Brief Review Of Slate, National And World News During The Past Week SYLVA MAX IS NAMED SENATORIAL l AM)1 DATE Sylva — The Jackson county Democrat ic Executive Commit tee tins week named W. II. (Guilder) Crawford. Sylva busi J ncssman, as candidate for spec I lal election Dee. Ill, to .succeed the late Mrs. E. L. McKee, as State Senator from the 32nd District. Crawford defeated E. L. Mc Kee 13 to 5 in the committee voting, with two members not voting. Crawford lost to the late Mrs. McKee by one vote in the May Democratic primary. Republican leaders are expec ted to make an announcement tomorrow concerning their plans for the election. REDS PLANNING EAST GERMAN GOVERNMENT Berlin — Russia and German Communists are negotiating on the setting up of an East Ger man government which would sign a peace' troatv with the So "Ah-h! I Can Breathe * Again!” When your nose fills up with n slutl'y head cold or occasional con gestion. put a lew drops of v.i us V.i-tro-nol in earn ik-mi h and goi (onnornn n imi almost instantly! Ya-tro-nol i' m> cf lecinr l>* cause it works right uhcre troi l>.v \s to sooth*1 irritata-n. relieve Stull ia .-.s, make breaimra: t a Try it! cut Vicks Yu*tn>uol £iosc Drops! IT. N. APPROVES OF KOREAN REPUBLIC Paris - ■ The United Nations Assembly wound up its Pl-week Paris session by endorsing the Korean (lovernmcnt. of Dr. Syn pman Rhee and continuing the U. N. Korean commission for another year. The session was adjourned at 6:11 p. m. The Assembly will re convene in New York on April 1. 1949. Dr. Rhee’s government — the Republic of Korea — was set up last year under the supervision of the Korean commission. It operates only in American-occu pied Southern Korea. The Rus sians have set up a Communist dominated regime in Northern Korea. The Assembly had set its ad journment for Saturday night but was forced into a Sunday meeting when Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Jacob A. Malik tried to block Korean action by a filibuster. informed viet Union, well sources reported. Colonel Scrim Tulpanov, So viet propaganda chief for Ger many, was reported to have flown to Moscow recently to discuss the plan with high Rus sian officials. German political sources close to Communist leaders first gave the report. Later responsible Western Allied officials said they had reeeiwd similar inl'or •: at ion. A coot dim; to the reports, any Lastem ; o • r:mieut set up in the Soviet occupat am r me wool I sign a formal p ace In *1 > c ith Rus.-ia. T1 • p .ssd'le tone ma n tamed for such sign o.g was next Sprmg. ;f i| *;7ft,*;*f b ft/?? 1>W? rtf's?’1'■ rp''-V'NV’O'V^'1.»t'V-’ ?'V fV,v'» " kVXk v»v ** **’•-*& VV'VW* ^*A-VVA •Vi*A--v.-A '-^v '.VA ^ '..a ■'*- *-*•» ' *•- 'v^' * Stm klioidrrs* Annual Meeting THK AWIA' MFFTING OI’ Till! STOCKIlOl ,I)FRS —()l — The I-’jrsI National !>ank WIST JKFFKRSON. N. C. For (he election of directors and the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting, will he held at the office of said Bank on Tl’KSDAY, the 1»*T; day of JAM ARY. I'll!!. Polls open from 10:30 A. M. J. 1.. SFGRAYKS. Cashier. NEW DECORATOR COLORS — *rr>i flpjp COAT COVER> m WALLPAPER EASY TO APPLY • QUICK TO DRY area tisn l or lhe* Latest Srlivlion oF Toy* in ^ curs., at Haves* Toy Lai ewA )*) SanLi sa\f- \mt ui!! find lovs here that Ili<* children will love. i Small Radios at Special Prices. We will he open Each Night Until 10:00 Shop at night at Hayes and avoid the crowds. We will be open until 10:00 p. in., each night until Christ mas. Hayes Cash Hardware Co, TOY SHOP COMBINED West Jefferson, North Carolina . v*., %s.v•• r.t MADAME CHIANG . . . Photo shows Madame Chiang Kai-shek, wife of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, of China, standing on the lawn in front of the home of Secretary of State and Mrs. George C. Marshall near Lecsburgh, Ya. Madame Chiang Kai-shek was invited to stay at the Marshall home as soon as it was announced that she was coming to the I'nited States, Official Figures Reveal Total President Vote Unusually High Washington — The total vote for President on Nov. 2. with all figures official except Connecti cut's. was 48.080,00!), second high est on record. Put tlic total number of bal lets east was 49.2(13.3!) I. of 0tt3. 282 higher t!tan the presidential (, t:i!. Tins is explained by the i ]'. .l,111 , showed high er ve*> ' for state and 1 cal can didates titan for the office ol r This was . iic of tiii many str k in... features of the l!'l.'! election i. tecii President Truman won \. ;tli an cmetoral Vote of 301 in 28 stall - again. ! lkn lor Cover tv r Thoi as K. Dewey in b'. and a,;; fiir Covertier J. Strom Thur mond. States' Rights candidate, .'1 loll!'. The PreCdent polled a t .tal of 24.ld4.a4.".; Dewev 21.itfT.ti2a; Tliurtnond I.did.312; Ilenry A. Wallace, Progressive. 1,1 fni.Hah; Norman Thomas. Socialist. 132. 133: Claude A. Watson, Prohi bition. 103.343; Kdward A. Tei chert. Si» ... ; 1 -a. n-.92 1, Par rel! Doiib-.. Soeiahst Wnrkos. i 3.007, and the rest scattered. Truman w n onU by a plural ip- 2.124 '.2 instead of a majority of all votes cast. This was the fust time a candidate had failed t ' poll a majority since 1910. Truman's pi reentage of the to tal vote was 49.5; Dewey's was 45.1 and the others combined 5.4. The total vote of 48,680.009 compared with the record ot 49, 820.312 in 1940 and 47.976.262 in vote to the presidential vote tor 1948 also laded to hit the rcc i i i turnout i'! 1940. P.rSINKSS 1\M NTOPll.S hit new inen mark W-I I-'c- i. uv.-'i tori' we ’ to a m a rec 1 • 'U un c r la ' vi ar. T11.• C . weree D pari1 m nt. ret.Oft itlg tie 5;.;;,i'.|;iv. said tic ' an increase of about S700.00.. during October, imt dj. all • tii' Xavv RcTruilor Here January 10 It was announced today by Chief Rodgers, of the Lenoir Ile e mi tins Station that the N; i vy Recruiter will not be in West Jei f. r on hi a ween th." 1 HI h ol ]) *ei a her and Januarv II. 1 ■ lit. due to the Holiday season. Chief Deuel will ho in West Jefferson again on the 1 'th ol Jam i i ■ v. I* was also announced by Chief Rodgers that the one year en list nient program for men eigh teen years of aye was stal open to elire11>le young men. The men signing up under this pr yt'CM ren-ive the same trainin . and are eligible for the Navy's Ser \-,ee Sehools the same as men , signing up in this category en - li.4 in the inaetive or active re serves at the end of their one year enlistment. They may re- > enlist in the regular Navy and ; remain on active dutv it they de - ! The Recruiting Station in Le- ! oir will continue to be open dur- j ing the holiday period, with the ; exception of Christmas and New Years days. FAMOUS I’ARACiR Al’HRR { DIRS IS S. C AROLINA ; Fountain Inn. S. C. — Robert I Quillen, the sage of Fountain i Inn, died Thursday, in a nursing ; home at Hendersonville. « The 1 iald headed paragr: pher. \ humorist and columnist o si at • the age of til after a long .ilness. ? The former tramp planter's normal stovliing tip for Chf’st I mas. etc. : Retailer ' stocks alone ; mum- £ n i ; : a t ,iv than aY'a """ 1 ":l11 f of the imp • ad tied was « rated n .neal f..r the sea-'.on. : i'ai.iiva into account seasonal ■ increase about STii. n.d.itO'.) m u< than the usual ■ .. aa. sum ; That was offset, however. by an unseasoned decline in inventor a s ^ C O' lion in non., mud le e.o 'ds. - i mu.' XSiSUSSSbBSldmBm-asaatmtmmmmmaMiics: Hmv Much Social Security v v v v v v v v y y • ••••••••• Everyone who is having a portion of their pay de ducted for Soeia' See. r'ty tax has wondered just what benefits they will receive when they reach age (i.>. In order to help yon answer this question, ih - Occidental Life Insurance Company has l'urunished its agents with a little booklet by which you can figure exactly how much you will receive per month from your Social Se curity payments. Our agents have been instructed in the use of this little booklet, and can show you just how it is used. Don't wonder any longer — get your copy of the book let from — CALL J. F. NEAL TODAY. THERE WILL BE NO OBLIGATION, OF COURSE. Occidental^ INSURANCE COMPANY U v —-- mdmc oms.1 ——— RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA tAURENCCr LIC. PMliOINl J. F. Neal GENERAL AGENT WEST JEFFERSON, N. CAROLINA N. C. Farm Income Is Up For Months Of Y e a r r* Haleigh — NnVl li Carolina farmers are running well ahead of last year in cash receipts from their 194(1 marketings. Moyle S. Williams, farm man agement specialist at N. C. State College, said that g r o s s receipts during the first nine months of the year were about $81,009,000 higher than the cor responding 1947 period. works were widely syndicated and through his writings he be came known to folks in every part of the United States. After settling here, becoming publisher .of the Fountain Inn Tribune and prosperous through his writings. Quillen put his adopted home town on the map. He erected a statute to Eve in his yard — an act widely herald ed in the press. Visitors flock ed here to view an eccentric, hut found only a mild-mannered, cultured man who never attend ed college. She was a relative of mine on my mother's side." he explained to those who inquired about the statue. The January to September to tal last year was a record $394, 0(15,000; for the same period this year the figure is $475,472,000. Livestock receipts increased slightly, from $101,725,000 to $109,507,000. Receipts from crops jumped from $292,940,000 to $365,905,000. For the nation as a whole, re ceipts from crops accounted for 40 per cent of the total and re ceipts from livestock accounted for 60 per cent. In North Caro lina, the crop percentage was 77 and the livestock percentage was 23. Williams declared that despite the increase in gross income, many North Carolina farmers received lower net incomes be cause of the increased produc tion costs. He said that “prospects for the rest of 1948 and into 1949 emphasize the importance of in creased efficiency on North Car olina farms.” In the Middle East, sheep are used primarily as a source of meat. Lawl IJilrs I1VM For J. F. Bnrla r The funeral service f .[■ John E. Barker, Helton, v;:e Ivld at the Little -f 'Iton Baptist church, Monday at 11:0; a. in. Rev. E. A. Eller and Rev. Paul Phipps officiated at th j service with interment in the church cemetery. Mr. Barker died in Morgunton, Friday. He is survived by his wife and the following children- Mrs. Ethel Hester, Mrs. Notra Davail, Edna Barker, West Grove, Pa.; Mrs. Winnie Davis, Helton, Mrs. Nina Lee Segraves, Grassy Creek; Herman Barker, Rugby, Va.; and Estel Barker, Louis burg, Pa.; and 13 grandchildren. Hog slaughter this fall has been larger and weights lower than is usually the case follow ing a bumper corn crop Backache For quick comforting help for Backache, Rheumatic Fains. Getting Up Nights, itronf clouJy urine. Irritating passages. Leg Fains, circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, due to non-organlc and non-systemlc Kidney and Bladder troubles, try Cystex. Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. As* your druggist for Cystex today. I*nt Jewelry l iidrr Their (Jirislmas Tree SIh‘‘11 never keep you waiting . . . and she'll think of you "on the hour with a dainty wrist watch to remind her. IJudget payments easily arrang ed. Priced from 822.50 up Ladies’ Birthsione Kings -- 85.50 up Cameo Brooch Pin 812.00 I. Ki am si. 50 This is it! You know it. Why make- this the most memorable yet . . |,\ presenting her with your en gagement ring'. Ask to see our match Prieed from S52.50-S500 Kinjj Edwards Plait'd Silver Si 1.50 Pearls S5.00 111> Bahv llraeelets .v5ar«rarei Sioso Mivrr w n:i uicst ^ o;j * » *' * 1*4*1 ‘M'ij'fl il . v £ 1 a " a * « » J • it For Thai Sporial Soiiironc Waul < )n(‘ ( )f ()nr E\il