J. E. Sturgill, Rugby You Are Invited To Attend Hie Big House-Warming - At Davidson’s! ^ In The New Location, Building Formerly Occupied By Belk’s I FRIDAY and SATURDAY For The Hundreds Of Heart 1 Warming Values l t l Wliat every woman wants i At Christmas | and every dav § Beautiful New Selection Lace-Trimmed or Tailored. At $3.93 up BEAUTIFUL NYLON Satin Slips Lace Trimmed, $7.95 Bar’rizon Slips, $2.95 All Wool Scarfs, $1.00 Blouses These Swank blouses come in both dressy or tailored styles, long or short sleeved styles. The kind you will want to wear and give. One lot of Blouses Slightly Soiled Were S7 95. Now $2 95 Havncs Panties J Sizes 2 to 52. Priced 75c l« 82.00 • A SPECIAL CROUP WOMEN'S. MISSES’ RAYON PANTIES IN ALL COLORS. Special at 39c Women's First Quality, i\ow .Nylon Hose, SL Beautiful Quality. In New Fall Shades. One Special Group 50c Towels, 29c Others priced up to 82.95 : | 36” Quality Sheeting 22e yd. 50c Woodbury Shampoo, 25c ' 50 Woodbury I Tooth Paste, 25c j I_J pbgPJ WP * pp> p ht&J We wish to extend our most sincere appreciation to our friends and customers for their fine patronage during our three and one-half years in business. We are looking forward to continuing to serve you and are happy that we will be able to render you better service and provide you with a more comfortable place in which to shop in our new location. You have a warm welcome to our new quarters. Make Davidson's your headquarters. Your dollars will always buy more here! This SILVER HinG flLuMiNuM b|cycle In The Su/ndLaJl (Rkume Content Here’s a contest that any boy or girl can enter with a good chance to win a beautiful streamlined SILVER KING BICYCLE, equipped with the latest features. To enter this easy contest, simply fill in the last tine of this Sundial Rhyme. The smart young set . . . and Mother and Dad, Find Sundial Shoes are the best to be had. They're longer in wear . . . and thrifty, too Any member of the family will be able to help you fill in the missing line . . . for Sundials come in all sizes . . . from baby brother right on up to Dad. Everybody knows how popular Sundial Shoes are . . . so good looking, longer wearing, packed with comfort and easy on Dad's pockefbook, too. Submit as many entries as you want, and remem ber, if you don t win the bicycle, there are nine other prizes that might be yours. This is strictly a local contest, and all of the prizes will be reserved exclusively for local boys and girls. HERE'S HOW TO ENTER Any locol boy or girl con enter this thrilling Sun dial Shoe Contest. Simply ask for an entry blank at our store, fill in the last line of the Sundial Rhyme and return the entry blank to us. HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Get Your Entry Blank Today! CONTEST CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT, DEC. 15. W PRIZES— 70 CHANCES TO WIN Of course you’ve heard about the GRAND PRIZE . . . the newer-than-fomorrow SHVER KING BICYCLE, made of strong, sturdy seam less aluminum tubing. The winner will be the envy of the neighborhood when the gang i notices the exciting, exclusive features of this beautiful bike. And, there's one year's Fire r and Theft Insurance on the bicycle. Here are the nine additional prizes. Second and Third prizes — two handsome radios; Fourth and Fifth prizes — two beautiful wrist watches; Sixth and Seventh prizes — two popular rubber-covered Voit Sport Balls; Eighth, Ninth and Tenth prizes — three hiqh-quality Pen and Pencil Sets. Free Gifts For Children Friday and Saturday, as long as our supply lasts, each child coming to our store will be given a — Free Comie Book and Balloon. We welcome children at all times. With each pair of SUNDIAL S1IOLS, A Sponge Ball Will Be Given Free. j City Delivery-Telephone 3 Davidson’s Next Door To Rhodes Furniture Co., In Building Formerly Occupied By Belk’s West Jefferson, N. C. Ask About Our 2 BOXES OCTAGON WASH POWDER _ 15c i WITH EACH 1-2 GAL. PURCHASE OF i CLOROX, 1 BOTTLE BOON HOUSEHOLD * CLEANSER FREE. < UNCOLORED OLEOMARGARINE. LB._37c ] NEW YELLOW QUICK OLEO. LB. _ 43c * COLORED IN 1-4 LB.BLOCKS_ 53c ' PINTO BEANS. LB_13t j 4-LB. CARTON JEWEL SHORTENING_$1.19 1 Self Service If You Want It, Or ; Men’s Dress Shirts ABSOLUTELY NEW! WONDERFUL VALUES! f One lot Men's \\ ork Forinerlv sold to S.>.95 One lot of Misses' and Yards of Values 80-Sqtiare Prints at only 49c One lot 89c and $1.00 Cotton, 59c One Beautiful lot Rayon, 79c Hallmark Cards Of i All Types. ( 'D^l> ft f*? ft^ft tf?fti'S?,ft#?ft iSf 11 >." ''*a " *5»3 ... • »A* —A ''A — —" — ~ ~ “ " — ~ " - — W *»A *»A *»A VA •• i*!" VA *'» ~ " " -** '"A '•A --a — " p Hundreds Of Christmas Gifts, Toys And Dolls On Display j .. - - _ _. ... _. _ .. „ _ _ .. . .. " .. „ _.