FrlHay, June 11, 1526 1 SOCIETVI Velvet Ribbon For the Costume Slip ■ «■■■«. —>4 ' :Ji By Marie Belmont Have you seen the new velvet rib bon trimming on underwear? At first glance, one lpight be inclined to think the slip was an ultru short eve ning frock, so decorative is its pew trimming. Shadow grey crepe de chine is the 1 material of the slip which is designed to wear bmeatli a shcgr summer frock. Coral ribbon velvet is ap plied over |he rot-in motifs of dyed grey 'lace ttou stftiy silk rose buds, in vurioutf shadva of pink and red, cUin over the trellis of lace and velvet. Scalloped godets of grey silk add width to the bottom of this costume slip. ! i, tf: E~.T~ T' v Stradfey Mountain Party. A party of Concord people left on Wednesday, for a motor trip to Strud ley Mountain, near Asheville. They are expected to return today. •Those going were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caldwell, Mrs. G. B. Means, Mrs. John Morris, and Misses Eliza beth Black, Maggie Bernhardt, 'Julia Hurry, Rose Harris ami Juanita Mor , ris, and Leonard Uniberger. lattlc Shelby Visitors Feted. ’ Mrs. J. J. Goldston was the gracious hostess of a delightful children's par ty, given in honor of the four children of Mrs. Walter Whisnant, of Shelby. Mrs. Whisnant and children have been the' guests of Mrs. Goldston for the past few days. About thirty children were present, and after many interesting games the little guests were ushered into the dining room, which was tastefully dec orated with bowls of frugraut sweet peas. Ice cream and cuke were then serv ed, after which the parly dispersed, thus ending an afternoon of pleasure for all. t X. Pritehett-Souther. Miss Xelle Souther, of Macon, Ga„ and Charles C, Pritchett, of Xew Bern, were united .In marriage in the First Baptist Church of Concord, on 1 Thursday morning, June 10th, at 11:30 o'clock. The impressive cere mony was performed by Rev, C. H. , Trueblood, in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Collie, of Concord, < close friends of the bride. Mrs. Pritchett taught during the past year in the schools of Gastonia. Mr. Pritchett is a prominent young business man of New Bern, und is in the lumber business there. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchett left imme diately after the ceremony for a bridal trip, after which make tlieir home in New Bern. \ Bites-stings For all insect bites, red bug, chigger, bee, wasp, mosquito, ptc., apply wet . baking soda or household ammonia, followed by cooling applications of— VICKS w Vapoßub Q»n if Million JmnUtodYoarlf 1 OOOOQOOOOOOOOOOPqOOQOOO*- IJRwKL Maybe thutQ explains wh.vS B some youugO M men pay oUcbfi , high, forfl the tehi*kfcn»*fat sjjarfcter. i We' 0 ‘have exquisite, brilliant, blue fi white diamonds in latest style E 18k white gold settings at from © $25.00 to SIOO.OO each. Let X us show you. fi S. W. Preslar , 8 8 | ; PERSONAL Oscar Atwell, who has recently graduated from the University of South Carolina at Columbia, is visit ing relatives in the city. Mr. Atwell has accepted a position in a High School in Greenville county, South Carolina. • • • Bill and Edwin Morris returned to' Concord Thursday, after having at tended the dance finals it Washington and Lee. Edwin Morris was a mem ber of the graduating class there this year. • • * • Miss Ava Carter arrived in Concord Thursday afterooofi to attend the ainner-dance at the Motel Concord Thursday night. She will be t\e guest of Mias Ruth Cannon until Saturday. • * * /Miss Ruth Cannon will attend the summer school at the University of North Carolina this summer. She leaves for Chapel Mill Saturday morning. • • • Sidney Perry, of Greensboro, is spending several days in Concord ou business. ,*r • * Frank Brower, of New York, will arrive in Concord Saturday to spend his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Brower. ■* • • Mrs. C. E. Harris, of Charlotte, is -the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. F. M. .Youngblood. Mrs. N. A. Archibald is the guest of Mrs. Baxter Yarborough, in Kan napolis. • • • R. A. Brower returned Thursday from Latirinburg. Mrs. Brower re mained with her mother, Mrs. McNeil Smith, who is seriously ill. • » * Mrs. J. E. Whitesides, of Cherokee ■ Fulls, S. C., is the guest of her moth er, Mrs. G. E. Fisher, on Loan street. • m « Mrs. John C. Drawery, of Raleigh, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones Yorke, (tnnell is general manager of the Four chain -of hotels. GAME AT GIBSON PARK AT 8:80 THIS AFTERNOON Charlotte Firemen and Gibson Teams Clash on Local Diamond—Line . upa Given. • , Tlie formidable firemen from Char lotte arrived in Concord efirly this afternoon to do battle, at 3:30 o’clock, with the hustling local team. If the pitchers are right it wilt be a case of tlie. team making the fewest costly errors coming out victorious, because neither Westnedge nor Sim mons will be set-upt* for the oppos ing batters if they are pitching in their true form. The Charlotte team lias made an imposing record thus fur this season, having defeated almost every team they've played by impressive scores. Joe Westnedge has been hurling air tight ball ami the hits garnered from his delivery have been few and far between. Strengthened by the arrival of Hatley, Carolina star, the Gibson team will enter the game confident of victory. They found their batting eye in the game with Belmont last Saturday and are sure they can make Westnedge wish that he were still in the Sully loop. The line-ups of the two teams will be as follows: Firemen Gibson Keeter - l.f. Hatley Munduf 3b. Basinger Basinger s.s. Hager Wallace e.f. Jurrctt Vernier r.f. Richards Thomas 2b. Andrews Honeycutt lb. Lentz Stubbs e. Watts 1 Westnedge p. 1 Simmons Death of Mrs. Rffie Edgison. Mrs. Effie Edgisqu, wife of W. A. Edgison, died today at her iiopie in No. 5 township, her death being the result of complication of , diseases. She was 44 years' of age, und leaves her husband and one son. Mrs. E ■ | oooooooooooooooocx3oooocxxc.v> 3 c S ryXKXKXXXNjGOOOOOOto DELCO LIGHT Light Plants and Batteries i Deep and Shallow Well Pumps for Direct or Alter nating current and Washing Machines for Direct or Al- i ternating Current. R. H. OWEN, Agent [ --Phone 669 Concord, N. C. • l0000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt?qOour car greased with ALEMITE HIGH PRES-1 SURE greasing system. , || / i 1 We Specialize in C?r Washing, Polishing, Alemite Greasing and Crank Case Service. ... “j Gas, Oil Tires, Tubes, Accessories, Tire and Tube re pair. , CENTRAL FILLING STATION; PHONE 700 j j FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN’S WEAR iffr: • ' riirßTXnEZrrr l' 1 -11 • : d ;jr Tniuti Tnmrc 0y Tctzeß 6. YorkE Tunn iumj " ££o 1 jj (tunTl T