Mf*4fy r Jww 7,4026 Batty Mm Letter By H. R. KNICKERBOCKER International Naws Sctjviee «Wf Moscow, w mous old city of the Ukraine named | for Catherine the Great, !* the latest Soylet c'ty to fair victim to the post-’ revolutionary habit of reehrmtening cvtfy spot .which boars a name remin iscent of tile old regime. Ekaterino slav’s new name is I’etrovsky on -the DatfpV. In honor of the secretary of the Ukraining Cantral Executive Committee, .-Petrovsky. Ajßeginning with Petrogral, moye than 100 im{>ortant cities of Russia have been rennmed since 1018. Len ingrad proved the most difficult name into popular use, ip spite of the fact; that Lenine Was the most popular of all 'the Bolshevik leaders. A Current; wise crack here now is to remark' "t®hen Peter the Great built Lenin grad !” Only by enforcing a poat of fice order that no letter would be' delivered addressed to Petrograd, was it possible finally to make the new name stick. Nearly every dead or living Bolshe vik leader is now more or less imuior talixed by having his name in the list of postoffiees. The big Bolshevik names adorn the big cities, or prov inces, upd the medium-sized ones and small towns, while still more obscure figures! have to be content with tboir names on street signs. Lenin naturally, leads the field. There is not only Leningrad, the city. But Leningrad province. The city of Hiiqbirsk and the province of Simbirsk were renamed respectively I’lianov and-Ulianov province, after Lenin's real name, Vladimir Ilyiteh Ulianov. Two towns, Prish'.b and Taldom. took the name of Leninsk knd Alexapdro pdl was rechristenen Lenin Kan. Trotxky. unfortunately, suffered po litical disfavor, and hud to put up with a smiijl suburb of Leningrad. Katciiina. Where the Amundsen di rigible sojourned awhile, and which was renamed "Trotzk. Stalin, all-powerful general secre tary of the. Communist Party, drew a prize -in tiie shape Os the imixtrtant c'fy of Tzaritsin, renamed Stalingrad. VSo far has the amnia gone" for (■•hanging names, tlia.t not even the policemen and droshky 1 drivers can tell a ranger where to go in Moscow or if the address desired is in the new terinihology. To make it the more confusing, the city authorities frequently change the name '.of a street,' and then leave the old sign up. The official name of the Nevski/ Pros pect" In Leningrad is "The Pnospeel. of the Twenty-fifth of October." Bui the signs still read “Nevski Prospect" and nobody ever calls It anything else. Cranford, Sweat and Others to Be ~' ■ Tried Next Stanly News-Herald. A special term of Superior Court wifi open here Monday,* June iffth. with Judge Webb, presiding. This term of Jlnperior .Court promises/, to be one’ of state wide interest due. to several big murder eases which will be tried at this tjme. Theodore Gray. Carl Sweat, ami Mack Lawrence,.will be tried' upbii tho ehurge of murder in connection with the "Dad” Watkins crime. John Gray was tried upon this same charge during the April term of Su perior Court and found guilty and was sentenced to die in the electric' chair at Ualeigh. ... , * The fuiiMiUri N’. C. Cranford ease 1 wul be tried during this term of> court. N. C. Cranford is the Stanly ehuiu bang hoax who is charged with brutgUy murdering convicts -and in-, Dieting inhuman treatment upon othefd. This will doubtless create Bue interest than any other one He; .the eaijc- has -been continued several times ’ a tin Cranford is mak ing a strong sighs for acquittal. He has surrounded himself w-jth prob ably one of the most eminent ar rays of counsel that has ever appear-' ed in a Stanly county court. A sign over a garage in a small western town reads: “Use genuine parts. No substitucs are as good. Ask the man with a wqoden lejg. He; knows." ■* ■ " Every year less and less attention M paid by politiciaus and candidates to thf pedestrian vote. am".*.'. v- I■' ■ ■ 'Ta-.±„J ===== L I. — , 1 ■■■■ »' w.i , . Jb). t ... I, .... POLLY AND HER PALS A MERE .DETAIL OF DE LCIA 4 teLi.32»yr\ k&m fcuvV ~ 4U\. S te-ATsami! , J ILL HTCH A -X/A SHAW-t) ['JtiQjt&lUjV V■* . ■*. V(Du AI.SJT 60T / IT OH> THfc IMC7ATIOfO\ - ■ ...■ •> . i mu .'. .i, I v— —*-3 i Dinner Stones \ ■ yr-- • To speeding motorist Wbo just 1 splashed mud on him: ' "Hey, who the Sam 'Hill do you think yoiii aye?" "Oliver Twist. Why?" "Way, I’m Oliver Mud.” A Uttar. I Murphy k»d Just been presented ' with tripiets and was so e'. a tied over,' the event that he called ip every- j. body to see them. A piling the visitors, was Hogan. V ..." I ? “An’ wliat do ye think/o’ that,?" demanded jp;btid father, pointing to his row of , . "Well," WepUed Hogan judicially. ■ looking JJw bgWhs pver carefully and pointing jb an especially healthy specimen, "I’d be kcepin’ that one.” Schoolmaster—What uses does Wbol serve? -A Boy—? ? ? ? ? Schoolmaster—Now listen : what are your clothes made of? spy—Father’s old ’wus, sjf. I'nssenger (formerly a telephone girl)—Porter; why didn’t you call me as I told you? Sleeping Car Porter—Ah, -did, Indy, Ah sho’ did. Ah sade. “Seven-tfiirtv, ma’am,” and you sade “Line’s busy." Etyfh school student —Do you think that. Greek has much value in modern education? , OipJthfer <)ii»—Certainly, the Greek > alphabet enables a .fellow to kiiow What •firnt he belongs tb. Lady—Why have they let all the monkeys out of their cages? Zoo -Attendant —Holiday, mum. This is Darxvin’s birthday. Lovesick dentist (pulling patient's teeth) —:She loves me, she loves me not! "Any pgrt of the eify for 30 cents,” yelled the taxi driver. “You can't’ string me again,” re torted Silas, I bought,the city hall last week nnd they wouldn’t give it to me.” Professor—Young man. name a great universal time saver. Lovesick Youth—Love at first sight. Dreamed About Hanging; Tried It >. It In His Sleep. (By International News Service) London, J,ttue 4.—AWsamuzlng case of sleCp-jcaikiug is wejmrted from llntisboßii, llftvariii, where a young man, after Uretuning that he had, hanged himself/.,. /unsuccessfully 'at tempted to haiffchiMself while asleep. His mother iAVtfkeiied j)«p in time to cut her son doWB, tiftfe young man, who ordinarily" is bright and cliscrfuj, recalled his dream vaguely,' bHt declared that lie hud no idea that lie... was trying to carry it out. j • Huxli-o tjity has no Women's clubs. ■-» ■ 1 , ILI-JU 1 . —— —'—Li!—L!LLJ.......... ■ Lgg - - ~ .r ~ By Thornton FtsDei /& /wtt /Jtße’t, LovaAiatnn-*'"' ' tr~”\ wurtta R» ( ivj wis, Pcow-1 4 Wwoour Bor.rt\ tu3ct!v S»T XTHoete aa-otW s MME WWW MBS • ■ UowtseCmt, «-o*M igmtjpViimf , -( \ / , e. ... WfzWi" ~ U-j,.iLi!ife. 1 ■■■ ■j — - .'.L-jliul;, • I T urntjuufs siteeze* . _ ! “ ilE-ao T y NOTHIN?3 in upCki ff iwo NOTHIN’ "I V tuart umtah^r^ >— e f HIS 7RRB6 < (fi)VV, MAY IfWAP/ X&rnj DID Jl i SifWl HALF THfVr LENGTH OF TtMt.S ----- ■ ■ •• •-' ~ '■ .'1..LJ.11-.JJl'sw. .... II I_ IJI Mini II “||l .IT” i'l" 'i '■ ''' AsATK THE j • Mpnree. Jnne'S tT r(^)—Union cum-' ty fmwrnys are harvesting fife cvpp of hay in years, according tol County A*OK Jt'sJ., W. ,Hz*»|n. The J harps of the, county are being filled wfth .Uay of Jthe fintst quality made j from- barley, oats and vetch. I A large number of .farmers are I saving- barley seed, ahd 'sft. Broom expects a heavy demand for both bar ley and verth seed this fall. G. S. 1 Lae cat 32 acres of the combination h*y crop and states that barley, | yetch and oats combine into gn uu byatable bay crop for a cotton eoun p.' - Ualeigh, June 3.— -OP) —Reports from home demonstration agents in 34 counties show that women of North Carolina have reserved places for (he short course for farm moth ers to •hie held-at. State College during the week of June 14th to 10th, Mrs. Jane 'S. Mf-Kimmon, In charge ofiiome demonstration work for the extension flivision, said today. The sliort course will be n part of the summer school activities and is the second to be held in JNorth Cgro INDOOR SPORTS ' ) i mtiCOßb MILY TRIBUNb i -1 i*' , lina. ' r 3i I Last saw siyty women from t.wen- t jty edhblles attended lhe nhst short - course and |n spite qf the diffieul- 4 ties of get king away from home at. > this season, their Tetters of appre- ? [efation indicated that they consul-'.’ eretl the time well spent, Mrs. Me- I Kimmon declared. Scotland Neclt, N\ C., June 7- : fd*)—lrish potatoes grown in Huli-' fax county will be carefully dug, properly graded, gild sold under one brand for the eouuty, reports County Agent C„ E. Littlejoin. Five thousand stamped barrel tops lure been ordered «o-operatively apcl 8(1 the potatoes xvijl bgar t|ie brand , stamped on this top, says flue county. , agent. The growing of Irish' potatoes is a -new project for Halifax county 1 and the farmetw wish to establish a reputation for high grade, goods in their first shipments. A solid car of spring lamps was recently sold from the county and brought Id 1-2 cents per pound straight through. Wilkrsboro, <N. C., June .7. —(>PV to the usual belief, alfal fa oan Htuud a lot of dry weather, ' declares County (Vgcnt A. G. Ueud fCBT -—• ' , reo. He bases his statement upon he j ' experience of L. Bttpgardner. of Wilkcsboro. who planted a Wo-aere ] in the fall of 1024. j< 1. Mr. Buiiga'rdner .got one cutting last spring, but the dry w eat l"' r pi’e- 1 Vented be crop from milking further growth. It lived through the dry Weather, however, anfl grew off nice ly this spring. Mr. umgnrdnor cut it when about; 3f) inches high and se- Cqrcd nearly five tops of dry hgy. Mhn.v people, from the oouqty visited the field to see the ’hay dnriirg the darly spring, the county agent re iparts- Edenton, N C,. June 7. —Of)—A car of fat hogs will lose about 400 pounds in weigh between Edenton | and Richmond. Cotinty Agent N. K. I Rowell, of Chowan county, has found. Mr. Rowell recently sold a ear for . A- M. Forelumd. of Center Hill, The agent accompanied the car to Rich mond, arriving shortly before the freight came in. When the anima’s j were weighed in, they checked up about 400 pound short. Mr. Rowell Inspected the scales and found them correct, so he kept the animals off the market for a clay, fed and water ed them well, and gained back 323 popuds of the lose. I 0 Tile hags brought 14 cents per j i iwund for the large animal*' and 151 V cents for the small ones. ] Newspaper Qf 128 Years Ago Had Its Crime News. Indianapolis, June s.—W> trig;- j nal copies of the Greenfield Gazette, : printed in Greenfield, Mass., one him- i fill'd and twenty-eight years ago, are j in possession of Wallace Crugcr of this city- Yellowed with time, but In a re- ( markable state of preservation, each l>age is legible. The newspaper ; ad- . vertised in each issue that it was "an impartial register of the times,” and was published every Monday. | A perusal showed that the early ! Americans were as much interested ( in crime news, the church question, i national congress alid in foreign ; activities as they are today. All foreign news, printed under one heading. NVws in the various states 1 also was given prominence. i! Inquisitive Son—Father, what is ] [ the unluckiest month ill the year to i 1 1 get married in? i M Father—l don't know, my boy. Ev ' crybody has to find that out for him- ! i self —just as I did. DOoaoooooooooQooooooooaoooooßaaoQaoooooQOQOooooQO 1 I STATE AUTOMOBILE T LICENSE PLATES 11 I I Through courtesy of the Carolina Motor Club, we are able to offer to automobile owners in Concord and vicin- j I ity the new !, 1926 Automobile License Plates f | We are d®feig tins as a convenience for our citizens, ; and make lya tharge for our services. j i v See MR. McBRIDE at Ireid MOTOR CO. ' [ Concord’s FORD Dealer Phone 220 . OOOOOOOQQOOOOOQOQOQQQOQQGOQftOQOOOQOQOQQQQQOQQQQOC |ii LEONARD CLEANABLE 1 REFRIGERATORS 1 Stand for highest efficiency in retaining the purity of Jg| foods and preserving their freshness. By actual test it jj has been found that its system of refrigeration maintains 8 a lower temperature than any other and the system of- i . circulation keeps the air always dry and sweet. The improved draining system will not clog and the I j remarkably small quantity of ice consumed-, makes the * [ price lower than they first seem. A good refrigerator in itself means a big saving—sav-- t ing in ice—a saving in saving in health. ~> T i:i The amount of food and ice wasted by a poor refriger ator will pay for a good one in two seasons. Our refriger- 1 ators are efficient.* Why not have the best? Come in and low them over before making your purchase. BELL-H ARRIS FURNITURE CO. ooooooooooooooooocooooocooocxxxxoMoooooooaooaoooQ ■■■■■ ' * WOOOOOQOOQQOe>OQoeooooQOaooOCQOOOOOOOC.^OOOOOOoo» I GET YOUR | GASOLINE 1 25c Per Gallon! 5 ** l STANDARD or SINCLAIR ■ • j; • ; j; FROM Yorke & Wadsworth Co l CHURCH STREET STORE tiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor ooooooooooooooooooooooo9ooooooooooopooocx>oococxj(.yi I YOU CAN SAVE SI.OO, $2.00 to $3.00 per pah- an your Shoesat OUR CLOSING OUT SALE Children’s UP Ladies’ QQ UP ■ Men ’ S $1.95 UP Nothing Over HARKSON SHOE STORE] uooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoixwooooooooooooOlb : | i PAGE SEVEN

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