n Noell Bros., Proprietors;: VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening November 25, 1914. Number 47 Hnmp Him Ahfnari MVAvf , - , ' -j v.- . 'v . , ,f. Sl fill ; V-ckrt in Hurinoo Senior Class Organized v In Roxboro Graded School i)n the -20th of October we met ,r the purpose of ornizirig ourt. M-nior class. Hie following oft- vlx wore eieerea: 1 1 L'hinsse Droous, rresidcnt; M;uo;uvt Bnidshor, V-Presidejit; 1 v (jvdo Swart, Secretarr; Hal 10 .luckson. Tivasurer; Boh Yltim oriek. Historian; IvobL Burns., IVumioy null, rropiiel; iLifae f Blulock, Jamie Broach, - Jerry Burton, Editor. ' -; : Hester, Gelia Hester, Maude The Junior class officers are: Whitfield; Carrie Wilkerson, llie Wilkerson, President; Lil- Mary Smith, Jusie Blalock, Win Ian Williams, V-President; Lillie nie Saunders. Woody, Secretary; Willie Moore, ' The Hiffh School Departmei t ivasurer: Landon Bradsher, His-( has an assistant high-, school Mi-ian: Freddie Allen, Poet Kath-! teacher, Miss Ruth O'Briant of mmi dohnson, Prophet. i Durham. The students of the High School! The school has enrolled the lar aw organized two basket ball j gesfe number of high school pupils ;. ams the Reds and the Blues, I in its history. 1( !i team is composed of seven ! The Literary Society meets ev- Kathleen Tolmson is the ajitain of the Blues and Vera lingers of the Reds. The follow ng are the members of the Blue; Mildred Younger, Freddie Allen, Lillie Woody, Lizzie Day, Lillian Williams and Annie Brooks. The following are the members of the Reds: Mabel Loy, Sallie Wilkerson, Pearl Putnam, Hattie Clayton, Kathleen Williams and Elizabeth Johnson. The Senior Class had a debate Friday, the subject of which was: 4 'Resolved that the Negro Should be Allowed to Vote." Effie Bur ton, Rob Hambrick and Margaret Bradsher were on the affirmative side and Robert Burns, Kate New ion and Manly Cheek were on the negative side, Fletcher Merritt, Frank Wilson and Merritt Brad-j froiri 8 t(M0 o'clock.! i Aftefe an sher were the Judges and Prof. Jboyirs play, of "Progressive Conr Alderman was chairaian. The versation", -.a most delicious sweet iffirmative side won. Effiie Bur- course was served. Tl ose enjoy ton, Editor. ing Miss Herron's ' hospitality were: Misses xlnnie, Ira, JVlallie Dr. N. Rosenstein at , j and Effie Brooks, Banna and Bera Roxboro Next Tuesday. Garrett, Messrs. C. K Carver, Tuesday Dec. 1st, Dr. N. Ros- Ira and Irving Brooks, Tom enstein, the eye specialist, will Hamlin, Stephen and Claude be in Roxboro at the Hotel Jones Moore, Walter Rogers and B. F. for the purpose of examining eyes Boone of Durham, and fitting you with the best' "Little Miss Hazel Virginia glasses made for the lowest price. Brooks" has arrived at the home Don't trifle with your eyes when of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brooks, a specialist can help them; youj illy Goat." can't afford to go blind Dr. ! Rosenstein can help you as he has The Courier Office will be clos- helped thousands of others. ootooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uj rJmXLL QUEENS WARE, lief WE SELL CARVING KNIVES THAT WILL 'CARVE YOUR THANKSGIVING BIRD. VCU WILL ENJOY HAV ING GUESTS' IF YOU HAVE NICE. NEW TABLE CUL- TERY. ' ' ' ' WE DO NO SHARP PEACTICE IN OW BUSINESS, WE DO NOT JUGGLE PRICES UF AN D 'DOWN. ' 1W: TREAT ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FAIRLY AND SQUAR ELY. THIS IS WHY WE HAVE THE CONFIDENCE,- THIS COMMUNITY. Long, Bushy Fork High School . , ; News Honor Roll. Third Grade-Alice Oliver. Fourth Grade Alipn WilLor. son, Nannie Allen. . Fifth&rad e Maivr Heste Sixth Grade Martha Rice. ' Heronth Grade-Rena Allen. -. Euhth, Ninth and Tenth Grad esRosa Whitfield, Jessie Wil kerson, C.vnis Snioes. Oharlip erv Fridav nio1it T1k .'Prpcirlnnt- Jamie Broach condrTCts the meet- ings in a business like manner. Everyone shows great interest, and we hope to do great things in the Triangular debate. - The school will have a "Box Party" on the first Friday night after Thanksgiving Day the pro ceeds are for school improve ments. X. Brooksdale Locals. Miss Mary Goodwin left Satur- May morning for Lumberton. Rev. B. F. Boone filled the ai pointments of Rev. J. J. Boone Sunday. ; - Miss Pearl Herrxin was a de lightful hostess to h number of ;"her friends ' Saturday evening ed tomorrow, Thanksgiving. o o o o o e o e e o o o o 0 o 9 9 V 0 o o e 0 9 O s o o o s 0 8 s o o o 9 o o .o o o o o o o - 9 9 9 I ., - A v nil AT FRENCH GOVERNMENT: . '7 P Wedding at Milton. : IS TO PARTICIPATED ; xhe- wedding 0 f Miss Whitlock , - - j "Hoge Irvine and Rev. Numa Reid As Expression of Good Will the Clay tor was celebrated in the Pres- French , Will Take Part in Pan- by teria'n church at Milton, N. ama Exposition. - ; ! at high 'noon Thursday, November Bordeaux, Nov. : 23, --via .Paris 19," amid a scene of rare beauty, o:3Q i). m. A semi-official commun-l and-before a church crowded with ication announcing . the goVerarelatives and friends The interior ment's intention to participate in ,of the church was very attractive, the Panama exposition, says pah ticipation will be an expression of the good will toward the " United States and that -it. is.. France's de sire to draw yet closer bonds con necting the two great republics. J The communication announces that the American governmenbhas placed at the disposition of the hibitors a navat vessel' which Will leave a Frericli'port early in Jan uary to transport exhibits to "tlie United States free of charge; 1 H Little Enthusiasm as American! J Troops Leave Mexican. Soife Vera Cruz, Nov. 23. The Af merican forces of occupation eva cuated Vera Cruz today after ha v ing been in possession of.the.cit5 for seven months. The withdrawal of the Americans progressed with out disorder. At 11 o'clock tlieJ commenced going on the . waiting transports,.' and by 1:30 they were practically all on board. - ; As the Americans withdrew! Mexican constitutionalists ' , to'ofe possession of" the" city. There was little enthusiasm, little excitement and no trouble of any kind The Mexican flag again is flying over Vera Cruz. Bridgadier General Funston and his cqmmand of 6,000 infantrymen and marines! whiclv waslaidoJ here April 30 last got under way late today and General Candido Aguilar's men took charge" of the city. The United States transport Cristobal, bearing the first contin gent of Americans, left the dock at 1:50 p. m. for home. . The Mexicans marched in on the heels of the departing troops but no serious disturbance of the city's peace was registered. Letters ta Santa Claus. Dear Santa: . Please come to see me I Christmas and bring me a little china doll, and a little cradle for him to sleep in, some, candy and some nuts, and a tea set Now if you have anything else in stock that you think I would like just leave it under my stocking., I have been a' real good little girl, for aunt Etta says so. So hurry and come. With lots of love , to all your little folks. Little Lou ise Dunkley. Pear Old Santa: Please bring me a little doll bed. a little china doll and a little A trnnl sinmp! randr and nuts. 7 1"" K ,-.., Anddou-tra over yonder fi(r!-.Ul"" on lllsc un a y ing, for. I am afraid you will get hurt. Now, I have been a nice little girl and study hard at school so don't forget me. Elizabeth. Register of Deeds For v Orange County is Dead. Hillsbdro, Nov. 23. John Laws 94 years old, register of deeds for Orange county for .the" past 64 years, and who is believed to hold the record in the United States for continuous service in an elec tive office, died of pneumonia at his home here at 5 o'clock this morning. He- was the ; only man who ever held the office of record er of deeds in Orange county. . Mr. Laws was twice ' married,' the second time, when he, was 86 voqths old. He is survived by his j - second wife and three children by his second marriage. . " ;If yoit'are notjielling at - the Pionppr. come and see - our sales and you wiir.be'. convinced that this is the place. r ' r- ;;- ; thej color scheme being reen and white. - An hour before the ceremony a musical program was rendered with Miss Nellie Hines at the or gan and Mrs. Fultz violinist. 1 ' At 12 o'clock Dr. D. I. Craig, of JReidsville, toot his place before the. pulpit, and the familiar strains of Mendelssohns Wedding March announced the arrival of the bridal party. Immediately following the ushers came the bride down Ihe left aisle with her maid of honor, Miss Clair Housie, of Durham, who were met at the altar by the groom and his best man, Rev. Robert Bulla, of Imporia, VaA Tne maid of honor wore white meteor crepe, carrying Killarney roses. The bride was beautiful in a black charmeuse with a shower .1.1 . bouquet of liLies of the valley. Dr. Craig performed the impres sive ring ceremony. Immediately after the vows were spoken the bride and groom and the wedding party left the church for the home of the bride's parents, Capt. and Mrs. John Lewis Irvine. The home was beautifully decorate4 with potted plants, Southern smilax, .white rose and sword ferns. The candlelabra used gave a most beaur ti f u 1 .and effective scene. The ; par- Rev. Robert Bulla, and were shown to the parlor by Miss Clair Housier and were received at the parlor door by Mrs. Lipscomb. The popularity of the bride and groom was shown by the collec tion of unusually large, handsome and useful presents received. Immediately after the reception the bridal party left by automo bile for Danville, Va., where they boarded the train for Washington, D. C, ana other northern, points. The bride is a woman of rarere finement and culture and is most charming and gracious in her man ner. The groom,. who is a graduate of the University of North Caro lina, the Union Theological Semi nary, of Richmond, Va is the pastor of Milton, Roxboro, and Red House Presbyterian churches, a very promising young minister and has a very, bright future. Their many; friends wish for . them a beautiM and happy life. j Strum Averett. Quite a' surprise.,. marriage took place at Trilby, N. C, at the home of JMr, and Mrs. A. J. , i 1 1 O 1 ing at j) p. m , wnen their attrac . -l 1. T 1 . ll . brjde ot Mr. tjine Avereu. The home wa's daintily decorat ed with potted plants and ferns. The attendants were Miss Mollie Strum, a sister of the bride, and Mr. Luther Ayerett, brother of the groom,. After the ceremony the bridal party . with other friends, went to the home of the grom where a very pleasant evening was spent. Bazaar By The Baptist Ladies. The Aid Society, assisted by the ladies oltheV Baptist Churth, will ; havp. a bazaar in the store building in Hotel ' Jones on Dec. 9th, commencing at ,10 o'clock "a. m. Refreshments consisting of oysterschicken salad, icecream and cake will be served. Charm inavounsr ffirlswill serve you with the'ibest home made candy? All kinds of fancy articles will be j " 1 Som' v . ; v. z. tive daugnter,.. Liona oecame itiej. Leo M. Frank Loses Appeal ': 'y Before U S." Justice Lamar.; Washington, Nov., 3.r-Justice Lamar Monday refused to issue a writ of error to bring to the - Su preme court; for revievv, the con viction of Leo. M:. Frank for the murder of Mary -Phagan, a fac tory girl, in Atlanta,' Ga., in 1913. Attorneys applied to Justice Lamar -for. the writ on the ground that a right under the federal con stitution had been denied Frank when the jury verdict was return ed during his absence from the court room. Advertising. Schemes You may " disfigure barns and; fences and rocks and roads, waste your money on so-called business charts, and vainly imagine you are advertising. But you are not. The newspaper that every week visits hundreds, of homes', and is looked upon by-its readers as a re liable friend and adviser is the medium through which the wide- s awake business man will speak to! the people. Quack advertising- the kind you bite on when a Strang-1 er cones around with a 4 scheme" is like quack medicine, the less you take of it the better. The man who appreciates the value of news paper advertising, and has busi ness instinct enough to -know that Sill other methods are spurious, is tlie man who meets with success. Good Breaks Yesterday. Yesterday the warehouses all had good breaks and the prices were very! satisfactory 1 In f act this beason is a very inferior6ne and i is unreasonable to expect such prices as you got last season. We jieard one farmer say that he had tried all of the niarkets'and he had not found any which did bet ter for him than Roxboro., And you will- generally find it that way. Our warehousemen are experienced meu,.and they are just as anxious to get big prices for you , as you are to get them, so bring it along and give them a show. Read the Trey O' Hearts. 4. .... 1 f - - I FURNISHING GOOEfS 1 $m FOR ALL THE !LY ; ; COME IN AND SEE OUR DELIGHTFUL UNDER $ WEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES. ING GOODS:;; BUY THEM t WEARING THEM; WE' X. GOODS IN BIG QUANTITIES AND. THEREFORE. G AN , :S3LL FOR LITTLE PRICES. I flNYTMlHU WVVL 111 nil II I OUR PRICES WILL URGE X ' f.' ' , - . - 'i nAUBADA'C TV Society News. ! The .Research ? Club met with . Mrs. J. A. Lbng, JrM .on, last; Wednesday afternoon. ' A ' dozen'1 5 ' ladies answered, to roll" call- by-1 Some' verse or sentiment" qn Thanksgiving, . after which the-. study for the afternoonvwasttakeh 1. ' up. Mrs. J. J. JVinstead led the ' meeting in an interesting manner." A'-. Mrs. W. A. Bradsher and-Mrs. L. M. Carlton having resigned" Mrs, W, A: Sergeant and Mre. B R. Long were elected to fill thleir ; places, v ; . :. J -Yv-Mrs. Long, assisted by her sis-' -; ter, Mrs. Gwynn, served delight ' ful rSfreshmenis. , A ; Mrs. A. 8. deVlaming was hos-l tess to the Friday Afternoon cliib ''. on Nov. 13th. There were six' tables and places were found by. dainty hand painted score cards." A The games were spirited, JSfrs. Z''- V. Gwynn winning the club prize ;t: . and Mrs. B. R. Long the visitors prize, ' A delici(Jus) salad course, ; ; f coffee and salted nuts were'served bj' th 'stess, assisted by. her , " UM l ",uuu"Smue S"irs. Dr. and Mrs. R." J. Teague en-' tertained the "Bridge Club Thurs- day evening. . There were twenty ; players and a pleasant evening. spent in this charming home. Seasonable refreshments were served. : ' ' "A On Friday afternoon the Twice Eight Club was charmingly - en-4 v tertained by Mrs. G. C. Vickers," number of guests beside the pinb members ,; were present, and Jcrook after which' the hostess, assisted 'by Mesdames Stephens and v Harris ; served a delightful two course luncheon. k 4 Thanksgiving Services. On Thursday evening at 7:00 o'clock there will .be Thanksgiv ing services at the Methodist church. Everyone cordially in-; yited. " -When you need good shoes, r buy from Hugh Woods fend save' moneys x AND OTHER FURNISH; ' AND YOU WILL ENJOY BUY OUR . FURNISHING ? . WHENEVER YOU : NEED LUUU HI UUri UUUUd, j- YOU TO bUY. V - ' - i -kV' 'f-i' DCCT CTADCi ' 4''-'''', f - . 1 ' ' -. ...o.ooooooootoMcoecco;ieoooooooooooooooooo.Poe3Po