central Methodist. (It. M. Courtney. Pastor) Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. How ard Collie superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and N p. m. by the paste - - At (i :45 p. m. the devotional service -of the Epworth League. Prayer her i vice at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening. Trinity Reformed. , (W. C. Lyerly. Pastor) j Tile Sunday school assembles for . worship at 9:45 o'clock. J. O. Moose is superintendent. Graded lessons for the children. Worship with sermons 1 by tile pastor at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. I This congregation welcome you. I Kerr Street Bapt’st. (A. T. Cain, Pastor) . Sunday school at 9:45 a. ra. J. J. , McLaurin. superintendent. Preaching , at 11 a. m. and 7 :45 p, ni. Morning subject: "The Power of Live." Eve n:ng subject: "Giving Thanks in the Shadow of the cross." B. Y. P. 1 at <i :3ft p. in. Ladies' Missionary Un ion meets Tuesday evening at Mrs. F. C. McLaurin’s, on Franklin Avenue. Prayer service Wednesday night at 7:3ft. Regular monthly conference tonight at 7:45. You are a stranger here but once, and always welcome. Kerr Street Method i.>i\ (V. O. Dutton. Pastor) Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. F. M. Sloop superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at 7:3ft p. in. Subject for tlie night service "For IVhat Shall it Profit a Man. if He Gain the Whole World, and Isise His Own Soul?” — Mark 8:3(5. All are cordially invited to these services. Epworth Methodist. (J. M. Varner. Pastor) Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Wor ship and sermon bv pastor at ll a. in. and 7:45 p. m. Epworth League de votional at 7 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. The sacrament of the laird's Slipper will be administered at the morning service. Second Presbyterian.- (Corner Franklin Avenue and Kerr Street) Sunday. June (5. 1920 Sabbat's school at 9:45 a. m.. C. A. Coley, superintendent. Morning ser vice at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7 :30. Christian Endeavor meet ing at 6:30 p. in. Rev. William Black, D. D., syond’s evangelist, begins an evangelistic) meeting at the morning service arid will continue throughout the week. Andrew Burr, of Charlotte, will con duct an inspiring' song service each evening. We count ourselves and the city of Concord fortunate in having these two great evangelistic loaders with us at this time and nil of our sister' churches of Presbyterian and other denominations are invited to co-op erate and share with us in the bene fits of this meeting. The public will l enjoy these services and will be wel comed. M. E. HANSEL, Pastor, j Bayless Memorial Presbyterian. (Waldo Robertson. Minister) Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., M. C. Dayvault, superintendent. Reg ular church worship at 11 a. m. Sub ject. "The Prodigal Son.” Bp. in.' subject. :“A Vital Question.” Wel come to all to these services. Brown Mill Presbyterian. (Waldo Robertson, Minister) Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.. A. M. F. Bentiiek, superintendent. Preach ing by the pastor at 3p. m. Every one welcome. Forest Hill Methodist. (Tlios. F. Higgins. Pastor) Sunday school at 9 :45 a. m„ S. J. Sherrill, superintendent*. Morning worship and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 11 o’clock, followed by sermon. Evening worship and sermon at 8 o'clock. Epwortlf League at 7p. m. This church always ex tends a welcome to you. First Presbyterian. Corner Depot and Spring street* (Jesse C. Rowan. Pastor) Preaching at 11 a. in. and 5 p. m. Subject of morning sermon: "Swear Not At All”—a misunderstood com mand. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., C. F. Ritchie, superintendent. Organized classes for men and wom en. The public is cordially invited to all services in this church. Methodist Protestant. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morn ing worship at 11 o’clock. Evening worship at 7:30. Sermons by Rev. J. D. Williams, of Reidsville. Junior, Intermediate and Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:30 Sunday evening. St. James Lutheran. (L. A. Thomas, Pastor) Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., F. H. Adden, superintendent. Men’s Bible class in the Bell A Harris chapel. Chief service at 11 a. m. Luthear League at 7p. m. Vespers at 8 o'clock. Subject of the sermon will be: “The Thorn in the Flesh.” The pastor will preach at both services. The vacation Bible school will begin on Monday morning at 9 o’clock, to which all children are inrited. This church welcomes you. First Baptist i Bible school at 9*45 a. m„ H. B. Bo.linger, superintendent. Regular public worship at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Pastor’s morning theme, “Ho man and Divine' Partnership," with a story for-the children : “God’s Ftre- Engine." “The Malt Who Spoiled .. The fourth message in the pastor's Sunday evening eerie* of “Modern Jjj H I.exfwnx From Ancient Men of t lie Bible," will be delivered Sunday n n 'Bbt, I “THE MAN WHO SPOILED A WONDERFUL H OPPORTUNITY.” Will Be the subject. | H A large congregation heard the last sermon in this series —last Sun* i" j-i night. Learn the lessons of “used and spoiled” Opportunities j: fj from this Sunday evening message. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | U Where All Are Ma !e la Feel at Home. | n Wonderful Opportunity,’’ will be the evening subject. See ad. elsewhere in tins paper. Junior, Intermediate and Senior B. Y. I*. Vnionx meet at Tp. m, A most cordial welcome is extended to all. McGill Street Baptist. (Dr. James Robert Pentuff, Pastor) Bible school f) :30. L. E. Polk sup erintendent. Orgnnied classes for young men and mature men and for women. Worship and sermon at 11 o’clock. Subject: “What Is Spiritual Progress?” Also at 7:45 beginning with a song service. Subject of ser mon: “How Two Brothers Differ.” B. Y. P. V. Groups at 7 p. m. Let us make the first Sunday in June a ban ner day. Additional Train Service. Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh. June 4.—Additional train service between Asheville and Colum bia. S. C., wilt be instituted by the Southern Railway, from June 27th to September 20l*ii. according to no tification received today by the State Corporation Commission. This ser vice will consist of trains No. 2 and 4. Number 5, northbound, will leave Columbia at 12:30 a. m. ami arrive in Asheville at 0:55 a. m. Number 4. southbound, will leave Asheville at S p. m. and arrive in Columbia at 2:15 a. m. These trains will carry sleepers from and to Charleston. Ma con, Wilmington and New Orleans. Additional local train service be tween Asheville and Balsam will also he re-established on the above dates for the summer months. A new Pullman service between Wilmington and Greensboro was also announced to be effective from Greensboro to Wilmington on Fri-1 day night. June 25th. These sleep-1 ers leave bot'ii Greensboro and Wil- j mington at , 12:40 a. m. over the' Southern and Atlantic Coast Line, j Dare Him To! ”1 made a bet with Harold that I’d the first girl I came to.” de clared Clarence, the professional sheik. “Hmf!” said Betty grimly. “If you try it on me it'll be a long time be fore you come to!” TMlliTfinifCi By Tctzer u YoatiE rani I iumu WHAT & trance is as 1 > s your steer- !jl t will protect jij loss. We I 1 you with a !j! icy that will | kind of loss. 1 ] PtfONt 23/ iKMAgacr CABARRUS XOTTSy JW/AW OAtiK.rOLDC. — ~ Protect Your Property and Your Money aVOUR t>ou»e, when Hinted with * Marietta House Paints, jg pned calljr guaranteed again* the rmgea of foul weather by the Marietta Service Certificate. No other paint tarer offers yoo auch • certificate. Aak ua about it today. 1 Concord Paint&Paper Coopany 842 N. Church Street Phon, 16L marutta paint - 1 1 U~..| i 1 ■ Stutviug BTAfIOW | J ■ Fenner and Beane’s Cotton Letter. New York, June 4.—Further rains . in the belt were of a mixed influence today, being conaiderod by some as ; btnefieinl and by others an unfavor able. We received advices from Dal las that the crop In north and cen tra! Texas had enjoyed wonderful improvement in the past, week. Week ly reviews from a prominent Mis . sissippi and Alabama spot house . were also unfavorable in main. The market noted tired throughout today and unless the rains continue for a l . few days, long liquidation will likely bring about some lower prices. FENNER AND BEANE. i • Alleged Drug Store Bobers Caught. (By International News Service) Miami, Fla., June s.—Mary Rog ers, 17-yenr-old Indian girl, and George Hall, 17. of Norfolk, Va„ were arrested here in an nlleged drug store robbery. Lipsticks galore, dozens of perfume bottles and scented soap were found concealed in the girl’s i clothes, police said. Now Is The Time to Exter minate Flies, Aants and All Other Insects BY USING CENOL Sold and Guaranteed by ; Gibson Drug Store I (Agents) I •j _____ =======a=^^ CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures named represent prices paid [ for produce on the market: Eggs .30 i Corn sl.lO . Sweet -potatoes JIAO Turkey* .25 Onions $1.751 Peaa $2,00 Butter M I Country Ham jpn 1 Country Shoulder Jsi Country Sides MU I Toung Chickens .35 Hens .20 Irish Potatoes 2.00 CON6ORD COTTON MARKET SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1926 Cotton .17 1-2 Cotton seed 45 Country Cured Meats | HAMS SIDES SHOULDERS [ We always triy all the well cured, 1 nicely trimmed country curei meats [ that comes on tae market The lot we have now is jmt the fin est yet. Sell you whole hams or | sliced ham. The finest c.iuntry cured side to 1 slice just like you want it. It’s fine. Talk about Western Bacon. We have just the freshest, thickest, cheap est and best at all' times. Many other good tthings to eat. CLINE & MOOSE ' Phone 339 V. S. Phone 339. We deliver quick everywhere. <WOOOOQOCK)OOOOOeiRMMMMIOOOf(!*M^MMVv<t^KWWMWWKMKW« j : For the Groom 1 Who Must be jj j WellGrooiJt . wja 1! dressed—the best ninn j 11 S u° U !j t^le father who gives his daughter away J 1 ] ; shouldn t give away the secret that he is hard pressed or 2 i i dry cleaned. O ! If you are married, single, or if it is a matter of hours— S ; see this wonderfully attractive stock that promises evexy- 5 thing that a man can ask—no matter on what street the X ! rice is going to be thrown! HOOVER’S, Inc. I THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE i ! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxxsoxwooooooooooooot Conkey’sPoukryFeed IConkey’s Buttermilk Starting Feed, Growing Mash, Lay- a ing Mash and Scratch Feed For More Eggs and Chickens Use Conkey’s Poultry Feeds Ask For a Conkey’s Poultry Book Fresh Shipments of Alt Kinds of Feed Arriving Weekly RICHMOND - FLOWE CO. ; aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOonooaogv^qoo . ■ (. j , ) .1 life.felifehlTT!riA'Mmf-W-|.,H-1 ikfciJa That Are Chic and Charm- Worn with the new Summer IS I NO--"*&■- (ft ' * ''ntT Gowns this one-strap pump will ’ you as a woman style and a wonderful collection of others may be seen at otir VW y Wf-W « V| v store. They are made of soft pll -1 1 / Ml’ 7 »ble white kid and the price is so IVLf I O $5“60 to SB.OO I I ANNOUNCEMENT cdRL MOTOR COMPANY | announces that they have accepted the local agency for 9 Willys-Knight-Overland j A full line of parts on these cars will be carried at all O times. fi 27-31 W. Depot St Phone 630 | 800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000? Hot Water - I This gas hpt water heater ■BP f f is surely a friend in need and REf | a friend indeld of every cook I match and in a few minutes if } steaming hot water will run || flul Bno from the faucet—enough foi the dishes, for a bath, etc. «A V.Cfta; . Let us one Jor you. Olßcv and Show Rrmm 39 E. Corbin St. Office Phmje 334 W Saturday, June 5, 1926

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