61 .Patients In Aslie Hospital The following are patients in the Ashe county Memorial hospi-! tal this week: Mrs. Lee Jones. Clifton. Miss Elsie Miller, White-! top, Ya.; Sherman Myers, West Jefferson; Mrs. Elizabeth Roten, Tree Top: Miss Vena Bare. West Jefferson; Miss Mary Greer. White! >p. Ya.; Mrs. Frank Lew is. Apple Grove; Mrs. Roy Jones. Creston; Blair Thompson, Grassy Creek; Lavid Miller, Lansing; Mrs. Fill Bledsoe, Deep Gap; Mrs. Thomas Bare, Crumpler; Mrs. Laura Fender. Nathan’s Creek; Mrs. James Blevins, Jef ferson: Robv Blevins, Grassy Creek; Donald Jones, Smethport; R. R. Griggs, Jefferson; Charlie Dickson. Tuekerdale; Little Cor rine Debord. Grassy Creek; Lit tle William Clifford Blevins, Jefferson; Master Mack Spencer, Rugby, Va.; Miss Iona Baker, Crumpler: Mrs. Grady Brown and daughter. West Jefferson; Mrs. Kathleen Blevins and daughter, Bina; Mrs. George Perkins and daughter. Nathan’s Creek; Mrs. Worth Stiddam and son. Lansing; Mrs. Nell Campbell and son. Grassy Creek. Navy Accepts One Year Enlistments The U S. Navy is still accept-j ing 18-year old applicants for en listments for one year, it was annoim. od by Chief Petty Of ficer Rodgers. Recruiter in charge of the Navy Recruiting Station m I m r Post Office. As 1V0 Selective Service Act now leads, one year of service duty in the Navv on the one year enlistment plan, phis ether six years in inactive Naval Re serve i. r four years in the or ganized Naval Reserve, com On lop Of JMegro Mountain Building is not limited to the average places. Here is the new house being constructed on the tip top of Ne gro Mountain by the Forestry Service. Yield Of Soybeans Can Be Increased Extension Circular No. 295. 'Profitable Soybean Yields,” has recently been revised by the plctes the man's obligation for military service. The Navy Department has an nounced that one year enlistees may reenlist in the Navy, on the -.hip or station to which attach ed. in their then attained rating, should they prefer Navy life t" returning to civilian status. Chief Deuel. Navy recruiter, will be at the West Jeffc-on Post Office every Monday from P'-eo V M p. :p;to P M >. !>. -.0 rs-o n OSS’ s.o It. I!. rs it. vr ‘tosst, c;:! t, ■ o' r-, , •'*'3&^X>V^'55k '■*':*k•^*‘5^ ':*'5ia •• Mrs. J. W. Ray, Trcctop ■rX>*A "**& 'rS^A'' ""^A”>%■'**A'• '•A■ 'u^ TIIK TIME HAS COME TO BUY YOUR (Jirislmas Toys! DON'T FORGET TO SHOP HERE FOR YOUR TOY NEEDS I FOK Tin: CHILDREN WE HAVE All Tvpes of Dolls Toy Trucks - Games - Balls Black hoards - Doll Houses WE ALSO HAVE Wrapping Paper - Seals - l ags Vi. I\. Faucettc Co North Carolina Wt-st Jefferson. a Wonrkrful Christmas Cive Crnrroush vn WE HAVE A OOOD SELECTION OF (Tin non Towels Ladies Movietone Sweaters t. Men and Boy's Work Shirts and I’ants All Sizes Men and Boy's Heavy Winter Jackets Men and Boy’s Winter Underwear DIAMOND SHOES OVERALLS We always have a full line of Candy and Groceries Pay top prices for Chestnut and Peeled Pulpwood B. F. Cook West Jefferson, North Carolina I Courtesy Important j When Sending Cards The exchange of cheerful Christ , lias cards between friends is one ! if our most delightful Yuletide cus- | * toms—and like all other social re flationships. it is governed by sim- j pie. common-sense rules of eti- j | rjnette. You may properly send your hoi- I idav greetings to almost everyone— I business and professional associ ates. if you wish, as well as social | acquaintances and relatives. Be sure to choose appropriate cards, however. If Aunt Jennie is |p garden enthusiast, she'll probably appreciate a beautiful llower print 1 more than a dozen Santa Claus de ; signs. Special Titles. Cards with special titles, such as ' “Merry Christmas. Mother.” are ; available for mothers, wives, sweet hearts and practically all relatives, including the in-laws, and are a mark of individual thoughtfulness. If you can spare a moment or two. pen a brief holiday note on each card. It adds a warm sincer ity and a touch of your individual personality to your Yuletide greet ings. Christmas time is a sentimen tal and nostalgic season for every- ! one. and many a friendship has | been kept alive through the years by the annual exchange of holiday greetings. Colored ink is entirely proper both for signing the card and ad dressing the envelope, provided it harmonizes with the on] >r scheme of the card itself Signatures need not be formal, except on engraved Christmas cards. You may have your name neatly printed if you wish, or take your pen in hand and sign the greetings your self with a holiday flourish. “Mr. and Mrs.” Married couples may omit the "Mr. and Mrs ” if they prefer and sign their cards simply ‘ Paul and Jenny Wilson.” Either the hus band’s name or the wife's may ap pear first. Children in the family rate a place in the signature, too. In addressing the envelopes, it is best to send one card to a husband and wife, and separate cards to oth- ! er adult members of the family too. j As an alternative, one card may be j mailed to the whole family if you are careful to write the names of each individual on the envelope, in cluding the children. Use three-cent stamps for your Christmas cards, following the rule of good taste which says that first class friends deserve first-class mail. It is entirely proper to write your return address on the enve 1 pe. to help friends keep tab on changes of address. Selecting attractive Christmas cards for each of your friends is a delightful pre - Christmas activity. Don't treat it as a sober social re >porsibilitv. Plunge in with a smile • : d the gay lvPoay swws on the cards will soon till ynur heart with Yuletide cheer and s»*nt:mc:it. State? College Extension Service and copies are available free up on request. The publication, prepared by E R. Collins. W. L. Nelson, and E. E. Hart wig, lists eight steps to greater profits from soybeans. These are: have your soil tested and limed, provide adequate fer tility, prevent fertilizer injury, plant an adapted variety, pro-, vide enough plants, treat seed to prevent diseases, prepare a good seed bed, and control weeds ear ly. According to the circular, tests in six eastern counties indicate that soybean yields can be in-1 | creased by as much as 12.4 bu-j ! shels per acre through proper use of lime and fertilizer. At v--c) per bushel, this increase in | yield would bring an additional! net return of $25.90 per acre. j The Ogden and Pvuanoke var 1 ieties are recommended as the ! best available. The Roanoke ex-j cels particularly in the lighter soils of the Coastal Plain region and is also good in the Pied mont. Persons desiring a copy of the new circular should see the lo cal county agent or write direct 15 GERMAN CRIMINALS ARE PUT TO DEATH Munich, Germany — Fifteen German war criminals were hanged on the twin gallows in Landsberg Prison, where Adolph to Agricultural Editor, State Col lege Station, Raleigh, and ask for Extension Circular No. 295. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. The executions brought to 73 the number hanged in the last six weeks for the war-time kill ing of concentration camp in mates and captured American : soldiers. Sixty-six more Germans con victed by U. S. war crimes courts remain under death sentence in the prison. The verdicts against 47 of these are being reviewed. As the 15 men walked to their death it was disclosed that Dr. Theophil Worm, Evangelical Bi shop of Wuerttemberg, had ask ed President Truman to stop the executions which have been car ried out in the prison every Fri day since Oct. 15. The earliest known New Year’s “greetings" are medals marked with good wishes which date back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Commodus (180 - 192 A. D.) Designing and publishing a Christmas card requires 15 months and nearly 100 different processes. SMITHETS A ••»**■•»** *** *** '*A '•* *»# •»! N4 ¥11 **i We invite you to visit our store to make your selection of Christmas gifts. Here are only a few suggestions we have to offer. WE ALSO INVITE FARMERS TO SELL THEIR TOBACCO IN WEST JEFFERSON. Well tailored, fine quality shirting, these white dress shirts will appeal to every man. We have a wide assortment of beautiful patterns. These ties come hoxed for gifts. Every man will appreciate a pair of these gloves. WE ALSO SUGGEST JACKETS AND SWEATERS 5 a i ■mens Luncheon Cloths __ Haynes Towel Sets S 1.91 to ?2.1 Three-Piece Dresser Sets !)7c to 3:i.l: _ 31.1S Sheer 51 Guage Nylon Hose SI .39 First Quality In beautiful shades. You will want several pair Anklets I()e to 2 le Beautiful Slips Only $1.94 Very beautiful and practical. What a value! Infants' \\ ooi Sweaters. 97c Toys Asm! Dolls For (firls. Bovs Wo also have books, games and ^ many other gifts for children. i Candy* uts, Fruit '.Vo also have a complete line of holiday foods at saving prices. Stationery In boxes. Ideal gifts 2 lc, l«c Pottery Hundreds of pieces large and small. i Chenille Bedspreads Special $9.95 West Jefferson, “The Place For Values” North Carolina