PAGE TEN Hpoe««y Meeting of Bt&iing ■ aild Lean League Expected lo the 23rd aumial meet the North Carol’na League o. hHßbcsl Building uud Loan ussooia la on in Conconi this week, with pointing toward the most ami largely attended gath in the“successful history of tlu affects more honn than. any institution in the ■K.The program is more than ambitious should result in a heavy and in- attendance, for among the who will address the gath Hut are m«n of state wide note and reputation in the building loan wofld. eonvsntion sessions will ex- over three days, with lieadquar- at Hotef Concord, one of the fin ■ est mos{ modern hostelries in the! The* meeting will be opened afternoon. June 22nd, at 2 wit| the concluding session I for Thursday morning. HHMktares jf the convention that are Hf t commanding and outstanding na kik will inrlode addresses by Stacy ■ \V, Wade, of Raleigh, state fire insur-l ■«nv commissioner ; Dr. Horace Clark, ■w Kansas £ity. Mo., educational di- Hkeetor of thtoAmerican Savings. Build- and Lo#n League, and Henry S. cl Cincinnati. ().. iniblish- Hyr of the American Building Associa- HpiOa News, she latter two being honor ■guests of th*- convention. ■( Mr. Wad* will use as tiis subject, Buiidihg and Loan Association ■ij Fotrce for jHvic Progress." ■HI,The real feature of the convention. \v#i be the address of C. .Tam|s, of Washington. I>. C.. of Jhe United States league. an authorit» on building loan and a ■gpeakcr of Atraordinary ability. Thej of Jtr. James on the meeting Hit expected te prove a big factor in at- debates to the convention. his is 4 message all will want to ■ Slessrs. Chirk. James and Rosen ■thal are all programmed for Wednrs the second day of the meeting. ■ which will givv delegates arriving late ■P those njfligod to leave early an Or hearing these men. IgHpj&ftinVenting visitors will be weleom- to the city by L. T. Hartsell, of ar\d the response will be voiced by Charles A. Hines, of V. H. Barrier, mayor of is also on the program for a ■K address on the opening day. Address of the president. .1. F. Stev- H*eilS. of Greensboro, and report of the O. K. Todd, of will be features of tho opening session. The is expected to bring a mes of hope and a tale of duty well while she report of the secretary- will show the league to he ■WHAT do we spend for rent? i i ■ « BY EL WOOD LLOYD, ' F.nancial Editor Los Angeles Evening Herald. Hp.jßome youlig friends of mine nave ■just moved into the city. They ha<«. given up a oozy little cottage, ail their ■ own. ii|> in rite foot ill! is. for an apurt- downtftwn. The cottage ha I a large living room, with a ga*. water, electricity, sew ■*r« and room for the i,,,i Hos guests. The apartnn nt is a one- K*oom. kitchenette and hath affair - ■|*»feHts can be accommodate.! at a ■ by hotel. rent .paid for the ••nttage— was within easy comn uting f Rocky Mount; J. G. Dunn, New Bern; J. 11. Robeson. Italcgh: Leon Cash, Winston-Salem: Thomas 11. Wright. Wilmington: A. G. Corpen ing. Rockingham: Frank R. Brown. Salisbury; E. Y. Keesler, Charlotte: O. H. Let l . Hendersonville. Executive Committee: J. F. Stev ens. president; W. Ben Goodwin, first vice-president; Gilbert Hendrix, sec ond vice-president: O. E. Todd, secre tary-treasurer : E. F. Allen and J. H. Wearn. Legislative committee: Charles Brenizer, of Charlotte, chairman; W. E. Sharp, Burlington: J. C. Allison. Raleigh: L. TV. Moore. Wilmington, and George R. Wooten, Hickory. paying habit and these totals take a tremendous jump upward. Here Is the way it actually figures out: Rent $25 a month equals $11,035.(15. At. S3O the total is $13,242.78. Fifty dollars each month makes $22,071.30. For $75 worth of shelter we have spent $33,106.05. At SIOO the big total is $44,142.00. Now let us have a real shock! If we continue to pay rent for 30 years, nt the same figures, we have this schedule of costs confronting us: Twenty-five dollars equals $23,171.40; S3O amounts to $28.400.K5: SSO totals $46,342.80: $75 figures out $60,514.- 20: SIOO each month staggers us by totaling $02,685.60. These seem to be rather gigantic pvees just to bo paying for keeping tiie rain ami sun off our possessions— particularly in view of the fact that at the end of time someone else still owns our home. Really it seems rather a foolish sort of tiling to he doing, particularly in view of the fact that a large number of organizations exist in this state j f'* l ' t h<- very purpose of making nuoli unW'se expenditures unnecessary. I refer to the many excellent, building and Plan associations. A letter addressed to the building and loan commission of California. Sacramento, will bring a list of all ] the associations, their several capital j izntions and other information relat- I ing to them. The chapter devoted to I the building and loan associations, in j the civil code of California, will give ■ the various laws, plans, rates, charges, 1 options, etc., of the associations list- I ed. j No matter what rate is charged on ! a monthly payment home-buying loan, j so long as it is cheaper than rent and j within the ustfry laws (12 per cent, i per annum), it will pay the home I builder to borrow. One has to pay rent to soqie one—why not to one's self?—and at the end of ten or eleven I years own the home. der 18, should he permitted to drive cars in order tp help them on tlje farm. As a result the junior opera tor's license was devised _ Charles A. Harnett, State Motor Vehicle Commissioner, has been keep ing a carefnl check on the accidents in which holders of the junior license were involved. Harnett has found that 10 per cent of all acci dents in which persons under 18 were involved, ■ resulted in death. He , found that .the greatest number of accidents involving persons under 18 occurred in cities. “The analysts snows that the] junior operator hi more inclined tol be reckless than the older driver, or, lacks the faculty of proper thinking I when an emergency arises,” Com missioner Harnett said. 1 } H. I. WOODHOLSE Secretary aDd Treasurer of 'Concord Perpetual Buikiing and Loan As sociation m *-# jpi^ BAI QI ET TOASTMASTER ]>i\ T. X. Spencer, who will be] toastmaster at the banquet to be given I Wednesday evening for delegates at tending the convent on of the North j Carolina Bunding and Letigire. t As Secretary of the Chamber of Com- ] mercc. I>r. Spencer has been one of j the most active workers in arranging < the fine program for the visitors. J. M. HENDRIX Seeretnry and Treasurer Cabarrus County Building Loan and Sav ings /Association ■ | N 1 HON. L. T. HARTSELL THE CONCORO . bAILY TRIBUNE . JEyflH MAYOR C. H. BARRIER Mayor Barrier was one of the speak representing the City of Concord, to welcome delegates of the building and loau league to this city. mam* JH SPEAKS AT LiIELVGVE N. Mitchell, of Winston-Salem, will N. Mitchell, of Winston-Salem, will lcave Feast." 7:00 P. M.—Congregational Sing ing of the Older Hymns. 7:30 P. M.—Evangelistic Service, by Rev. J. A. Clement, President of the N. C. Conference Wesleyan Meth od : st Church. Afl members, former members, for mer pastors, and friends of the church are invited. Let every one bring a well filled basket and enjoy this day of good things with us. J. C. POOLE, J. J*. PROFFIT. MRS. M. E. POOLE, MRS. SADIE GUNTER, Committee. Critic—You’ll never hake your name 1 inscribed in th,e HaH Of.Fodfe- [ Author—Maybe not, but'l'd sooner have people making why it isn’t there, than asking Why it it. The Buildhlg >*d Loan Association's Bnty. Vax E. Cook in Architect and Engi neer I know of Bo financial Institution in a better position to assist the heme builder, or who has a more import- 1 *nt s nice to render than the build-! I (i «1 loan association. Self-in-. Criminating or otherwise. I know of no] other institution of equal size that ial I so little understood by the public. ! One reason there are not more fam ilies attempting to build or own their] own homes, is because of the lack of ' knowledge of how to proceed, or the fear make the attempt because of j this deficiency. The farm to ] whom a home means everything, is #l-1 most entirely overlooked. Home, he^e.j a v tal controlling factor in the very j HR thisrCoiir basic industry. I think the building and loan asso ciations should assume more respon-; > silulity. and adopt more initiative in j 1 leading the way; in disseminating :*e-j ’lifjblh iufonnation on safe and sand . construction. They should defirfltply disrriminalo against infer-! of material and workman ship, and recognize and demand (*unl-| sty and value. To a greater extent they should sponsor and show interest in good (tewgn and construction, offer consul tation to prospective builders, and | make available to them a much need ed and more valuable guidance in ob- I taining cpiaUflcd assistance. Tin- man with the savings habit is the one who never gets laid off ; he‘s the one who can get along without you. but you can not get along without him. The savings habit means sound sleep, good digestion, cool judgment, and independence. The most health ful th'ng I know is a savings account book—there arc no microbes in it to steal away your peace of mind.—El bert Hubbard. A savings account is like an old fashiomd quilt. It is something worth . while—substantially made up of little odds and ends which in themselves did not amount to much. A home pays daily dividoiujs in happiness, contentment nnd comfort, " dividends that cannot bo measured by, the dollar standard. I distinctive convenient homes.. Tb,y cost no more, deteriorate less . and bring a higher price if vou de cide to sell. * ./Home says: “I will make for you independence and happiness, for J jun the fulfillment of heart’s inborn de atre.” A home with playgrounds, flowers and sunshine is the birthright of every child. That man* is little to be envied who satisfies himself in a rented house. Assure the future happiness of your self and lored ones by owning a home oftvour own. | aL Iconic js the greatest assurance I that this world lias ‘Jjp'l —— : —i " T , / , . ~ ' — * A NATION-WIDE ft reliable I|l | g institution- I 1 QUAUTY J iJ(jP enne yUi «GAN,z*no« Jk department STORES 50-54 SOUTH UNION STREET, CONCORD, N. C. Welcome Building and Loan Men We hope you are enjoying your stay at our New Hotel Concord nif-vKy Mo«m; Clay?ng the Game No Loßfer Exclusive With Books Opened The farther away you get Whin the game of fife b I from one J. C. Penney Com- p i aye d Jn the open no one need ptny Store the nearer you excluded; when behind get to another. Our hua- , lose' and Value and the the most remote tq merchant prepared to assume enjoy the new things and [■■BSHiHEBEHRB] fullest responsibility, the stylish things at tht - time they ere introduced h . ~ We stand sponsor for ths Chicago, and at prices Whicj , tcome “ eTery are comparatively low f 5 - from ns. There are no secret* r 'the quality Me provide. b onr methods. , t Co. We hope that we may be able Id serve you while in our city. Wheth er it is wearing apparel for yourself or a present to take heme to tiie family, you will find it here. , T-iarr', 1 rjtW'Vii jh. ■. v=sr— l . y ■■■ ■ ———————- Hotel Concord, Where Meetings of State Building and Loan League Will Be Held A NEW RECORD. Momifacturcrs Record. The building and loan associations of the United States have set up a new record of achievement during the year just passed. There arc now ap proximately lIUOOO associations with a membership of 10.01)9.000 and as sets totalling $5,000,000,000. During the past few years these associations have made an unparallel ed record in the matter of financing homes throughout the country. In 1028-21-25 a total of 1.2NN.000 homes ; have been financed through thes* agencies, with a total expcnd'turc of $4.420.000.0tK). and it is estimated that these homes have housed 0,400,- • 000 people] These figures speak for themselves. But in addition, there is more to b; !. considered than the mere housing of ■so many millions of people. It is es 1 Uanated th;H approxitnately one-half »| workmen and artisans who have helped to construct these homes. The only way by which this could have been done was through the building and loan association method of financing. The pros|>erit.v of the country lias been held up large ly through the construction industry, fifty per cent, of which has been in the residential field. The various re ports of the Secretary of Commerce of the United States will bear out these facts. Regardless of any intent goon the part of th* investor, more than 112 per rent, of the money : nvested in these associations goes to finance home own ing. And : t should be said that this situation has not been brought about by accident. The fundamental pur pose of every building and loan asso ciation is to help people to own homes. It is this f::ct that counts. It is lghne oWnchdiip that they, are, sWfvi rqr to.-asr’li ielfe. «*.- 1 Tuesday, Jurte 22, 1926 [These associations are operated, owned and controlled locally by the investors and the borrowers themselves for the mutual benefit of each. They have no purpose of private ga : n or profit and by this means the investor receives u greater interest yield and the borrower receives the lowest net cost loan to be had from any souixi* Their record of achievement as to safety of operation has no parallel in the history of finauce. Interested neighbor: We just mov ed in yesterday. Isn’t your Willie taking saxophone lessons?’’ l>oting Mother: Yes. isn’t he won derful? Every one oni the street thinks he ought to go to Europe.” Bobbie—Grandma, whieli is the right side of you? Mother said if I’m a good boy ami keep on the right side of you you might take me down to Fbatfterstone’s hardware store to skates.