PetMnaU Mr. C. L. Hurley, Kannapolis, was visiting in the county this week. Mrs. B. E. Reeves, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sam Wilson, of Cascade. Va.. and attending the wedding and re ception of Miss Cordeia Penn Gant, of Danville, Va., has re turned home. Mr. Edwin Duncan, Jr., of Sparta, visited Mrs. B. E. Reeves 'here this week. Mr. Rudd Wellborn, of Inde pendence. Va.. is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. B. E. Reeves. Friends here have received the announcement of the marriage of Miss Lillie May Hall and Mr. Nathan H. Davis on July 6 in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Odets Humphries and son. Barry, of Johnston. Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. Shat lev and son, Terry, spent Thurs day night wiht Mr. and Mrs. Lu cius Coldiron at Hamptonville. Mr. and Mrs. Odas Humphries and son. Barry, have returned to their home in Johnston, Pa., af ter visiting friends and relatives in this county. Mrs. Pearl Osborne and Miss Margaret Osborne. Fig. visited .... I i«in T/iffnro»n T* 11 fieri u V Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Black burn and daughter, visited Mrs. Blackburn’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilley of Fig. Sunday. Douglas Jones and J. E. Os-j borne. Fig. were in Winston - Salem on business Wednesday. Ik r. Reeves. Jr., of Sparta, is vis’tmc his grandparents. Mr. and I Mrs. J:m Gambill this week. Mrs. Amnia Ray. of Coeburn. Va.. is spending some time at the j Tucker Hotel and visiting rela tives here. I Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lunceford of Atlanta. Ga. visited Mrs. Lunceford's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Woodie last, week end. Everett Douglas Harless of Glendale Springs is visiting his mother. Mrs. Austin Lunceford in Atlanta. Ga. for a few weeks. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkins over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Bell and children of Greensboro. Mrs. Helen Underwood of Wilkesboro spent the week end with Miss Frances Thomas at Little Phoenix Lodge. t Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hughes. Jr. t of Oxford have been visiting Mrs.j 1 Hughes, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Osborne of Jefferson. | 1 Those from here who were pre- i ! sent at the launching of the new | motor boat, built by Russell and, 1 Barr, on the Butler lake on 1 Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed < Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Barr.1 ■ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barr. Mr. and t Mrs. Bill Little. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sells. Bob Barr. Will Reeves,, ( Winfred Barr and Miss Newton \ of Vuth Wilkesboro. The group | spent the day riding in the new 1 boat and enjoyed a picnic dinner. 1 Mr and Mrs. Ralph Charles ( have returned to their homo in Philadelphia. Pa., after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Pulton Reeves, Nathan s Cerek. Wilma Jean Reeves is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Charles in Philadelphia, Pa. Col. and Mrs. Arthur Fleteher who spent several days at their summer home. "Hideaway,” al Jefferson last week, have return ed to their home in Raleigh. Dr. Bob Miller and wife from Gastonia were visiting in West Jefferson Monday. Miss Boyd Richardson went to Winston - Salem on business Monday. Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Boyle were visiting in West Jefferson the first part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rost and son. Mickey, of Baltimore. Md. are spending this week with her father. Mr. Millard Comer in Ashe county. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Tryon. spent the week end at the Black Bear Inn and visited friends in West Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Norman. High Point and Mrs. Jean Hen drickson. Baltimore. Md. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Van no y. Mrs. Hassell Boyce and daugh ter. Stewartstown. Pa. are visit week. Mr. Rex Morton was in In dependence, Va. on business Tues day. Mr*. Ann Robinson left for Washington. D. C.. Monday after spending her vacation with her oarents. Mr. and Mrs. John Combs near Smethport. Mrs. Robinson voids a position with the C. & P rdephone Co., in Washington. Mrs. J. L. Kiser and two chil dren. David and Catherine, are risiting Mr. and Mrs. II. D. ijnesscnbcrry, Mr. and Mrs. John deeves and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hussey ind Mr. and Mrs. Herman West if Newport News, Va.. arrived ['uesdav to spend a week with dr. and Mrs. Norman Duvall. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Oliver j diss Doris Oliver and Mr. and; ,lrs Ray Knight spent Sunday in ndependenee, Va.. with Mr. and drs. Quayle Barlow. They en oyed a picnic dinner while there. Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Bowers of lorth Wilkesboro visiited rela lves here this week. They have ieen spending some time at Carn ma Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Arev and Vard Arev, Jr., visited friends lere this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Starr ,Ir. and Mrs. Roger Weaver, Tom Veaver and Jerry Star, of Lan aster. Pa., spent the week end vith Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Camp bell. Miss Josephine Robinson, of Charlotte, spent the week end nth her father. H. G. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gentry, of lanville. Va.. have been visiting i:s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ten'l l . Mrs. D A. Sells and Wayn. ATTENTION LADIES! A HOME DEMONSTRATION will be held July 28 at the W. J. Electric Co. Your (j*E Dealer Featuring Home Cooking. Freezing and Home Laundry J We have an expert who has been factory trained for this work, to assure you of receiving the very latest in formation on home appliances. BE SURE TO WATCH NEXT WEEK’S PAPER FOR COMPLETE DETAILS. THERE WILL BE MANY VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. W. J. Electric Co. YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC STORE PHONE 195 WEST JEFFERSON, N. C. I PERI . . . Princess Margaret tn uniform A new portrait of the I youngest daughter of England's king and queen, shown In the uni 1 form of the St John Ambulance Brigade. SURPRISED ROYALTY . „ The coveted crown of king and queen mt Mew York’s Chinatown was awarded to six-year-old Howard Thu and four-year-oH Valerie Lee recently fat the annual baby bon- j tost held in Cohnnbes Park. There ' woe awards to a prince and prin- ' •M and to the "cry ingest” baby. DIVING MISHAP FATAL . .. Ann I O'Breirne. Washington** Junior | (living champion in 1.918. died the day after she suffered a paralyzing | spinal injury when she dived into 1 a shallow lake near her school in Neufchatel, Switzerland, striking her back on a rock. "BAKDAID BKIEIS' . . . flelga Brandt, an ice-skating star, eats • pretty figure here in her own version of the much - scorned “bandaid bathing brief” down Miami Beach way. spent Friday in Winston - Salem where they visited Mrs. Sells’ sister, Mrs. B. J. Beckerdite. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Jones, Mr. C. R. Johnson and Mrs. W. M. Spoke and sons, of Asheville Mrs. Eil Anderson Honored By Club The W^t ycnri TVr'man's C'ub honored Mrs. Ed M. Andcr I m. one if in<- mew ■ ■ '> ■■ ronty elected President of he North Carokra F-dera f ' men's Cubs, at a dinner at the a k Beai Inn on Tuesday ev i ming. On behalf of t>>c- club the hon ivi'e was presented flowers and i gift by Mrs. Gale B. McMillan, resident *f the club and Mrs. >. G. Wright. Mrs. Anderson expressed her ■ppreciaticn for the loyal support nd cooperation of the members mil announced plans for attend ng the Barter Theatre perfor nance ton.ght. Mrs. W. B. Oliver Hostess To WSCS ! _ I Th" Woman’s Society of Christ On Service of the Jefferson Methodist church met with Mrs. i W. B. Oliver last Thursday night with ‘*Peac; to the Nations," the topic of the program. Mrs. L. P. Colvard had charge -f the prorram and presented Mrs. Ed M. Anderson to the group who spoke on the work and operation of the United Na tions. Delicious refreshments were served to the members and the following visitors present at the meeting: Mrs. W. M. Transom Greensboro: Mrs. A. C. Kennedy, McAdenville: Mrs. Tom Duncan, Mrs. Ed M. Anderson and Billie Anderson. .l.i.uii ■Mr- ;)i.‘uinuuu; Announcement was made here this week of the marriage of Miss Chime Leo Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller, West Jt fferson to Mr. Lonnie Bruce Bass, of Cameron on June 30. at Chesterfield. S. C. After a wedding trip to Caro lina Beach, the couple is now at home at Mary Ella Hall. Kannap olis. Both are employed by Can non Mills in Kannapolis. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mrs. Austin Lunceford of At lanta. Ga. announces the marriage i of her daughter. Miss Carol Jean Nichols to Mr. Bill Burran of Atlanta. Georgia on July 1. Mr. Burran is employed by the : Printers Press in Atlanta and after a short honeymoon to Tampa the young couple will be at home there. I Mrs. Burran is the grandaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Woodie of West Jefferson and made heri home here for a number of years. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hartsog, Creston. Mrs. Maryanna Birdsell and son. Charles, of Chicago, 111., j spent Thursday night with Mr. 1 and Mrs. Carl Hartsog, Creston. Peak movement of the 1949 contaloup crop in North Carolina is expected about the second a -ek in July. Legion Auxiliary Installs Leaders Mrs. Yvonne Owen, President. And Other Officers Take Over For Year Mrs. Yvonne Owen was instal led as president of Ashe Unit 171 of the American Legion Au xiliary by Mrs. Cecil Denny at the meeting held Saturday nigh: at the community building. Other officers to serve with Mrs. Owen during the coming year are Mrs. Wavne Little, first vice-president; Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, second vice - president; Mrs. Ruth Stringer, secretary - treasurer; Mrs. Geogia Cooper, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Retha Badger, chaplain and Mrs. Ruth Wright, historian. Mrs. Ed Barr and Mrs. Wright made a report to the group on ! the auxiliary convention held in j connection with the North Caro lina Department of the Ameri-' can Legion convention held in Raleigh last month. After the discussion of several business matters the auxiliary members joined the legionnaires for doughnuts, coffee and two movies. "Meet North Carclina." and Memorial Day service and parade. Mrs. Edwards Is Hostess To W S( IS The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service of the Baldwin Me thodist church met with Mrs. Raner Edwards, on Tuesday, Ju ly 5. with "The United Nations." the topic of discussion. Mrs. Robert Coivar |j had charge of the program with Mrs. Ram r Edwards, Mrs. Ward Ra\ and Mrs Bruce Houck and Mrs. Coivar-1 dr.-cussing different phases of the United Nation's work. Mrs. Hugh Ireson was in charge of the devotional*. During the social hour del ciou> and attractive refresh ments wen served by the hostess. The next meeting of the WSCS will be with Mrs. Win Edward, in August. ASHK WOMAN’S CLUB TO HAVE ANNUAL PICNIC, The Ashe County Woman.-' Club will have its annual picna Thursday. July 21, at 6:30. Thi is for all members of the club; and their husbands. It will In held at Clayton Little’s picnic ground. Church To Serve Buffet Supper The Woman's Society of Christ- j ian Service of the West Jefferson j Methodist church will serve a j buffet supper in the church base- j ment on Wednesday evening, Ju ly 20 from six to eight o'clock, it was announced this week. No charge will be made, but , free will offering will be taken, i The public is cordially invited j ro attend. > AT LOW PRICES <’ j ^ I Quick, Thorough Service W hieli Must Satisfy You Completely! The hottest part of summer, in fac t, is still to come. Now's a good time for you to check over your summer things, pick out those which need cleaning, and have us i pick them up, so that they'll he ready to wear when you l want them. Cash and Carry Prices j .63 | .65 .65 j .65 I We Pick-Up and Deliver j IDEAL LAUNDRY I WEST JEFFERSON, N. C I MEN'S SUITS_ MEN'S COATS_ WOMEN'S DRESSES WOMEN’S COATS Best Values In Town The Children's Shop Petite Tot Panties Grippers outside plastic - cloth cover. only 89e J Bovs T-Shirts .lust the thin" for summer. I ill all colors. ALL SIZES PRICED FROM 89c to §1.49 (iiiTs Blouses 1 (1 Its skirt and blouse time, you know. SIZES 1 - C REGULAR LY Sl.'is -\mv 81.19 Very Special *1 159 Handmade Infant Dresses-9% BLUE AND PINK TRIMMED GIRL’S LACE - TRIMMED PARTY PANTIES RUN-PROOF CELANESE JERSEY Guaranteed for six months -Now 59c I BOY’S COWBOY HATS J IN ALL COLORS AND SIZES. ALL FELT Wear it Ten Ways W'ere $!$.00 Now Only $2.49 j * JUST ARRIVED, NEW Mary Jane Dresses Dotted Swiss, Organdy, Pinafores with \Iid-riff.s. tVashables in all colors of the rainbow. Cool looking and cool wearing. SIZES 1 - ,‘JX — SIZES .‘5 - (iX PRIC ED AT $1.98 — $2.98 — .$2.98 ! (learanee On Hals-Bonnets Infant to two-year old si/es. Silk. Dotted Swiss ! and Organdv in white and pastel shades. REGULAR $1.99. NOW $1.29 REGULAR $1.98. NOW $1.89 Numerous Olhur Bargains j BUY SHOES FOR SCHOOL NOW DURING OUR j I BUSTER BROWN SHOE SALE. | HDRinn x-RRy SAFEGUARDS YOUR 9 FOOT HEALTH L SINCE 1917 THE SURE WAY JU CHECK THE FIT OF FOOTWEAR Presented by M. B. Adrian Originator of X-ray shoe fitting WITH ‘SELEKTOR CONTROL” The finest in X-ray shoe fitting equipment Visit our shop. We guarantee our prices to be lower. THE CHILDREN’S SHOP Everything for infants thru teen-agers. WEST JEFFERSON, NORTH CAROLINA

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