CHAPTER II WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE • • . Lisheth Carmichael started °ut in the sleetv rain to call upon Cassandra Devine, known to her friends as Cassv, who was one °* New York’s foremost fashion authorities. As she arrived in lront of Cassy’s apartment bui'd inft, a young man. Jon Ever on arrived in a cab. They both en tered the elevator together on "av to ('assy's apartment. The pleasant room m erned in that moment very still. There was only the sharp clatter of beth's cup against he; saucer as she set them down, the frigh ts tied urgency of her voice, say ing. "No. No. I haven't. Cassv. What is it?" Cassy semed blind to the fear in the girl s eyes and voice. She said callously, "He got ten years. And I’m inclined to think he de served it. making so free with otn.r people’s gurney. 1 heard it on a news broadcast just before you came in, and nn ant to toll you. But the sight of Jon here made me forget the whole tiling until just a mir.ut or so ago.” Ltsbeth repeated, "Ten years.” Jon's puzzled glance took in her sudden pallor and the warm rush of eo! ,r that followed it. the pitiful ,.f Inn young mouth. He want d. all at once ami perhaps absurdly, to .d her f om : i.. bd \ ; 11:s news had inflicted, although her connection with Kerr s still ro main d obscure to him. I “My child!" Cassy sound ed impatient, "it's nothing for 1 vou to blush over. Hob Kerris is | nothing to you. Merely your mo ther's fourth husband — or is :t j l.lihV 1 o. vet can remenibt r. ' 1 isbeth's chin cam. up. Tit re was a gleam of pure fury in her j n\ o. "You know pei fvctly well n* w;ts hot thiiu and last. Cassy l)e 1 vino! Jti-t b iao.s you \e get a •i.i in your la a.! is no r* as >n for you t > bi nastier then use a.. C ssv chuckled, "i deso1 ve • that. 1 s w >-th being snapped o' just to see tit. way you always j r s * > (lay’s defense. And..speak ing of Cay—’’ i Lisbet.ii was on her feat now. her blue • v s serious. "I've got to go Cassy. Gay"—her voice seem . d to cart ss the name- "this is I going to bo shocking news for j her. 1 wor.d r if sin s heard . • .1 j ought to be there." Jon rose. too. pn polled i. re.-" ibly by the of beth's departure. II said. ‘Til have to be going, too. Miss I)t - vi :e. I've stayed too long. a> it is. when you aren't foil'ng well. Had and 1 will sui ly call toge ther before we sail." ■■Veil'd bettor." Cassy boomed. There w; s a fiurrv of far wel's. t' *■ s i aid a a o', m oil's me. !. en .- ; lie . 1 o el .V'H (rfnrj'iil :*:‘!?ais* Sh.r* saw i \'i:s a i .? i •:>T:v '« si:.mi o.\s to. We are I; ,»i ■] ic tl.> t;e:n‘ra! . • u a!! Op < ;>rs. Lot us i t.oi k and rei*:;li \ our cn $ vaiiher 1 .ansSforl WOW'*** See l s For The Btsl Certified Crass Seed And Seed Oats Texture Guaranteed As For Tag Brings us vour v. » 1 • * t. i M e Best Part Of Tie Meal for the tea things. Cussy Dev e chuckled. ^tr«.tchintf out comfort ably once more on the cha se For a mom: : t. Emma. I th nk he was afraid he was going to K out on a c.'.ai.'.f .o iu i her home — but w won’ 1 ' t know about such v ould we'.’" Tti'1 ancient maid str.lT'd. "Bo miss" . . . It seetm d :■ or dildo - " that on tins ve y corner, only : little lr.or lha an hour h'l ’’ e he had first laid iy s on I/sheth t’armichai i. It. slip.pi d a hand tinough her cm. detaimn • lie". I He a->ked. "A’ay 1 take you holm ? I'll get a eab." | But Ihsh th sad. "Th; d;s: I don’t lecher. It's onlv a few, h! eks. And the rain's stopped." “Th. n I’ll walk with you." “If you like." They walked through the dusk tog ther. tall buildings on the one : hand, ears flashing | ast on the other. Presently Jon managed, dovish eirbarrassm nt in his voice. "I'm sorry about your - , your step-father, your mother's1 husband." “He isn't her husband any more." said cons'rained I Iy. "They were divorced a coup!' j of years ago." "I'm afraid yen tl<*n’*. Bn* ‘ you're very kind t<> b s "ry. I I . ! ki' v ii. .b n Kverl u. I -1 ■■ 1;.!k :■!'.>i■ t III i. Krvbs ; and—ami ' ."•■:(! b * in1 ;-v th- j .1 a; y. ill h. -A hi'.'" : has m ,u, y in tone. "T nt> Three. And y <i• V "Mini teen—;ind don’t say, "A ■ r. infant'’' "I wasn't going to." “Tell me more. I interrupted." “T- il nn- more. She int• rrupt rd." j "Well. I work for my father. j He's the he;Td of the company. 1 1 j mean. 1 haven't much of a job j vet. They switch no here and there at intervals to give me per- ; spent :vt." "Learning the business from the 1 ground up.'' she tested. .And then. "What line are you in?" "Farm equipnn nt. harvesters, that sort of thing. The Evertons were farmers originally. Tie a my groat - grandfath.-r invented a real :. nr- ( vd. asking and th**n. ju<t him u.< F:n;, vnirc* .- dan n. suf‘h a drona :n a-. I'ei-H, <. oucst inns ’* < 'U L’ h to y she sa: t lines fa S* > vt nf •;n: i'[u\\ n < * w ka,n . h r busi ne n t. it a Ah: aptly sk* a and nu'strata ..v win - c I iiv his. ‘-This ’A'a: imv. hard. H. fell absurdly , ’“1 da- •" :ann:Sl t! I : V had !'• ^‘h- ■ ed their destination so quickly. a 1. ! : l; SiV . >• \A a a : 1 l L‘1» ::.l‘ i an i\. "I'v< u I to o ■ , ■. . .! I Jim .. i" .ut 11 ’in i nm " II ■ .v jiis.’iut dinner --- at av n. shall we say? And we could see a show.” He thought her fingers returned the pressure of his own. He thought there was a queer breath lessn 'ss i: her low voice, saying, “I’d like that." Put she was gone befor. he was quite sure. . . Letting hi rself into the fourth floor apart in : t s' e and her mother shared. L sb til heard v. ices. Lay's and a mans. Recog nizing those slightly mocking ntasculin. toms as she slipped out of her coat in the hallway, I is,both was aware of a sharp j ilow 11.• : o! i: s.a.he. Reid Terry! What Guv saw i:i the man ’a 1 , i e\ ' a ia i ' ; ' iparent '.1 ' | o; j.Jit r. 1 .i-,1 vth despised his . h • k onod looks, J is til it t r . S' da' ic immi'i Sin* wo; id !tav • ■ v to J .■ i wt room to await ]i < d< pa. titl e, had not her mo th. r's v i"i - to: oil lmr .n mid- i flight: I.isl.etii; Darling s that j you?" Lisb 11t wont into the livin"- ! room hooause thorn was not'.lino else to do. Site smilod at Gay and emoted R id politely for hoi mother's sak . Only one lamp was lit m ‘.he exquisi’ely furnhshed room, its dim glow falling on the warm rusts and browns of fab rics. the pale, dull wood of mod ern furniture. Gay and K id sat side by side on a low couch. Gay was wearing a house gown of pal S-. ivory, high-necked, long- 1 sleeved, e'assieally simp'e. Slip j was : lovely it ntaii. la. betas i throat ache a little. In that iinil' (lay pel ; :s might ] have b i twi t>, test a;i of al most twice that. Him hair w.s mucii 11u!i' ■ than 1 .isbet1: a - i1 . 'll1 J . .-hade. 1 1’ a eyes 1 a! and i c. i - a i velv 1» d:. , ’ You: smok ings ' are m a You arelKi walk in tins be; stlv weather". - a faint qua\a : mai d the sm •• it h f! w 1 ‘f in ; v see. but «h« smil ed bravely—v n if we arc prac tically destitute." Ht-id lifted his glass to Gay. LABORATORY TESTED PRE-SHRUNK Cinder Bloek THE MODERN Bl'IEDING >1ATERIAI. FOR LOW COST t’ONSTRITTION Fire Safe Weatli r d w.:i:. t.M'\ 5 i' \ i'fVS'iam'!!! Sonin! 5a: iila't*»l I .ov, i>1 \ *:•!•%< c» : i i I j I fs! ]\; l'T) • \ x j i I>I .iJ \ J i* V M anon * sou< v »> j » Rhone On 11 Marion. \ a. We now have on hand a good supply of SMITH DOUGLAS FERTILIZER FOR ANY KIND OF CROP You may want to plant, and remember your farm will be a better farm when you use S. D. DROP IN AND PLACE YOUR ORDER WHILE YOU CAN GET ANY KIND YOU WANT Yours for better crops “That’s the spirit, darling. Car ry on. Keep up a front if it kills you. After all, you’ve been broke b.fore,’’ Reid said. Lisbeth wondered when Gay had heard about Bob Ferris. Perhaps Reid had told her. There was a s ’(iist'c streak in his nature; he always seemed to revel in being the bearer of bad news. ‘TJm't mind m Gay pleaded. Her tone was light, but beneath the lightness was a mile of pan ic. I.isb, th could sense that, he mg so close to Gay, knowing iier so w 11. she f It, m that moment. •Ifler than her mother, stronger, eiuoiusly pnreetive toward her help!.'smi ss. her ledden tears. Gay said hitt ly, "I hate Boh Ferris! He always was a fool.” "For being d shonest (,r gel ling caught'.’'' Reid imputed, one eyibiov quirked in tin supercil aais way lksheth disliked so ae lit ly. "Both! And for snvral oilier reasons, wldch we won't go into at the moment. But he was gen rous about alimony. I’ve never denied that. Wh n 1 remember how Steve Butler fought against even the tiny settlement that judg allowed me ..." (To he eon!inn d) i CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many l friends for the kindness shown | us during the long illness and ; death of our loved one, Mary : Jane Miller. Also for the beauti j ful floral offerings. Ira Miller and children, Daily, Odera, Alpha. j The yield per acre for all types of tobacco L-rt wn in North Caro lina increased from fi<>5 pound in lf!2!) to 1.142 pounds in lil-hi. We have an order for a p1 oto nf a good III 1.1 -Heifer. We will he glad to rrak<* a large photo of one I'RF.K if sonnbndv wh* please tell us where to find one. WESTBROOK PHOTO TODD, N. C. Farmers in nine western North Carolina counties took advantage of reeentyl held Workstock ciinici in their communities by having 9110 animals treated. COME IN AND JUDGE j FOR YOURSELF! i Considerable misinforms- j tion has been spread, over the year, concerning funer al service. That is why peo ple are sometimes surj ris cd \v! cl tin y learn the facts cone r iog funeral mer chandise, service a.:d prices, f Oar establishment wel comes visitors at all times, and ore of our stuff will be happy to answer any and all c|Uistioi:s concerning our j ser ice. Visit us some time and judge for yourself. Badgers Funeral Home PH(INK 20 West Jefferson, N. C ir-;; s msi 3 y:>f? ?>ina H : “ !*■ E ^V ». A n; W '%J ■ t J ' . f f- hi jrfj V* i ' ‘ *7 *1 »■' 11* !( V it *L fa 1 Vi vj' tfl A HI Vi* L;ti f 11 ijju . - i.J K H* V. ’ * ' v - • -H tLH* V ll«;;iU n Yon A.o I’nyii:;; ( :v Ur CnvU; , ,• ",' I A :,« V«.s« T > . r. A 5 >n 1 .vs \ . .)..• ■. ’i vrnis 1 ;IMI Tl'K WlXTKi.' VM'Vi.iN WK I'.WK !;F,K.\ A! ILF Tt; \( v l.’MF’.A IT. \ I.IAMTKD v.;l'A.\Tl l'Y uF A! !. TAMMS < 'S ! ’. 1' 1!. 1) 1N < ; \! \TK;:I .1-. WK il.W K AVA'i.ALLK ' A F\;.\:FI)IATK DFLIYFIIV. An MONTI AA IT i,A Tt; Ti.K KM.! : !.u: I'rlA A i1' V NOW AN’) ",!•; I’KFUAKKM IN.) lii'iLI.). MIX'A l SK \\ !; N TjiK WKATHFU 15KCOM iAS CUM:'' <‘Mi; STOCK WILL BKt’OMK SMALLKK. KiCKFK. Hheetroek V* liiit- Asbestos Siding ( Vloles:. Till* and Insulation Hoard Asphalt and (>al\ani/.ed Rooting Shingles Masonite Aluminum Rooting Metal and Rock Hath Cement and Mortar Mix Finishing l.ime and l’laster Heaver Hoard and (Ivpsum Hoard Inside and Outside 1 ir Doe rs French Doors and Panel Doers Wood. Steil & Aluminum Windows O.-lier (wo do all Opes metal work) ' Uai'i T.i'-s, CoMii'. <m’cs. J.;: ::; (»i i“s. KCCinn Sin!,'-. *nyoiN Wainr s'!i• :ip.,. !i ;t ‘Vatcr HnaUu's l'.\lra Pump Tanks t\ al; r Sail Ti-.-ra ('<•: a \ l :m ! Praia Tilt j i h\ i :i ;• I> suns. l'< r Wc’ls. i?'.5 IV j V., ; ' : a T> I’:: !. . . V- a!! I.i" !-• ' i > ’ ! '. Sii ' V ' i's ! ■ ■(• ' Jo :> . i {.'im*;'/ Sin 2; !i i ;u::t I’rirk Si.tiir Ka<!io IVoijram IMease listen to .It nains It.m! ware ciimiwiiv's radio program every day, 12:15 noon. Music hv Key Aeufl', Ked Foley and l r nest Tubbs, station \Vk!S< , .North Hilkesboro. \. (’. An interesting contest riven daily . closing every two weeks, with valuable prizes. 'Scar your favorite times and send in requests along with entries to (tie contests. n,.r J u-i. i. • . \ ,!ii , , i . • ■ j ti i mu-", i i\rr 1 i i !, (ire f I he Joints Willi ■ ; I Ii C.-i!3<-ntS 1 i: i! licM IJai.iI !r.m. Ant;!e Iron ami lie ili ini c;n;i Sll'l'l .A .j»Ii■ 111 tor 41•!.{ :ui(i hot process i loe'rie Kelrtyorastors. llunsjvs. Washing Ma chines, 11 • • l V) ator Healers AM kinds of " 3/ Has I war ■. ie. I; din , ii i.i.i-ks, Mai's. Door iiiii'cLi1: s 31.Chimes. (';:!) nc: Ih.rtlv. are. FU Aid. OF Tins /V\ All AH1.F A 1’ Jenkins Hardware and Furniture Co. Huildino .Material. W arehouse at the llailroad FFilMTUiH AT WliDl.kS.Vl.l ( (1ST! We Have Complete lam* «v S 0? *.j> 4 # £ PIIONK Git:! or 71 N'OilTJI V, IIJLF'.SnOilO. V C (Wo ho Ip y hi will loans. Wo will wait until your loan gors through, or wo make ft worth you: ( timo if you are paying cash.) i

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