1 J i ,4 f, - "5 V v 5 ' V,V v it" 1 ' f V- J Bigg Vote OflVr Of Whole Contest Announc t it' m ::'-- 0 This 4 Noell Bros;, Proprietors. Home First: AorwdiNext. . . . . . . 1 e ' VOL .XXX $1.00 Per Year in Advance THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. His Utterances on the Mexican Situation Stronger than Here tofore. Washington, Dec. 2. The mobr important Oyvdopment in ir iMexican sanation Imc i.tdny vh's President Wilson's , uiliuc in his address to v oira s of the sdtu of affairs In U)c Souihern lnnr.. lie. His declaration that '"Mexico at present has no eovernment " that attempts to mainiain one by Gen. Huerta had "broken down and a mere military despotism'1 set up, his denunciation of Husr ta's usurpation of power, and the prediction that the Huerta re gime soon would crumble, were received with close attention and enthusiastic applause by inerabeis of Congress of all political parti es. The remark that General Hu erta haa "forfeited the respect and moral support even of those who were at one time willing to see him succeed" and the asser tion that Huerta's isolation meant his gradual elimination "with the collapse not fa aay," were phrases much stronger than had been used by the President here tofere in referring publicly to Hu erta. As to the future policy of the 'eshall not, I believe, be I obliged to alter OUT nnlir.v nf watchful waiting And then,' Tne Friday Afternoon Pleasure when the end comes, we sh li Club was delightfully entertained hope to see conptituti(nal ojder?a?f?rS;,E. P. Dunlap. A num restored in distressed vipyuv i,u Joer of visitors to the club shaipH the concert and energy of such of r Mrs Ounlap's hospitality. Sever- ROXBORO, NORTH CAROUNIa, Wednesday Evening, December 3; 1913. No. 49 order would be restored without mucn aimculty after Huerta was eliminated. Secretary Bryan sent to the American Legations and Embas sies abroad copies of thet part of the, message relating to the Mexi can policy of the administration Hi pursuance oNne uLin of keep mg (he great European govern ments advised in that respect. The State Department todav continued it.c dttimH.-w e .uc.'i . V "uuuuuc UL waiiiiiui attentiuTi to the development of the plans of campaign of the Mexican insurgent leaders. It ws pointed out ip official circles that the Consiitutio.ialist party now appears to be in actual pos session of more country, and to have more numerous armies in the field than did Marte he received notice of the over throw of Perifmo Diaz as presi dent of" Mexico. Consequently there is a general belief here that a crisis had almost. been reached Meanwhile the American gov ernmentis aiving attention to the cases of individual Americans who are reported to be in trouble in Western Mexico and also is concerning itself with the protec tion of life and DroDertv in the nil fields of the State of Vera Cruz. Rear Admiral Fletcher is keeping tne state Department closelv ad vised of the situation in that quar ter. "Doile Vote! ii Vote W andidates And Friends can Pile Up Votes by Hnndredi of Thousands Victrolas on Display Make Great Hit. Win $5 in Gold Saturday. teoooooooooooooooooooooooocsccooooooooooooooooooooo 1 --'.:".'. j R-VF. D. NO 2. Mrs. Wm Wrenn Mrs. J. E, Daniel, Mrs. J. E. Montague, R. F. D. NO. 3. Miss Myrtle Paylor R. F. D. NO. 4. 25,850 51.125 14,475, 70,850 Miss Myrtle Pool Miss Blanch Davis 76,150 21,250 o o s e o o o o o e o o Win $5.00 in Cold, Saturday, Dec. 6th. On Saturday, Dec. 6th at 2 P. M wiil be gi ven $5 in Gold to the candidate getting THE MOST CASH SUB SCRIPTION BUSINESS since Tuesday Nov. 25th, at 2 P. M. ,up to 2 P. M Saturday Dec 6th, WIN IT" o o o o o o 0 o ooooooocaoooooooooooooeooooooooooooooocoooooooooteoo BIGGEST VOTE OFFER OF On payment of 3 00 24.000 votes. WHOLE CONTEST. On payment of 4.00 32,000 votes. From Dec. 2nd until Dec. 9th c On payment of 5.00 40,000 votes, will be known as "DOUBLE ' On payment' of 6.00 50,000 votes. VOTE OFFER" in The Courier s Un payment of 7 00 60,000 votes Meeting of The Pleasure Club. ner leaders as prefer the liberty of their people to their own jmi bitions." Loud applause greeted this statement and it was supges ed by those in close touch with Mexican affairs ihat the President believed al of the ladies drew for the club prize, Mrs. John Winstead being the winner. Mrs. Parker receiv -ed the visitors? prize. At the close of the game the hostess, assisted by Mrs. deVlam ing, served a balad course, coffee and cake. THE COURIER'S PIANO CONTEST. VOTING AND NOMINATING COUPON 1000 VOTES NAME P. O. Address. Phone, if any First coupon counts 1000 votes for candidate named thereon. After a name is placed in nomination, each coupon good for 25 votes. Void after Dec. 16th. Piano Contest. During this time the REGULAR SCHEDULE-of votes will be just TWICE what it has been. It is the BIGOEST VOTE OFFER of the ENTIRE CONTEST, and every candidate should do her BEST. SOME OPPORTUNITY, HUST LERS. ANY candidate with a bit of ginger, get-up-and-get about her can TIE THE CONTES UP IN A SACK. RIGHT NOW. Do YOU wan t the $300 High Grade -Piano rhe Courier is- -offering to the lady, or school, making the best showing in the contest? Is so, MAKE THIS DOUBLE VOTE OFFER THIS NEXT FEW OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOOOO 9909000000000000000000000 0 1 .4 0 o o o o 8 o s o o o o e o o e s e o 0 o o e e e o o p o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o DAYS COUNT THOUSANDS of hustler and win. votes for YOU, If YOU have been standing towards the FOOT of the list, Climb to the TOP-the Double Vote Offer is the rungs of the ladder by which you can reamly climb. ' lH vou stand at, or near the TOP get into the game while this big double vote offer is on, and Get Several Hundred Thousand Votes to bpom you still farthsr up the list. Every candidate in the race has a fair t pportunity to make Great Gains, and it is YOUR FAULT if vou don't gather in j votes, literally by the "hundaeds of thousands" during the BIG DOUBLE VOTE OFFER. WIN $5 IN GOLD SATURDAY. $5 wiU be given away Saturday at 2 P. M. to the candidate turing in the most cash business since Nov. 25th, at 2 P. M. Turn in EVERY subscription you have on hand, and try and WI this $5. It means that much extra "'Christmas spending money" for you. A COMPARISON. In order that candidates may see just at a glance what Double Vote Offer" means in the way of votes, we wish to say that a $ I subscription under the REGU LAR vote schedule gives. 3600 votes, but during DOUBLE VOTE OFJb'hR the payment means 7200 votes. For compari On payment nf 8.00 70,000 votes. On payment of 9.00 80.000 votes. On payment of 10.00 100,000 votes Any person that really wants a $300 Pjano, or a Victrola, cjn get, several hundred thousand votes ducing "DOUBLE VOTE OFFER?' , . ; NO LOSERS. Remember, there are NO LOS ERS in: The Courier Contest. YOU win a nrize. nr wt a rash I J" - " "7 w M VVMWII korrfmision. , - :;WfLL DROP "LOAFERS1'? On Dec. 6th every candidate not reported during this period m be DROPPED from this race. We offer you a $300 piano be a R. F. D. NO. 5. Miss Libbie SaiterfielQ 42.250 MUs AUie Garrett, , 49,300 VIRGILINA, VA. j Miss Bertha Whitfield 62,175 yiiss voni Jones 27,150 WOODED ALE Mrs. L. C. Pixley, 55,875 SCHOOLS ENTERED. Following are public schools entered. No Roxboro City School r. Eligible. The name of the teacher! stands for her school. BETHEL HILL. TWP. Miss El:en Coxe, Bethel Hill High School 67,550 BUSHY FORK. TWP. Miss Bessie Baynes. No 1, 4,250 HURDLE ' MILLS,' TWP. 4 : Miss Burnice Hurley r 67,225 HOLLOW ATS, TWP. . Miss Ruth Gentry No. 3. 34,250 Miss Sadie Barrett No. 4 v 91,550 MT. TJRZAH, TWP. Miss Lizzie Reade No 1. 17.150 Mr. R. P Moore No 4. 12,150 OLIVE HILL, TWP. , ' Riiss InezChek 17.9B0 Mrs Bettie Brooks, No. 3, 15,000 ROXBORO, TWP. Miss Nannie Green No. 3, 45,500 Miss Grace Newton No. 6, 34,950 The subscription rate of THE COURIER is $1 a year, and OTES ARE ISSUED AS FOL LOWS: On payment of $1 3,600 votes. On payment of 1.50 5,600 votes. On payment of 2.00 8,000 votes. On payment of 3.00 12,000 votes On payment of 4.00 16,000 votes? On payment of 500 2fj,000 votea On payment of 6.00 25,000 votes On payment of 7.00 30,000 votes On payment of 8.00 35,000 votes On payment of 9.00 40,000 votes Miss Nettie Harris, No. 2, 15, 100 i 011 Payment of 10.00 50,000 jotes Miss Bessie Jeftress No 3 84,250' Address all commuriicationg to oiiHs jio-.ue wiiKerson, Husny Fork High School 118,500 CUNINGHAM, TWP. ! Miss Mollie Green No. 2, 67,150! Miss Emma Williamson, 22,150 Miss Annie Farley No 4, 1 7, 125 FLAT RIVER, TWP. f Miss Blanche Gooche, No. 3, 14.375 THE CONTEST MANAGER, DRAWER "D", ROXBORO, N.'c. BANK OF ROXBORO, CAPITAL $25,000.00 Undivided Profits $13,500.00 Resources a quarter of one mjl f "l lion dollars. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO HOW TO WIN. Any candidate that thinks ejie can sit at home and win the pi ano Victor Talking Machine, or watch, has another think a coming. It will take active work and what The Courier expects is for., the candidates to secure new subscr.ptions, renewals, and cole?t any old accounts. The Courier wi'l furnish any candi date with the names of present bubbcribers in any section, and give the candidate the dates to rhlch these subscribers are now, paid, every subscriber that pays $1 will give you 3600 votes; $2 gives 8,000 votes etc. The candi date having the HIGHEST VOTE i' U get the Piano at the end of the contest. The one with the e:ond highest vote the $75 Vic ior Talking Machine. The third highest th,e $40 Victor Talking Machine. The one . with the fourth highest vote the $25 Elgin-Gold Watch. The fifth high est the $10 Elgin Gold Watch. The contest is nothing more or less than A SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN. .' Candidates Nominated. The following are the candi dates nominated in The Courier's P.ano Contest. All were given 1,003 votes each to start with. CElTAR GROVE jMiss Ruth Wells, S 2 o. o o o e o o o YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY SENSIBLE CHRIST MAS GIFTS WE CAN SELL YOU UNTIL YOU VISIT OUR STORE BRING IN THE WHOLE FAMILY AND SEE IF WE HAVEN'T SOMETHING THAT WILL PLEASE EVERYONE OF THEM YOUR FRIENDS WILL APPRECIATE SOME USEFUL SENSIBLE PRESENTSUCk AS WE CAN SELL YOU MUCH MORE THAN A FANCY TRIFLE THAT WILL SOON BE WORTHLESS. lLong, Bradsher & Co. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOO ?OO0OOOOO8OOOOOOOOOMOO o 9 o o o o U'cciua uu vuica. x'ui compari- ; son we give the two vote sche-1 Miss Mary McDade dules. Note what a subscription from 1 to 10 years will mean to wards boosting: a friend or school in the race NOW: REGULAR SCHEDULE. On payment of $1 3,600 votes. On payment of -1.50 5,600 votes. On payment of 2.00 8.000 votes. On paymeut of 3.00 12,000 votes. On payment of 4.00 16,000 votes. On payment of 5 00 20,000 votes. On payment of 6.00 25, 000 votes. On payment of 7.00 30,000 votes. On payment of 8.00 35,000 votes. On payment of 9.00 40,000 votes. On payment of 10.00 50,000 votes. "DOUBLE VOTE OFFER" The following is what YOUR Paymet of $1 or more will do to aid your friend in the race dur ing DOUBLE VOTE OFFER. On payment of $1 7,200 votes. On payment of 1.50 W,200 votes. On payment of 2.00 16,000 votes. 41.250 '5.100 37.450 9,150 Miss Jessie Compron Miss Vesta Vaughhi " DENNISTON, VA. Mrs. J. D. Duff, 42;600 HURDLE MILLS Mrs. TuggleO'Briant 69,450 Miss Nannie Lou Malone 4,250 Miss Fannie Bell Hawkins 31,250 Miss Annie Ray. O Briant 12,250 Miss Amelia Coleman, M'ss Mildred Wilboro LEASBURG Miss Emma Newman Miss Bessie Thompson MORIAH. Misjs Rossie Dorman ROXBORO Miss Bessie .Winstead Miss Maggie Day , Miss Lizzie burton' R. F. D. NO. 1. Miss Katye Sue Russell Mrs. J. C. Wrentr 11,150. 17.225 67,150 20 325 99,750 Gi775 43.775 13J.S75 1 18, iih v Cuningham & Long General Insurance, Rentals and Bonds. Office over Garrett, Stanfield Company. 8 ' o . . 8 O , o 8 o o I o COOO0COOeOP00OC3OO00OC30CCC5C30C80CCC5SC5SCe00CC;c"3 g o o 0 o o o o e o o o o p o o o e o o 8 0) pfi i i From now until our stonfc fe out .ve will make liberal reducifons iff tKe prices or Suits and Glli We still have a fair stock and may have just the garment and size you wish. You will be surprised at how cheaply you can buy it We are determined not to carry over a suit or coat if low prices will clean them up. CHRISTMAS GOODS One of the most attractive lines of Christmab goods you have seen in Rox borq is now being displayed by us. Come early and get the pick. We are already selling goods to beat the band. Roxboro's Best Store. t 4 ... x . t X 4r' i t ::. i n-l "V -! 1 ?s

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