TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES TODAY TOBACCO FESTIVAL HERE ON SATURDAY **★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★ ★ ★ * * Local Merchants Now Ready For Christmas Business Santa To Arrive Saturday; Many Gifts Featured Christmas Lights To Be Turn ed On; Other Spe cial Decorations Hundreds of people are expect ted to begin their Christmas buy ing here in earnest this week end when the holiday shopping season is officially opened with the appearance of Santa Claus, the turning on of the Christ mas lights and the completion of the street decorations. Santa will arrive in time lor the parade at 11:00 o'clock and will spend the rest of the day in town, in the various stores and on the streets contacting as many children as possible. Ev eryone is invited to see Santa and to shop here. In cooperation with open ing of the Christmas shopping season, town officials said that the parking meters would be closed all day Saturday. West Jefferson citizens are asked to leave all available space for out of-town shoppers. Local merchants report an un usually large assortment of gifts as well as much practical mer chandise. In fact, there are many items back this year that have not been available since before the war. Windows and interior display all reflect the gay holi day spirit and everything is in readiness in all of the stores to assist the public with Christmas shopping. , Today this paper, in coopera tion with the merchants, issues (Continued on Page 4) County NCEA To Meet Wednesday Majority Of Teachers Attend ed Annual Banquet Friday Night Dr. John Barden, ASTC, will speak to the Ashe county unit of the NCEA at a county-wide teachers meeting at the Jefferson school, re xt Wednesday at 1:45 p. n... Mrs. Gertrude Vaught, pie-!:' ', announced yesterday. .Mr Vaught stati d that Dr. Ban ion would speak on the leg islativi program of the NCEA and ; cu.-s it for the teachers. "All tea hers in the county are urge-1 to oe present at tins meet ing." a id. <>•• • • oik md: of t' e teachers in i. snty at' cul d the an nua! I anti III t meet l> ” of the NCE \ at the community budd ing a. W t J offer -oil. Friday nigtit. t which tune Dr. .1. II. 11a" eperintendent of the El kin lev ; j t a 1. spoke to the an nip. Craps Williams. ASTC. and Mar: ,e Jones, Lansing, sang .several selections. Tin miner was served by the River', new home economics de partment. WINDOW CONTEST TO HE HELD HERE In order to stimulate inter est in the Christmas window decorations of the business houM-s here, this paper is again conducting a contest. A first prize of S7 a sec ond of S5 and third prize of S3 will be awarded to the busi ness houses having the most attractive windows. The windows will be judged on Friday, December 3 by a board of local professional men and women not connect ed with the business firms and \v inners will be anonunc ed in this paper. Many of the stores now have in attractive Christmas win dow' displays and the attention of the public is called to them Due to the fact that there are many new gift items this year as well as a greater abundance of others and more decorating material, many of the stores are planning to display holiday gifts. Tobacco Market Is i Ready For Opening ! Sales On Monday I ! COMING SATURDAY D. S. Coltrane. N. C. Com-! missioner of Agriculture, will! attend the tobacco festival: here on Saturday. Turkey Crop Is Short In County; | Prices \reGood - i Prices Averaged 46 Cents Per Pound As Compared t To 35 Last Year 1 Ashe county, one of the lead-' ers in North Carolina in the pro duction of turkeys, this year fell short in the usual number pro duced, according to the number marketed for Thanksgiving. Produce buyers attributed the shortage to the fact that feed has been unusually high and the price of turkeys comparatively low in recent years. One official estimated the num ber sold on the Thanksgiving market at around 4.000. These turkeys averaged around 14 pounds and brought an average price of 40 cents per pound, mak - ing a total income to growers of around Silo.TOO. Last year far more turkeys were sild. F<>r the Tlla.ik- 11 'ring market, buy. rs handled around 7 Hi : - i a t tie-1 • i11 : - f, iw .- an the average price paid for them was ;jf) cents. ui;y:ya; kkkvh k at (iLLMLAi.l i Si’KINGS Announcement was made this week of a revival service now in progress at the Glendale Springs Pentecostal church. Rev. II. N. Watts, evangelist, from Dexter. Ga„ is preaching at the services each night, which will| continue for two more weeks. Davidson’s Moves To New Loeation Davidson’s store, which has been located next door to The Sk.vland Post, is now open for! business in their spacious new headquarters, the building for merly occupied by Belk’s. Friday and Saturday are “House - Warming Days” in the new location and officials of Da vidson’s said they wanted to ex tend to everyone a cordial invita tion to attend. "We are happy to be able to be in large quarters and to better serve our customers,” Mr. and Mrs. Davidson said. The building has been newly painted and remodeh 1. In addi tion to the regular merchandise, many specials are to be featured for the opening with gifts for children, Mrs. Davidson said. The store is conducting a spe cial contest for children in which valuable prizes are to be award ed. The prizes are now on display in a window of the store. Full Sol Of Buyers. Graders; Additional Warehouse Completed All indications are that the to bacco market season, which gets underway here on Monday morn ing with tin- opening sales at nine o'clock, will be a very suc cessful one since the demand for tobacco is strong and the qual ity much, better than average. In addition to the original Tri State warehouse, the second one has been completed and will be operated as number II. giving the combined total of more than 86,000 feet of floor space, on which 1,000.000 pounds of tobac co can be taken care of. Addi tional prize and storage rooms have also been constructed for the various companies. Tobacco is being brought into the West Jefferson market from North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee and all indications are that the quality is much better this year than it was last season. H. L. Clayton, a circuit rider for Reynolds, who was here for the opening last year, was here this week and said that he was pleased with the quality of the tobacco. Government graders are also he: e and both buyers and grader-. n said they w-nted to remind the farmers not to bring in their tobacco wet. C. C. Taylor, of the Tri-State (Continued on page 4) X-Ray Clinic To Be Held Friday At Health Dept. Men And Women Over 45 Years Of Age Should Have X-Itay Made The public is again reminded I hat it will have an opportunity lo have a free chest X ray made t imoinr.v at the County Health Department at the Ashe Memorial hospital. A mobile unit of the North Carolina Sanitoruun will make the X-rays. In a o d let in released hv the Tuberculosis Associat ion. the tol !. .wing oe ole w- re i iste l as 1 lo S' oho ill ild iuo. e a ■ best X-rav .i An- i no wh" has liv-d or wmv: ed v. . i a i.i'g- -on who has art ive T. 11.. medical and nursing stu l.-nts. physicians and nursi -. hos pital atti niiants. working men mil women, men and women nv ■r 45 years of age. young women in industry, mothers and teach ers, boys and girls in their late teens and early twenties. A large number of high school boys and girls are expected to lake advantage of this opportuni Santa Is Coming For Parade Sat. _ f ",l —' 11 '■ 1 ■ I NORTH POLE NOV. 24, 1948 WEST JEFFERSON MERCHANTS WEST JEFFERSON. N. CAR. WILL ARRIVE IN WEST JEFFERSON ON SATURDAY IN TIME FOR TOBACCO FESTIVAL AND PARADE HOPE TO SEE ALL CHILDREN. SANTA CLAUS Thanksgiving Is r “ Quietly Observed In Ashe County Hunters Take To Fields To day For Short Open Quail Season Ashe county is again observ ing another peacetime Thanks giving today in peace and quiet ness with mild winter weather. Several of the churches are holding services today while others had services last night. Seine of the sc1*- >’s in th° county are closed and some will be closed tomorrow in observance of Thanksgiving. Stores, banks, county offices and other business houses are also closed today. As the hunting season opens, several will take to the fields to engage in this favorite sport. Roland Koontz, fish and game protector, announced that the open season for quail has been (Continued on Page a) \o Arrests Made In Aslie Motor (loin pan v T h e f l Officers stated yesterday that no arrests had yet been made in connection with the robbing oi the Ashe M >!or Co. safe, which occurred last Wednesday night. Every effo ts is b<- made by ic.oa! ■ iff ,.a,K; 1,, ccr ‘•bend tk" criminals in this case. ii. i;. Ora s' sii ■ ■ ■ of t:i*> owners, stated that there was a iirnvit • telv Sa it” in the safe, when it w.i- robbed. Patrolman Pave Houston said that drills from the shop had been used to go into the safe from the bottom, and that one of the drills was .so large, that it would take a good size man to handle it. Guy Scott. S. B. I. agent from Winston-Salem, was here. Thurs day, and helped local officials in the investigation of the case. Name \ oting Places For PMA r? Election Scheduled To Be Held On Thursday, Dec. 2 Farmers Still | Have Time To l Enter Contesl A Number Of Cash Prizes Tc j Be Awarded In Festival Tobacco Contests i H. D. Quessenberry, countj i agent, in charge of the tobaccc ! show and grading contest, beinp held Saturday in connection wit! j the festival, said yesterday tha' J farmers still have time to entei these and urged all that have not done so, to get ready imme diately. Quessenberry pointed out tha' the time to enter would be Fri day afternoon or Saturday, noi later than 10:S0. since the entries are judged in the afternoon. I was again explained that then would be no entry fees and tha a number of cash prizes would In awarded. Sam Cartner. tobacc< specialist, will assist Agon Quessenberry with tins phase o the listival. The show and contest are ti be held in the new prize rooms above the warehouse in tin budding formerly used by tin 1 Continued mi page -1) i vvo Kin ks Sho* 15v Ashe Himlcr." It was reported yesterday tha! Jake Caudill and Robert Col vard shot tw-> bucks on a fleet hunting trio to the Daniel Boom National Park near Edgemon' this week. Mr. Caudill got an eight peint buck early Monda> and then Tuesday Mr. Colvan shot a small burl;. Others on the hunting trip were Gale McMillan and Lawson Houck. Coming Into West Jefferson For Opening Sales Monday Tobacco is coming into the Tri-State Warehouse from North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee, ready for the opening sales Monday morning at nine o’clock. 1 Farmers Urged To Take Part; Program Is Important For County Ashe county farmers will go to the polls, Thursday, Decem ber 2, to vote for their commun ity P. M. A. committeemen and also for a delegate to the county ; convention, which will be held Friday, December 3, at which time the county committee will ( be elected. Nominating meetings will be held in each township Thursday morning, December 2, at 9:00 o’clock and voting will start im mediately after this meeting. "Farmers should attend this meeting and have a choice in nominating the men they wish to see elected," J. W. Gambili. county chairman said. "It is to the interest of every farmer in Ashe county that they go out on December 2. and vote for the men they wish to assist in administering the P M A program in their township. Ask your neighbor to go with you." ■ he continued. The polls will be open all day. Listed here is the voting place for each township: Chestnut Hill. Chestnut Hill voting place; Clifton. Warrens viHo post office: Crest,.n, Robui (Continued on page 4) Two (lonvicls Art* Kuoaplnrud! FrS. The two convicts, Boy Younts and .Jack F. Brown, who escaped from the Ashe cmmtv prison camp last week, were recaptured in Winston-Salem, Friday night. Of the nine est apes from the Ashe camp, all men have been recaptured, as Douuhton Greene was picked up in Cleveland, Ohio, this week. E. II. Heshcars. superintendent of the camp, re . ported yesterday. Draftees May Be Inducted Early Edward Osborne, chairman of ' the Ashe County Draft Board, j announced this week that the 'local board now has authority to; send men for induction ahead of the regular schedule. He stated that several registrants had asked to be inducted early. "Registrants who make the re quest in writing to the draft board, will be allowed to go for the pre-induction examination in the next quota from the county,” Mr. Osborne said. He pointed out that he did not want to leave the impression that the draft board wanted anyone to go ahead of schedule but that the board was only offering this service to those men who wish to go into the service earlier. Fourteen men left Monday for their pre-induction physical ex aminations at Charlotte. Opens With Big P a r a cl e; Record \ 7 t Crowd Expected 1 Commissioner Of Agriculture And Otner Noted Lead ers Will Attend A record crowd is expected here on Saturday for West Jef ferson’s first annual Tobacco Festival, which will be opened with the gigantic parade at 11:00 o'clock in the morning and con tinue throughout the day, end ing with the ball in the evening. The selection of the festival queen, tobacco judging contest, band concert by the North Wil kesboro fifty-piece band, which will also lead the parade, fire works and tobacco ball are among the features that have been planned for the day, James A. Graham, general chairman said. Among the many other attrac tions of the parade, in which the queens, representing the nine high schools in the county, will ride, will be Santa Claus. In ad dition to a number of commer cial floats, several civic groups will also be represented. Coming for the big event are a number of state and national officials and other tobacco au thorities, including N. C. Com missioner of Agriculture D. S. Coltrane, Claude T. Hall, a mem ber of the N. C. agriculture com mission; W. P. Hedrick, tobacco specialist of the N. C. Depart ment of Agriculture; R. W. Shoff ner, district supervisor of the N. C. extension division; R. R. Bennett, extension tobacco spe (Continued on page 4) Special Traffic Regulations, Sat. Parking Meters To Be Discon tinued All Day For Tobacco Festival Ralph Campbell, town clerk, announced yesterday that tem porary traffic regulations will be enforced Saturday in cooperation with the tobacco festival. The parking meters will be discontinued all day Saturday, it was pointed out. but the meters will be in effect again on Mon day. lie stated that Jefferson Ave., \v1'i ■ blocked tv) all parking from early Saturday morning un til after th > parade and that proper signs and other directions 'rill he i)iLed m all other re stricted are .. n town lie asked t at a I i riterens cooperate with the mumeionl officers by obey ing the gus. "Detour sif'ets will be estab lished and properly identified for persons coming into West Jefferson for the event and on these detour stheels there will be unrestrietod narking, ox opt for a few areas, where it is. ira (Continued on page 4) POST GIVING FREE T II i; A T R E TICKETS Again The Skyland Post is conducting its annual Christ mas gift plan when dozens of tickets to the Parkway Theatre are to he given away abso lutely free. In practically all of the ad vertisements except those of national products in The Post today will be found the names of Ashe county people. Read all of the advertisements-carc fully and when you discover your name bring the adver tisement in which it appears, into the office of The Post and you will be given a ticket to the Parkway Theatre. The names printed in the ad vertisements were chosen im partially from the post offices of the mailing list of The Post. The tickets must be called for and used by December 10. Read all of the advertise ments, it may mean a free ticket for you, as well as the solution to your shopping problems.