' ... . . ?... 1 - . - ' Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: 'Abroad Next. $1.00 Per :Year4ri Advance VOL. XXIX R0XB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA,: Wednesday Evening, Nov. 20, 1912. No. 47r in mm 1 1 mi iiiiiiMW Hi .i.ii.i i ij iMiiM miImb liih i m T V'l , ....... t .f. .- , -r-r- i Hi iii n n liil ill TiiTiTiii iTiii TiiTii ii Lf 1' fliTJ ' "Viril l j r j I I li inHlli 7iT ill ii,,- . y . , . WILSON WILL CALL AN EXTRA SESSION. Will Convene About April I5tk to Re deem Pledges of the Party. New York, Nov. 15. Govern or Woodrow Wilson announced tonight that immediately after his inauguration as President of the! United States he would call an ex-, ed more than two hundred friends traordinary session of Congress called and paid their congratula to convene, not later than April tions to the groom and welcomed 1 5th, for the purpose of revision the bride to the best town in the of the tariff. country. The President-elect will sail for At the door the guests were Bermuda at 2 o'clock tomorrow ' met by Misses Maud Satterfield affernoon tor a vacation and will and Elma Peatherston, two of Rox return December 16th, To set at boro's most popular and charm rest in the meantime speculation m& young ladies, who escorted as to what he would do with re- j them to the ushers who directed sard to the tariff revision, he is- j them to the cloak rooms. After sued the following statement: ridding themselves of wraps, and "I shall call Congress together the ladies making a few extra in extraordinary session not later , than April 15th. I shall do this not only because I think that the pledges of the party ought to be redeemed as promptly as possible, but also because I know it to be in the interest of business that all uncertainty as to what the partic ular items of tsriff revision are to be should be known as soon as possible. Proceedings of Court. The session of Court was very short last week, winding up busi ness and adjourning on Wednes day evening. There was no case of importance on the docket, most of the State docket consist ing of-blind tigers. The follow ing rectived road sentences: Dona Hughes, retailing. Guil ty, 4 months on the roads. Ed Dixon, retailing. Guilty. 18 months on the roads. Wash Dixon, retailing. Guilty, 3 months on the roads. Andrew Harris, retailing. Guilty, 3 months on road's. Graham Vaughan, breaking jail. Guilty, 3 months on roads. Charles Yellock, resisting offi cer. Guilty, 8 months on roads. In the case of State against Ralph Andrews, John Pointer arid Claude Pentecost, affray, Andrews and Pointer were found guilty and fined $25 . and costs, each, Pentecost not guilty. Judge Whedbee has made for himself quite an enviable reputa tion with our people, it being re marked that more business had been transacted during the three days session than at anv previous full term of a week, save possi bly the last August term. THIS IS THE RANGE THr pang-ETERNAL I Kfo.i , ' I " i ii ii 1 1 m Mimii ii ii n n iikii;' A numimntnrvm(if ' "' 13 i ' j3C3 '" 4 1 J" l: RECEPTION, In Honor of the Home Coming of Bride and Groom. Hon. .J. A. Long and wife gave a reception last night from 8:30 to 1 1 :30 in honor of their son, J. A. Long, Jr., and his bride. During the hours above mention touches to their good looks, they ! were met at the doors of the par lor and presented to the receiving party by, Mrs. A. R. Foushee. In the receiving party were Hon. J, A. Long arid wife, J. A, Long, Jr,, and wife, Z. V. Gwynn and wife and Dr. R. J. Teague and wife. FroTi here the guests were ush ered into the dining room where a three course luncheon was served. After spending some time around the punch bowl, pre sided over by Mesdames E. E. Bradsher and H. W. instead the party bid good-bye, with best wishes for a long and happy life for all. Gov. Kiichin Thanks Hi Sopporters. Raleigh, Nov. 14. Governor Kitchin, just before .leaving for Scotland Neck today, said; "I find it impossible to write to all my friends thanking them for their steadfast support in the re cent senatorial contest, or even to acknowledge the hundreds of let ters received since. I desire to thus publicly express my appre ciation of the loyalty and influence of the thousands of Democrats who in their wisdom gave me the benefit of their support and votes in the contest. I shall never re gret the open fight we made for Democratic principles and the in terests of the people." - Forest Fire. in some way the forest just East of town caught fire Mon day evening and raged furiously for several hours. There was no damage done save to the grow ing of trees, though the fire look- eavcryanDKcioub it snea us light over the heavens to the East of town. Concert by Singing Class. The Singing Cla o'f the Ox ford Orphanage Asyiu.n gave a concert in the Auditorium ust Wednesday evening. '.Ti..ey were greeted by a large house, &nd if there was any one present who felt that he did not get his' money worth he possessed very little ap preciation for the good and beau tiful Without an exception the children acted their, parts well, and showed especially fine train mg. The concert netted the class $10 1 , and the pei formance was worth every cent of it. The class has been' out for several months, the concert here being the 182nd night for them, and notwithstanding this long trip they all looked as fresh as if they had just left home. University News. Chapel Hill. Nov. 1 6. -A vital factor in the life of the students of the btate University is thfcl Youngr Men's Christian Associa tion. An idea of the magnitude of its work can be ascertained by: noting some of the facts-set forth, in a recent report issued.bx& general secretary of . the iAssQcia tion. Its membership at present numbers 326, three fourihs of the number being active men bers. Two meetings are held; each week, at which meetings topicpf individual and campus life' Sre . W worjc imfneUatp , cotoMtf within iwelvehours after coMHDunwy, memoers ot toe members Association engagef- in Sfenly School work in seven of the Sun da) Schools surrounding Chapel Hill as teachers and helpers. For the past two years the Y. M. C. n A. has raised each y'ear $500 for the support of a missionary in China. The American MeJical Associa tion has given $200 award to Dr. W. B. MacNider, professor of pharmacology and college physi cian of the University, for sciens tinic research for the year 1912; The award is a recognition of Dr, MacNiaer's extensive scientific research jn the medical world in recent years. Prof. J, S, Holmes, State For ester, read a paper before the 201st meeting of the Elisha Mitch ell Scientific Society this week on the "Forestry for the Eastqm North Carolina Lumbermen." Ini regarding forestry as a financial investment for both lumbermen and landowner Qf eastern North' : Carolina, Professor Holmes gave three preCauti6ns that shoujd be Range For every dollar you spend with us whether cash sale or -onx account, we . will give you one of those keysand then whoever holds the key that will unlock vthe lock will get this $60.00 Range FREE. 1- heeded: The prevention of forest fires, .'protection of young growth and a pi ovision for a growth, i Prof W. W. Peele, headmaster Of Trinity Park School, of Dur ham; addressed the Y. M. C, A. at the University this week on the subject of "Safe Principles. " The speaker said there were three requisites for goodness: strong conscience, strong will, and; a strong intellect. i 'The North Carolina Booklet," issued from Raleigh quarterly by tfee v North Carolina Society, Daughters of Revolution, car ries in this issue two creditable articles by members qf the faculty of the State University. Dr. Archibald Henderson writes or "Elizabeth Steele; Patriot' Prof, Collar Cobb contributes an article on 'The Forests of Caro Una; J. G. Lee. No Error In Allen Case.. Richmond, Va., Nov. 18.-The qofttt of appeals today declined to grahja new tnsl to Floyd Alien trnrfftis sdn, Claude, condemned fd$fe next Friday, for their part pi ilirigepy in Judge Massie's GouVt at Hills ville last spring. An apoe3. will be made by counsel for Jhc condemned men to Gover nor Mann for a commutation of ieniVnce. The governor has al ready gone over all the evidence m the case and it is understood is epared to act qmckly. It is ex- .MMMflHciftn mill ho an the apDlication shall have been made. Judge Keith, of the court of appeals, dismissed the appeal of Allen and his son in x single sen tence declaring that the court could find no error in the records and nothing prejudicial to the de fendants, the finding of the low er court being therefore affirmed, Tobacco Report for October. There was a glaring error made in the report as published in. many of the State papers as to the amount of tobacco sold on this market during October. Roxboro sales were given as 265. 000, which was the amount sold by one of the warehouses. The correct amount was 984,335, which places this market up in the front ranks, leading our neighbor Durham by quite a large figure. Sales continue heavy during montb, with prices Very satis factory, in fact the prices are high, and show no inclination to fall off for all tobaccos of quality. Free. Should Read The Platform. The Columbia State advises every congressman and senator ' m rpoH and Wad thft Baltimore ! Platform before congress meets. How many democratic congress men do you suppose have ever read it? How many will read and study it? How many will stand by it when the rub comes? Andspver this is where trouble will come if it comes at all. Greensboro Record, Died. Mrs. George Fox died at the residence of her husband near Picks Siding yesterday evening at 4 o'clock. She had been fee ble for about three weeks but no one thought she was seriously ill. The funeral services will be held this evening at 3 o'clock and the remains will be buried in the old family burying ground. Combinarion accident, health and life, all m one poiicy-the best cost no more than others ! are you insured? Satterfield Insurance Agency. 1&0 bbls. Anchor 135 bbis. Alpha . i Jast Eeeeived If ' v - Po 85,000' G6od late 100,000 Shingles all grades. 78,964 ft. flooring and ceiling. Large stock of grates and tiling. Everything czioezd c TBI Only The best styles, the. best quality, the best service and the best (lowest) prices. The best of everything to weat and furnish the home. Clothing, ladiesuits and coats, dress goods, shoes, hats, un derwear, furniture and house; furnish ings, all of the best standard makes are here and at no ' higher prices than the other kinds found elsewhere. We are daily getting in new goods, re plenishing bur stock arid keeping it full. We are always pleased to serve you. ' Board of Education. The Board of Education, mviII meet in call session on Saturday the 23rd of. this month.. Parlies interested are requested to: at tend. ' .S 4 , By order County Board, -G. F. Holioway, ; County Supr; ' Roxboro, N. C, Nov. 18th, 1912. :'. Will Be Here Tuesaay. Dr. S. Rapport will be at the r Jones Hotel Tuesday, Nov, 26th for the purpose of examining; eyes and fitting glasses. Dr. : Rapport is well known ' to the --' people of this section and needs ,; no further commendation. If N you need any spectacles or, eye- glasses he will furnish you with t the right kind at a reasonable; price. ,-'v We have men vand boys over? : . coats and suits.' Ladles, Dress, suits and Cloaks ana a complete r Shoes every way than ijany year5 Home in arid -seiner vourself. 1 Yours truly, Reade Bros. Co. . Brand Lime. cabinet mantels, to Build with. ioe R 103 is rtland cement WaMastei Mm Best imiieii