Monday, June 7, 1926 If a motor cop estops you for speeding, tall him a liar and a blackmailer. He probably will tfke yottr word for it tiiul let you off. ' WANTS EVERY ONE TO KNOW ABOUT IT Fullered From St pitch Trouble and 'niiwl’oa; HERB JEICE Gave Relief After She Had Lost Fifteen Pounds. "I am most pleased font it ,wns my good fortune to learn of HERB JUICE in time to save me from fur ther suffering. I never knew what it was to have a well day on account ot constant pains which I suffered as a result of stomach trouble and indi , i4 'estion. Such would be my condi tion today if it were not for HERB JUICE, said Mrs, Lucy Xichols of 40C East Sixth -Street. Charlotte, X. •C., in a tecent interview with the HERB JUICE demonstrator.. MRS. LUCY NICHOLAS ‘Tn my opinion. HERB JUICE is the greatest medicine on the market today, and I am eager for all to know wliat a truly wonderful cure it is for stomach trouble, constipation and in ,digestion. I could not eat anything, tn fact, not enough to give me strength io stay up and do my work. Every tiiug I ate disagreed with me and gas would form on my stomach, which made ne feel ns if I was suffocating. My livff was sluggish and I felt tired and worn out all the time. I could not sletp well at nights and woo'd 1 awake ivory morning with a terrible headache My whole system was oul of ordei, for I needed n thorough cleanser and regulator. In HERB JUICE I found what I was looking Sr. I tn\f jgnined eight |M>unds since king tie herbal remedy." For sale, by Gibson Drug Store. Our policy is one of candor and respectful ser vice. Fairness is a requi site where need is to be served with dignity and :onsideration. And we are properly equipped to conduct a ceremony of perfect appointment. Wilkinson’s Funer - al Home 1,, PHONE 9 Open Day and Night AMBULANCE SERVICE V C POURING « i 3 HEALTH FROM ' R A BOTTLE 3 ■ Serve Pasteurized W Ej milk freely. Through m 3 the centuries milk £ I ■ has proven itself to ■ L be the easily digest- 3 M ed, economical food. ' R « You should drink K JB more pure milk. a. yj Phone —tell us where C Wfr- Thaws Together Again w j mk ~ %v- Harry K. Thaw and Evelyn Nesbit met in Atlantic City, giv ing rise to reports that they would be remarried. At the reunion was Russell Thaw, Evelyn’s son, and denial was made that he left a Chicago hotel without paying his bilL Now Is The Time to Exter minate Flies, Aants and All Other Insects BY USINC CENOL Sold and Guaranteed by Gibson Drug Store (Agents) Country Cured Meats HAMS SIDES SHOULDERS We always bly all the well cured, nicely trimmed country Cured meats that comes on tie market. The lot we have now is just the fin est yet. Sell you whole bams or sliced ham. The finest country Cured side to slice just like you want it. It's fine. Talk about Western Bacon. We have just the freshest, thickest, cheap est and best at all times. Many other good tthings to eat. CLINE & MOOSE Phone 339 V. S. Phone 339. We deliver quick everywhere. FEEDS THAT’S OUR BUSINESS— to sell, the Best Feeds for the Least Money. If you want to buy the Best for the money try. our Spartan line of Starting Mash, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Scratch Feed and Spartan Dairy Feed. Just Call Us. We Deliver Cabarrus Cash Grocery Co. PHONE 571 I——i W. J. HETHCOX g,A. MODERN SAMI’ELPEPYS DIARY FOR CLASS RECORD Diary Written by Miss Blanche Stewart Gives Four Year History of High School Graduates. At their class day exercises, held during commencement, members of the gsaduating class of the high sehio! heard with-interest the following “I>i nry of n Modern Samuel I’epys” writ- f ten by Miss Blanche Stewart and glv-! ing a history of the class during the past four years: September 27, 1922 Saw a very interesting tamg today of which I shall relate. Up early and strolled to a huge, rambling, red brick building. There to observe some classes of learning which were quar tered there. Most interesting was a class of freshmen girls who rightly belonged at the high school. They be ing forced to remain there by circum stances. The circumstances being a small high school building and a mas terful school board. There I found some quaint little girls, many having shed their crowns of glory to keep up with Dame Fash ion. Found a few somewhat peculiar, they having the back of their hair shingled as is a boy’s. After this as tonishing sight I found some consola tion. Long skirts of ankle length de murely covering each knee. Very modest indeed. Inspected the Domestic iScience kitchen. Saw a girl emerging from the pantry with hands full of crack ers and cheeks bulging. Upon inves tigation found a cracker box ravaged of its contents. Much to be heard about organiza tion of young Amazons called "Girls’ Athletic Association.” In my day the girl developed her muscles by wielding a broom stick. But now I hear much of a quaiut game called basketball, wherein twelve young ladies rush wildly trying to pitch a ball into a net called a basket (fail to see the connection). The net prompt ly permits it to fall to' the floor. Sometimes the girls roll over each oth er and the ball. Very astonishing. November 1, 1922. Hied myself to the High School. There to observe the boys, I having | seen the girls of ’2O. Heard tales of i paddlings administered the Freshmen boys by upper classes. Me thinks! they should restrain their joy. One j boy was tied in an ancient cemetery. | he being forced to miss classes. Not | to his regret, however. A very strange welcome to the newcomers. December 2. 1923—Sophomore Year. I having nothing to do cranked up my automobile which is vulgarly known as a Ford, and motored to the high school to observe progress made by the class of ’2O. Was not greatly impressed by looks of the institution. In the grimy auditorium found cu rio cases built in the wall which con tained some forlorn stuffed birds, a harmless old musket, also a great deal of dust. Could see no use of the j above things but learned later. The weni>ons are used by some of the young gentlemen in duel practice. Next noticed the arrangement for seating. There being two hundred chairs whicii sometimes folded up in a curious manner to the discomfort of the occupants. In irregular rowi as if struck by a windstorm. Many in a sadly dilapidated condition. These I; heard were used to seat two hundred and twenty-five students. Saw a class huddled at rear of au ditorium imperfectly ehielded by two movable blackboards. A head or, two always found to be peeping around them to obeerve the passerby. Some enterprising person painted | brown the lower pones of the glasses in the dobr. Some still more enter- THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE H Investment in 1 jfelfl' ij 1.2 is Made Safe by . ■ ! of Lake Lure, saw this 1 J W Earl E. Draper, of Char great mountain lake twenty ~ lotte, selected as the land- r years before Its creation. scape engineer of Lake * Dr. Morse came to Ashe- Lure, created the compre ville broken in health re- hensive general plan tar ’- 'm gained It. bought Chimney the utilization, beautifica tourists. established Cliff * JJ, Sound financing of a $6,000,000 program h je-site development 111 Dwellers' Inn, brought 195 C7 T * ' * a around Lake Lure, already lew separate tracts of land into t # . - - proved practical in the one holding of 8.5Q0 acres, L* Til on U man creation of Lurempnt sec formed Chimney Rock L/* - r-n Mts.. Inc., and outlined the y ness Center. great recreational program *lkT , / • o f I**. L u r e c . Non-duphcatable advantages HP^RS ■ i " ? r V v.l/B rV HE vision of one man, the driving force of his / ’ yJSjMpf R associates and the genius of Renowned engi- M ML&J JO neering talent are putting Lake Lure over as ~ a resort qf national size. They are directing a purchase of 8.500 J A $6,000,000 program already well along. The J acre, and coat or de- public has declared its confidence in these E ®" | w men by taking $3,500,000 of the company’s securities. This be- u. 500.000 fii.’ .l *4 ■ i fore an acre of its land was ever offered for sale. fi i«kaLM«g*m aw* J LAKE LURE’S SOUND ADVANTAGES CANNOT BE B Byd ’ STILES , 0 MATCHED ELSEWHERE H l c h w a » zradlns. Wayne B. Stiles, of Stiles DAKinn 1- Substantial Financing — not by sale of property, but hard - paring and and Van Kleek of Boston. • L by subscriptions of money for buying the land, building the creators o* some *of the l dam, clearing the lake basin, buying of the Chimney Rock Hoteia and other finest courses in this coun- , tlo G mi°r B fle^re R m a the a real scenic properties, making of highways and bridges, and erec- '•“"“ I PMadena S^'pet? estate world is vice presl- tion of community buildings and hotels. All done by sale of purchase of chimney ersburg Fla*! of St Which ! dent tn charge of real securities before offering any of the real estate. Rock, nccnic hlsb- Walter Hagen Is president estate sales. Os unestl- o Tnteirritv of Officers The directors and officers are '. va,, • cll ? f IJweller#’ and a course which has mable value to Lake Lure . . . tncegnty 01 umcers— xne airectors ana onicers are Inn and , mpr , won the admiration of residents is his experience bankers, manufacturers and business leaders, all of highest menta. America's best players, in managing for the fa- repute. What they say they will do, is done. WOO.OOO Stiles is personally super- he"! r r ‘ASSS . , 3 :„ Location-In the right area, the popular country the ° b Heights Village just out of Asheville-Hendersonville-Chimney Rock triangle, on State The first is almost com- Cleveland, 0.. considered Highway, N. C. No. 20, mountains to seashore, already paved I Total pleted. tlal subu h r e bs fl "n S the e coun- most of its 400-mile length, soon to be completely paved. f New S Y U or h k Ck and d Tat’um 4 - Self-Contained—The Lake Lure Es- Brothers of Florida give 8 Days tate is so large—l 2Vz square miles, 8,500 Randel credit for some of *• acres, enveloping its own 1,500-acre lake, that it cannot be encroached ln e real estate^develo^men 6 ' 8 upon by undesirable neighbors. Lake Lure controls its own destiny. i « a m ol have fO th’ 5. Demand Greater than Supply—There are plenty of golf re advaotaye sorts, plenty of places in the mountains to enjoy fine hotels, or ride E*s mtr touri*stTn horses, but there is an absolute dearth of mountain-lake property of |B ® choice of best home sites on the shores of a beautiful scenic lake where ALL Bports montonLkk'i and diversions can be found. Just one night away from -70,000 people -jM Lure, at or- who crave these relaxations. Lake Lure can hardly furnish home sites - enough for all who will desire them. M track" up"' to This great resort so far along in the making is now an absorbing openini day. sight. Consult maps and descriptions in the nearest Lake Lure district tfc - s une office and arrange a trip to this pictureland via the Lake Lure Lines. 1 f Curtis A. Moos, of Mem -RLJvised the*construction evlved of^the up the corporate structure xj | to sea. Ith & ' P and the financing P laa work campaigns. 9 AM l ChuimeyßwtMfluntauis J MTij-h cmkJTW\*x*#'C. ♦ bAlkfi I Ju~“" ' VTTDT •*"'1111 lw ia*|f.• |j, \d[ E. A. Bnrnhart Sidney A. Gayle O. E. Hedge A. J. Coleman John Dohee ■>■l■« I . District Manager District Manager District Manuger District Manage District Manager njVI Phono 3252 Phone J 650 Phone 28 Phone 5101-5105 Phone 6046 . msi r Walter Hotel Qullford Hotel Bldg. SOS N. Main St. Johnston Bldg.. 48 Harwood * St. ‘ Raleigh. N. C. Greensboro. N. C. Hendersonville. N. C Charlotte. N. C. Asheville. N. C. prising student has rubbed the paint away in spite. Ofter a fishy eye ap pears. winks and disappears like the disembodied eye of a spirit. At their recess time found amuse ments of boys to be an odd gome call ed "Peggy.’ For the girls promenad ing the sidewalk and chewing candy. A literary association liqs been or ganized to help the public library and incidentally to give the students an excuse for a few parties. A very important addition to the school is that of music. Upon learn ing a medley of noises I investigated. Finding what is called an orchestra in | the process of practicing. An orclies -1 tra is a collection of fiddles of differ ent kinds and noises, some horns of I divers shapes and sizes, and u piano. ) All making an alarming sound. After | a short time they began observing i of the laws of harmony. On the whole I found an orchestra to be pleasing. Mistress Smith, Mistress Elliott, and master Brown Goodman added their voices lustily to an operetta be ing practiced. '26 made an attempt at journalism. A brave success. Bringing to light two budding young poets: Master Armfield and Master Yow. Mistress MacFadyen won a reward for a thrift essay. March 15, 1925 Tliis being the junior yenr of ’26. Another year has rolled around. ! Found '26 installed in a new build ing. The greater ]>art of the original class being juniors at present. YVas quite lucky to have selected this day for my visit. They having a great revival of school spirit. TNro teams each trying to surpass the oth er in school spirit, lessons, and noise at athletic exhibitions. Am told this movement originated in the class where bugs and grasshoppers are dis sected. Failed to see the connection. Great excitement prevailing. Chal lenges made by leaders caused great outbursts of feeling emphasized by j showers of cigarettes, chewing gum and compacts. Good movement If ocn j tinued. Found the science class to be dis secting a crawfish. The casualties br ing fifteen dead crawfish, and three iiu&fcj?if- ■ • ii&A'i&j&x WyWm these features than the jjj—. The n * ain flow contains a good-sized living room, bed room t-.‘ ~~ '-X 7 .. -J: i-Ni ** kitchen, bath and service-hall. In the basement there is ample r,K,m for fuel and storage. The exterior is handled in • yititskstt >J. a ,>le * ! * ln * ma,l,,er The front poreli with turned wood eol- S-allSasHEKa* 111 ** >unns is a feature of the house and complete the design, which is suitabgle for city or suburb. F. C. NIBLOCK ” ■ ■ ■■ ■' 1 - " 1 "■ .wG young ladies overcome. March 27, 1925 Baseball team making good, having defeated Charlotte last evening. April 17 1925 This being the night of the Junior- Senior reception, I dpi them the honor of ndding my presence to the throng. Alas how often in the midst of reVelry stalks melancholy! The little fishes in the miniature lake ex pired one by one. October 29, 1925—Last Page in My Diary- Found ’26 to be busy establishing traditions for the classes to come. A picnic, a football banquet and the in auguration of Caps and Gowns to give an academic atmosphere. February 20. 1920 Hark! Music floats upon the air. A fifty piece orchestra is in full swing. *And a band too. '26 is com- j posed of learned sages and talented' people. They now pursue the gentle art of music adding them to their academic laurels. May 17, 1920 Went down to woodland near the high school last Friday evening. Found a scene of great teauty and chivalry there. Fair ladies and gal lant gentlemen. Dancing nymphs held sway. People regaling themsel ves in a concoction, called punch. Brave showing made by the Juniors. Seniors feel quite honored by the eventi May 90. 1998 Found the high school drape# in sackcloth and ashes. Professor Hin ton McLeod, their esteemed principal, is leaving. He will no longer guide the school upon the stormy seas of education. Troubles never come sin gly. Our genial music master de parts. No more will we look into his J geQial presence. Teaching without the present seniors is an empty pro '» 1"' "' ‘ J Great rejoicing over victory won in Greensboro by the fifty piece orches tra. Much credit due to the music master. May 99, 1998. Attended some pjay acting this . night. Found in ’26 such budding geniuses that Miss Piekford and Mr. Barrymore must look to their laurels. So the Seniors add acting to their lit erary and musical talents. May 27. 1998 This eve ’26 will receive hard-earn ed sheepskins. Thus the last page! of this diary of ’26 is written. | “Tomorrow to fresh fields and pas tures new." BLANCHE BTEWART. Governor McLean to Help Dedicate Island Causeway. Wilmington, June 4- —A letter was received here today from Gov ernor A. W. McLean, advising that ha will accept the invitation to be the , '' A , ... i PAGE THREE fcuest of Wilmington Thursday," ' June 10, at which time the causeway • connecting the mainland at Wrights- ’ ville Bound with Harbor Island, j Wrighteville Beach, will be formally i dedicated. This will be the extreme eastern link in N or th Carolina's magnificent highway number twenty, from the • mountains to the ocean. It is expected that Frank Page, chairman of the state highway com mission, nnd General A. L. Bowley, ■ of Port Bragg, will also attend, as : j will Senators Overman and Simmons land Congressmen Lyon and Aber-.!. • nethy if their duties permit. The causeway is now completed' with the tarviating having been finished today. i tag The good work of Willie Hadtitoy M ■ the youthful pitcher of the Waco Texas League team, is Mid to Ip ; attracting the attention of major league acouta

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