PAGE SIX A Great Sale / X /(• A a,._ », Our Greatest Sale : OFFER THESE VALUES AS flLn^ jY Xj /l j EVERY ARTICLE REPRESENTED IN THIS 'HE OUTSTANDING BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY AJ W 1/i I IAJJ OF THIS AND ALL PAST SEASONS M ITY—THE PRICE ONLY IS LOW. Announces ' \\ FINE FABRICS A nHIKIIICf 0/V*£lClAtl Os Tfli'AlVlOt' CARTER’S SILK BLOOMERS, $1.29 PAIR L . —. . . , AA IVI/llulllw V/ Vrl AxJILCX Cvs L Pure Thread Silk Mixed with Genuine Cellenese Z°Z\^ ] ?rl T Ure ’ t n , lSh 3 ® w snk makes th . s Carter , s Garment incomparable To All Who Value Economy ; Starting Saturday, June 26tl\, and Lasting I 29 Selling Days [ A Great Mid-Summer Clearance. j ift-- * i | A Bombardment I \ Os Values In I \ Frocks HS& i X I Former Selling Price and Cost are I Positively disregarded in this Great Sale of New and Stylish Silk Frocks B Every $27.50 to $30.00 Frock $16.75 I Npw : V | Every $16.50 to $25.00 Frock $10.95 K. Now ™ | Every SIO.OO to $15.00 Frock $7.50 I 'no approvals—all sales final [ Fast Color Suiting 35c Yard k[. Year Round, Indian Head and | Everfast Guaranteed Colored |; Suiting in all the season’s new i shades. Priced to close out— -35c Yard I Cellinaise Silpaca, 69c Yard |v A fast color suiting of syn- R : . thetjc silk. Light in weight E and n fadeless solid colors, in E the newest shades — 69c Yard I Vanity Prints, | 45c Yard E .Sheer weight high finish print l>„-' ed Fine Dimity, of silken tex re?. ture, small neat patterns on r|* white and tinted backgrounds, Inland the color is guaranteed to r| be fast — | 45c Yard I I Silk Underthings I if- Step-Ins, Vests, Teddies and |k: Bloomers, values up to $1.65, llj to go at— I 75c I Dollar Silks ■&A big table of Silks that sold IH formerly at $1.75 to $2.50. I iprhey are all Robinson’s Qual- Ipjty Silks, consisting of Tub HPilks in Stripes, Checks and HpPrints, Radiums Plain and | KPrinted—Printed Tussahs and iKjjhmgees, Crepe de Chines and All new, fresh and de i WTum*** —.. Dainty Rayon Checks, 65c Yard Light and Midsummery in Tinted Backgrounds and Dain ty woven checks for little miss as well as for grown ups, and fast colors. Just — 65c Yard Mary Dear Silk Prints, 69c Yard A sheer weight Printed Silk for midsummer day dresses. Washable and guaranteed fast colors. Sold here only— -69c Yani 5c Lace Feature Laces that retailed up to 12 1-2 cents a yard will be included in this lot. Vais, Round Thread and German Linen laces at just 5c c Yard 10c Lace Sale Here is a Bargain Event we emphasize. In this lot are in cluded laces that we sold up to 35c a yard, full peces, short lengths, strips and laces of all kinds, lace lovers will soon clean up this lot of fine laces at 10c Yard Rough and Ready Crepe, $1.95 Yard This famous washable Rough Silk sold here exclusively in all the season’s newest and desir able shades. It is washable and guaranteed fast colors. The very newest weave for Sport and Service Silk Dresses sl.9s*™ Spring and Mid-Sum mer Coats Priced V 2 and Less A Super Value An Evtraordinary Kalburnie, Toile Du Nord and Value Utility Fast Color Gingham Cloth. They formerly sold 36-inch White Pure Irish Lin for 30c and 39c a yard. Come en Suiting early for this at |g c a Yard 45C ' All Other Linens Underpriced A Great Dress Sale 100 SILK DRESSES AT $2.98 An Absolute Clean-up of Silk Dress es That Sold for $15.00 to $29.50 Some of them from last season. Some of them this season. Some short sleeves, some long. They won’t stay in our racks at this price. Come early. No approvals or returns. All sales final • Silks of Quality Silk Hosiery of From Corticelli Quality Corticelli Plain Samas Silk, per yard tl QIC We handle only the Best now w * makes of Pure Thread Silk Corticelli Printed O A C Hosiery in new and desirable Samas 3ilk yard __ shades. Holyoke, Holeproof, Corticelli, Washable Crepe de Corticelli, Van Raalte and Chine,- per $2 45 Quaker, Chiffons, Service Chif yard - x k~ sons andSemi-Chiflfons and Corticelli Thistle- E*o 'aC Service Weights, and on sale at down per yard Midsummer Cleaerance Prices: “$°."L*2.45 $2.50 Holyoke Corticelli Georgettes (1 OC all colors, yard —♦ * $1.95 Quaker * 1 C A Corticelli Crepe de El CA at 1 V**3" Chine, per yard yss R * di “ m $1.35 $1.25 Corticelli Wash QC $1.50 Semi-Chiffons Cl IQ Silks, per yard * 1 at VI • 1 - - - . Father George and Druid, 10c Yard These famous brands of Domestic Sheeting in full Yard width, and perfect quality are on sale as long as they last. No Restrictions. All you want at iA. per yard lUC y - ... . ------ ■— - - - - - _ - THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE A Great Millinery Clearance Meadowbrook Hats That Sold Formerly up to S2O. Your Pick of these QK now it -- *** - * Children’s Hats Former Values $1.95 to $3.98 priced now Qftf* Special Lot of Voiles, 29c Comprises Unusual Values in Odd Lengths in numbers that were carried ffom last season and were priced from 45c to 75c a yard. To close at 29c , i Imported Voiles, 85c Yard New and Exclusive Patterns. Shown here only. They drape like a piece of Georgette. Are Tub Fast Colors and alluring patterns 85 c Yard Year Round Char- Meusette, 59c Y ard An absolutely Fast Color Printed high finish satin in a wide range of small neat pat terns, for House and Street Dresses. The more you wash it the better you’ll like it, and only 59c Yard Special No. 2 Voiles 50c Yard An assortment of Domestic and Imported Voiles that sold for 75c to $1.25 a yard. Group ed to make an Exceptional Val ue, and priced now at 50c a Yard Hand Made Laces One of the largest stocks of Hand Made -Laces in the Cir olinas is offered in this Mid summer Clearance, Hand- Tatting, Filet, Emb. Filet, Irish, Swatow Irish, Antique, Picots, During this sale J OFF the price will be the cost to you. Buy all you will want for * some time to come. Alluring Hats of Hair and Azure Braids, for- 1 merly priced at $5.00 and $lO. < Now on sale $2.95 I Azure, Tagal and Hair Braids that sold for $3.95 to sl*9B : $1.25 Imported Broadcloth, 69c Yd High Finish English made Broadcloths, in all the Sport Patterns. Small lot to close at 69c Yard Year Round Zephyr, 38c Yard These famous prints are here ! in a Wonderful Assortment of 1 patterns and are priced for the occasion. All new spring and midsummer patterns. Guar anteed absolutely fast— 38c Yard Year Round Voiles A new member of the famous Year Round family of Prints— Tub them as you please, they won’t fade. In the newest flor- < al and conventional prints. > Shown here exclusively:— < 50c Yard Year Round Silk Crepe, SI.OO Yard i A fast color Washable Silk ! Crepe in Prints. ' Another new member of the ! Year Round family. Shown here only • ' SI.OO Yard Standard, Staple and Reliable Do mestic White Goods Hills Fine Bleaching ini. ; per yard Pepperell, Yard wide 1 E per yard IOC j Pepperell 81-in. Un- A/\ bleached, per yard *vC Pepperell 81-in. A j- Bleached, per yard *OC Pequot 81-in. Danver El- Bleach,- per yard __ _ & *>C Pepperell 42-rn. PH- OC low Tubing OOC Friday, June 25, 1926 f COUNTRY ICORRESPONDBKB GILWOOD. James Brumley and Miss Louise Chester have returned home after a week's stny at the Christian Endeavor conference at Davidson College. J. F. Bradford, E. P. Seaford and E. G. Seafcrd spent one day in the mountains of the western part of Xorl'a Carolina looking over a large real estate development. They re ported a grand time and is worth any one's time to take the trip. W. O. Goodnight has started to thraßh wheat at Frnnk Rankin’s. He reports that Mr. Rankin will make no leas than 1,200 bushels of wheat. J. Mack Bradford, Sr., gave .Tames Brum'ey and extra clear definition for the word ••thrilling.” .Tames stated some of the thrilling events at the Christian Endeavor conference. Gilwood is putting out a winning baseball team this year. They work together, thereby no one trying to play the whole game to himself. TVe have one of the best line-ups in the history of the team. Goodnight is showing good form in the pitcher's box. He sticks to 11s. Come and see him push the ball by the batters. In spite of the drought cotton is growing very rapidly, and we predict an average crop this year. Boyd Hart sell seems to be pleased nnd in good heart on account of the,fine prospects for a bumper crop. Sam J. Hartsell and J. M. Braf ford are planning a trip to the moun tains in the western part of this state. Frank Widonhouse, of Concord, was married to Miss Janie Dewese, of Gilwood, at the Gilwood manse last Thursday evening nt 5:30 o’clock. They spent the night at Frank Johns ton’s. The club boys of Gilwood community gqve the bride and groom a first class serenade, the first being about 10 o'clock and the second about 11:30 o’clock. We truly hope the newly couple a smooth path to suc cess and happiness. DAKUM. LOCUST. Thanksgiving nnd praise for tile blessed, refreshing showers! Miss Dora Hartsell returned Sat urday to Danville after a week's visit with her mother in Stanfield. Miss Maggie Rudy, of Kannapolis, was the guest last week of Miss Ora Lee Honeycutt. Mrs. D. G. Warnock contemplates leaving on Tuesday of this week for ' her home in Detroit. ■ John R. Osborne is showing a 001, , lection of snake rattles—six or seven , —which were taken from a rattler killed at the sawmill \yhere he works 1 in South Carolina. " In this con nection we learn a coachwhip some , four or five feet long was killed in Stanfield a few days ago. It has • been many years since we heard of • a coach whip. l Miss Bessie Smith left last week > for Asheville where she will attend l AttWßMifc, school. Miss Novella Shinn and little Mar • garet Smith, of Albemarle, spent a > couple days at O. L. Smith's while i Mrs. Smith visited ill Albemarle. Tlie school election held here last Tuesday registered 87.' Sixty-four voted for and three against the spe ’ cial tax. 1 Mrs. H. P. Carpenter, of Stnnfieid, h is improving from severe injuries sus tnined a week ago on returning from a visit in Forest City when near Mid land the driver went to sleep and ’ the car was wrecked. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith, of Al -1 bemnrle, announce the birth of a son. The service station here was brok en open again Sunday night. All ’ the tires and a number of flashlights ’ were taken. IVe have not learned i what else. f When is our picnic to be? Lets . hare it right away before the folks leave for summer resorts. P. > ROUTE SEVEN. The Jackson Training School met ; iheir match Saturday and lost a very interesting game to the Pythians by ’ the score of 10 and tt. There were ’ a tew familiar faces to the White Hall > fans on both teams. The most fa i miliar was Lloyd Garmon, catching for the school, nnnd Archie White, holding second base and pitching the ’ last three innings for the school. The ’ familiar faces on the other team were > Lefty Lentz, playing first base, and , also Art Morris, pinch hitter for the Pythians. Morris was put in as a pinch hitter in the ninth frame He • got on to White’s first ball and this ■ boy did not stop until he pulled up at > third base. Peter Bost pitched for , the Pythians. John Russell and White pitched and Garmou did the receiving for the school. This makes > the third defeat for the school this > season. , We will sure have some muddy . roads if it continues to rain as it h« a for the last few days. I orrest Russell had roasting ear ’ corn for dinner Monday, June 21st. r t' a " a 'iy of you writers beat it lor , early corn? CAROLINA KID. ROBERTA. The ram which Tell Sunday was very much neded in this : section. ' There will be prayer meting at Ro , bertu Baptist Church Saturday night I at 7:80 o'clock. 1 Little Miss Lula Brumley, ofObar | lottp . is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. A. a Miller, of near Roberta. • The condition of Mrs. Charlie John > s°B continues to improve slowly. i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charlies Ver , ble, a daughter. Mrs. J. B. Hill spent a few days last week in Stanly visiting rela tives. Mrs. Olile McCall, of Charlotte, , spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. A. C. Millet, of Roberta. , There will be preaching at the Ro berta Methodist Church Sunday morn ing at It o’clock. Miss Bertha Lefler spent Sunday night with her grandparents of Con cord. ■ . ;■ There will be preaching at Pat terson Presbyterian Church Sunday . afternoon at 8 o’clock. Everybody is cordially invited to come HAPPY FARM GIRT.