. ' , i ; H r it bov. w, Wvjiitchin will speak in Roxboro on Monday Nov. '4th. ; Let everybody ed.sbri; - 11 11 11,11,11: 1 1 1 ii ? i 1 . "... - .- Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per. Year in Advance VOL. XXIX ROXBORO, NORTH GAROLlNAippdnesday Evening, October 30; 1912. mm (7 hear Person's bestlov S3 ; ' ' . ...... .. . f ." . jt- ' 1 .. ' W. K1TCHIN FOR UNITED STATES SENATE. Major Yancey, One of Persons Oldest and Most Prominent Citizens wHtes About Him. Editors Courier: Seldom have. I ever had "'any thing to say, through the news papers, but at this time when the democrats of the State are to cast their vote to choose, a U. S. Senator and our beloved and honored countvman Hon. W, W. Kiichin is in the contest, and from all indications will win, I want to see every democratic vo ter in Person County stand squarely by him on election day. It has been said that some in fluences have been at work for his opponents in the race and that they will get some few votes in Person. With a clean record both in public and private life which every citizer of the Coun ty knows hs has, and with his great record as a genuine and straight Democrat standing squarely on veryv democratic plat form and fighting fearlessly and honestly for democracy since he was a mere boy, I cannot see why any democrat in Person County can fail to to support him, or vote against him. He has always been a plain man whose heart is in sympathy with the masses of the peopte and their best interests, and men who believe in democratic prin ciples cannot say that Kitchin ever cast a vote against their interest Fellow democrats, let's go to the polls and give our countyman a s6lid vote. Person County would be honored by having a United States Senator and it is an honor that any County in the State would be very proud of. J, T. Yancey. Mr. Bradsher Will Move to Oxford. We learn that Mr. J. S. Brad- sher, one oF our most substantial and best citizens has decided to move Oxford, where he is in terested in the organization of a new bank. He was for long years connected with the Peopled Bank here, and doubtless no man was more responsible for the great success of this institution than Mr. Bradsher, Of course we regret to see him leave, but we comrriend him to the good people of Oxford, for they have secured a prize in inducing him to locafe in their midst. As a bank man he is among the best. THIS 1 THE w. PERSON UNANIMOUS FOR KITCHIN To Person Comity Democrat: The evesQf North Carolina are looking more intently upon the action of Person County next Tuesday than upon any other County in the State, It is looking to see whether a man of the type of fW. Kitchin shall be hearti ly endorsed. The whole State recognizes the splendid character of Governor Kitchin. People of Person County have known him intimately since he came to man hood and they know that his pri vate life is without a blemish. They know better than all the world his integrity, his fairness in dealing and his frankness of manner, and they have long since learned to love him as well as ad mire himf for his splendid traits. Politically, Governor Kitchin has reflected as great honor upon Person County as any man who ever liyed in it and no Democrat in Person County can have grounds for complaining at any political action of his and, to me at least, it seems that he has al ways stood for fairness and jus tice io all the people, for the greatest good to the greatest number. Person County has pro duced more than one Congress man and many men prominent in statesmanship and business but nope except him has ever risen to claim the office of Governor of the great State of North Carolina and in statesmanship he has been the peer of any. Apart from Dolitical conviction there is every reason in the world why every Democrat in Person County should exert himself in every way to see that Mr. Kitchin is nominated for the United States Senate. It will reflect further honor upon the County and will show that a man of upright char acter, of great ability, is appreci ated by his fellow ccuntymen. If the Democrats of Person County believe in progressive Democracy if they believe in a lowering of the tariff to the basis merely for the revenue Of government, if they do not believe in protection, they could certainly not go wrong in voting for Governor Kitchin. No man who knows him doubts the sincerity of his convictions as a progressive Democrat and must believe that he will exert himself to the utmost of his great ability to bring about a bettering of the conditions for the average man. As to his chief opponent, Mr. sirrmons, mere nas Deen cast about his standing as a Democrat RANGE ET L so much doubt that the Demo crats who believe in the carrying out of the principles of the Demo cratic platform ought to hesitate to vote for him. Mr, Simmons in sists that he is a tariff reformer but he has cast more votes for tariff higher than the one reconv mended by the majority of Demo cratic Congressman and more oM ten than any other Senator except Senator Bailey of Texas, who has" fallen into utter disrepute among the Democrats of the nation. Mr. Simmons was on the platform committee at the Democratic con vention at Denver and helped' write the plank for free lumber;; but a few months later he voted for the tariff at 1 1 per cent on lumber. Further doubt is past about his disinterested position as to lumber by his strange action in respect to Senator Lorimer, a convicted tool of the Lumber Trust, whom he first declared to be the peer of any United States Senator and voted to retaim as a Senator, and then later voted to exclude him from the Senate as having corruptly and by bribery bought his election. Mr. Simmons has been very hard put to it to prove in the face of many of his votes on lumber and other things that he belieyes at heart in tariff reform; and so great and splen did a Democrat as Mr. Bryan wonders why the Democrats of (North Carolina have tolerated him so ilong. Nobody blames the men who believes in high tariff for voting for Mr. Simmons and I know many such who don't deny that is why they are for him. rThey ought to do so; but most people, like Mr. Bryan, wonder, how progressive Democrats who belie vein destroying the evils of tariff can, as between Mr. Kitchin and Mr. Simmons vote for Mr. Simmons. As to Judge Clark, nobody doubts that Judge Clark has gone very far in accepting every mod ern theory of government and that he believes thoroughly in low tariff; but Judge Clark has not the remotest chance of being nominated for the Senate and that a vote cast for him, good man as1 he is, is a vote thrown away or it maybe regarded as a half vote against Mr. Kitchin. Under these circumstances eyen those who believe in all the far reaching and often excessive reforms advocated by Judge Clark should hesitate before casting a vote that will not count. When I remember what Gov erner Kitchin has "done for my .j.).).i.)S:.)e).)).).).).)).) For every dollar you spend with us whether cash sale or on account, we will give you one of those keys-and then whoever holds the key that will unlock the lock will get this $60.00 native County, how as high offici al has always delighted to put honpri upon . men of Person County,' as when he appointed nd honorabie, position as. Com missioner to build the great new state . building at Raleigh and when he appointed Mr. H. A. Foushee, a' soridJbne of. Person County's oldest tizens, to hold the office of. Judge in the Ninth Judicial District of .North Carolina; and whea l remember what-a superb governor of our whole state h has made and what good name he has added to our County, and most of all when J remember what an example of uprightness and excellence of character and of industry and dilfigence it seems to rrie that no Democrat admir ing as all do purity of character and -force and intelligence, who believes in the great principles which are adyocated by oui party in this election, particularly every Democrat who lives in Person County, could think of doing any thiug else than voting for W. W. Kitchin for Senator. AH the Persan County Democrats who live in Durham County are look ing with earnest expectation to see all the Democrats of Person stand with them in casting their votes for this'great and good man for the high position to-which he aspires and of which he is so worthy. W. L. Foushee. NOTICE. o-o-o On the 2nd, day of Nov. I will offer for sale at Miss Rosa Bryant place, all my household and kit chen furniture, fanning utensils. )' OneJbd milk cow, one good carryall," buggy and harness, all feed stuffs consisting of corn, etc v JOHN E.SMITH SALE TO TAKE PLAJOE AT 1 0 A. M; - LET US FEED YOU. 0. L. Satlerlield. with John T. Wade as manager, has opened his Meat Maikel, in his old stand two doors below the Courier Oiliqe-. Everything newly fitted up, with cleanliness the lirst consideration. v Fresh meats of all kinds, fish and oysters in season. Phon3 No, 22. Let us have your orders. The ladies are invited to come to our market and select their purchases, everything clean and you will be wel comed. ' O. L. SATTERFIELD,. Jno. T. Wade, Manager. PAID ADVERTISEMENT 11 ii There are many vote for Thompson two years ago; have hpen sorrv manv times since. the right thing this s. - Vote for law DO RIGHT. FEEL yourselve One of those who didn't vote for him two years ago. msssz kimt -j-m.... ii iinrMTiinrnr - - . 130 bbls. Anchor Brand Lime. 135 bbls.; Alpha Portland cement. 20 -tons Ivory cement wall plaster. 85,0'0'0 Good laths. 100,000 Shingles all grades. 78,964 ft. flooring and ceiling. Large stock of cabinet mantels, I grates and tiling. Everything 30E mm We are unloading a car load of furni ture today dirept : from the factories. ; This with what we already have on our floors gives us a stock second to hone in , this section. With the exception of : allj wen cijyJiiiisA If you have any mea 01 ouymg rurni- ture it will pay you to visit this depart- k ment . We will not only show you the' f best selection of tasty and modern f urni- ture but we will really save you money. ini . -. -i n - ( 1 1 II II You will not hnd a piece or pme, nmsnea v like oak, in our stock.- If ours looks, like ! oak it is oak. . Look out for oak finished pine. It won't-stand. After a Tittle;, while it will warp and and the finish pe& ; . off- Come to us for your furaite aridf be sure youaregetting.1;he'best for'yourp money. It will pay. ypii as' well afs tis ; LMl III of us who did not and Do ; time and redeem Enforcement VOTE RIGHT. RIGHl1. 0! a eeivea D li P to Build with. in! ior living m viiv wwwvj i Inn il v.- . -4 t "!...'. . i 4 1 ""1 A5rl&t i X''' .t1' "t-. i: 1 ' - . - r f - " ' " f ' it-...' Range JIV JMC u. J- Ki f r 1 " ' 4 "4 ! FREE lie

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