Nodi Bros., Proprietors ." H&BSrSMM VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH GAROTiJNAJWeaiiesdayrEvening November 10; 1915 l jNiiihbbr ,45 "The Garden of Lies" As advertised iu last week's y-iper "The Garden of Lies" with Jane Cowl in the leading role was shown at the Prineess Theatre to the largest crowd of the season. It was by far one of the finest film production that has been shown l: Roxboro in someiime. The management of the Prin vss Theatre have announced that 'iereafter they will show Univer- sil Broadway features often du r- Ing the coming season. It will be i real treat for the people of Rox boro, and they have already shown their appreciation of the rirst of the series, as the crowds were unusually large. Thirty Five Dollars A Hundred. Mr. D. E. Berry of Orange county was in . town yesterday with a load of tobacco and made the biggest average which we have seen reported on any of the old ! belt markets. He averaged $35 round for his entire load, clear check. This tobacco was sold on the floor on its merit and simplv represents what can be done when you sell at the Planters Ware- i 0 vt wvtvwfcvitw Everybody Will Dress Pp . It is lonesome to be in a class to yourself without re gard to where that class will be. EVERYBODY IS GOING Morton & NEW STORES IX POSTOFFIOE BUILDING XUSUJLXidSISESBSSSSSBSBSStftrWa fcatf w wffflartniff film WW for When Sporti ing Goods. We are HEADQUAR TERS. All kinds of Guns, any load in Shells, theU.-M.-.G. Brand. Long Bradstier & Co Death Claims A Bright Young Man. Mr. B. A, Burch died at the home of his father, Mr. George T. Burch, yesterday morning at 6 o'clock. Baxter, as he was known by his friends, was a young man having just passed his twenty fourth year, was a remarkably bright young man of most excel lent parts. For several years he has been connected with the Lig- Igett & Meyers Tobacco Company in Henderson, and was a favorite with all of his colaborers.. He leaves a wife and one child, be sides father, one brother and three sisters. Case of Diphtheria. A case of diphtheria developed in town one day last week, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Carlton, Mary Shuford, being the patient. Every precaution was taken, all of the family tak- ueuusu,ttltu and al over the house bein fumU d. The little girl is getting aiuug llluei-y auu 1S 11UVV uu U1 danr' There 18 llttle lear of the disease spreading and no, one -need be alarmed or afraid to visit the town on account of this case. O TO DRESS UP ON THANKSGIV jhg. Are you ready? AVE HAVE SOLD SUIT AFTER SUIT, COAX SljT AFTR 43ArSUlt HAV::Yblf" 'Sought yours? Dont be lonesome. Buy today. ! Our selection of Coat Suits and Coats are unsurpassed, our prices on this seasons suits are UN EQUALED. Come to see us, stop your horses here, leave your baggage wfth us, bring the family; we will take care of all. Satterfie WMUJAlWM.IMMJJ'.lifllk.l it comes to w Hunter , Harris Armstrong. Twas amid beatftifuivsurrouiid ings that Miss Mabel Ha rns a$B$ dty and Dr, C. tW.;ArmstronS Troy, N. C. plighted their troth Tuesday at six o'clock in theMetfe odist church. The church wasatl tractively decorated and briUianii- ly lighted by many candles. Preceding the ceremony the wedding guest were entertained with a musical program, kiA't Dawning" and "To Yoh" sung by Miss Eva Lawrence anci Miss Mary Smitherman, the orgaril ist of the evening, rendered "To'ael Wild Rose. "At the close of whic twelve young girls, dressed in pink", and white, members of the Sans- bouci Club, marched down the1 aisles and took their appointed places as guests of honor, in tha choir loft, they were Misses New ells, Barnette, Winstead, Umstead, Crowder, Jones, Featherstone Ed gerton, Tomlinson, Wilson and Noell. Next the bridal chorus from Lohengrin was sung by the mem? bers of the Methodist Choir, Mes4 dames Long, Love, Burns, Free land, Foremanv Miss Anna Webp and Messrs. E. m. Daton, R. II. Oakley and W. S. Clary. Mendels sohn's wedding march was played and the bridal party entered the church, the soft strains of Schu bert's Serenade came from the or gan during the ceremony, while the march from Thanhauser was used as a recessional. First Rey. N: C. Yearby advanced f rom the study and took his place in the centerW the Chancel, then came the ushers, Messrs Jack Ham brick, C. C. Cun-; ingham, R. H. Harris and B. G; Clayton, following ..those cam&Ma$t fer TOvid mstrotlff dressed in black velvet suit an carrying tlie ring in a white chrysantheum. Af ter him came siiss Mary Harris, sis ter of the bride, attractive in a gown of pink crape de chine, car rying a huge bouquet of Kiilarney roses. Next little Misses Jane Burns and Helen Harris passed down the aisle, atti red in white chiffon with pink trimmings, scattering rose petals from a pink basket. The groom and his best man Mr. J. R. Fage from Aberdeen, N. C, ap proached the altar from a side door and awaited the bride, who entered with her father. The bride was lovely in a white duchess satin combined with chantilly lace, and her veil was caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a shower boquet of bride's roses and liilies of the valley. The happy couple left on the seven o'clock train for a ten days visit to northern cities, after which they'will be at home in Troy N. C. The bride is one of Roxboro's best known young women. Attrac tive in personality and manner she has won and held the friendship and admiration of many. The groom is one of the rising young i physician's of Troy and is a man possessing many excellent trails of character. Among the put of town guests present for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Armstrong, father and mother of the groom. Misses Claire and Annie Harris, students at Greensboro College for Women. Misses Bettie . Edgerton from Sel ma, N. C , Tommy Mae Tomlinson from Troy. ; Cabbage Plants, The. Kind - .That Makes Big; Heads, When you want plants which you know to be true to name and which will produce; the best and; largest heads you want to s see me j Sale of Personal Property! , and get some of my plants. I will On Tuesday Nov. 16th, 1915, I give as a premium 1000! plants to will sell at public auction for the person who grows the largest cash at my home place a lot of head from plants bought of me; household and kitchen furniture, Plants. now ready for delivery, farming utensils, farm machin For best results set out abeut Dec. ery, wagon, buggy, . cow and lst.J. W; -Brooks, Roxboro, N. a - : ; . . ! '. . , V A? Real Joy ..V- ?. ErO.Lorig,' the.popular.; cashier $pih' oyer the new Crdad : which i 3e 1 rig r b m i 1 1 b u t towards Bushy lork, andil is & real oy to.d rive Over this new 'stretch of i-oad. IVhite only two miles have been com pleted it is enough kto sho w' the wisdom of this Township in votiiig the bonds f o r b u Iding weigaqdv roads, and to prove.that , no mistake was made in selecting the fjighway Commission or the en gineer and superintendent, for in Mess. Brown and Colvin the Com- missian has a force which knows their bitsiness. If you are still opposed to a bond issue, for good roads Just ride, out over this road then come back over , the old v Tobacco Sales. We are very gl ad indeed to be ble to state that tobacco is selling better, in fact the sales this week have beeft the most satisfactory of the season? We believe the prices have stiffened up on all grades and you can feel assured that when you sell in Roxboro you are getting the best- to be had. , All of the warehouses reports sales as more 'satisfactory ahd the farmers-vvith whom we have talk ed tjonfirn this opinion." It was not Ut'U uncommon" to see wrappers knocked off at fifty dollars, frith cutters bringing good prices! It gives uiv pleasure to make this stiement for the farmers were veVymuch'down in the mouth at the: former prices.. ' ;" . jXikikm ienrice jjay? h '.TB!vitv;vic nvuA -oH&i Everybody is invited to attend theOommunity Service Day to be held at Brooklyn School House on Briday December 3rd, 1915. Be sure to be there, for topics which are very beneficial to both young and old, large land small, and in fact every body will be discussed. Come, and let's make our County one of the greatest counties in the State. Watch next week's Courier for a complete program and list of speakers. R. E. Brooks. . . Auto for $1.00. Mr. R. W. Stephens, the popu lar agent at the Norfolk $c Wes tern depot was the fortunate win ner of a Ford automobile last week. One day while on a fish ing trip and passing through Vir- gilina he invested $1.00 in a raffle which was being had for the ma chine and much to his surprise he was notified Friday Evening he had won the machine. It has been remarked that Mr. Stephens is the first man in the County to! buy a Ford at cost. Lost Fine Horse. One night last week Mr. T. C. Wagstaff, one of the best and. most progressive farmers in the Concord section, lost a very fine horse. Mr., Wagstaff says the; horse was fed too much L green corn which caused blind staggers fm wh lle h,or? died' ,He only a short time since. Do Your Business at Home. My brook department is com plete in every detail. All theJ late works of fiction, popular copyrights, as well as a full line of paper back novels, carried at all times at publishing price.; ; W: C. JONES at Hotell Jones. some hogs. Saje begins at-10 o'clock,-A. M. -Mrs. : Bettie Clay Cuningham and . Woodburtt; jn xne aeatti; 01 Mr. James ttennextj. wno .nas : peeji an inva- lid 'for a number of ; atWtitJ: complication 'of diseasesH& h family of children , . who are, all iharne aiid idoin was- a pr(iri;eh susxhiireH, being superintendent of the; Sabbath School there for a long time, and ; filled tiie, place very acceptably to all. He was always; faithful, was always in his pew on church days prompt ly and Regularly as long as he was able to be present. He was buried at the church cemetery on ThuridEay evening last?; Sqtiire VMM Pulliam and ':JS;MJ made talks in the church ; on the character of the deceased' as to his standing "and work in the churchand Rev; Miv Linthicum- Sunday. We missed nim ; very, pastbOf South Halifax ;, charge uch:the Sunday before' : v ' conducted -the services" at thev The mills here areworking;. grave, - A large crowd attended nuite regular now. much "to, the : and the grave was covered with ; flowers. Farmers; are nearly all isowing wheat ovfhere how, Jtheyse the difference between; having your own wheat to carry Id 'the" mill and paying; seven or " eight dollars a barrel for - flour. : .' We aJe regretting that Mr; Nelson," who is merchandising at ,Woodburn is making fhisT arrari? gements tb move to Semora tp engage in business' there. , " We had hoped he would decide toT re-' mainat'yobur:ja, think he can do well there, VthiriTft" js one? cff -JheJ; best CQuntrystaiids-1 iin oiir J5A(tinn ' f - 1 4n tT i I was very proud of the fine exhibit of our county fair, it shows what we can do when we try. We must all pull together to make the next one a bigger success. Congratulations to Messrs. Carver & Cuningham. Frank Hadn't you rather nav the $2 or $3 more and get this falls style suit, than to pay less money and get a suit that is carried over and out of date. Everything in our stock bought this fall. Morton & SatternVJds. Special On Coat Suits and Cloaks vWe bought more Goat Suits this season than we ever did. We bought them at ex tremely low prices and marked them with very small profits. Our sales have been fine but we still have a big stock of the very best styles. These we offer at most attrac tive prices. If you are the least interested in a Suit or Goat, to look here means to buy here. We have the garments that will suit ou and the low prices will surprise yoiilP Be sure to visit our Ladies' Ready!-to-Wear Department and save good money. ; We are ROXBORO'S Jalong'News. . j'C--:. f (Mrs: Vaughn .Clayton was car tied fa a hospitalin Durham , to v :; - -be treated J I ' have Vot ; learned , . - : -ivhich hospital she : wa carried ;. -to I trust she mavj- recover and - ; en joy good healtH after she tak- -) -es the treatment.1 . f : . v. fplr; TAitO'BHant; of :Atfens y ; . ' ville visited friends here Sunday, v :. i;iMr; LrJLbngVisitd his'par-ifr- enlB, Mr; and, Mrs. R;' M;.LCng; , :Z Sunday. ' ,v i v : . - .- - f ' Mrj nnd Mrs vftnrn .Wnlkpr . ' Mr; and Mrs.' Wm.Morvrell visits; ed -M r. Walker - and , Mrs; ' Mor-f V V rejrs parents, Mr. and -Mrs. J S.-v '.7' "A Walker Sunday V ?J v Mr. and 'M rs. v . Lebbie1 VKhew f : . yisited Irs. Rhew's parents, lrv and Mrs. W.4 A, -Yarboro, Sun day, . fh.-. -ir I ; We; were very glad indeed to have Mr; & A.; Spencer, bur worthy r Superintendent with" us delight of the employees-. . Everything seems to be going - r ;; along nicely from the looks of thatleverlasting smile of MrVl- good's, which,he carries Vali the . ; ' time.. . - - i -',"-'- -, I .think' the Moonlight School is ; ;;; getting on. right well, hi:-'don't know, how many scholars they ; fiave, . buC I . think they have.a Y ; . bery good School,;;, ' ;,u , f 3 ' ' . h :rnere.iS5,noi mucn news bo jl u s 'ring pFreckles?; ' - y V ;-; phange cdn 23 the Princess theatre will h&ve- fii-st show at '6:45 thereby givlug the people an opportunity of ; b tending the concert if they desire to do so. Also the last show will begin directly after the concert. Entertainment. An entertainment will be given 1 by home talent it the Auditorium , Nov. 19th, for the benefit of the Confederate Monument. A good attendance is earnestly requested. Mrs. J. A. Long, Pres. Mrs. W. R. Hambrick, Sec' race rCrtOtfTuesday'Nov. 'r- always pleased to serve you.. BEST STORE. - 4 - US' 4 s j' . r '

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