Brief Review Of Slate, National And World News During The Past Week POLICE ARMY FOR PALESTINE FAVORED Haifa, Palestine — Major Gen eral H. C. Stockwell, commander of British troops in Northern Palestine, said last, week that bloodshed would occur alt-r tic British withdrawal and called for an international police force of 50,000 men. “A U. N. force probably would have more prestige than the British Army but that alone would not guarant.e success." he s: id. "Such a force must be large enough and strong enough to k ep the upper hand in any event uality. Prestige won't stop bul 1 ts." Tite British commander said he believed :t would take at least 50.000 well-trained and well arm ed troops six months or more to disarm the Arabs and Jews in Palestine. He said it would be "immoral and un-Christian" not to supply Palestine with an ad.quote po lice force to control the inevitable blood bath aftei the British with drawal. STEEL PRICE RISE TO BE INVESTIGATED Washington — Pr-sklent Tru mans iconomic advisers said that the price inert':.s by major s’eol companies were ordered without due regard for the "pub lic interest." The Justice Depart ment said (hey warrant further ant it! ust jr.\ os: .onto on Tii: e e i'po: ts :■ quested by Mr. 30 ARE KILLED IN ALASKAN PLANE WRECK Anchorage. Alaska — The bad ly shattered and burned wreck age of a Northwest Airlines four engine charter plane that crash ed into the side of towering Mt. Sanford Friday night with 30 passengers and crewmen aboard was located Saturday at the foot of a glacier. Search and rescue planes skim med low through a canyon at the 8.000 foot level and reported there was "no possible chance for survivors." The plane had been flying the "Great Circle” route from Shang hai to New York City carrying 24 seamen and a crew of six, when it apparently smashed headlong into the side of the 10, 208 foot peak at the 11.000-foot levt 1. civil aeronautics search pi lots reported. Then it sl.d 3.000 feet down tile precipitous mountainsidi in i flames and shattered on the can yon bottom at the foot of a gla ! cier. CAA said. ; Truman following February s round of S3 to St! a ton price | boosts on s mi-finished steel, j were made public by the White ' House. ! The gist of 1 heir findings: ! President's Council of Econo I mie Advisers: The action demon strates that “inflationary influ . rices are still strong. "Price, [wage and ration control iogis iata 'a sin mid not h. • ■ yt .!. f Forth Fsmiiliiro Jusl 1 v< *<*i > <!en% Furniture Store \ VVt'A) AT UAilH' NSVIl.) 1: AM) » \\s=\r j o:c* Po i j. 4 All kinds of Potted Plants AS WELL AS Corsages — Cut Flowers Place Your Orders Now! City Florist Shop West Jefferson. PHONE 129-M North Carolina Finger Painting Is Fun And Helpful Finger painting is fun. anfi there is no 'im’.ht all v. hen yen !:i< "i ! 's hoy. The thrrayM is In cent’ e! his erij»l< .! ii: a \v:>- w liich ma'-e happy. Vpur'-1 a- <> of ''this *•<. a;i(! m:mv .list-rs ;r e tit c: ;, iilt’o ' "tings, er alli it ■ him s him ■i \ Vo is Flo Y\ V’ V' 4.1 t n «4 tr f] «. 'll c ■ i -2 “i ? i 5 j Charles: n, S : F r:r : j Sec: eta; y . , St.. : c Jan • a F. i *.y- j j viK’s 1 u ;s 'A i . ■!■; wa'A :i , i . | n a sibli wo: Ul crisis "feu: 1 live 1 weeks front row" and urged the ' United Stat s to act immediat- Iv the next tint Russia makes a move tif aggression in F.uropc. Hi called for immediate re-en- . uctment of selective -si rvice and a 1 much larger air force to meet; such a crisis. Speaking to cadets of The Cita- | del. South Carolina mil.tarv | school. By; ties emphasized his | belief that Russia will not be; satisfied with abs rption of j 1 Czecheslovakia and Finla.nd. I I j "We have every i eason to be lieve the Soviets covet control of j Croce . Turkey. Italy and I Faruce." he said. "Wi must as-) ■ sume iha" th- y h ve not cotr. | pleted tlteir po-gram to jntper-I j ial . m." I Ho pr, d ct : that Id:- : . and- r < of t::e Bal an Comimt ist V! f k []:■ ! - i•!'(■ t; ry • ; Suit'1, 111; k i ig i. 1 ;■ I re.-s ■ u .; .n. w t ■ |> kr [ht!kip> ■:. : > st WK 'is have Ik m utti r nii:ng Gov oriimcr.t ■ xp* : cnee anti a - r n trust rated <11 •. :. to gotiate \v :h the Kussiars. By l ia s . id Ui.-lt w :! I 11 a of the fom c tin; met s . i ■ I R k, !y 11 :. . Wot. ll ' Yes IVo Ha-.*.- TIkmii: WE !' \\ 5. :5. ::s & c, \l TOi'i.M v' !t .'I ALSO 23.20 & :!2.2<> :>s SPECIALS :;s colts & 22 hornet 7.1; 11 V! >1 M 2 ! I SEE OCR COMPLETE LIN E OE Bee Supplies Including Smoker, Veils and (Haves | Biiv vour Horse dollars here al oltl ! . . i ; prices, Farmers. [ Larjjc Supply — 85.00 up ALSO Cl LTIVATOKS AND HAIlllOWS Hayes Cash Haruware Co, West Jefferson, North Carolina BIG CAR OUTPUT FOR 1948 IS SEEK Detroit — The heaviest pro duction year in their history ap parently les ahead of th. Ameri can motorcar makers. In the first nine we ks of tin year the ear and truck factnr.e; turned out nearly u million ve hicles. By the end of March the total will be in exe .-s of 1,1100, 000. This is the conviction of som< of the best informed sources in the autom bile industry. By tin year's end. these some s say. the lactores will have turned out upward of 5.500,000 ears and trucks. The volume will be ach ieved without more than a two shift operation in any of thi fac ta ri s. The industry's market thisyeai easily will absorb till tin- vehieh that can be produced and leave a sizeable bank of unl'ill d orders Kiyht now the nation’s ear in dustry is enj winy the greatest demand for its product that it ever has experienced. This tl< mand is holdi- y up d spite hi"! prices and prospi <-ts of furthei inert a-i-s. The c nteal Piedmont seetioi yrows more wheat than any othet area it; North Carolina. ANDERSON SAYS HE WILL QUIT CABINET Washington — Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson has announced that he will leave the Cabin, t "reluctantly” this Summer to run for the New M.xico Senate scat being va cated by Democratic Senator Carl Match. Anderson reveal d h:s dot ion at a .rows conference here. He said he will become a eandida'e for Senator in his home state and "if president Truman is willing, I vvi'l remain as Secretary of Ag riculture until the Summer ad j ur meat of Cotigrscs.” Congr ss is expected to ad journ in June. A White House j spoki stnaii said President Tin man will accept Anderson's rer-h natii n but "with great reluct ance.'' The spok sman said Mr. Truman ;s very glad Anderson will remain in tl-.e Cabinet until adjournment of Congress. Tin stage f >r Andersens' an nouncem i t was set several days ago when Hatch aun iuwcd he would no1 seek i ('nomination in New* Mexico's June primary, lla’cli said he would accept a Fed nil judgeship if one is of fered to him, as it probably will b( n OPEN WARFARE IN PALESTINE PREDICTED1 Jerusalem — The fignt f n Palestine was developing into a* battle of settlements m which six raids in two days had cost upward of 50 casualties. Osbervers p.edicted open war fare betw on Jewish and Arab rnni s probably was r.o more’ than tiO days away. The heaviest at'ack in the new pattern came at d; wn yesterday.' whe- Hi.Rar.ft. the J wish militia, raided the A ub v:! 1 at;v of A Hus nt on the southern tip n* Page Hula jus', five miles fr 'in tile Syri; ", bot der. Police sa.d lfi Arabs wer k;!!••' ' and 20 wound’ d. Th” remainder of the population evacuat d the village. An official son rev so ni police and British military units found a number of gi". nudes and one rucksack filled with -'Xplos ives when they arriv d on the scene afte: the attack. Auth ties clamped a two-day mad cur few on the ■ r:t ie area. If the biayoder house is given a heavy spraying with cieo.-io’e* or a coal tar disinfectant, the chicks should not be placed in the house for sev< nil days. Tut. strong fumes are injuriow • eh irks. — ... - :—.. 1 Sofa Bods, Oolv 852.50 * with coil sprin<«' construction, guaranteed. Lovely striped tapestry cover ing. Assorted colors, only S.">2..">0. H)R Ql’ALlTV IT RMTl RL IOP! TUi: lA'TIRL HOML. SMli I S 111. iori: vor ni v Burgess Furn. Co. West Jefferson, X. ( . tfl'ALITY I I KNITl RL AT A 1*111(1: lloone, I . Galax. Va. Lenoir, X. C Illarion, Va.