PAGE EIGHT Car Load Sale BEDS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS! One cf the largest Iron Bed manufacturers in the whole country failed, and we were fortunate in buying this car-load wav below the regular price, which we are passing on to our ..■1.111.r, Complete Outfit $22.65 Beds—All Steel, two-inch continuous post, large fillers, double steel locks, put on with bolts and nuts. Cannot break or come off. All steel casters that never refuse to work. Fin ished \\ hite, Ivory, Brown. Mahogany and Walnut. Spring—National Wishbone. Extra bands on sides to keep from sagging. Extra heavy coat of Enamel, will not rust. Mattress- Made of all new material, cotton Enters. Weight 45 pounds. Good grade of ticking in any color desired. This is One Sale You Cannot Afford to Miss. See the Goods Displayed in Both Windows • Will Arrange Terms if You Like Concord Furniture Co. TIIE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE .— : r— —r -4ooooooooooocxx90ooooooooao^cc^K)^gooooooooooooooo' I ICE ICE § Let’s Go—START TODAY a regular order. ! I The Price is Right—the Service is Right. Buy coupon books and save 10 Per Cent. Ice delivered on coupon cost 54 cents per 100. On coupon in 50 lb. lots at ICE PLANT, 44 cents per ] 100 pounds. 300 lb. lots, delivered 40 cents per 100 pounds. 300 lb. lots at Ice Plant 33 1-3 cents per 100 pounds. ] Please pay driver and see that you receive quantity ] you pay for. i A. B. POUNDS PHONE 244 PHONE 244! QOCXIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOffeoooaaQOOOOOOOaOOOCOOG ********** m.j.'M L - '■ :-T" ; -j, 1 y'U L ~j, .vuw^ QUALITY! PRICE! SERVICE! j These three words must be carefully studied by the grocery man. j Everyone wants the best—if prices were not a factor everyone would S buy the best, especially in food. We buy Quality Goods —price them right and turn our entire 1 stock over on an average of twelve times per year. That is why we can beat the chain store on price and still give you the service of delivery and a charge account. If you are not already one of our patrons, give us a trial order today. LC. H. BARRIER & CO. Protect Your Property and Your Money ftsevisknEßtS house, when painted with t * Marietta House Paints, is practi> V gs I cally guaranteed against the ravages of 2H §1 foul weather by the Marietta Serrics iiIRORA PAJS Certificate. No other paint manufac iE~—--"o—turer offers you such a certificate. Ask us about it today* Concord Paint & Paper Company 342 N. Church Street Phone 16L A PAINT [ ' W-JUQ-'"ii.. 1 .. "" ■ .■■■.. ■■■■'. i iu |»»awCTr«BKft amMsmßßah j FANCY DRY GOODS WOMEN'S WEAR jj Concord Daily Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS The time o* the closing of mails at the Concord postuffice is as follows: Northbound 130-41:00 P. M. 36-1-10:00 A. M. 34 4:10 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—LJ :00 P. M. Southbound 39 9:30 A. M. 45 — 3:30 P. M. 135 8 K)0 P. M. 29—11:00 P. i 4. RAILROAD SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 30, 1926. ‘ Northbound Vo. 40 To New York 9 :28 P. M. . No. 136 To Washington B :05 A. M. ! No. 36 To New York 10 :25 A. M. I No. 34 To New York 4 :43 I*. M. so. 4G To Danville 3:15 P. M. j So. 12 To Richmond 7 :10 P. M. ! So. 32 To New York 9:03 P. M. No. 30 To New York 1 :56 A. M. 1 Southbound No. 45 To Charlotte 3:45 P. SI ! No. 85 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M No. 29 To Birmingham 2 :35 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M No. 33 To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8:00 A. M. l No. 135 To Atlanta 8 :37 P. M . No. 39 To Atlanta 9:50 A. M. I No. 37 To New Orleans 10:45 A. M. Train No. 84 will stop in Concord ( o take on passengers going to Wash- , ngton and beyond. ■ Train No. 37 will stop here to di»- harge passengers coming from be- ' • end Washington. All trains stop in Concord except j 1 No. 38 northhound. > 1 fTmlF thought! : M—FOR TODAY—I ! I Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove • ||| 1 |i priceless heritage in after yearn JSj Be Patient: —L**t patience, have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect 1 and entire, wanting nothing.—James < 1 :4. | | LOCAL MENTION j There will be no mid-week services at the First Presbyterian Church to night. Crowell P. Ititchie is very ill with , appendicitis in the Rex Hospital at I Rale gh, friends hen- have been ad-1 vised. Attention is again called to the I fact that free typhoid and diptheria j vaccinations may be secured each Saturday at the county healtli de- j oartmeut by the people of Concord I and Cabarrus. •Toe, aged pet dog of R. tv. White, died last Saturday night at the store where Mr. White works. .Toe would have been sixteen years of age in August and for many years had been constantly with Mr. White. The “Y" swimming campaign con tinues to add new names to its list of j non-swimmers taught to swim. Ha's j a dozen more were able to navigate the length ofthe pool yesterday under the instruction of Mr. Denny. Miss Mary Horton, who is recap-1 crating from a recent operation fori the removal of her tonsils, is spending several days in No. 10 township with home folks. Her condition continues to show improvement. Rev. .T. B. Moose. Ph. D., professor j of the Lutheran Synodical Seminary at Maywood. 111., will deliver the sermon at St. Johns Sunday at 11 o'clock. Holy Communion will be administered at that time. The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McNeely, of China Grove township, died Tuesday night of in fantile paralysis. The child was , stricken last Friday and was in a desperate condition from the first. Four horses from the stable of J. F. Cannon, entered in races in New York State, won second money in their first raees last week. Each horse won second honors in the race entered, showing fine speed and stam ina. Chief of Poliee Talbirt stated this morning that he had nothing new to reirort. Business with the officers has been rather qniet during the week with no cases of special importance reported so far. No session of the recorder's court will be ■ held today. The aldermen are said to be all set for their July meeting at the city hall tomorrow night. Due to the fact that the first Thursday in the month comes on the first day, members of the board will give attention to city matters earlier in the month than usual. Judge John M. Oglesby, who is now attending the bar association meeting at Wrightsville Beach, will hold his next term of court in Mc- Dowell county. He has exchanged courts with Judge Shaw and will be in Marion, the county seat of Mc- Dowell, for two weekq. Ben Paschal, former Charlotte star, has been playing with some regular ity for the New York Yankees re cently. Ben has been hitting well and has aided the New York team. Bame Ruth drove out his 28th home run of the season Tuesday but is still behind his record season of 1921. The well at the Cabarrus Country Club had reached the. 100-foot mark Tuesday and no big supply of water hud been reached. The well was only about 35 feet before the present drilling was begun. The well Is be ■ ing cut through solid rock and is ex pected to furnish a big supply of I water before much more digging is I done. : ' Twenty-three children were treat- I ed at the dental clinic at the county [ health department yesterday by Dr. I Adams, state dentist. Fronj the large j number who have- visited the offices j for appointments, or telephoned, it I seems likely that more children will [ receive the free Services thia year j than ever before in the city and I county. THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE BODY OF AN INFANT IS FOUND IN SWAMP Placed in Tow-Sack With Brick and Then Thrown Into Stream. Dun, June 21).—The bo'.y of a male infant wn« found in Mingo swamp, about live miles northeast of Dunn, by Nome young men who wire fishing in the stream. The infant scad j been put into a tow aack and 11 in the water. Bricks were put into the sack to weight it down- | The remains had reached a state of J decomposition which made it diffi-i cult to determine the color of the* child, though it was thought io have been white. The child is though to have been put into the stream goon after birth. It is not known if it! was killed and put into the water after death, of if it was drowned. i No-Legged Man in Court For Hit - ting Man Witt One Leg. ! Raleigh News and Observer. Jack Davis, with both *ogs oti ! was in Wake Superior Court yester j day to enter a plea of guilty to an | assault. liather unusual, too, was the j fact that George Alien, whom he hit with a crutch, is a one-legged man. Legless men apparently ought to be companionable, and perhaps they are when one of them isn’t out col looting. That’s a different story, n* Jack Davis related it to Judge Barn hill yesterday. When Davis asked Allen for a * dollar, the latter said he had al ready paid it. whereupon the former |is alleged to have responded with ;i vigorous s'a in of crutches. Judge Barnhill didn’t get arouinl to Davis yesterday in imposing sen ! tcnees, but he did remark something about the propensity of one-legged and no-legged men to get into court in Raleigh. It was last Sunday night that four one-legged men were called into the Raleigh police station to answer to charges of a “routine" nature. Charlotte Chamber Asking For Re lief. Washington. June 20.—A bill to relieve the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce of indebtedness amount ing to H8.14&5K, paid without attth ority for the rental of land occupied by Camp Greene, was introduced in the House today by Representative A. L. Bulwinkle. Suit has been in stituted against the Charlotte or ganization for the money which has been paid by the chamber to the owners of the land. The bill would also relieve from liability Captain Charles (J. Dobbins, army disbursing officer. The land occupied by Camp Greene was leased to the Army for | SI,OOO a year by the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce on September 1. 1917. The lease was renewed for the period July 1. 1918, to June 30, 1919, but payment was made in the amount of -8,146.58 to the Chamber jof Commerce for the period January 1, to June 30, 1919. This payment is said to have been made without authority of law. Fenner and Beane Cotton Letter. New Orleans. June 29.—Liquida tion in advance of the bureau was in evidence today and gave the market an easier tendency for new crop posi tion. They broke through the 16 cenj levels for distant deliveries. While October touched 16.05 July on the j other hand developed periods of strength owing to report* of active demand for spots from large spot In terests ami efforts of shorts in that month to cover. Crop news was gen erally favorable except that the hop- 1 pers are still active in many sec- 1 tions. San Antonio reports the in- 1 vasion ofthe hopper or flea is passing in that section and plant now fruit ing freely again. Crop ideals are in creasing again and indications are for or less estimate form the govern ment. FENNER AND EANE. Rocking chairs have been substi tuted for the customary pews in a church in Haines City, Fla. NOTICE! We have just installed a miodern Slicing' Machine. Phone us your orders for: Boiled Ham Cured Ham Sliced Bacon Minced Ham and Dried Beef We Slice It To Suit YOU Sanitary Grocery Co. Phones 676 and 686 Paul B. Eaton Patents and Trade Marks 406 Independence Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. HOW TO MAKE HENS~ LAY HOT SUMMER MONTHS 1 Be sure they have shade, plenty of fresh water. Feed the Best High Grade Feeds. CORNO FEEDS are sold by us under a written guarantee to make hens lay. and biddies grow. CORNO SCRATCH FEED and CORNO BIDDIE FEED are made from Clean, Sound Grain, no trash or filth. CORNO GROWING MASH and CORNO LAYING MASH—These are made from Dried Buttermilk, Dries Beef Scrap. Oat Meal, Glutin Meal, Corn and Wheat Feed, Fish Scrap, a full balanced feed for hot weather. We-are headquarters for all kind* of feed. We sell cheap, and deliver quick everywhere. CLINE* MOOSE • ■ 1, > BI T FEW PEOPLE THINK ALVIN MANSEL GUILTY StroMKiß Efforts Being Mads By Asheville Folks in His Behalf. Tribune Itareau Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh. .Tune 20.—“1 sure am proa:! to know that so many people | in Asheville think 1 am innocent and I doing so mill'll for me," said. Alvin | Mnnsel. negro youth under sentence jof death when told by the Tribune j corresiHimlent today of the efforts be | iHf made by the peop’e of Buncombe county and Asheville in his behalf. I His voice quivered just a little and ! his eyes became misty when told that i many iteople believed him innocent anil that every effort was being made | to uncover new evidence that would | save him from ('lie electrie chair and that yesterday Governor McLean had held a special hearing at which this new evidence was presented. But while Mansel is hopeful, there is no eork-sureness about him He has been dwelling in the valley of the shadow too long, and deat'.i has been too near for him not to know the seriousness of it all. Still he holds liis head erect and looks you in the eye unfalteringly when he says: "I am innocent. I have never harmed anyone.” And it is hard not to believe him. | There is none of the furtiveness of look and manner that characterizes the habitual criminal, or the man with a guilty conscience. He talks without hesitation and looks you straight in the eye. He appears to lie every bit what iiis friend and at torney. Sam K. Craig, of Pickens, S. says he is, an honest, hard working, well-meaning negro hoy. “I have known Alvin since he was just a small boy in Pickens, and I have never heard one word that would refleet on his character or hon esty." said Mr. Crnig today. While your correspondent was talk ing to Mansel, Hall Johnson, his chief attorney, and Mr. Craig came lu and 'ais face lighted up with a smile for an instant, for he knew they were his friends. "I sure am mighty proud I got so many good friends." he said. Vance County Fanner Grows 205 3-4 Bushels on Four Acres. Henderson. June 29. —The Wilson county farmer who produced 100 bit hels of wheat on 4 1-2 acres, as told of in a news item from Wilson several days ago, has a rival in the Ridgeway section, just north of this city. R. D. Paschall writes that R. J- Bender, of near Ridgeway, hud four acres planted to wheat this spring and produced 2 3-4 bushels on the land, which he said was 51 bushels and better to the acre, and assures all doubting Thomases that "you can see the land and the wheat by measure.” Mr. Paschall further assures that Mr. Bender’s "is o dirt farmer, as we call them." The silk from which the regimental colors of the British army are made cost * in some eases more than fifteen dollars a yard. MAN HAS MIRACULOUS ESCAPE "I was told by our family physi cian that 1 could not live without an operation, as my liver and gall sack were in srfeh a condition. I set the day to go to the hospital, i but then I saw the advertisement of ! MAYR'S. Since taking it lam feel -1 ing like a two-year-old. lam sure 1 never could have survived an op eration.” It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the |ca tarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. Gibson Drug Store and druggists everywhere. Just Received Fresh Shipment of Finest Imported Nuts Mediterranean Salted Almonds Large Selected Salted Pecans Filberts Persian Pistachios (Love Nuts) PEARL DRUG CO. Phones 22—722 [ CONCORD PRODUCE MARKET (Corrected Weekly by Cline ft Moose) Figures named represent prices paid for produce on the market: Eggs i .30 Corn 9l-10 Sweet potatoes j 1.50 Turkeys 2X Onions *1.75 Peat S2OO Batter JO Country Ham Jki Country Shoulder Jtl Country Sides , JJU Tonng Chickens Z. .35 Hens .20 Irish Potatoes 2.00 CONCORD COTTON MARKET Cotton ———— .17 1-8 Cotton atd '*Aj,*******t**M4Ji *4B Efird’s Great June Chain Sale This Week is Your last Opportunity to buy at Chain Sale Prices What you want for the 4th is the $ first thing you’ll find at Hoover’s jflL Only a matter of walking in and walking out—sat- You know in advance » that the advanced, styles are here—and you want the latest. • VJ • 1 J 9 You know what you want—and so did we when we gath ered together this great stock for this gTeat day. So —come in—and forget worries for you haven’t any— even if you were to insist on them. HOOVER’S, Inc. THE YOUNG MAN’S STORE Conkey’sPoultryFeed s Conkey’s Buttermilk Starting Feed, Growing Mash, Lay ing Mash and Scratch Feed For More Eggs and Chickens Use Conkey’s Poultry Feeds Ask For a Conkey’s Poultry Book Fresh Shipments of All Kinds of Feed Arriving Weekly RICHMOND-FLO WE CO. WHITE PUMPS That Are Chic and Charm \ Worn with the new Summer J \ rp'' ’ ) Gowns this one-strap pump wiU at once identify you as a woman of good taste in dress. This style and a wonderful collection of others may be seen at onr wpw va store. They are made of soft pli llf BjA / y able white kid and the price is so IVH/ 1 O "ssjbo SB.OO REPAIRING STORAGE J WILLYS KNIGHT and OVERLAND FINE MOTOR CARS Now a Car Fqr Every Purse CORL MOTOR CO. WASHING GREASING PHONE 630 Hot Water t 11 This gas hot water heater ’ s surely a friend in need and Rl| a friend indeed of every cook iffl fH match and in a few minutes ; Efl lUi M ' ! steaming hot water will run n fiiMi from the faucet—enough foi 111 is** the dishes, for a bath, etc. 'ft p TOs*> WKtmmmn Let us install one for you. f Pays for itself quickly. E.B. GRADY PLUMBING AND HEATING DEALER j OHM, ml Show Room » E Carbln St. OSic. Phoo. BMW Penny Advertisements Get the Results^ mm t mm Wednesday, June 30, 192 ft J