Warrensville News W. O. Ashley, Jr., who is now stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C„ spent the week end with home folks. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Johns, n. Sunday, includ ed Mr anil Mrs. W. W. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J 11. Carler. of Asheville, were in Warensvdlc. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashley were business visitors in N. Wil kesboro, Monday. J. P. Jones is suffering from asthma at present. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ashlov visited relatives here Sunday evening. Little Maureen Shoaf is a con valescent now after an attack of enickcn pox. Dale Harts e was severely burned about the ankle Saturday. Forgetting the gasoline that bad splashed on his clothing he at tempted to warm at the fire near v here the crew was working. The quick action of one of the men with hint prevented a more serious accident. However, he re coved seme deep and painful burns. ans. David Shepherd, of i'.uf fa to. was the guest of her sister. Mrs. Roy Ashley, Sunday. Miss Pauline Klliolt was shop ping in Bristol last week. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. A. Bum NOTICE I'VE CHANGED TO CAMELS. THAT 30-DAY MILDNESS [ST WON ME OVER. FOR. keeps! CAMELS ARE SOMILOl AND THEY HAVE SUCH A WONDERFUL FLAVOR.! KviviwWvWvvWiS; • Make the Camel 30-Jay test! When hundreds of men .mil women recently, from coast to coast, smoked Camels exclusively for 30 days in a similar test, noted throat specialists who examined the throats of these smokers every week —a total of 2C0 examinations—reported NO THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS FIT FOR A PRINCE . . . Students at the Russell schools in England are shown working at pieces of furniture that will be used in England's new Prince's nursery. Pupils at the school offered to make the furniture, table linen and first dress to be worn by the new Prince, and Princess Elziabeth announced that she will accept and use the offerings. garner, Mrs. W. M. Patton, of Lansing; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wea ver, Miss Ruth Weaver and Bil lie Ashley were guests of Mrs. C. J. Johnson, and Paul Jones Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyee liartsoe and family, of Clifton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Segraves. Sunday. Mrs. Jesse Eller, of Bina, at tended church service here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCormick and daughter were guests of the Mac McCormick'.-. Sunday. Mr. K. L. Eller is ill at present. Mr. and Mrs Ed Stanley, of Matewan. W. Ya.. were week end gm.-ts of relatives hero. James P. Ashley, of Matewan. W. Ya. visited relatives here this week end. Mrs. Vance Ashley, who has been ill, is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Howell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashley, Sunday. Mrs. Jake Eller continues ill at her home near here. Mrs. Eller suffered a broken hip in a fall several weeks ago. A. H. Hartsoe is expected to return home this week from a visit with relatives in Pennsyl vania and Maryland. The Woman's Society of Const - inn Service met with Mrs. Ches ter Rare. Mondav evening. Mrs. C. R. Latham conducted the de votional service. using as the theme of tlv December program "Thrv Offered Him Gifts,” fea turing the .-wry of Artabran and .? i $ \ f t p X mas Eve! SM0KSK3 I All metal smoker finished in 1 black enamel with chrome trim. Put it i y "his" eka.r this Christmas. llassockss 7.50 Hassocks covered in washable synthetic leather. Choice of styles and colors. Platform Kocker U pholst ( r c cl in rlmicc' of Rose. Blui' ;ind Bi’iue T:ipostry. Ill ,\- rtc.i stylos. IT TO Racks Kor Magazines Attractive and con venient. Give Mother one of these. 4“ AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Blanket This one blanket is all the cover you'll nee:l in even the eoiciest weather. t< iinat i mat ie-illy juste itself. TALL. (il’A'TTLL Moor Lamp Decorator - styled. * i odor lamp sheds a new li.nht on Christmas. Specially priced for holiday buying! 7-wav 9.95 tip NEW C HARM WITH With Lovelv Pictures Fashions . . . florals . . . birds . . . beautifully framed. To hmhliyht your home with extra beauty. For Christmas ttivinu. s! to s2, Lam* < !r<h*r Choi !<>.<).-) Walnut veneers with genui cedar lining . . . auto matic tray. Buy now for Christmas! no 1 Pliilco Radios f a Excellent tone and f quality. Remarkable ? range and static-free f reception. Westinghouse Electric Irons The newest design in an iron. Make her I 11'3 Mondays brighter! Westinghouse Toasters An automatic toast er. Adjust it and get toast as you like it. 19 .9; Table Lamps A complete stock of ' beautiful lamps. Or der yours now. From p f Buy On Our Easy Terms r l Rhodes Furniture Co. 6 \ WEST JEFFERSON, NORTH CAROLINA Metjhodists Have Special Program Ri'v. C. C. Murray, pastor of the Jefferson charge of the Metho.'tist church, announc 'd this v.aek the schedule for Chri.,turns programs at the various churches. Sunday eight, December id at 7:00, the young people and child ren will present the annual Christinas program at the Je1 fer m ehercli. Wednesday night. December 22, the Sunday School at Bethany church will present their pro gram at 7:30 and on Thursday evening. December 22, the Christ . rjr erij.,, will be held at tin' Orion church. Thomas C. Neaves Buried Yesterday __ The funeral service for Thomas Cicero Neaves. 63, Clifton, was held at the North Fork Baptist church, yesterday morning. El der Ed McClure officiated at the service with interment in the Price cemetery. Lansing. Mr. Neaves died at his home Sunday night. He is survived by his wife and four sisters, Mrs. Ipssie Stan the poem, "Who Are The Wise M'Ouarteriv and annual re ports were made during the busi ness session. Gordon C. Whitner visited relatives at Hickory last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Hvatt Blevins.1 of lima, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Webb Roten. Mrs. G. C. Caudill is a patient at the Ashe Memorial hospital this week. Miss Sammie Johnson, of Wash ington, D. C.. is expected to ar ■•‘vo home, (or the holidays. Sat urday. We lee hist learned via grape vine telegraoh that Q. II. Ashley presented the Children’s Home, at Winston Salem with 25 bush els of the o fine apples from his orchard, that we mentioned from time to time. He won’t appre ciate this .tiee as he is a firm believer in "Never let the left hand know what the rigid hand is doing." but we wonder some tunes if the reason the frost pas ses up his orchard might not ire attributed to his generosity. However, the smudge pots and never ending vigilance count. Most of tho churches in our section seem to ire planning for Christmas services. Both of the churches at this place are pre paring programs with special music and a Christmas party dur ing the week before Christmas. Ashley’s Chnjel has a special program for the evening of Dee. 25. with a Christmas picture. J. R. Weaver will be the principal speaker at this service. The pro gram committee are to he con gratulated upon securin'' Mr. Weaver for inis occasion. Speak ing of churches reminds us that the Methodists at Clifton plan to move and remodel their church at an early date. More congratu lations. Classified Ads FOR <3 \f,E I'lno ctif'vi-'’li-'t. tv.-,, , 1 ■ ;>1- sedan. See Dm ,>v Aolls ' Jefferson il' Hi 1!,' FOR SALE '2 notch if--. ti> i , fresh in spring. l g:ving 2 nu'u'ts mil!; j» r w-k. Beth reg ■ :• !•"■!. Contact Rnu Hou-k. West Jotri-i-s.m, X. c. 12 Iti-lt]) Boys wo have plenty of 22; riflos and shot uns. Coiiio in and look thorn over, J. A. Hoov es, West Jefferson. Hard to got items, hut we have them. Mowing machines and hay rakes. Ten and twelve disc harrows. Also section. J. A Hooves. West Jefferson. 12-Hi Itc A large supply of galvanized roofing. All lengths. J. A. Reeves West Jefferson. 12-ld-ltc Plenty of Pratts dairy feed. We have the best price in town. J. A. Reeves. West Jefferson. I 12-16-ltc FOR SA1.K 1 “47 Chevrolet pick-up truck, one-half ton. Ra- , dio, heater, overload springs. Can be financed. R. C. Miller, West Jefferson. 12-l(j-2tp "Tor SALE — 1942 Chevrolet truck, one and one-half ton. Good mechanical condition and tires. Truck equipped with dual rear end. Half can be financed if desired. R. C. Miller, West Jef ferson. 12-16-2tp FOR SALE — National elec tric Spanish guitar with eight tube amplifier. Guitar is good as new Ray Johnson, Bina. 12-16-2tp WANTED -- Family for gen eral farm work. Five-room house with electric lights and running water furnished. Plenty of good bottom land to farm. Modern ma chinery. Paul E. Burch, Moun tain Park. 12-16-ltc ley and Mrs. Dorrie McCoy, Fig; Mrs. Lillie Pennington, Sprague, W. Va.; and Mrs. Lor rie Bider, Lackie, W. Va. r*«, »«». In the South a fresh wild woods fire bursts into flames on an average of every three min utes. ■Jj> v iSt o o \bt&? (i tfr (i 15 & It hfUsii t! &>! ‘i <j <j £ ?; y 1 Robes \ Wonderful selection jffl of robes, in wool or jacquards. Assorted colors. Pajamas Beautiful man - tailored Wel don Burmil pajamas that make attractive gifts. Priced at $6.95 Champ Ilats Give him one of our famous “Champ” hats. P Priced at $7.50 Live Him Shirt; See our selection of the famous Homme shirts m 1'aiu \ pate ms, sanlorized. of course. Specially priced at on!\ priced a Hr Will Want Tics We have many beautiful numbers In Archdale and Cheney. Priced at SI.00 and SI.50 ? Beautiful (iift Linens Here are bridge sets, luncheon cloths, colored , sheets, pillow cases, guest towels and hundreds of other gift linens so reasonably priced. eel rp 1 ovs ^ SPF.CTAL LOT OF /fc \\ ago n s. S9.95 ^ wfiif ?i2.»5 I iiv lYiioivs, S(>.9.» Larji'i* enough lor a child to i iile on, t; i:\- \<;k i rn*\ v!» s, Nw».) Olliers ai Sl!).r»tl and Sll.ail c i;.\!N-i)iavi: 1 Yicvrlos. 82 1.59 DIX1K FLYF.lt. JU. W ajions. 85.95 Spoolers al 82.99 SMAUj TOTS Trie voles. 85.95 Thousands Of Other Oifts Are Here BELK’S Department Store “THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES” West Jefferson, N. C.

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