PAGE SIX Ht * ml 11 signed up^^Lj£ Ij withEA. for life W TWO months ago, I would! have told you Prince Alber tis cool as a dip in the M that I was pretty well satisfied with my lake. No matter how hard you drive it, smoking tobacco. I didn’t know Prince you never burn out a bearing. It is sweet Albert then! Gee, what a lot of tricks as a check in the morning’s mail. Fra- I missed without even knowing it. Never grant, too, like fresh-nicked flowers. p - K h,oU i« tuyni mind. I’m making up for lost time now. Fragrant in the tin, and fragrant as you My jimmy-pipe is working double shifts. smoke it. Real tobacco, I tell you. ?t£Zt I load up the minute breakfast is Maybe you think you are all set in the cleared away and hit it up from then matter of smokings. I wouldn’t stop until "lights out.” That’s one of the fine there. Because, if you haven’t smoked things about Prince Albert. You never P. A., your best bet is still to be collected. “ tire of it. Each pipe-load tastes better On my say-so, and that of millions like than the last, if such a thing is possible. me, why don’t you try Prince Albert? K I know I’m set for life now. I’ll guarantee you’ll be glad you did. Jt|Wr |Mj» PRINCE ALBERT Hf X. —no other tobacco is like it! © 152 i, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. I WEAK, JESTLESS I Tennessee Lady Had So Little II Strength She “Couldn’t Get I Around.” Took Cardui With Benefit. K. , GasaaWay, Term.—“l wasn’t able 1 to do aaV of my work, and it seem -1 ed like Chad so little strength I just I couldn’tget around,” says Mrs. Frank I Murphy,-who lives near here. . I *f “My mother knew of the good § Cardui Sbuld do, so she told me to 1 take it., I sent and got a bottle, and B seemed like all the time 1 grew K Stronger. [: “I had been suffering with pains K in my sides all the time, and Cardui U. helped this wonderfully. 1 needed tonic fer female trouble, and Car- B doi just fitted the need. I was awful- I ly restless and could not sleep at E afeht, but after taking two bottles B-.tjf Cardui I could sleep ‘like a top’. 1 I got along all right, and I know it B Was due to Cardui. I can certainly K meammend it to women suffering 1* from women’s troubles, j *My present health is just fine.” ! | Thousands of women have written | to tell how Cardui relieved them ot I pein and suffering, and helped them | to improve in health and strength. |- Cardui is perfectly harmless, be |ing an extract of mild-acting herbs, Kjtoa contains no dangerous drugs or i Bharmfui ingredients. mu dh 13 ■ | i I 666 la a prescription for HKklaria, Chills and Fever, pl>engue or Bilious Fever. It kills the terms. K; You will think the road gang is doing a wonderful job on your © [ RITCHIE Hardware Company “YOUR HARDWARE STORE” 30 S. Union St Phone 117 LICENSE TAXES WILL. NET STATE $1,350,000 Commissioner Dnogkton Points Oat That AM Schedule B Taxes Were Doe June Ist. Raleigh, June 16. —License taxes will net the state this year approxi mately $1,250,000, Commissioner of Revenue K. A. Doughton announced today. I The commissioner has issued a statement to all district deputies in which he calls to their attention the scheduled time for payment of these taxes. “All schedule B taxes are due,” he said, “June Ist, and penalties apply after Augnst Ist.” Continual discussion of their ail ments among at social gath erings is condemned by an expert as likely to develop nerve troubles. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE z ' ? bt ' W. Ai 1 i. Original members of first - Rotary Club in Chicago, 1905. A\ 2. Paul Harris, who conceived / \ the idea of an international / **i \ fellowship and citizenship and \ called it Rotary. I , 13. Donald A. Adams, of New I I Haven, Conn., president of 1 / Rotary International and pre ■£%’/ J siding officer over 10,000 Ro- J tarians at the Denver Conven tion, June : kmT Chesley R. Pefry, since 191 Q secretary of Rotary Interna tional, - with headquarters I Cl f located at Chicago,; L——in i si—... i. i . i. >f. ssresftdK . */, 'T\ ■ .. .df-.. TODAY'S EVENTS. [» I Thursday. June 17. 1W«. i I Observance of the 151st anniver sary of the battle of Bunker 'Hill- Seventy years ago today tlie Re publican party opened its first na tional convention in Philadelphia. Centenary of the birth of Gen. John P. C. Shank*, a prominent In diana congressman and soldier. Longview, the “Wonder City,” is to be the meeting place today of the [ j Washington State Republican con vention. Hnnford MacXider. Assistant Secretary of War. is to deliver the commencement address today at Nor ,wich University. Secretary of the Navy Wilbur is 'to be the guest at a celebration to be held today at, Marblehead. Mass., in |commemoration of the 150th anni versary of the birth of the United States Navy. Boston has prepared an elaborate program for the reception and en tertainment of the Crown Prince and ' Crown Princess of Sweden and their suite, who are to arrive there to day for a visit of four days. Declares Roadside Parking Has Its Commendable Points. Atlanta. On.. June lf>.—Declaring there are thousands of girls in At lanta who have no place to enter tain young men visitors but along roadside::, Judge I.other Z. Rosser stated in munieiple court here that officers are “too suspicions of automo biles parktsl for- a short time on the country roads, and too quick to make arrests for this offense." "In the mimrrr,” said Judge Ros ser, “the cool ©pen air of the country is almost necessary to refresh one after the heat and dirt of a day in the city and I frequently stop along the roadside with my wife to enjoy the evening air.” Judge Rosser's remarks fallowed the trial of Charlie Morgan. of Brown's Mill road., charged with shooting four times at .1- R. Hill man and a feminine companion in a car alleged to have parked on Mor gan’s property. I Highways Benig Treated With Oil. j Stanly News-Herald. The Salisbury highway is now being oiled and all the dust ex tinguished and the road is really be coming a pleasure to ride over. Sev eral other roads lending out of Albe marle are being oiled also. The Con cord Highway is being oiled out for several miles also. All of West Albemarle is greatly pleased with this work, for it, was al most impossible to live in that sec tion. due to the suffocating clouds of dust that covered everything from the smallest shoot of grass to the parlor curtains. Doty Court Martial Postponed. Damascus. Syria, June 1(1. —OP)— The court martial of Bennett J. Doty, of Memphis, Tcnn., for desertion from the French foreign legion in Syria, which had been .set for today, was postponed until the first week in July. I POURING HEALTH FROM B A BOTTLE .J Serve Pasteurized Jj| milk freely. Through J the centuries milk E has proven itself Jo ft be the easily digest- 3 ed, economical food, pi You should drink |jr more pure milk. 3 Phone—tell us where D "AmvsctomrcoiJS v “Jrour ttlilKma.n ” B aoooooocooocwocaooooopoo 1 1 New Shipment j Just Received \ Imported i Crochet Braid Hats $5.95 | Millinery Dept 1 0 Hass ALIJE LEGO, Prop. 8 8 Phone 880 Skin in Kitchen Wins Trip Abroad For 16-Year-Old Girl Bread Expert i Girls who turn up their noses at work in the kitchen but pine for a xip abroad should take a lesson from 16-year-old Florice Schroeder, I of Morris, Minn. For it is because of her interest n household work and her ability to turn out flaky baking powder biscuits, pans of crisp-crusted hot rolls and deliciously toothsome ■ cakes that Florice will spend a month this summer on a trip to ,England, France and Switzerland while the flappers who shun the kitchen are left lingering at home. Florice’s culinary skill and her knowledge of the what and why of - the ingredients that go into her cooking won for herself and her domestic science teacher, Miss Mar garet Randall, of Grand Forks, N. D., a European trip as guests of p the Royal Baking Powder Co. In , a national essay contest, conducted in high schools, on why baking pow der made with cream of tartar is best, her paper won first place and the coveted trip. Special credit was given for the actual experience in the use of baking powders indi ■ ( cated by her essay. 1 ; The entire population of Morris heenmo Florice fa©« since the N 1 1 ~ A 11 I 25% OFF 25% I 25 Per Cent. Off For Cash on All Overstaffed Living I Room Suites 20% OFF 20% 20 Per Cent, off For Cash on All Cane Back Living Room Suites This Week Only Now is your chance to get a real high grade Suite at a Big Saving. Many New Styles and Patterns to select 1 from. Come in today. H.B. WILKINSON Out of the High Rent District Where Parking Space Is ■ Plentiful and Time Unlimited. gOO&OOOOOOOOCX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO« j OMOLINE SWEET FEED g ! TO FEED YOUR HORSES AND MULES J | JS And you can feed one-third less and keep your stock up O better on a Balanced Feed than you can on oats of- com. 8 Cash Feed Store ] ! PHONE 188 SOUTH CHURCH ST. § ! Q ooooooooooo oooooooooooooooqcx3ooooooooooooooooooS I 000000 °OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGdOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO«* I K.L. CRAVEN & SONS! PHONE 74 COAT £• 8 PUater I Mortar Colfera j Thursday, June 17,1926 announcement of the award and the Parent-Teachers association of the high school has raised a special fund for her use on the trip, while all the expenses of travel, etc,, are provided by the Royal company, her townsfolk want to show their appreciation of her victory by mak ing it possible for her to indulge herself and Miss Randall in a few extras along the way and, perhaps, a bit of Paris shopping. Leaving New York on the “Aqul tania” July 7. this Minnesota Cin derella and her teacher will arrive in Paris July 13. Then will follow a .period of sightseeing that will carry them to Avignon, Montpelier, Nimes, Nice. Grenoble, Marseilles, Geneva and other points of scenic and historic interest. A special feature will be a visit to the vineyards in southern France from which cream of tartar chiefly comes. Returning from Switzerland vig Paris, there will be an excursion to Fontainbleau and Versailles be fore crossing over to England. A week there, then back to New York and home to Morris, Minm, whero her own home made biscuits wilt seem doubly delicious after th i > month’s adifamwi on fozciffn fare t