PAGE EIGHT Sale of Ceder Chests Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar Guaranted Moth Proof $15.75 Cedar Chest for $12.50 $18.75 Cedar Chest for $15.00 22.50 Cedar Chest for SIB.OO $24.75 Cedar Chest for $19.80 $31.50 Cedar Chest for $25.20 All high-grade Red Cedar beautifully carved and highly polished. Best quality copper locks and hinges. See them in our window, and get one at sale price. Some 20 per cent. Concord Furniture Co. TIIE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE pOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXSCXXXXXICOOOOOoaQOOOOOOOOOOOCXXKXy ICE ICE § ■ Let’s Go—START TODAY a regular order. ! I The Price is Right—the Service is Right. ! Buy coupon books and save 10 Per Cent. Ice delivered on coupon cost 54 cents per 100. I On coupon in 50 lb. lots at ICE PLANT, 44 cents per ] k 100 pounds. B 300 lb. lots, delivered 40 cents per 100 pounds. R 300 lb.-lots at Ice Plant 33 1-3 cents per 100 pounds. I 9 Please pay driver and see that you receive quantity j B you pay for. i A. B. POUNDS { PHONE 244 PHONE 244 i DOCIQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtjOOOOOOWQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ■KEegBfWVn ai-t- T..r :■ .nnrrTrr-TCTJ^. QUALITY! PRICE! SERVICE! | These three words must be carefully studied by the grocery man. Everyone wants the best—if prices were not a factor everyone would ! buy the best, especially in food. We buy Quality Goods—price them right and turn our entire ? stock over on an average of twelve times per year. That is why we can beat the chain store on price and still give *! | yon the service of delivery and a charge account. If you are not already one of our patrons, give us a trial order " ■ today. C. H. BARRIER & CO. t Protect Your Property and Your Money j BX7OUR bouse, when painted with -1- Marietta House Paints, is practi cally guaranteed against the ravages of foul weather by tbe Marietta Service Certificate. No other paint manufac turer offers you such a certificate. Ask us about it today* Concord Paint& Paper Ccupany 342 N. Church Street Phone 16L MARIETTA PAINT STATIOH "| i.M' .. —.■■.l I. THE CONCORD DAILY TWBUNE " 1 ■ r>— ■ I Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS I Tbe time of the closing of mails at the Concord postoffice is ss follows: Northbound . 136—ai :00 P. M. A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. SO— U .00 P. M Southbound 30— 9:30 A. M. 45 3 :30 P. M. 135- 8 4)0 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 30, 1926. Northbound No. 40 To New York 9:28 P. M. So. 136 To Washington 5:05 A. M t No. 30 To New York 10:25 A. M. Vo. 34 To New York 4:43 P. M. So. 40 To Danville 8:15 P. M. Vo. 12 To Richmond 7 :10 P. M. Vo. 32 To New York 9:03 P. M. Vo. 30 To New York 1:55 A. M. Southbound Vo. 45 To Charlotte 3:45 P. M Vo. 36 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. Vo. 29 To Birmingham 2:35 A. M Vo. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M Vo. 33 To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. Vo. 11 To Charlotte 8 :0O A. M. i Vo. 135 To Atlanta 8:37 P. M Vo. 39 To Atlanta 9:50 A. M. No. 37 Tc New Orleans 10:45 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to Wasb 'ngton and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers com:ng from be yond Washington. All trains stop in Concord except j No. 38 northbound. f_i BIBLETHOUGHTI ' I X —FOR TODAY—I I Bible Thoughts memorised, win prove m lij ! Bi priceless in after ye*ra Jgj Furnish Xo Fuel: —Where no wood I is. there the fire goeth out: so where j there is no talebearer, the strife ceas eth—Proverbs 20:20. j LOCAL MENTION j! The County Council will meet in the Home Demonstration office in the County Building on Church Strtvt Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. G. M. Ridenhonr. state san'tar.v in-I specter, spent yesterday checking up! the sewer systems of the rural schools j of Cabarrus County. Improvement is reported today in j the condition of Miss Mary Dorton, who had her tonsils removed here yes- 1 terday. The members of the Gibson Mill! baseball team will have a box supper | and lawn party tomorrow night at ! Gibson park, following the game to-1 morrow afternoon with Kannapolis. | ! The board of stewards of the Meth- j odist Protestant Church will meet at ] the church tonight at 7:3ft. The! meeting will be an important one and ] all members are urged to be present, j On Friday morning, June 25th, ai j 9 o'clock when the store opens the | Browns-Cannon Co. will give to each i, adult that enters the store and makes a purchase of £5 or more a one dol ar bill. This applies to the first 25 ; doing this. Another bus will leave from the I offices of the Hartsell Realty Company j for the Happy Valley Lake Estates! tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. | Much enthusiasm was shown by the members of the party that made the trip yesterday. Denial is mafle that Miss Cole, who committed suicide in Newton several i -lays ago, was at one time superin- ] temleiit of the Concord Hospital. The j report that she was formerly with I the local hospital was made by a former official of the hospital. A telegram from the “Y" Eastern * party, received by H. \V. Blanks this morning, said that the party had ar rived safely in Washington on the way back to Concord and were hav ing the time of their l : ves. They ex- I>ect to reach Concord tomorrow night. * The Board of Water, and Light s Commissioners of Concord, in j f co-operating with the County High way Commission is going out this af ternoon to make preparations for the 1 building of the road through the pro- 1 posed impounding lake. 1 The fire alarm was turned in this morning at 7:05 o'clock when an electric iron in the home of Joe Glass, on Marsh street at Spring, caught on fire. The blaze was quick ly put out and no damage resulted from it. * An intensive program of games, contests ami the like have been ar ranged by Mr. Blanks, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. to take place during his absence this summer. “Waller'’ Brown has been added to the secretaries who 1 will be in charge of the “Y” during the summer months. P. Y. Adams, state dentist, will arrive in Concord promptly Mon day morniig to begin the dental cl ; n-, ( ic at the health department in the County Building on Church street. All children between the ages of six and twelve are requested to make ap pointments ag early as possible. ' A special movie has been secured for the regular Friday night program on the lawn df the Y. M. C. A. This will be the last time the program will be arranged by Mr Blanks this sum mer. The benches, donated by the American Legion, will provide a larg er and more comfortable seating ca pacity. The “Sunday Gang" will meet en masse at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday af ternoon and from there will go to the station to give their originator, H. W. Blanks, a rousing send-off. Mr. i Blanks, accompanied by his wife and daughter, will go to New York on the Piedmont Limited to make the final arrangements for the Concord “Y” i Tour to Europe. A Bitten by Poisonous Spider. Stanly Nt*w»-HeraW F. O. Efird. of Oakboro. suaet the misfortune to be bitten by a poisonous spider Sunday afternoon about 1 o'clock which caused him ex cruciating pain and suffering nnril far into the night. He is not fully recovered yet, but all imminent dan ger has passed. Just how Vie spider came to bite Mr. Efird is not known, but ately after the hi e he was overeom" with sickness. His physician was summoned, but nothing seemed to ease or relieve him until late in the night. The kind of spider was not learned, but evidently was of a very poisonous species. Young Man to Teach Latin as China Grove. Stanly Xews-Hera'.d. Henry L. Xnuggs. wan graduated from Wake Forest College this year, where he made for 'himself a rather enviable reputation in all parts of his studies, especially that of Latin, has accepted a position with the China Grove Karin Life School. Mr, Snugg will be Latin professor in that school, and judging from the reputation ho made at Wake Forest, the Chinn Grove school is to be congratulated on securing his services. Paul B. Eaton Patents and Trade Marks ; 400 Independence Building | . CHARLOTTE, N. C. I . 1 I | POURING *3 HEALTH FROM E jJR A BOTTLE 1 ■ Serve Pasteurized % I ftj milk freely. Through M ! T the centuries milk £ I ■ has proven itself to m E 'be the easily digest- 3 1 |JB ed, economical food. fll ! You should drink ■ 1 ; C more pure milk. 3 | 3 Phone—tell us where JB f/mre amm