i am? - r.: ;, ss2s3 .c Noell Bros., "Proprietors. 3K Home First: Abr pad Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advance.; VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, July .31, 1912. No,. 31 II III I I I I For International sugared feed, Red Dog, Ship Stuff, Brann, Beet Pulp, otton Seed Meal. yrup and in kegs, and Some Flies. Mr. G. H. Hunter, our live, progressive and popular grocery merchant, has one oF the new fly traps. During the past week this trap caught 92,800 flies. J Now, of course, Hunter did not count all these flies, for hevdid not have time as his customers takes the most of his time, -bat he weighed one-half an ounce of them and made the calculation. "N Sorgh V It'll f for all of the family See HUGH WOODS The Groceryman. Phone No. 79. Off for "Swampoodle Springs." Mr. W. D. Lewis and wife left Monday morning for Fair Bluff where Mr. Lewis will buy tobacco for the Imperial Company. Mr. Lewis, Uncle Billy, as all of his friends call him, insists that the town should be called "Svvsm poodle Springs," just why he has never enlightened the public. He is easily one of the most popular buyers ever on this market, and while he usually spends about two months on the market at Fair Bluff he and his estimable family make this their home and will be back pretiy soon after the i market opens up, again. up and did the best we could for STATE FARMFRSV CONVENTION. about forty five minutes, after 1 which we alt turned our faces; The Tenth Annual State Far homeward with many experiences triers' Convention will be held at long to be remembered, hopina at A & M. College, Raleigh, N. C, some future day we may meet Aug. 27, 28 and 29, 1912. The R. A. S. j program is almost complete and i speakers, of National reputation j have been secured. j Dr. C G.n Hopkins of the 111- uois Experiment Station, will discuss the Ue of Rock Phos phite as a Fertilizer, Dr. Hopkins is considered the best authority in the United States on this sub jest. Other speakers for the first day are Prof. C. L Goodrich, Washington, D. C. on Humus: G. Moss of Granville Co on he Quality as Compared with all kinds of Tin roof A Delightful Evening . Miss Ruth Brooks, at her beau tiful country home, entertained last Friday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Pullipm. Quite a number of her friends were pres ent. A Literary Contest was the feature or the evening, Miss Eliie Brooks being the successful con testant, which she gracefully pre sented to the guest cf honor. i i J. XST "1 i worK, rmmbmg ana rauairing, Guttering, I Games of Rook aiKl Hearts were ! played, and at trio close cake and Down SpOUtS, Roofs! cream were served. ii was a most pleasant evening, everv one expressing themselves as having had a delightful time, and all hoping that Miss Brooks Bi.r -pv o W0U d 80 again real soo.i, as . iVlCJjrOOrn. & i she proved a most entertaining t hostess. minted. All work1 guaranteed. T. Bradsher. Phone 49. Sunday School Exercises at Longhurst Messrs. Editors: It was our privilege to attend lhe Chiidrens Day Exercises at the Longhurst Sunday School last Sunday. We had been invited by Bro, Villines, their efficient Su- I np.rintenHpnr to hp ncpspnt. and Industrial College I of course was glad to accept the JU WC1C blltUC Ull THE NORTH CARO LINA State Normal and Maintained by the State for ihe Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to de crees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those v. ho agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 18, 1912. For catalo gue and other information, address JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. VITAL WASHINGTON NEWS. Bt C. H. Tavenner. Washington, July 27. Face to face with the realization that A Democratic administration is com ing into control of the govern ment, and knowing thai this will mean the end of the tariff protec tion privilege under wjiicn they have .plundered the people for nearly a score of years, the tariff trusts have let it be known 1hat a rise in tne prices or tneir com modities may be expected this fall. These trusts are determined to take one final gouge into the pocketbooks of the people before they are pushed away from the trough of special privilege at which they have been growing fat. The leather trust, which is owner by the Chicago beef bar-1 ons, has announced that the price of leather is to be increased 20 per cent. This will mean a corresponding increase in the pries of shoes. This trust attri butes the necessity -for increas ing the price to the growing de mands of the. automobile makers for leather. This demand is no greater now than it has been for the last three qi four years, and ;h the E. 1 ItiU Ul IUU(UU, X . Ui. V . 1 . Massey, Apostle cf the Cowpea, and Mr. Bradford Knapp, in Charge of the Demonstration Work in the South. The second day is Live Stock Day. Mr. C. L. Opperman and Mr. Helmer Rabild of Washing ton, D. C.s Mf. E, B. Moore of Charlotte, will talk on subjects re lated to the production of livestock Also on this day the N. C. Berk shire Breeders' Association . will hold their Second Annual Sale of 50 pure bred Berkshire hogs. The third day will be Economic Day. Dr. J. L. Coulter of the Census Bureau will discuss Far mers' Cooperative Societies Mr. J. G. 'Brown of Raleigh on the Relation of the Banking System to thsuFarmer; Mr. J. W. Bailey of Raleigh on the Torrens System of 'Registering Land Titles. A special program is being prepared for women and will be announced later. For complete program or information, address I. 0. Schaub, Secretary, West Raleigh, N. C. They're All Doing it Now. The trust have found out that nothing pays so well as "disso lution. " Following the decree of the Supreme Court which order ed the Standard Oil trust to dis solve, the value of that corpora tion's stock rose rapidly. Ihe court decree, without changing fhf trnet nvnpnf in Q moffor rF The Interstate Commerce com-. ...... s aqmimsiraLion, amounted pracw- FEEDS and; THE NERVES BRAIN Do you feel nearly down and out physically and mental lylacking in energy and ambition can't eat half the time don't care whether you do or not? - That's just the time you need something to stimulate that blood flow increase its nourishing properties something that is a nerve and brain food as well. Nyal's Nutritive Hypophosphites Will Do That And More, Too V it will put rich red blood in your veins brace up your nerves increase your appetite- nourish the body tissues strengthen the muscles and build up the entire system fill you with energy give you a buoyant step and make life, worth while. The certain result is complete restortaiion to health. A large bottle for One Dollar. ' Whatever a good drug store ought to have and many things that other drug stores don't keep you'll find here. C6me first and you'll get what you wan't. Drug Store Roxboro N. C. SIS asiffaP-'W those who ar?. familiar wi leather situation say the excuse is only a subterfuge. The cloih manufacturers also have announced that an increase in clothing of from '5 '.o fifteen cents a yard will be put into ef fect this fall. The cloth manufac turerswhich means the woolen trust sav there is going to be a big shortage in wool, not only in this country, but in other wool producing countries as wll, and that labor costs more than for merly. ' The Huge Express Graft. if JONES if HOTEL, Roxboro, N, C. ;g to announce that I have ! this popular Hotel, and j assure the traveling public L shall keep it. fully up to the e Hotel is furnished with all -it. conveniences and the - will be supplied with the best enable. I will appreciate your L. D. VEAZEY. H. B. NEWELL JEWELER. r Mt . i . -p-0-0 patches, Uocks, Jewelery. lut Glass and Silverware. invitation. time. Promptly at 11 o'clock the exer cises began, and we have to say that we were very agreeably sur prised at the excellent behavior as well as at the nice recitations which were numerous and very good, especially thise recited by the little blind girl and the one who declared she would- never marry a drunkard. Oh, that more of our young ladies would come i to this conclusion. I have often thought and said that the ladies of our land and country could man age the whiskey drinking to a great extent if they would, by de claring that they would not keep company with a young man .with the fumes of liquor on his breath. Well, the exercises closed about 12 o clock when we all repaired to the beautiful grove here a most sumptuotfs repast was served. We have never seen a more plentiful table nor a better behaved or more orderly crowd. Old man Wash Dixon and several others stooby and handed out until everybody had a plenty. After dinner was over we then had to receive our first disappointment, for it was then that the Superintendent told us that the speakers had failed to show up and that it haef fallen to our lot to play speaker of the occa sion, and as no excuse we offered mission's report on the express monopoly sets forth that while the express companies are pay ing dividends on a capitalization of $106,000,000, their actual in vestment . is only $7,000,000. This report also shows that the express companies are all owned by the railroads on whose lines thev operate, so that by maintain ing the express companies, the railroads simply collect a higher price for carrying certain classes of freight than they could collect were thev re quired to conduct the express business tnemselves, The express graft is one of the main reasons for the high cost of food, as much food stuff, espe cally to a governmental guarantee to violate the laws. After the de cree was issued the trust 'owners discovered that the monopoly stood in no further danger of prosecution, and as this always has been the great menace to the trust, it was a great boon to have it removed. Accordingly the value of the shares went sykward. As a result, other trusts have begun to "dissolve." The beef trust has announced a "disso lution" plan, so that it, too, will conform to the Supreme court's notion of what constitutes a law abidingtrust. The power trust did likewise the terms of the disso lution decree, in its case, being buy them of us. Soxboro Hardware Co. Main Street, next door to Whitted's Drug Store. ' , ii li i( ioriorc-ioi ifc L" fnl . irii Popular New Goods cially the fresh variety, is carried j written by the trust's own law- by that method Washy Cor. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until tne .last tew years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing (to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 1C drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the biood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHEXEY & CO.Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 11. Ii yers, ana later approved oy Federal court of Delaware. ''Dissolution" is, next to the high tariff, the best thing that ever happened to the trusts. Wash. Cor. Clade Allen Convicted, Wytheville, Va.. July" ,27. Claude Allen, one of jhe Hills -ville outlaws, today was convicted ed of murder in the first degree for killing Commonwealth's At torney William M. Foster. At a former trial Allen was convicted of murder in the second degree ' would release us we just marched for the killing of Judge Thornton Senate Acts on Sugar Bill. Washington, July 27 By a vote of 57 to 3 the senate late to day passed the Lodge-Bristow bill reducing the duty on sugar from i $1-90 to $1,60 a hundred pounds and abolishing theDutch standard and the differental. Senators Foster, Thornton and Heyburn voted against the meas ure. Foster and Thornton oppos-i ed the- bill because it affects adr versely the sugar industry in Lou L -1 We have at last received a shipment of , Corduroys, Ratine, Poplin, Batiste and , other summer fabrics which have been a month on the way. This is the prettiest lot of goods that we have had this sum mer and they are just the things that are so much in demand now. Be sure to see ' the Dupionne silk at 25 cts- a yard. Staple cotton goods are advancing daily i but we have a good stock which was : bought in February when these goods, were at the lowest price which they have reached in several years and you will get the b'enefit of this lucky purchase. m lSiana. f- i - 4 A ' ' ' ' ft' 5. O ' V L. Massee. -