[day, June 18, 1926 Just Received Another Car jAUGE GALVANIZED ROOFING Get Yours Now forke & Wadsworth Co THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE |&fm! plil! I June Brides find nothing in our service and fine work- to be concerned about. dry cleaning in prepara- Bi for the honeymoon * * * Bn appoint us for your new Wf SEND IT TO “BOB’S” wSp/ gmuawnr PHONE 787 ■ Office 25-27 W. Depot St MRIBIXE PENNY ADS. TRY IT. MSE TRIBUNE PENNY ADS. M§3 rail (S Frigidaire Costs Less H I I Than Ice ■ j __ B With Frigidaire, you’ll have no I_=—more tainted food to be thrown IH | H awa Y — n o more ice to buy. And % |b IBM the operating cost is usually less than the cost of ice. j Let us show you what Frigid aire does and how it does it. STANDARD BUICK CO. pM' Hfl S. Union St. Phone 3«S t Models, cos* purchase ■krmi and new low BN? Frirtldairc H *Wrs- Eelyinatorl • V |H)ldest and Most Reliable Electric Refrigerating Machine !' ■I Forty-One Machines in Operation in Concord '!' Forty-One Boosters For Kelvinator [j[ H Ask Us For Detailed Information j i IJ. Y. Pharr & Bros. |B Phone 127 Concord, N. C. ■ At the next meeting .ofthe Ama teur Athletic Union a proposal will be submitted that the Iloston A. A. Marathon be accepted as the nation al championship for that- event.* So large i.< the dome of the new building of the Port of London' Auth ority that a small railway has been built round the outeide of it to simplify the cleaning of its windows. ORNAMBIIAI^r LIGHTING-JL <U m IN YOUR V|l Home. BMla LET US BEAUTIFY your home with ornamental lighting fixtures. If you have never priced them you will be surprised at the financial ease With which you will acquire them. We are expert electric ians and our stock of electric al goods is well worth your at tention. Jii/vC \VaSl£s' W. J. HETHCOX r , of HOLLYWOOD 1M , . PY EPWAR P CLARK Copyrighted by Warner Bros Picture. Inn -BROKEN HEARTS OF HOLLYWOOD” with Louise Ore.tcr la a Warner piciurlzstlon of this novel. BTNOPsra Mutually attracted, Betsy Ter williger and Hal Chutney arrive In Hollywood as prize winners of newspaper contests for movie try outs. They are depressed by the i number of people seeking work. Movie oldtlmers see a mysterious resemblance in Betsy to someone they cannot remember. Hal flops dismally as a cowboy. Betsy, hand id a scanty one-piece bathing suit to don, is shocked by the sophisty ration of the “bathing beauties ." She witnesses the humiliation of Virginia Perry, erstwhile star, now 9 failure, and is strangely affected \y her eye* •SMAKIhR VH—Continued Virginia 1 ?. «yea reflected the quick recogdUtqa of a stranger, the Instant kliidgftg of an Interest end liking, the sVift forging of a bond of symyafhf. Involuntarily, Betsy felt a inrtjw softening the horror her eypr«<kiion betrayed; end there was a x'aiut, wondering, answering smile upon the woman's (ace. "Who Is thatT" whispered to Clare when the woman bad turned to continue her chatting with the subdued girls. “That, honey. Is a poor devil who'3 a sample of the other thing the movies can do—as well as make fine ladies like Pickford. She's Virginia Perry, once the most famous actress on the screen and the toast of Hollywood In the first years movies were made here." Virginia Perry! Betsy, who for so long had been studying and ad miring the screen and Its people and Its history, knew the name at once. She had encountered It many times In the “fan magazine” stories of old days and old players. Virginia Perry. Indeed! the screen’s first and greatest woman star, whose light bad gone, out these many years ago. but whose " We’rs looking tor someone else tor the part." aura still left a faint radiance in the movie heavens although' her Identity was lost and hidden for ever In this burned out body shell. ‘‘But what—why—” began Betsy. “Oh, yes, I know what you’re going to ask. How did she get this wayT” shrugged Clare. “It’s too long a story for now, honey; they’ll be calling us any minute. But there’s Just this to tt: when she was sitting on top or the heap she fell for the big money boys with the greasy tongues. Nothing wrong, so far as I can make out. lust liked the bright lights and lobster suppers. But her husband couldn’t see It that way, and di vorced her. It's another case of .the old saying, ‘She’s more to be pitied than scorned' —" The woman was approaching now, and Clare, biting off her whis pered narrative to Betsy, forced a grin. Clare, older than the other girls, and on the strength of an oft and on studio friendship of sev eral years’ standing, was more familiar with Mrs. Perry than the others, although sharing in com mon their rather awe-stricken atti tude lu her presence. “Loan me your make-up. like a good girl, will you. Clare? It I get the stuff on before the assistant finds me, I might get by—but If I go Into my room to do It, he’ll catch me before I get the hangover painted out of my face and then— good night! And I need the money.” “Help yourself, Mrs. Perry.” Virginia sat down heavily at Clare's table, and as she hastened the Initial preparations of putting on a facial “base.” she nodded smilingly at Betsy, and asked Clare: “Who’s your little irlendf" “New -kid, getting her Erst crack at this bum business." Virginia shook her uead dubi ously; there was a hint of warning. • note of regret, in the gesture. But she said nothing. A sharp rap upon the uour, and a bawling masculine voice of warn ing caused a ripple of apprehension to pass over the girls, all of whom Rev. Mr. Thompson Improving. Salisbury, June 17.—Rev. Ed. Thompson, pastor of Main Street Methodist church, who fainted and fell while delivering a sermon at his church Sunday, has sufficiently re covered to be able to leave the Salis bury hospital and has gone to a daughter’s in High Point to spend awhile in recuperating. He will al so visit a daughter in Shelby before i resuming his active work as pastor. ' Mr- Thompson is one of the oldest ! active ministers of the conference and bar served a number of charges THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE were now in their bathing si *-j and putting the final touches t their make-up “Shall we tell him we’re not dressed yet—he can't come Inf’ whispered Clare Intensely to Vir ginia. Virginia shrugged philosophical ly. “1 might as well lake It a»-> as later." One by one the girls drew ofl in a group near the door as the a* slstant, a nervous but grim fat man In shirt sleeves and suspen ders, stepped In and caught in stant sight of Clare. He advance.! upon her In the stillness: “Trying to sneak one over on me, eb? You’re a fine one, Vlr glnla. Ginned up again—" Virginia put down her make-up box wearily; for an Instant she re mained with bowed head, before swinging to face the assistant Betsy, at the next stable, wanted to cover her ears; wanted to run. But, Instead, she remained glued to her place, fascinated by this raw tragedy of real life that was being unfolded before her astonished sensesi "I'm sorry. Ted—" began Vlr glnla. “Yeh, the same old— ■■ story," he cursed In disgust. “You swore up and down that If we gave you another chance you wouldn’t hit the bottle again. And now look at you We lost two hours —whole company held up—director, stars, salaries everything lost —waltin* for you. If we'd been able to find someone offhand to take your place you'd have been barred from the studio forever. As it is. you're cooked—” “Please, Ted Just this once more—please '■ She was pleading in , a maudlin way that shocked Betsy with its degradation even as It wrung pity from her “Can It, Virginia. 1 won't listen. We’re looking for someone else for the part. You might as well beat it. and don't let the Boss see you. for he swore he'd have you thrown out.” “Ted, please—you must listen." Virginia, unmindful of parading her shame before the listening girls, clutched the fat assistant’s perspiring hand. “Ted. ) couldn't help tt this time. Las? night I came across something that Just broke me up. Look, Ted—" With shaking fingers she fished an old tintype from her frowsy handbag, and displayed It to the assistant. He glanced at It a mo ment. then threw It down upon the table 1 whore Betsy, her eyes at tracted to It despite her wish not to look or listen, saw Indistinctly that tt was the old photograph of a man. a young woman, and a babe in arms. Virginia was crying softly now. to a beaten way. “I was raking through some old stuff that I though I'd burned fif teen years ago, when I found this. It's the picture of my husband and baby and me before—oh. you know. Ted.” She was talking In a low. tense voice now; Inaudible to the girls at tbs far end of the room, and almcst so to Betsy and Clare al band The assistant, de spite his obvious grim determina tion to be Indexible, showed signs of being moved. “It unnerved me. Ted —sort of stepped up out of the past and smashed me In the face I went to pieces-—and the only way I could find a bit of rest was In —the bottle. That's all there was to It, Ted—little enough, perhaps, but 1 Just couldn't help It —" The assistant was frowning now, and wavering. Virginia rested trembling fingers on his forearm fine, tapering fingers they were, all that was left of her former charm. ”1 swear. Ted—l'll do better from now on. Somehow—l feel that In finding tbe picture. I’ve found something else. Something that's been missing all these years Something 1 never expected to find again—and didn’t care about. Now I do care, and I'll be—a little dif ferent, I promise solemnly.” The assistant bid his compassion In throaty gruffness. “I can’t promise, Virginia, but I‘U see the Boss. I'll get McLain to speak up for you, too. He likes you, and what a star like McLain says around this Joint cuts more than a summer’s supply of Ice. Get Into your costume as quick as you can. And come down on the set It'll help if you’re all ready to work." The tat assistant waddled out, shaking bis head worrisomely. after ordering ’’C'mon. you mer maids—down on the set!” While the girls begau to troop out frolicking, Betsy noticed that none of them wore a thing over their meagre swimming suits She felt hot and weak Inside at this demonstration ol‘ the brazeesess of life behind tbe screens, where girls could romp without thlDklng nay thing of It, through crowded ball* a thronged Yard, and on the set before gaping workers and hangera on In suits that would be consid ered positively too Indecent and abbreviated for oven .ho privacy of the Hoosac Girls’ Club tank, where Betsy had learned to swim. (T» Out continued) and also as presiding elder of some of the districts of the Western North ] Carolina conference. Viscount Willingdon, who is to become Governor-General of Canada, is closely related to Sir Johnston IHorbos-Robertson through the mar riage of his son to the daughter of the famoiM actor. ; j A baker using up-to-date machinery [jean make 1,000 loaves of bread In /about fifteen minutes. Old Folk’s Best Friend That's what many call it, for it puts vim and vigor into ok, stomachs; rich, red blood into old veins; sound flesh on old bones. Drink a glass of this delicious digestant with each nienl. Shivar Ale Pure Digestive Aromatics With Shivar Mineral Water & Ginger Yaur grocer or druggist will refund your money on" first dozen if you are not delighted with results. If your regular dealer can not supply you. telephone F. M. Youngblood and Co., wholesale distributors. minbw—----- " ovilQ Here’s the solution H S to your yj p hot water problems 13 3 “ii'M im —■ - "•+* Special Sale 3 Special Price, $22.65 installed Special Terms, 65c down-, 50c a week, payable . | monthly m * ~ 1 < HOW many times a day do you need hot water ? Hot water to speed up [3 the housework, to shorten the hours and minimize the labor of dish-washing, ' "< J§ to make the windows sparkling clean, ; the laundry snowy white! Hot water, plenty of it, for the restful, refreshing 1 bath! Hot water in the emergencies of ( sickness! Hot water on the instant at L<M every hour of the day or night! * That’s the kind of hot water service the Ruud Tank Heater can deliver in your home. If that’s the kind of hot water 3 service you want arrange for it now, n you have no boiler, we while this sale brings it to you at a saving. wIU install 11118 heater • with 30 gallon boiler com plete with 50 feet of gas ' t and water pipe and two hot water faucets at spec ial terms. $59.65 install- Gas&’Power ed - 65c down—sl.oo a Corporation weck payable, monthly. Concord & Kannapolis Gas Co. ~ CONCORD, N. a ® In this home the central halt, a prominent feature of col _. ’*" ’ \ onlal days, ha® been omitted and instead an entry is used.- T 111 ! #sl The main stair to the second floor leads directly from this ffl eT . .•_a f* to the living room. Artistic French doors from the living I ■Jfr', l-Vv/ \. .' jgpr* room is wril lighted with plenty of wall spare for furniture. m A W V V ,'i and lianglngs. care being used in the placing of ti«, Pjs Jp9F r i. V i The opposite end of the house Is used for dining room ami *'’• ‘ ’ f the 00 *" ** ,> " >vide<, with tw,) comer china ' IRBI Si “SB The kitchen is roomy, with plenty of light and ample work- SlfS'itl IflOg ,yßlyßKfßPl*j r ing SW range, sink, cupboards, etc., whh* occu ] wrtranc ® l » B **n*nt 1* provided from the kitchen, j | -A— pr Jij^£! iJr three bedrooms, bath, alcove, , I * Mt v* Uti* | In ttle hnnonent, which is the full siae of the house, aM i- /, A Cs\ | kx-ated the laoundry fuel, furnace, fruit and vegetable storage —;. • 111 "h ex- * r.a J rooms. :| F. C. NIBLOCK BMBBlntheow- I*lPKEintheunik •'lfMltf* Avoid low grade leaveners. t Don’t take chances. For sure (jAIUMH and satisfactory results use Jgj content* u» K SHPCUifMCr S the world’s greatest BAKING POWDER . : MHT BT HIT BALES ««/, TIMES THOSE OP ANT OTHER iBAIIB (ooti-.w* PAGE THREE

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