The Everyday Counselor Rev. Herbert Spaugh, D. D. We are so busy. Kvorvbody I m et is busy. But are we busy about thv right things? That is what ought to eoneern us. Rep-, at edly I've written in this column that too many of us mistake mo tion for pr-glass. Too many of us arc busy a! ait the wrong thing. There is an interesting story buri d back in the Old Testa ment. which tells about the se lection of Saul as th first king of Israel. After he had been cho sen, they couldn't find him. A diligent s. arch was made for the new king and the record says quaintly that they finally found him after the Prophet Samuel had prayed to God. The Bible verse reads. "Thor-, fore they in quired of the Lord further, if the man should yet come thither. And the Lord answered. Bihold he hath hid himself among the stuff." (I Sam. 10-22). How many of us 'nave h:dden ourse-hes "amo'-g the stuff"? We are literally cov red up with “Stuff." which we have gather ed up and piled around us. St1.1 f 1 TRY POST-WAR "FASTERACTING" Relieve fhc echo* ond ***lcep robbing" N'.rcrie* of Ccid** iaii vt i'fh 566 (*oS,o*s or liUAPETTE BOTTLING CO. West Jefferson. N. C. What gatherers we a''o. Hu"' covered up we are with it. It all so important now. but in the light of eternity it will a mount to nothing. Wo may have this "stuff" piled up in an office, in ; busin. ss. We may even have it in a home. It takes tremendous dfort to accumulate it. and more effort to care for it. Manv of us read last Christ mas- Charles Dickens' "The Christ mas Carol." Do you renn tuber the coma rsation betw>. on Scrooge and Marley’s ghost? Scrooge tells Marlcv 'hat he had In on ;i good man of business. Marley cries a !oud. shak s r.> chain, and says. "Business! Mankind was my bosun ss." Frequently I hear someone say that he is not too much eoneern d ab ait Judgment Day. that a God of Love would not condemn a man for h s ,-ir.s. Almighty Cod does not condemn us. We con demn ou:s Ives when we hide ourselves in "stuff." busy our selves about the wrong tilings, fail to follow lbs plan I'm salva 1 a 1*1, f; ;! to put Him f n-1 Tim Bible tails os omphatica'Iy that God desir s “all ini n to be saved. ;md to e ill unto ; lie knor, ledge of tiie ti util." Co i;: 'I’e e.dl tin. Mighty, and honor me not; Ye call me Just, and fear me net: If I condemn y >u, blame me not." For quid: results, use the Sky land Post's classified columns. Farm For Sale I will offer my farm for sale to the highest bidder, Tuesday, March 23. at 1 p. m., located 2* > miles south of Piney Creek high school and consisting of 14ti acres suitable for grazing or general farming. It contains a six-room house, two barns, a good orchard, plenty of timber and water, and also a 9-10 acre tobacco base. Will divide into three or four separate tracts, or will sell all together. Sale To Be Held On Premises lSrucp \\ hitch PINKY CREEK. N. C. I ARMS \\ hn-r I’antiin*; Pax s FARMS — IVrmsvh \ma .'v ’ !;;:ui — iiardi ;i S;»■.! of Amori: i Wla it .-a i'>t' h\ iii'--* ! i;:rkv, jirk-es lor jour Wo ll.l o vil li' ; eal •. tor '; thi- mo. V, Ian h i* Ur'u i\ SCvahnrs. u\!oru. s a. uc ivory M Protect \ our lantih by becoming a member ol Reins-SUmlivuni Buriul Association telephone ss \v. jefeerson. n. c. A 25 cent fee is charged upon joining, after which the following dues are in effect: Quarterly Yearly Benefit One to Ten Years _ lh -40 $ 50.00 Ten to Twenty-Nine Years .20 .SO 100.00 Thirty to Fifty Years_ .40 1.00 100.00 Fifty to Sixty-five Years -- .00 2.40 100.00 Sudan Grass Proves To Be Profitable For Dairymen i I Sudan grass for summer pasture, ; ordinarily a highly desirable for age crop in most anas, promis es to be even more profitable this year to dairy farmers. Sudan grass has always been one of the best fe ds for summer [drought insurance. This year, with til • prospects of high prices for all types of feed. Sudan will till ‘lie gap wiien permati nt pas tures are suffering under the summer sun at lower cost per cow days of grazing than any other supple mentary pasture. limit lias I) on found to the geogi apliieal arias in which Su dan makes gih d grnwth. Fi < *m Minnesota to Texas Sudan, both ti e regular and sweet vari ties, have proved to he profit makers. Typieal xamples of how Su dan lias carried herds through the suir.m'i is report', d lium the farm of Fred Schueneman, of near Ava. Mo. ScIh ueneman. a patron of the Kraft Foods Company's Ava i plant, sow d 4 and one-half acres i of Sudan hist year the hist week of May and another four acres the first if June, lie turned 14 j cows and .a heifers on the 4 and one-half acres thi 15th of July 1 and 1 4/ them on for 10 days. Tin n lie turned them in on the 4 acres for 10 days. When he look thoin off the 4 acres. In, kept tin in off f r a p rlod • if about 2 wi eks to give ‘ be Suda': a chance to get a good start. Then he turned in on both plots f,tg gil>i iip a mml h 1 x - fore using ; past 11 r s. I ,a ter i". tie I Sehueneman g.4 mi■! p istiir; from t!;e 2 f.i Ids, about Aim Pr. stog. P)oug 1: s C : o Sod ’. nt !!• hi. In the ... 1047 con 1 'Site roe mis of the d . u. meis ase of !)4.a i • itnds ,,f milk | ■ aero b tWeet Jen- 15 ■d A " 1 I a mo t Jen had 11H >rc days of pasture later in the full. Preston figures that the crop was worth more than four limes the cost of seed and fertilizer to the i a. <•.' who n.i\ o experience m growing Sudan fun summer pas turn, point out that it requires good land that should be weil f utilized. many recommending that tiie fertilization bo sim.lar to that of corn. They also say that Sudan works in well in a rota tion program where the Sudan is torn up m the fall and tin plot seeded to small grains foi winter and early spring grazing. Tln re is one warning that ag ronomists have put out about Su dan and that is—"get your seed ea: ly." So- d stocks are : • »>•• '•west point in years, chiefly b cause acreag planted ia.--i nier was needed for forage in ai ve-p ; i d little v see i. .us to y it ai i ^ •In? it .I*' *.AB *j -'^ j 'r'i Creomuls-'on relievos promptly be cause it t;ocs right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and e.tpel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to se»! j ou a buttle of CreomuLsion with the un derstanding you must like th i way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. for Coush?,Cht!'t Colds, Bronchitis one-half to % acre per cow, anc securing the seed needed now will be the dairyman’s insurance against falling milk volume thi: summer, (he agronomists say. ARMY AIR FORCE RECRUITING GAINS (Continued trorn page 1) charged with obtaining 1080 met per month as their share of tin recruits necessary to me t t1’ ’ tional quota each month, and, it February, a total of Itidil you ■ men from Ihe two states enlist ed in either the Army or tin Ai Force. Sergeant Del,lira also state that the local office over-sub scribe d its quota for the montl of February. Although the national Arm: and Air Force Recruiting pro gram has not accomplished 'h numb, r of enlistments nocess ary to keep the Army and Ai F u'cc at full strength during re c nt months, the members of th Recruiting Service working it Ninth and South Carolina hav obtaint d more than their shar of ecruits during both Januar; and February of ties year. Credi for this is given to the fact tha the public is !> coming aware o 'ui' yaiuc of an enlistment in tin Army to the young nr n of Ur "Carolinas" and the returning o many foi mer servicem. m to uni f i in after having tried civilia* !:fc for a time. Th,< ;o men foiim that I lie A1 my ■ ally lias some thing to i iff i them ;n tlie way i> Cl Om.d .! - is li'l n: i 1 r,e v;e .:. ■ .o . n. hi rs I, Fi in ua \ ( Hvi' Mary .1 uti<' Miller ? T;:1 y dr d m ;ht r . I:;. Miller and t. > 'Me IV- :• Mil lei. was ho: n Ai : 1 27. I »•»:’. a' - died March 4. !!14H at Us. ch ef 54 years. Ill months and days. She is survived by her father one sist in Alpha, of Ova! am j Kannapolis, two brothers, Oder' and Dailey, of Oval, and a hos of relatives and fr iends. Her nv • tie r, three sisters, and one bro ! ther pi ded her in death. Mary Jane never dovelopot j mentally beyond a child. We hav NOTICE OF SAFE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA ASHE COUNTY COUNTY OF ASHE Ys. J. W AND .1 L. KERNOODLE I 'nder arid by \ : !ii- of a D nr .In lament of ! n Su ;n tier C i: i t i f Ash" Com '' • U.. r ,u't ! \v ' . ' t: r : Me d"r -1 i!' d i 1 t r the sa;m ;a corded in i he r>l I a e -f tii I;( cist, r ,,f Di - is oi Tibs March 1". 1<)4«. I a. T. ,1 hr ns ti'ii. Ci i; a U! tti i ’d patient. W are all sure she has gone to ■ that land where there is im more i stiff ring and sorrow, and where [ there is no tortured bodies or ■ ; childish minds. Those like Mary . I Jane, who ime capable of enjoy ■ j ing earth least, will by the way of contrast., enjoy hcavi n most. ; I Funeral service w as conducted . j at Bethel Baptist c,lurch, by the i Rev. Hi rbert Caldwell of Sparta, I Rev. Harrison Miller, of til n i dale Springs and Rev. Dewey Ro . ten of Wed J Jfc-son. i A dear loved one from us is gone A voice wa loved is Mm. ’ : A place is vacant in our home, . | That never can be filled. i I NOTICE OF SALE » IN THE SUPERIOR COURT . BEFORE THE CLERK , NORTH CAROLINA I i ASHE COUNTY [ WILLARD LEE DICKSON AND r MRS. DOROTHY OSBORNE. BY . THEIR UNCLE AND OENERAL . , GUARDIAN, ,1. A. DICKSON, r | EX PARTE: . j Pur.~11.:nt to :in order of the , C ''ill"! r :i■ i• m tin nkuVO out it - ! ’ 1 d ("III I. \Y. !.' ll.-t ill. (’oil mis ■ >. v .11 i.p (Pi puli da\ o pm is I W i > ■ ' ick P. : pie (O' i. ■ n S:'. i - ( ;,d, I mo North |;1' \Y. 19 T • :.' o- to o : Clip 2 N N No N- : No: No to, : thv: the! Poh 3 n 8 P i; i - <> P poh P<’ I" til I2P. Lost It; poles; Ihm I ! K. ' 2 pol-- s; then to 5 West 7 poles; then 'h 7L- E 2 West 5 .. then North 83 West 1! Iren North 3n'i West 11 : th- n No' tii 28 1 - W- st i 1 p '!' S to stoke oil (op of ti L-I 850. We-- 5 : .So: .9 V.3 -t 13 - O' o !"' i-t po-t; : K.. ■ II ; ■ • s; S mh Hu1 j pot s: tin !; H> II':'! HU1 - : t:! i .: !. then s< ■ml. I’d K i -i | 4 pules: then South 4:! I-.... j !)2 a or s and til square p, m j (■"! 1; >: i'll in t||f ,'.i" i'.'i .1 ■ rnI ;ct o| land h< . .-fniT sold l ' 1 Ca; 1 H ''I'.- '. and \V. W. l)i< I. ' and fo: -;" I'll'ic description of j j land it : i I : • •‘■old to tin- I ! (’ai l Dick.- m . ad \V. \V. i I'ci'ci.•::i ■ : la 'i t ! iy madi ■ In t1 a : | title dci a i Carl Dickson a :d W. \V Dickson foi same. Tltis the 5th il',\ .1 Marc!:. 194 it. W. it. AUSTIN, Cornmis- I :t-i;;-4tc NOTH II OF SUMMONS IN THK St PKKIOR COURT ■ NORTH CAROLINA AS]IK COl'NTY \ KKA i't AVERS Vs. OKOKt IK CI.AUKNCK POWERS ! The .1. feiidant above named will take c dice that an acti >n us • dio\ <■:1111 led, the same hoinn i . I ■ i. 11 • (li Voice, lias been IVr k. delightfully comforting help for I aches ui.rt pains of Rheumatism, Arthritic Neuritis. Lumbago, St int lea, or Neuralgia try Ronind. Works through the blood. First dos# usually marts alleviating pain so you can work, enjoy life and sleep more comfortably. 1 Get Rorrind at druggist today. Quick, com- j pleto satisfaction or money back guaranteed. For Quick Results, Use The Post’s CLASSIFIED ADS RATES Minimum of 35c per issue of not more than 25 words. For each additional word over 25, 2c per word. All “keyed” classified ads arc minimum of 50c. Cards of Thanks, 50c. Memorials and Obituaries, SI.50 minimum. Terms: Cash. Everybody Reads The Classifieds | TO BUY — TO SELL TO RENT — TO FIND FOR SAFE- -Korean L< sp1 dosa se"d. Slate test <1. Guaranteed 1 fi'ee of (totter and jolmson grass, i 14 Re iI>. Down Smith, Conover, 1 N. C. Rhone 408-8. H-1 l-4tp FOR RENT — One four-room and one six-room apartment in : Lansing with electric lights and 1 water. See Mrs. W. A. Weaver. Lansing. 3-ll-3tp GOOD QUALITY HEAVY j BREED BABY CHICKS: 200 foi i $13.00. Worthwhile Chicks, 10j : W. North Ave., Balto., 1. Md. 2-12-1 Dtp FOR SALE — Whizzer Motor , Rake, good condition, been run | only 3110 miles. See Mont Shop- | herd. Clumpier. N. C. 3-18-ltpl comntenc d in the Superior Court ; of Ashe county and that dal.' , v< i ' il nm.plaint ha !■> i n fiLd . ,a d :u run ions issued wim 1 is :'1 - due in thi■ i fide the un- > d on the 12th d; y - i Marel 1! lit hi. i ' S. NH.\! . 2.-11 Re l t 'A OI.1N . I of Harrison C. Tucker, d< i I'oS.-d, late of Asia- (unity, this . ■ to nntd'y a!! pn so having i c'aims against said estate to pre- I sent them to the office of Walter L. Tucker, in West Jeff- rson. N-j Carolina, on or before the 11th j day of March, 1949, or this notice j will he pleaded in bar of their 1 recovery. All persons indebted to I' s iid ■ state will please make ini- | mediate payment to the above. This 11th day of March. 1948. HOWARD II. TUCKER, Administrator. 3-11 Ttc ! Mi l II I. Ur SI 'I 'Miss IN' THK SUPERIOR COURT j NORTH CAROLINA ASIIK COUNTY COUNTY OF ASHK Ys. I.OU c. ORKKR. WAI.TFI! M. CUFF!;. I .ON'I i ORFF.II. 7.FI.I . I; F I- | MOO LINK OH I F.NF. A -HAND ■' IFF’;- •' i. a n ; 1 ■ !■:n c uFF. 7 ■ ■ IV. i.UAi.I >1 \U A!' i' S. a FAN. Cl - K :,r S : II- ’2>i-41c WAITRESS WANTED — Must iavr good health and good char icter. Apply at Wilk s Hotel, Corth Wilke.sboro. S-1! -2te FOR SALK — Paint Sprayer n good condition. Ready fur use. i c W. M. Sharpe, Warrensville, 4. C. 3-11 -2tp FOR SALE 122 acre farm, 15 icres in bottom land, some mar cetable timber, lots of small pine indr r and pasture lard. 2 good iprings, good road. Peak t rek ownship near the Blue Ridge ’arkv.ay. good place for business, '(intact Herman Alexander, Lan ds, N. C., or H. K. Miller. Lau- J el Springs, N. C. 3-11 -3tp * We are headquarters for your 'i-shing supplies. fiO ft. fly rods is low as $4.1)11. Re L-. $2.Ph. West ;rn Auto Store. 3-11 -2tc FOR SALE — 1 la led I 4!n Dixon near I> a ( ■ Stall n. at d : :'-2ti or; I 1.0. all , i a had s ' t ! u la Co. ■ 4 - He FOR SALK One HJ40 model I 1-2 ton Chevrolet truck in good ■ondihon. See M. Junes, J. and J. store. 2-2fi-tke FOR SALE OR TRADE — Or.s * IP 14 model Ford tractor with 24™ 'oot trailer with good rubber md in good mechanical condi ion. Will trade for good late Tuxlel car. See M. Jones, J. and F. Store. 2-26-tkc WANTED- — BOVS- AND HIRES FOR BEAUTY CULTURE TRAINING — G. I. Approved. North Wilke.sboro Beauty School, North Wilke.sboro, N. C. 10-23-tkc p11 1 (JGI ST j IN ASHE t'Ol’NTY j —<>— i He Is Well Qualified To Fill Your Prescriptions. ! Oavlxafs Drugj Sloro t West Jellt cson, N. C. . OUR JOS > PRINTING IS RIGHT IN THE GROOVE j Ill'll.DING. UK HAVING I vorit norsi; wiuid? | st 1: i s ! VAT1S ELECTRIC CO. I I Licensed Electricians ! Satisfaction Guaranteed i Jefferson, N. 0. j I Lnngdon Scott j Ins. Agency j Office in residence between i I i i ! i Jeffersons IMmne ALL KINDS INSl RANGE Lire—Health and Accident —Automobile—Life—Live stock—Bonds, etc.