PAGE EIGHT i|BHPHBKS3HKBKHEBS9K9ESBSS9KE9ESCS9SSSSESPKE? : I i EraluffP rfga Tfflß KpyHLggy New Cabinet Oil Cook Stove . Gray Enamel. \\’ill not rust. Easy to clean. Will last three times as long as stoves that are not enam eled. One year to pay. Will cost you nothing to own this stove, as you save enough on fuel to meet your payments on the stove. With this new cabinet stove, you have clean heat. Blue flame, as hot as gas. No smoke or odor. : Costs less than one cent per hour per burner to op erate. Saves time and money. A small down pay ment. Balance in small weekly or monthly pay ments. Concord Furniture Co. SUMMERTIMES NEWEST f ft) HATS The Summer Hat For Sports Wear with Flexible Turn Down Brim Forms a Pleasing Outline for the face and affords protection from the sun— Pastel Shades are emphasized in all models. The pop ular felt is varied by soft braids. Fashion Floor ICE ICE ICE RIG DISCOUNT IF YOU USE COUPON BOOKS A. B. POUNDS ICE COAL SERVICE I YOUR CAR WASHED WHILE YOU WAIT I We have installed a Hardie Car Washing Machine which en fc ables us to remove the mud, grease and sediment from the motor | and running gear of your car and it is only by the use of this ma il, chine being equipped with a 3 horse power motor which gives three I hundred pressure, and same can be easily adjusted so that it will K|V throw a fine mist for work on the body and polished surfaces. Call 228 and wc will call for your car and return same to you. AUTO SUPPLY & REPAIR CO. Ha Dodge Brothers Motor Cars and Graham Trucks KintanM) Agent of Southern Kills 5 Self. Kaßock Hill. June 10.—Robert ti. ■Ejjßßfblood. 51, Southern railway Tirzah, nine miles north of Lbere, committed suicide this morning Epfey shooting himself through the 'l|||p£<iLc| with a pistol. KlMKpondenc.v over ill health was " ■ iSle, wae' alone in a room at • his HE* and w w standing in front of a . ■Kit* when he fired the shot that Hi# «* to"*’ « I heavy caliber revolver entered the head near the ear, penetrating the | head and coming out on the opposite > temple. | Ten years ago Mr. Youngblood drank poison but a physician sue- j eeeded in savfng hie life. He w aur-, vived by bis widow and seven chil dren. The interment will take place to-1 morrow at Beth-Shiloh Presbyterian cburch- 1 it pays to ts* naan ad| ■ Concord Daily* Tribune TIME OF CLOSING MAILS. The time of the closing of mails at the Concord Poetoffice is as follows: Northbound. 130—11:00 P. M. 36—10:00 A. M. 34 4:00 P. M. 38— 8:30 P. M. 30—11:00 P. M. Southbound. 39 — 9.25 A. M. 45 3:20 P. M. 135 8 :00 P. M. 29—11:00 P. M. j RAILROAD SCHEDULE. In Effect May 29, 1927 Northbound No. 40 To New York O:2S P. M No. 80 To Washington ..2:12 A. M. No. 186 To Washington 5:05 A. M. No. 36 To New York 10.23 A. M. j No. 84 To New York 4:43 P. M. | No. 12 To Richmond 7 :09 P. M. i No. 32 To New York „ 9 :03 P. M. Sountbound No. 45 To Charlotte 3:3G P M. No. 35 To New Orleans 9:56 P. M. No. 29 To Birmingham 2.15 A. M. No. 31 To Augusta 5:51 A. M. No. 33 To New Orleans 8:15 A. M. No. 11 To Charlotte 8 :00 A. M. No. 135 To Atlanta 8 :37 P. M. No. 39 To Atlanta 9:45 A.M. No. 37 To New Orleans 11:29 A. M. Train No. 34 will stop in Concord to take on passengers going to Wash ington and beyond. Train No. 37 will stop here to dis charge passengers coming from Wash ington and beyond. All trains stop in Concord except No. 38 northbound. Bible Thought for Today God Hears and Heeds—l cry unto the Lord with my voice, and he an sweretb me out of his holy hill. I’salin 3:4. Prayer—The weakest saint upon his knees, makes satan tremble when he sees. LOCAL MENTION . ■ - Miss Nina Norman, of Washington. D. C., will sing a solo at St. James Lutheran Church Sunday. She will sing "God Will Wipe Away A’.l Tears." The quarterly business meeting of the Missionary Society of St. James Luthern Church will be held in the Corbin Street school on Monday after noon at 3 :30 o'clock. The sum of $221.75 was collected Friday afternoon in recorder's court before Judge A. B. Palmer. The majority of those paying fines were charged with violation of liquor laws. Evangelistic services by Rev. Mc- Kemlree R. Long, of Statesville, will be held Sunday at 11 o'clock and 7 :30 o’clock at McKinnon Presbyterian Church. Walter W. Rowland will conduct the music for the services. The Business Woman's Circle of the Woman's Auxiliary of the First I’resbyteriaii Church will meet Mon day evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. 1,. Patterson instead of the Country Club as first planned. Construction of a new residence, of colonial architecture, for Luther T. Hartsell, Jr., on North Spring street, will begin within' a few days. At the present the old dwelling ou the site for the new house is being raxed. The mercury climbed higher again Friday, touching the IHMegree mark following cool weather for several days. There was a heavy rain here during the night, the precipitation be ginning shortly before 10 o'clock and continuing for several hours. Two marriage licenses were issued Friday by Register of Deeds L. V. Elliott. They were: Jennings T. Deas, of Concord, and Miss Arien Taylor, of Concord Route No. 6; and William S. Teavepaugh and Miss Mary Fortner, both of Kannapolis. “Big Bill" Harris, former star with the Gibson Mill team, is pitching for the Macon team in the South Atlantic league this year. He was defeated by Charlotte Friday, three home runs bringing about his defeat although he allowed the Hornets but five hits. Reports reaching Concord this morn ing stated that a heavy rain between Albemarle and Mt. Pleasant Friday night caused some damage to crops. The rain fell in such torrents for a lime, it was said, that farm lands and highways were badly washed. Rev. J. W. Clay, a returned mis sionary from Brazil, will speak Sun day evening at 7:30 o’clock at Wes ley Methodist Church. Rev. E. Myers is at Duke University attending the special school for ministers. He will be out of the city for two weeks. Four Concord residents left last night by train for Washington, D. C., for the purpose of seeing the recep tion, that is to be given Colonel Chas. Lindbergh, lone New York-Paris flyer. Several persons from Concord left Thursday and Friday by automobile for the 'Capital City. The Giants were defeated by Pitts burgh Friday and the Yankees lost to the Chicago Socks. Philadelphia won in the American League. In the | South Atlantic Greenville won from Knoxville while Charlotte was win ning from Macon and Spartanburg was winning from Asheville. Gilbert Hendrix, assistant secretary of the Cabarrus County Building, Loan and Savings Association at Con-* cord National Bank, received a mes sage Friday from Raleigh announcing | the death of J. B. Robeson, promi nent in the North Carolina Building & Loan League. Funeral services for the late Mr. Robeson will be held qt 5 o’clock this afternoon in Raleigh. Dr. Samuel P. Brooks, who has rec ently celebrated the silver jubilee of his president of Bayolr University, began his career as a railroad section hand, I■’ « . , ’Vf-Gife- t iMfi, I ■ • THE CONCORD DAILY TRIBUNE We Wish to , S THANK the ladies of Concord who call ed during the visit of our Dor othy Perkins Toilet Goods, demonstrator. To those who did not have! this pleasure we extend our in vitation to come in and ac quaint themselves with this de lightful line. To the old and new patrons we assure a full line at all times. W Pearl Drag Company 722 PHONES 22 BELL and HARRIS Funeral Home Day and Night Service Phone 640 "Smartv | /j I pA (| Ij jjj 1 fa Some folks think with ry my dough I’m rash W% | . Yet lam careful with 11 Ik my cash. II As a usual rule folks Mw ■ I who are careful with 1I i ■ m — L ~ — — " ’ q CONCORD COTTON MARKET SAUTRDAY, JUNE 11, 1827 Cotton .15% to .16 Cotton Seed 34 Vi CONCORD PRODUCE MARKKT~ (Corrected Weekly by Cline A Moose) Figures namdl represent prices paid for produce on the market Eggs .25 Corn .75 Sweet Potatoes SI.OO Turkeys .25 Onions |I.OO Peas $1.25 Butter .25 Country Ham .30 Country Shoulder 20 Country Sides .20 Young Chickens .28 Hens .18 Irish Potatoes SIAO Hams Hams Hams Big Lot Country Cured Hams Just Like We Sell AU the Time This lot won’t last long. Sell Whole. Slice Hams Each Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. PHONE ?39 CLINE and MOOSE P. S- —We Deliver Quick Everywhere. », Snappy Styles In Spring Oxfords and Ipumps I. * , New; Styles come in daily. You will find 'here what you waut, and you can depend on the Quality. A new shipment of those Yonng Men’s Plain Toe Oxfords in black and tan. Straw Hats and Panamas Are Ready. RICHMOND-FLOWE CO. High Grade Merchandise MR. FARMER: WE WANT YOUR POULTRY, EGGS AND BUTTER FAT. We cannot pay fancy prices for the reason that the market is low this year on account of over production, but you can sell a a pound rooster now for more money than you can get for him when he is a 4 pound stag or an 8 pound cock. Why waste feed on him? Sell him now and let the pullets grow. We want your cream and are still paying 36 cents per pound for Burter Fat. Why sell your Butter for “SOAP GREASE” prices? Let us buy your cream all the year round. We have more than a hundred satisfied cream patrons and we can satisfy you. We are distributing more than a Thousand Dollars per month among thf farmers of Cabarrus County for Butter Fat alone. C. H. BARRIER & CO. PAPER PAPER PAPER Make your home new inside with nice wall and ceiling paper to match the room. Let it be Dining Room, Living Room, Bed Room or any room in the house, I have the sample book to select from. Paint the doors and wood work and paper the walls to match. Makes old rooriis look like new. * Call me and get an estimate on the work and material. I will be glad to make suggestions to you. JOHN R. QUERY TELEPHONES 891 OF 147 25 Dozen ' MEN’S SHIRTS All New Designs, the most Beautiful we have ever shown. Every shirt full cut and fancy colors. Beautiful quality Eng • x lish Broadcloth in plain white and many fancy patterns in stripes, checks and plaids. $2 $2.50 $3 *"“53.50 Special Sale on Under wear All This Week W. A. | Overrash Dandruff Tells a Story You Can’t Deny I Get Rid Os It! >» t/ ou aw * ““pfr to u ® n ß £/ the Jape Coxian Tonic for Dandruff and Irritation. No cage of dandruff ever withstood six applications of this Tonic Buy it today in our Toilet Goods Department jjme cußimn Tonics GIBSON’S MOST COMFORTABLE and ECONOMICAL WAY TO TRAVEL Is Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares For Short Trips Ask The Tickfet Agent Fresh Shipment North Carolina Honey, in the Comb 3 Lb. Jar, QC Only vvv Also Fresh Shipment Small Kingan Hams CABARRUS CASH GROCERY CO. PHONE 571 41:v- •••.. - Kiri • 7 . A WORD ABOUT MOTHER-IN-LAWS r Voung man—getting mar y iSSIm ,/ > J ried—your ear please; i—* m I matter how g y°u L Jr rj 7 I are—right at present your I I// (l* | future Mother-in-law does || ' not think you are good - ' enough for her daughter— So lets fool her—by looking as tho' you were! Everything for the groom who is everything to the girl. Schloss Bros. & Co. Day and Formal Suits $25.00i TO $60.00 All the “I Will” Accesories HOOVER’S, Inc. The Young Man’s Store let us do it for you When it comes to packing, crating'^,.. V and cart'ng we are no the job any J \ time you need our. services. We are / \ in the transfer business every day of \ Oie year and will move your goods j PH I nnd chattels whenever and wherever u"" "' 1 ' 1 ' '■ Lr I I you desire. You simply phone us rl RANSFER vvliat you want done and we will tell you what it will cost and how quick (*@l laEi lr ” "• 865 -PHONE- 133 J ZEB P. CRUSE Startena and Baby Chic Chow Will grow you a 2-pound Chicken in eight weeks, if you will feed them according to directions. We will guarantee. We also have Feeders and Drink ing Fountains to suit all." r . ~ . Cash Feed Store rHONE us Comforts BB| IH B T° enjoy life to its utmost one —j r'*jgfealj 1 ijf must have a good home to live in. n JMX J good bed to sleep in and a good bath room to keep clean in, with three ’ ..JIB meals a day ,of course. It is our business to equip your hath room. We I have the fixtures that represent real II I. luxury. Ask us to give you an esti mate to fix up your hath room, the E. B. GRADY plumbing and heating dealer Plan now for a comfortably heated ~ fWW\ We are here to give you guaranteed ~ , jngfjt Heating Service at M Jpp|d a fair price. |T=gft Pipe and Pipeless Furnaces »mu iw cymyjtv Jm tlm ilwl jjtfM jjlrUk ii fH SYSTEM of circulating heat F. C. Niblock . AMD ROOFING DEPARTMENT! t ’’ ' . V't - '' ' V '• dUj. Saturday, June 11, 1927,

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