Net farm income in 1948 is likely to be below the 1947 lev el. If so, the drop will be the first in 10 years. 1 XT ft PS7 ft Pi? ft PT7 !> PT7 <) PT7 0 > p;y > pivf\plP it P17 PV* t Total agricultural exports for the year are expected to reach 3.4 billion dollars as compared with 3.9 billions in 1947. jrnfhv’i ft '»/V ^ ••VA^Vi'X'A ■ V.‘A■ N&-Xa ‘Ca ‘ *‘A • "«*A •*»A-^-A-'*A-^A - ^ -VA-VA “A W c are the Dealer for Genuine Keepsake Diamonds • MISS MIGNON BABY JEWELRY • BRACELETS • COMBINATION LIGHTER - CASE • DELTAII PEARLS • BIRTHSTONES We have anything you need in the jewelry line and at the lowest prices you will find in West Jefferson. ELGIN, B U L O V A GREEN. BENRUS AND OTHER POPULAR BRAND WATCHES W ITH O N E YEAR GUARANTEE. Miller s Jewelry More LOCATED WITH DOLLAR ELECTRIC CO. Proll'd Your Family by becoming a member of lu*i us-Slim I i van l Burial Association TFU.IMIOVE SS IV. Jl.ITERSOV, N. C. A 2a cent fee is charged upon joining, after which the following dues are in eflect: Quarterly Yearly Benefit One to Ten Years _ _ -10 .40 S aO.OO Ten to Twenty-Vine Years .20 .80 100.00 Thirty to Fifty Years_ .40 1.60 100.00 Fiftv to Sixty-live Years -- .60 2.10 100.00 Now Making Farm And Home n Week Flans For Next Y e a r Phi ns for mi outstanding North Carolina Farm anil Homo Weak t-i ram for 11)4') worn made hv State College officials and agri cultural loaders ol tho State in a recent meeting at the College. Date for the event was set as the second w'Jsk in August, which is about two weeks ear lier than usual. Beginning on Monday, August II, and contin uing through Thursday evening, August 11. the program will in clude general sessions and sub ject matter discussions each morning; tours, demonstrations, and visits to exhibits each af ternoon; and addresses and rec reational features each evening. Several internationally known speakers will be invited to give addresses or lead discussions. Principal speakers at the last Farm and Home Week, held in 1947, were General Dwight Ei senhower and Columnist Doro •> n jry h v**? h ft ft #2* ft rtf ft #2? & It A BARBER SHOP May wo wish for you a Munw Christmas. j ion mi; m u vi Wo offer you the same (lt poiiilal: lo service as viol gave you in 1UIS. Drop in our shop. Jim Dairy s old stand. West Jefferson 1’mrliiT Shop LI K CANNADY. MIDI. *CV • r.r\- ■ T.*v• ~*.vVX • V.V;''■.'>/• V„v- • ~\v. V-V * '*;• n'$/'?■’ tf'sn !; t**'J<i (i i .-c.vs', i< i get INFORMATION AND f f T'CKETS || Wel1 in advance Ri9hi Now . if Possible GO EARLY I if plans permit I Before December 18 —* J Best time to start trips. December 18-20 — More f choice of seats this • weekend than next. It December 21, 22, 23 — || Better qo now than on , the Holiday weekend. December 2-1, 25. 26 — Leave earlier it you cnn. | December 27-30—Betlcr jj th. 'e days — more ccn* I veniencc, more room. * December 31—Janua,y 2 i Leave later it you can. k After January 3 — Best time tor your return trip. ] v ca«v to get real enjoyment from your Christmas trip this year—go Greyhound, and ^ > as early as you can! Take a look at the suggestions we've made, so you can plan for the best Holiday travel you've ever had—in comfort, on convenient schedules, and at fares that are still so low they're old-fashioned! Asheville. X. C. S2.95 Charlotte, X. C. 2.55 VV.-Salem. X. C. 2.20 Raleigh, X. C. 4.10 Columbia. S. C. 4.35 Atlanta, Ga. 0.50 Richmond, Va. fi.55 Norfolk. Va. 7.55 Washington. 1). C'. 7.25 Bristol, Tcnn. 2.15 Roanoke, Va. 5 4(1 111iielit-ld, W. Va. 3.05 Tins I . S. lax ixavinffs on uounu nii» UNION hi S TER.AilNAE PHONE 90 WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. AT the station ^ v'J* gift ci, — — ! fA«^v„°°Esr'ON, |. , FL°RIDA „ tl0n in sun ! thv On Thin 'Mlity evening the principal features will I>i■ ;m ed ucational program mi farm and h Hu1 mechanization during which several thousand dollars worth of prizes will be awarded i Ail effort will be made to have this program handled by person nel of a well-known national ra dio cpiiz show and possibly have it broadcast on a coast-to-coast , hookup. ! Farm and Home Week was not held in 1948 because of the po lio epidemic. The event normal ly attracts more than 5,000 far 1 mers and homemakers from all parts of the State. The planning meeting held re cently was presided over by Roy Lohr, of Lexington, president of the State Farmers Convention. John W. Goodman, assistant di rector of the State College Ex tension Service and secretary of Farm and Home Week, led the discussion of program plans. Among other persons attending were representatives of the Col lege, the State Department of Agriculture, the State Federa tion of Home Demonstration Clubs, and other agencies. Farm I Yodiiclion (jOsls Arc* i j) Tlif nation's fanners will haw snout a rotiat! break inn 1 ti bil lion (i.'M irs t t jini: 1 m•(* their lb tH rrojis by the enti of the vtar, at' ' "i'tiins to Charli's F Clark, farm ", i' a; a a rien* special ist for lit" Hate Coll,-re Extension St > \ Mr. Clark <tn..tos the ■ ! ■ a !! "Ill a rt’f a it rept il't 1' the l'. S. Department of A.yri , : 1111 re. Kathleen billion is three tinr's the amount, fanners -pent each yetir before the war, Mr. Clark explains It is ttnaliT than the arm farm inenmo o! the nation in a."i\ year before 11U2. Cost rates have been rtsiiu more rapidly than oriees of farm products, says ini' specialise From 194IJ to 1947, cost rates ail vanced 22 per rent while far moi's’ prices rose only 20 p r cent. During the first eight months of 1948, cost rates ad vanced 14 per cent as compared with an advance of only 17 nr: cent on prices of farm products. Further, the rise in production costs has been general, accord mg to the farm management specialist. Taxes have increased. Farm wage rates are 5 to 10 pc. cent higher than a year ago, and prices of farm machinery, fort! lizer. insecticides and building i materials have reached new highs. Land rent has increased, and land values are now 2 per cent higher than the previous record set in 1920. "Lespite high cost rates and Farmini* News Ti liacco leaf exports, nto 11 v flic • cured, totaled til million potincs during September, as con ■ lared with 17 nidi a>n | - -mi, I ■ durui: tile same me:ah la t \ c:r The uggested goal for 1949 milk production on farms is 120 billion pounds, an increase of about 1 per rent over 1948 esti mated produet ion. Aehivvement of the goal will require a further produetion increase over the rec ord of more than 5.000 pounds per row, expected to be readied in 194,8 despite the short supply of corn which was available from the 1947 crop. Liberal feed supplies for the first part of 194.9 are already assured by the large 1948 crop. Use of radioactive isotope tra cers as a new research tool is enabeling plant scientists to learn new facts about the pro cesses by which plants grow. Arthritis Pain For quick, delightfully comforting help for aches anti pains of Kheumutism, Arthritis. Neuritis, Lumbago. Sciatica, or Neuralgia try Romin#- Works through the blood. First dose usually starts alleviating pain so you can work, enjoy life and sleep more comfortably Get Rommd at druggist today. Quick, com oleta aatiafactlon or money back guaranteed The Middles By Bob Karp ALLEN'S TELEVISION SHOP Much Family Fun In Group Games "Make it ;i real family Christmas this vi' r by having Santa pack a few hubby suppl.cs (II ■ into km puck lii'it tile whole family ran iiijnv together.” This suggestion cones from Is H fcnnih-r, a rorre ' it'oii specialist at the University of | 111 hois. ■ There are many hobbies that can help build companionship between I a rents and children M dhers and daughters like jewelry construction and tapestry weaving. Dad and Junior go in for model making—air planes, boats, trains and other items of special interest to the male population. Kveryone enjoys operating a printing press. Small presses turn out newspapers that have a real professional look. Shellcraft and ■voodburning are hobbies that pro duce genuinely useful articles. For family fun, rubber-tipped darts, in door plastic horseshoes and marble games are excellent. “Christmas is a time of "togeth erness," says Regnier. "Let’s cap italize on the situation by starting a game or hobby that will encour age the same type of companion ship the year around." Santa Pictured By Thomas NasC Thomas Nnst, the famous car toonist who created our conception of Uncle Sam, the Republican ele phant and the Democratic donkey, is also credited with giving Amer ica its first modern pictoriali/.ation of Santa flans. Nast first sketched his notion of Santa Claus in 1873. This Santa was a rollickin'.', chubby old man smok a pii <• and dressed in what a night shut with ♦’ur collar .. ,d ufl's Since that day he has grown taller and rounder, lias developed a full while heard and mustache and lias acquired the tra ciiliooal red suit bordeied m ermine. declining ja ices for some pro due ts,*1 sas Mr. Clark there will be real opportunity again next year for tanner.-; who manage t’neir enterprises skillfully. Far mers should shift crops and live stock to take advantage of favor able' relate .. diips between, costs and prices Abundant feed sup plies should encourage* livestock production. particularly hogs. Greater efifciency in crop pro duction will be necessary to maintain incomes.” k.*«« .. v«« ., V-. •«. .. w* ,.T«t.. Wk.. fA .. .. Vi & & o at* a & £& n «:» h &«<& u & o &«& « <&?«& Just Arrived! in lime for Christmas Saimlic \'i‘ry beautiful styles very specially priced. IS cm Bags ami New ("oats Dresses Loma Lords Dresses and others that you will want. Fashion Shop West Jefferson, N. C. For yuiek Results, Use The Post’s CLASSIFIED ADS UATIS Minimum of 35c per issue of not more than 25 words. For each additional word over 25 2c per word. All “keyed” classified ads are minimum of SOc. Cards of Thanks, SOc. Memorials and Obituaries, $1.50 minimum. Terms: Cash. Everybody Reads The If Classifieds TO BUY — TO SELU TO RENT — TO FIND FOR SALE — Good business lot, 25 x 100, near West Jeffer son city limits between Jeffer sons, on U. S. Highway 221. No parking meters to pay, no city regulations or city taxes, This location would be an excellent place for a pool room or service station. For quick sale, only $000.00 cash. See Paul Swanson, West Jefferson. 12-10-ltp WANTED — To buy 15 or 20 White Leghorn pullets that will lay soon. Write Walter Johnson, Trade, Tenn. 12-10 2tp FOR SALE -16-acro farm with six-room house, located one mile from Lansing. See Tom (loss, Corner Service Station, Lancing. 12 9 2tp ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE TO CRMIMTORS Having qualified as adminis trators of liie estates of C. L. Mash and Alice Mash, late of Ashe county, North Carolina, tliis is to mitif.S all p- r ons hav ing claims against said estates to exhibit them to the under signed at Glendale S|. rings. N irt 11 Carolina, on or lu-iore the 2nd day of December, 1049, or this notice will be jih ad in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estates will please immediately pay their indebtedness to the un dersigned, or either of them. This November 30, 1949. II. C. MASH. MRS. FORNEY MILLER. Administrators of C. L. Mash and Alice Mash. 12 2 Cite NOTICE OF S \LE IN THE SUFFER )R COURT BEFORE THE CLERK N< )RTH CAROLINA ASHE COUNTY JOHN LITTLE VS MACK LITTLE AND WIFE.— LITTLE. GEORGE FIELDS LITTLE AND ANY AND ALL OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED IN THIS PROCEEDING. Under and by virtue of a judgement of the Superior Court of Ashe County in the above en titled proceeding, the same being! a tax foreclosure proceeding, I. Ira T. Johnston, Commissioner, '-'•ill sell to the highest bidder fur rash at the Courthouse door in Jefferson, North Carolina, on the 27th day of Deeemher, 11147 ,,1 one o'elecS:. I1 M, the follow ing ih's rihed traet of land, to ■.■.'it: Contain us; a acres of Ian ! e ' re or h ... know n as the Mr . Little land and 1> mg and hein ‘ m JeftVrsen Tow nshi|), .Ash County. N■ it 11 Carolina, and ic ing' the identical tract of land listed for taxes in the name ofj Mack Little for the years Dili, 1047 and 1048, and the same be-1 ing the interest of the said Marl; Little in the traet of land known | as the George Little tract in sai l Townshop, County and State, This November 20, 1948. Ira T. Johnston, Commis-J sinner. 12-2-4tc C ARD or TIIANKS We wish to thank each and everyone for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our dear lather and mother, who passed away only 18 days apart. Also thanks for the beau tiful flowers. The Mash children. Most of the potatoes firown in Britain and in mam other part.' of the world, including a number of varieties cultivated in Europe are Scottish in origin. FOR SALE — 19-13 Indian mo torcycle, good tires and running condition. Priced for quick sale. See Jack Baldwin, Lansing. 12 - 9 - 21 p Want to do your inlaid lino leum work, asphalt tile, rubber tile, masonite wall tile, etc. 13 years experience. Estimate free. R. C. Goodwin, Ideal Furniture Co., Phone 194, N, Wilkesboro. 12-9-4tp FOR SALE 57 acre farm near Laurel Bloomery, Tenn., 20 acres for crops, four-room house, plen ty of outbuildings. George M. Phipps, Route 2. Mt. City. Tenn. 12 0 2!p CANARIES (Guaranteed singVjh ers) — Love birds, cages, pi t” supplies. Give a live pet for X mas. Wilkes Farm Center, be tween the Wilkosboms, Wilkes boro. 12-9-3tc See Greer Electric Appliance Company for bargains in refri gerators, pianos, percolators, Christmas lights and pap< r Greer Electric Appliance C West Jefferson. 12 - Hi - It c LOST — September 12, a lemon-spotted hound, about 15 months old, had collar and tag on. $25.00 reward. Bill Hall, Laurel Springs. 12-9-2tp FOR SALE — Food bags, beau tiful colored cotton print dress goods, about one and one third yards to each bag. They make pretty dresses, house coats, paja mas. cpidt tops and many other uses. Three for $1.00, $33.00 for loo. Delivered parcel post. Send Postal Money Order for numbar^ wanted or we will ship C. O X>. Champion Poultry Farm, Champ ion, N. C., South’s Largest Breed ing Poultry Farm. 10-14-tke You’ns fix and come—I swear you ort to see it — looks like Santa has made a mistake and brought all his stuff here b Western Auto Store. 12-9-2U1 WANTED, — BOYS, AND GIRLS FOR BEAUTY CULTURE TRAINING — G. I. Approved. High school education not neces sary. North Wilkesboro Beauty School, N. Wilkesboro, N C. 10-23 t*c Bargains ’I'r,a„c r tors, Saw .Mill*, Hood Working and Road Build ing asai'liinerv, Well Drilling Ma ihines. Gasoline Engines, etc.— IL I*. JOHNSON, W.vlheville, Va. FIREPROOF SAFES—We have m stock a limited number of siio s r singing from 324.50 up. Let us mote you on your requirements / Deal Typewrite! Excn,.n„c, Eleventh Avc., Hickory, N C. 10-17-tk It can be fun, it can he gay. 'electing gifts Irom the wide ar rav. The variety is lar ;e as you will agree, if you don't believe it. come and see. The Village Gift Shop. Jefferson. 12-2-3tv LOST FOX HOUND Z-1LH bone pup, nine months old, little grey streak on back. Tip tail. Wearing collar with name, Onus Hall, Wagoner, when she left at Wagoner. If found, please notify Dilus Hall, Wagoner. 12-lti ltp ASTHMA Don t let coughing, wheezing recurring a' tacks of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep ami energy without trying MENDACO, which works thru the blood to reach bronchia) lubes and lungs. Usually helps nature quickly remove thick, sticky mucus. Thus alleviates .oughlng and aids freer breathing and better sleep. Get MENDACO from druggist. Satis !action or money back guaranteed. For quick results, use the Sky land Post’s classified columns. <=g====g==——-— -—----- 1-—-> Local Business Directory k--—'==-■- - ;c* WE EMPLOY THE ONLY REGISTERED DRUGGIST IN ASHE COUNTY He Is Well Qualified Tu ! Fill Your Prescriptions. I Grav boal*s Drug i Slore ; West Jefferson, N. C. V j I Langilon Scott j j Ins. Agency j iOffice in residence between | j Jeffersons | j l’hone 63-C | ALL KINDS INSURANCE | iFire—Health and Accident j | —Automobile—Life—Liive ' [ stock—Bonds, etc. < i

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