PAGE SIX I I chlldr^^-^—J/ Their Health IsWorth It pH* Is it worth while to risk your children's health and your jgjgf own by taking chances with iced water? Besides its food preserving and ice saving features, this Automatic has '4S- built-in water cooler providing chilled water untouched. Costs More to be Without One It. really costs more to be without this Automatic than it does to buy it. Think what you will save by practically cutting your ice bills in two and never having any spoiled food to throw away 1 Poor refrigeration is too expensive tt> put up with. Let Us Show You This Wonderful Refrigerator Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE ipqpoooooooooocxxwoooooooaoooqoonoooooooooooooool ICE ICE 1 Let’s Go —START TODAY a regulty order. jj The Price is Right—the Service is Right. 9 Buy coupon books and save 10 Per Cent. *"v -<lce delivered on coupon cost 54 cents per 100. \ 11 On; coupon in 50 lb. lots at ICE PLANT, 44 cents per !{ 100 pounds. j lots,. *****-£er 1 300" lb. lots at Ice Plant 33 1-3 cents per 100 pounds. | “ Please pay driver and see that you receive quantity you pay ipr. w B POUNDS PHONE 244 ’ ( PHONE 344 j sGCCOaOQOOOOQ€X>oc&yacMzaaamfsc>&!fßßßß^^ - MRS. HOUSEWIFE!— m■ y I f- H Why worry about what you are going to have to rook? Why ' phone several storm and scatter your orders? We solicit your pat- J rename and cair fill almost any kind of an order you send us. We carry a complete and up-todate line. Staple and Fancy Gro- 1 ceries. Fresh Meats, Poultry. Eggs. Fresh Countryl Butter, nil kinds J of fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Our Store is equipped with modern ts and up-to-date fixtures, is clean and Sanitary and our service is at ’j your command. We carry charge accounts for you if your rating is • good and deliver promptly anywhere in the city. H Call utv— using Phone No. 68, or better still, call in person. jil C. H. BARRIER & CO. ae : ; Protect Your Property 1 and Your Money ( YOUR home, when'painted with Marietta Houae Paints, is pnctL W oJ'T pwranteed against the ravages of iS’T J fl | M *«*l weather by the Marietta Service PRORARm Certificate. No other paint manufao tUrlbCTjfCrS 700 * Utb * eemHCat *' - jn * on /i ” __ *T-*-aF Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time of the closing of mails at i the Concord post office is as follows: ' Northbound , 136—41:00 P. M. 36**-10.00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 3&- 8:30 P. M. 80—11:00 P. M. Southbound 39 — 9:30 A. 11. 45 slaO P. M. 135- 8:00 I’. M. 29—U :00 t». M. pLOCAL MENTION | Three cases of whooping cough f were leperted to the office of Dr. S. E. Buelmnan yesterday. T'.te “V" eastern tour will leave Concord promptly at 6 o'clock Sat urday Anorning. Birth announcements beautifully; printed at The Times-Tribrnie Job Office: Call 922. The weekly meeting of file Con cord Rotary Club will be held nt the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at 12:30. | Thirty-five boys returned last night' from the “Our Gang” camp at Nor-1 villc Crags. They report a tine [ time. Layton Black was taken to his! home in Concord today after having been a patient at Dr. Mntthewson’s eve. ear. nose and throat hospital in Charlotte since Sunday. Police officers this morning report ed that $255.15 was collected in fines I and costs in recorder's court Monday. | More than a dozen defendants were! tried and fined by the court for a variety of law violations. Dr. S. E. Buchanan, county health officer, today is inspecting all food handlers for the new hotel which will be opened Thursday. The plumbing in the building was inspected and accepted by -city officials Monday. Rev. and Mrs. M. R, Gibson and son. Ralph, arc spending the day in Charlotte. While there Mrs. Gibson attended a meeting of the executive i committee of the Presbyterial which embraces Concord. Are you ready for the great social function of the season, the opening of the new hotel Thursday night? Fisher's have everything arranged for you. evening dresses, dance frocks 'n everything. See ad. * Prof, and Mrs.’ A. S. Webb are spending several days in Raleigh, where their son. Halbert, is a mem ber of the graduating class at State College. Mr. Webb is a graduate in the textile school of t'.ie college. Copy and cuts for the 1926 Cabar rus Fnir catalogue are being gathered now preparatory to printing the book in the near future. The premium lists are being revised for this year's fair, the catalogue to be printed ns soon as the lists are completed. Tiie steps in the sidewalk at the driveway to the home of E. C. Bern hardt have been removed by the ’pity. Instead of, the steps a gradual sh>l>c has been given to the sidewalk, the wnriftßlWtTgNflWtr (Tone’-nusbir the su-j pervision or City Engineer Smith. A good many reservations have) been received by the Chamber of Commerce for living quarters during the State Building and I.oan League meeting June 22, 23 and 24. All indications point to a large attend ance. Ten boys, the last contingent, left the Y. M. C.'A. this morning at 9 o'clock for the “Our Gang'.’ camp *t Norville Crags. They will return Thursday when* the camp breaks up instead of Friday as was previously reported. Fair ami wanner weather was Con-j cord's portion Monday. Rising lem-1 perntiires brought back signs of sum mer although a rather brisk wind during the night kept the city from suffering *from the heat. Rising tem peratures are predicted for today. A new traffic sign is being erected at the square now. The sign will be suspended and will replace the "■ie that formerly stood on the con refc base, city officials having re cntl.v decided to do away with the concrete which took up much apace. It is reported that the Cannon Man ufacturing Co. in Concord hag or dered garbage cans for the homes of its employes in the city. This 4s 'he second mill here to take such ac tion, every home in the Cabarrits Mill village having been equipped with the cans recently. Beginning tomorrow morning North Church street between Ix>an and Marsh streets, will be closed to traf fic. Holes in the street in the rear of the Concord Hospital are to be repaired the work making H neces sary to close that part of the street. Detour signs will be placed bn the street to direct traffic. - At the State College this week *l*® degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Was conferred «n Paul Leroy Welch; that of Bachelor of Science in Business Administra tion on David Oscar Price; that of Bachelor of Science in Textile Cliem- and Dyeing on Richard Halbert Webb; all of Concord. Register of Deeds Eliott reports that from December 7. 1825, to done 7. 1926, he issued 162 licenses to wed Os the total 118 were to white couples and 44 to colored couples. ..During ber 7, 1925, Mr. Eili<*tuJ!u*d Ur, licenses, the figures showing an in crease of 17. ’ * John A., Blackwelder is attending the Grand Lodge meeting of Knights of Pythias inr Goldsboro. A. F. Hart sell, member of the board of trustees of the Pythian Home in Clayton is there today Attending a board meet ing. He Will go to Goldsboro to pight. 14 >a reported that the PytU lians will to asked to meet in'Con , THE CONCORD DAIL Y TRIBUNE " TO TRY THREE ON '.V , MURDER C HARGE Alleged Slayers to Face Jury: Case Against Convict Bess May Watt. , Albemarle. June 7—A special term cf Superior Court, called by Governor McLean for the purpune of clearing i|p the ht.ny criminal dock.' et, convened here this morning with Judge James L. Webb, of / Shelby, presiding, and Solicitor Don Phillips, of Rockingham. prosecuting the docket A number of rather serious eases will be tried, among linn being the cases against Carl Sweat. Theodore Gray and Mack Lawrence, with having been imp bated in the murder of “Dad" Watkins oh the night of October 30 last. John Gray' was tried at a former term, was found guilty and sentenced to die in the electric chair in Raleigh last month. hut the death sentence has, been held up, [lending the hearing o 4 the case in the Supreme Court. '■'J Another cane which it was expects ipd would be heard, was the one against N. C. Cranford, former Stanly County chaingang boss, on , ! two charges of murder and n charge jof assault on a prisoner. HowevCry jit is now generally believed that this- I ease will not be tried at this term, i- The case against Carl Sweat and ! bthers has been set for Wednesday, i The time was taken up today with the charge of Judge Webb and tbe itrial of some minor criminal cases, j Solicitor Phillips this morning made ■'a motion asking that John Gray be j brought hack from Raleigh, where he is in the penitentiary to appear as a State’s witness in the ease against Sweat, Gray and 1 .awretire. The judge outilt- the necessary orders for the securing of Gray as a witness here Wednesday. A special deputy j will be sent to Raleigh for him. — YOUNG WOMAN FATALLY INJURED IN ACCIDENT Miss Dora Cheek Dies in Hospital Following Automobile Accident. Winston-Salem, June 7-—An au topsy, held today, to determine the muse of the death of Miss Dorn Cheek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Cheek, aged IS. of this city, who died in a local hospital Sunday night following an automobile accident in Yadkin county early that morning, revealed that the young woman died because of\n blood clot on the brain. Due to the nature of the discovery in the autopsy, an inquest, was not considered necessary. Three young men are .said to have been in the ac cident also, and their names are , given as William Parrish, Carl Coopcr.and Ernest Ilullard, of this city or Elkin, both addnssos having been given. They aVo went to the hospital but did not remain long as their injuries were not .serious. l*ar ties who saw the members of the joy riding expedition wtate that they were apparently under the influence of whiskey when they returned to the city and the only man who ha# talked stated that he was asleep on the rear seat of the Car when the wreck happened. Miss Ruby Wrenn. who was in jured in the same accident, is in a local hospital, but will recover. Wife Held Not the Better Half. In giving the opinion of the Su preme Court of Oregon. Judge Burn ett, in the case of CoimlU-.w. Pacific Rej sir tor. stated: j “For the defendant wife the mnr j riage involved in this suit is her I fourth. On Hie other hand, so far as j the record discloses, this is only the second for the plaintiff. It may be premised that in that respect they are not in pari delicto. Suffice it to say that after a brief courtship they mar ried in haste, and very soon thereaef ter the plaintiff had cause to repent at leisure. “He seems to have caught a tartar, and it is amply proven that on vari ous occasions she treated him with extreme cruelty, swearing at him. scratching at him, biting him, ami ap plying to him. in the presence of oth ers. opprobrious and obscene peifhets. ■ * * * The plaintiff himself seems not 1 to have been a refined and courteous gentleman. He may not even have been a diamond in the rough, but the proof sustains the charges he makes against his spouse. * * * “The testimony discloses that the defendant evinced by her conduct a \ W. O. W. NOTICE. Regular meeting of Elm Camp No. 16 W. O. W. Tuesday evening at 8:00 o’clock in the Pythian Lodge Room. Every member urged to be present. GEO. a GRABBER, C. C. B. C. LITAKER. Clerk. I il OUR PRIVATE CHAPEL AFFORDS PRIVACY, COMFORT The modern funeral chape] provides all the privacy and eoigfort of a pri vate residence plus every facility and service that the funeral director has at hand. Our mortuary is a beautiful and restful place that provide* our pa trons with a type and « iiracter of service unequalled. „ •AMBULANCE SERVICE Wm '■ *C® MAe y FUNERAL HOME i (disposition to get all the money P«s-| - tsible from the plaintiff, and that! when she should have accomplished < all >be could in that direction she in-'i jfeudd to discard him. It Is appat-' «£r that on her part the marriage was 1 a commercial advwpture. She does not j demand any affirmative relief. j f "The testimony does not disclose ■ Sn.v act of adultery on the part of j the plaintiff, or any other conduct coming w'thin any of the recognised, causes for divorce under our statute. Fcnnfr and Beane's Cotton Letter. |' New York. June 7.—Cotton open-) ed with a reactionary trend on good) ureal Inr over Sunday and improving j Crop reports. Decline was soon check-1 «d by forecast cf unsettled cooler weather northwest and trade buying to tit prices. Tbe weaatlier buying to iix prices. There was also some. profit taking by recent sellers the j weanter over Sunday wan very I favorable cvcept that temperatures! were to low in northern sections. 1 Tlie drought sections of the Atlantic appear to have receive:! enough rain ■ for temporary purposes. Some parts. of it had upwards of an inch and a | few stations received 1.50 to 3.36 Inches. Heaviest precipitation was a' coast and it will take weekly review of weather bureau to bring oat reports of the full effect of the mb'- Weather conditions!in western and central belt also ideal and re ports from those .sections * tell of rapid improvement. Sentiment nver agrs bearish but for some unexplain ed reason is not aggressive. FENNER AND It SANE. Think Governor Smith Will Be Can didate For Re-Election. New York. June 7. —Despite his frequent assertions that he did not wish- to run again. Gov. Smith will be a candidate for re-eloction, is the belief of Democratic lenders, the Now Y’ork times will say tomorrow. At the wedding of the governor's daughter nt Albiiiiy Saturday, Democratic lenders virtually were unanimous in feeling that the situa tion was ouch that the governor would have to run again, the paper TooooooooooooocxxxxKiooociooooooooooooooeso^eeccsas I ANNOUNCEMENT In keeping with our policy of furnishing only the.,best | ; for our patrons,-we have just a • ] ; NIZER ICE CREAM CABINET ! One of the Kelvinator Products Thfe sanitary feature in this Cabinet is that the ice !j cream can's are not exposed to brine or any chemical, in- ]![ suring-only the. purest ice cream to our customers. You are invited to come ip and inspect it. i GIBSdN DRUG STORE vioooooooooodobooooooooooooooooooooooocxjoooooooooo {kelvinator l Oldest and Most Reliable Electric Refrigerating Machine. ■ Forty-one Machines in Operation in Concord I ' Forty-One Boosters For Kelvinator Ask Us For Detailed Information r j J. Y. Pharr & Bros. I j| Phone 127 • Concord, N. C. KARNAK BEST OH MARKET SAYS CAROLINA FARMER “I Live Within a Few Miles Or I Was Born And All The People Know Me And Know How This Medicine Has Fixed Me Up," Declares Harrison. “I’ve often sen the lime during th<» past two year* when I would have given everything I pomenxed to be «b!e to enjoy the hearty meals that I do now, and that's just one of the things Karnak has done for me,” de clares T. S. Harrison, well known' farmer, of Route No. 2, Moore, B. • while in Spartanburg recently. . | ‘•Yes sir, Karnak helped me in so many ways I’ll tell anybody it> jthe | beat inedieine on the market,” ‘>gon- 1 tinues Mr. Harrison. “I suffered With a bad stomach for a long time.! Indigestion and a catarrhal condition of the stomach lust gave me all kinds ~ Cfika mAIL aa■■ . -'1 Democrat*? leader A press- ] ed complete confidence that the ernor would be re-elected if he ran. j Drunken Negro Stay* - White Youth j in Anson ; Wadeaboro, June 7;—ln a drunken ] trawl last Saturday afternoon, John ( I*. Rattliff, white, son of the Into 1 FYank Ratliff. was shot and fatally J wounded by Sam Ritter, colored. , Ratliff died, in a few minutes. Rit- i ter made his escape and has not been. | [captured, it was learned here today. , The affair occurred at the home of 1 [J. Leslie Bayfield in Gulledge town- I **riie men liad’ been engaged .in drinking for several hours, and Ray field. Rattliff and Ritter were all drunk, itls said j ' CARD OF THANKS. i I desire in this manner to express m.v sincere fliangs to all who were so kind to me at the ,time of the sick ness and death of my husband. I ' shall never forget their kindness. MRS. LIZZIE MAXWELL. CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline It Moose) Figures, named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs - .30 Corn sl-10 Sweet potatoes "• >1.50 Turkey* -W Onions $1.75 Peas >2.00 Butter ... _ .SB Country Ham .80 Country Shoulder .21 Country Sides .2c Young Chickens > .35 Hens .20 Irish Potatou 2.00 • CONCORD COTTON MARKET TUESDAY, JI'NE 8. 1926 Cotton .17 1-2 Cotton seed 45 ♦ thing without my stomach turning sour and gas bloating me up till I wa* in such misery and pain-1 could hardly bear It. I was. so nervous and restless I couldn’t half sleep,* and 4 was in suCh..a.. rundown condition that J felt weak and wornout all the time. "But the very first bottle of Kar ris k convinced me that I had the right medicine, and 1 kept taking the medicine and .improving ateadiiy till I .uni now like a new man. I eat anything I want without it hurting me, even eat eibbage for supper, and then gb to bed and just sleep like a top. ' ! "All the indigestion, bloating and X.was born, afl tbo people know me, up l frtri^U^irfdotag tUK * f * T?r ta ttt h,m t 0 lh *~- -4 -r ■• ••■» I Heads 1 You Win! I 8 tr^B 1 Heads have always won V X the best ' n Straw at our jj[ X ■ _ Hat Gases—but the best i[ I this summer means some- i : thing so mftch better j j than any thing produced in the past tnat it is like compar-' i ing a kiss in the movies tto the real thing. The straws are of the same quality—but the stales are [ different. * '■ ■ • . JS You see yourself as you would like to have others see you i|! —and they do. !j! Priced so that the Straw Hat you bought in May can be || sat on by accident or—on purpose. TO i[i Golf Hose, Slip-On Sweaters, Collar Attached Shirts, Bat Ties ji HOOVER’S, Inc. f THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE afloooQooCo Qftna fk n n9nnnnaoooaoogoooooaoooCX>oOoooooO Conkey sPoultryFeed! IConkey’s Buttermilk Starting Feed, Growing Mash, Lay- ; ing Mash and Scratch Feed For More Eggs and Chickens Use Conkey’s Poultry Feeds 2 Ask For a Conkey’s Poultry Book | I Fresh Shipments of All Kinds of Feed Arriving Weekly 8 RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. f ' L ' ■' .. ' ' % WHITE PUMPS That Are Chic and Charm- Worn with the new Summer Gowds this one-utrap pump will at once identify you as a woman of good taste dn dress. This «■ style and a wonderful collection of others mny be seen at our _. —.. store. They are made of soft pli !. ■ %/ M W reasonable IV£f I O $5.00 T 0 SB.OO j ■ s l 'lj-1, h kin. kkllLElEWEgirrsctansktal!-!! EMnOJiEgEEffICTEKEII ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobooooooooooooooooooo I STORAGE REPAIRING | You don’t go through this world but once, § so go in a Willys'-Knight. • o ( LN. B.—For Sale, 1924 Ford Coach CORL MOTOR CO. PHONE 630 | JHING j OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOtyKKMWOO Hot Water '< -if This gas hot water heater f f is surely a friend in need and m I a indeed of every cook Iri nl||if match and in a few minutes Tj steaming hot water will run 11 _Jir* the dishes, for a bath/ etc! WVSE&* 4RBtadl us inttaU oik for you. Tuesday. June 8, 1926

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