4 A . "... 1 Noell Bros., Proprietors Horiie First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance 1 ,L , r.s , VOL. XXXill ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening November 17, 19.15 Number 46 - i r- ' I - -1 Went After the Key and Has Not Returned. ( )n last Friday .night . Sheriff Tin.mpson learned that there was probably some booze located in .tlip home of one Joe Humphries, win) lives adjoining the 'County Home. He, with Deputy Morris, Chiof Cash and Mr. Colvin went it to investigate. Af ter search i:ijr the home and failing to find .r.iy thing they went out to one of t':io outhouses which they found 1 kol and proposed to search it, wiH'ivupon the owner, Joe Hum Jn io-. said he had not the slight est objection, but that he would h-.ivo to go and get the ke. Ac .irdingly he went after the key :ind ui to this writing has' hot re- turnea. Arter ureaKing into the ; painful she is now resting well house the posse found eight gal-'and no serious results are antici ions which the Sheriff took in pos-'pated. 1 4 t 1 1 .1 I 51011. The Birth of A Nation. A large delegation went to en by home talent at the audi Kaleigh last week to take in The torium Friday night, Nov. 19th, Birth of a Nation, the . famous at 8:15, for the benefit of the moving-picture shows. All report Confederate Monument. Admis it a most wonderful production, sion 25 and 15 cents. and when it shows in Durham many more will witness it. Get St HAVE you bought that Goat Suit for lit til em go- come and Norton NT V 3 r ) I 5 M PJ 3 9 nvvtvrvv&vv When Sport ing ; are H E A TER S. Guns, any the U. M. C. for D Ml load Lon. Bradsher & ,, ', f-- Mrs. Putnam Breaks an Arm. On last Saturday evening Mrs. D. F. Putnam had the misfortune to fall and break her aim It seems that she was standing on a rock ing chair looking into the closet for something and when she at tempted to step from the chair, forgetting thaj) it was a rocker, her foot caught on one of the arms which threw her backwards, the entire weight of her body fulling on her arm. She was alone in the house at the time and it was about thirty minutes before .she was dis covered. Finding that she was be coming faint she Jay down across the bed and was in this position when some one came in and found her. While the accident was verv Entertainment An entertainment will be giv- t Remember the races Thanks giving Day. Now Thanksgiving? Dressing up -on thi&i .diay-makes gu feel- as good or better than any other one day in the year, because ev erybody else will be dressed uo - Our en- tire stock is compos ed of this years . style suits and nobody in town can undersell us. We bought them to sell and we let let us show you. bSatterfie d rDFfCE BUILDING it comes to We QUAE- m Brand. i t"t1" " Goods kinds of hells Go Have You Responded? The first of this month agam sent out statements to every orie who was behindvwith tliwr'S'ufe scription to The Courier, f Some were only a few months and some were more than a year, but we sent them to one and all. .fflt r many have called and settled fnd hi-oughout Mexico and is confi almosl in every instance paid in j den t that he will soon conquer advance, but of course, soaie;got Villa and ' Zapata, according. to mad and said stop my paper", ; for I do not want to be dtihned every month. Wqll, we stopped it, for we never take offense at any one for stoppiug their paper when they pay up, but whaido you think of the, person whotwill get mad and order the paper tOp peli without paying up? A 7.few did this, but they were fewlanli far between, because we do'iiot have many of this kind in this Countv of good folks. . I ;j ".' V- ' If it has not been convenient for you to see us and pay up since you received the statement!! we trust you will kindly give the mat ter your attention the first " time you come to town, or if you are not coming this way soon send it to us, by mail, It is absolutely necessary that we get on a- $ash basis and we can not do this wjth out treating one and all alike, u If there is an error in your statement come in to see us and weMl cheerfully make the correction. With more than two thousaiicj to send out it is hardly, probable that we would not makea mistakeBut whether you owe us anything or not, come in to see us when - fou come to town and 4iHboibdews -Am' - - 4 1 A i - Dunn Buchanan. . On October 31, at 2 o'clock, a beautiful wedding was solemized at Providence Church, when Miss Roberta Dunn became the bride of Mr. Thomas Grover Buchan an. The church was beautifully decorated with cedar, ferns and potted flowers. The flower girls were little Misses Estelle Whitt, Bucker Whitt, Katie Perkins and Effie Perkins. They entered the church as Miss Evie Street be gan to play the wedding march. The bride who wore a blue suit and carrying white chrysanthe mums, came in on the arm of Miss Maggie Harris. Miss Har ris wore a blue suit and carried white roses. The groom enter ed with his best man, Mr. Wal ter Whitt. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. D. F. Putnam. After the ceremony- MrJ and Mrs. Buchanan and many friends were delightfully entertained at a delightful supper by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fox. The couple received many prasents. . The bride is a charming and popular young lady. -The groom is a man of fine qualities and one of the most prosperous -farmers in the county. A long life, much joy and happiness to this couple is the wish of all. B. House Party at Loch Lily. A delightful week-end house party was given at Loch Lily Lodge by the young men of the town last week. This is an ideal place for.such an event and each occasion is looked foFward to with a great deal of pleasure. Among those present were: Misses . Mil dred Turner, Durham, Julia Den ny, Greensboro, , D6ier Korner, Kernesville, N. C.A;t-S3rejfca;.''' NoeU- Messrs. C. W. Long, E. G. Long, J Y Stokes Jr., W. S. Clary Jr. and J.; A. Noell Jr.v with Mrs B R. Long as chaperon: J Fourth ' Quarterly- Conference j i. '.' . . i will be held. Every' official mem Ladies invited to. attend, the ber of the Quarterly'; Conference debate Monday' evenings Nov TT-'Trtin-fni-ilrrtV -V? VILLA'S OVERTHROW QUESTION OF WEEKS Carranza Has Matters Well in Hand. Says His Confidential r . A . 1 1 , i rvepreseniaiivc nncuunuo. New York, Nov. 14. General Carranza is fat restoring order Eliseo Arredondo, confidential agent of the Constitutionalists in this country, who arrived here to day from a visit to the first chief, whom he accompanied on a tour of the northern part of Mexico. After a brief stay here Mr. Arre dondo plans to return to Wash ington to resume his duties. "General Carranza will reach Mexico City at the end of this month and then begin to organize his Cabinet and make the neces sary Government appointments," said Mi. Arredondo. "Mr. Carranza is confident," Mr. Arredondo continued, "that he has the military situation well in hand. He has appointed men of military ability to cope .with the lawlessness on the border and feels that they will be able to pro tect Mexicans as well as Ameri cans from the dangers of bandits. r "It is but a question of a few weeks when General Villa will be conquered. To this end General Dieguez is marching with $000 men from Hermosillo while Gen eral Calles with 9,000 men, js well fortified in Agua Prieta. Outside j uc 10 solutely of no jiiilitary significance at present. Villa troops also are fast rejoining the ranks of the Constitutionalists indicating that the Mexican people realize that the Carranza Government stands fi fit a ltlnVtaet irlaalc f Aarrn pa ' cy and independence of Mexico." Satisfied Customers at the Hyco. Below are a few of the many who made big averages at the Hy co this week: C. H. Willis, R. A. Bowes, J. T. Jones and Noell, G. W. Thomas & Carver, Earl Mor ton, W. H. Brown, K. Broach, A. E. Newton & Bowes, V. E Phelps, W. G. Burch, J. W. Younger & Outlaw, W. I. Tatum, R. T. Bowes, I). A. Murdock, J. Mc. Long, W. R. Ham brick & Brooks, E. G- Daniel, F. L. Coo pe er, J. L. Terry, C. T. Dnke, J. H. Carver, W. A. Hicks, J. S. Wilson, C. P. Wilson, Oscar Da vis, Wm. A. Warren, H. .V. Oak ley, J. E. Clayton, H. S. Barnett, John Barnett fmd Phelps & Ward. 7 X Sunday Sdhool Institute. Mr. E. L. Middleton, Sunday Scho A Secretary of the Baptist State Convention, will be at Mill Creek Church next Saturday and Sunday to conduct a Sunday School Institute. Sunday School workers of adjoining churches are cordial ly invited. Exercises will begin at 10:30 Saturday. Lunch will be served on the grounds Saturday. ' ' . the best farmers in this township living out on Route 1, was a wel come visitor yesterday. He had a load of tobacco which he sold, and was well pjeased with the i .' T- . . Jf ll I prices, ivin ijong is one or ine farmers who live at home arid usually brings something ' to sell along with him when he comes to town. . ' Rev J. L. Cuningham, Presid- Til 1 iT i J11 jing jLiaer oi tnis aistncx, win preach in the M ethodist Unurcn Sunday night, the 21st, at 7 o clock. -The public is very cordi- o 1 1 xr i n vi f ri Vi m r Vi i m S TtYITYI A- dfatelv "after the 'services, the is earnestlyrequested "to bepre- EPrtant meeting; N: Yearby; Attend the races Thanksgiving Myrtle ' Barnett spent Saturday in Durham.. Remember Hugh Woods for (JUVCiJ. Miss Lucille Umstead spent the week-end at her home in Ba hama. , Mrs. N. Lunsford , spent Fri- I day- in Durham the guest of triends. . ? - - Mrs. F. L. Howard and son, Wm. Howard of South Boston, ' spent last week visiting in this County. If you wish to see some of the best races eyer, go to the Person County Fair Grounds. Miss Lucille Pass, who has been spending the summer in Asheville returned to Roxboro Tuesday. . There will b'e an entertainment given Friday night at the audi- torium under the auspices of the daughters of the Confederacy. Look out for windstorms, they come when least expected. See S. P. Satterfield, and get a storm policy on your dwelling, it costs very little. Mr. W. H. Tuck of; Route 2 made us a pleasant call last Thursday. He is a good farmer and thinks The Courier is one of the necessities for good farm ing. Brewer Corcoran, A. S. Pier, and - other ' writers of I corkiftg baseball, football; and hockey storie are now doing some of their best work for The Youth's Companion. ' : ..-.. .y-vaay; ne is tne pogujiarT,ana em - cierit Justice of the Peac fdr Al lensville township and is reckon ed among the best citizens of the entire County. : Everybody invited to attend " the meeting of the Business en s Association, . Monday ev il ening November 22nd, at 7 :30. ueDaxe on rsationai aerense. in. Lunsford, Sect'y. Myron T. Herrick, Ex-Presi- dent Taft, Harry Vardon, Sur-1 geon-General Gorgas, Rev. Fran- cis E. Clark, Charles Wellington Furlong. Beverlv T. Gallowav. and President Hadley of Yale will write for The Youth's Com panion next year. Dectai Ji. On Coat Suits and Cloaks t. . We bought more Coat Suits this season than we ever did. ' We bought them at ex tremely low prices and marked them with, very small profits. 'Our sales have been fine but we still have a 'big stnck of the very best styles. These we offer at most attract tive prices. If you are the least interested in a Suit or Coat, to look here means to buy . here. We have the garments that will suit you and the low prices will surprise Jrou. Be sure to v visit bury Ladie4Bet ; Department and save good money. r are always you, ROXBORQ'S " " ' " Commits Suicide on .Wedding . Trip, r,, Durham, Nov. 15. Joseph "H.'"V Gooch, of Stem, Granville county passed through Durham this after- f ; x c noon en route to Houston, Tex.r in response to the ' news that his . brother, Wayne H. Gooch, of ' ' Clarksville, Va., had committed -suicide on his return to Lexing- , . ton, N. C, from his bridal trip to ' San Francisco. No reason. was as- " " signed for the suicidal ..act. Mr - Gooch was a wealthy real estate " and whiskey dealer of Clarksville, Va., and had accumulated $100,- - ,j 000. He had Jived in Clarksville v ' for 23 years, although he was born near Stem, Granville county. - 0 His real estate holdings were ex.- V tensive in that portion of Virginia. It was only six weeks ago that " ' . he married Miss Margaret Rad- 1 cliff, of Lexington North Carolina,' v. .! and! they had gone to San Francis-'. Co on a honeymoon. He had been married three times before. IJev was fifty-one years old. One broth er, Joseph H. Gooch, a well known . and esteemed merchant and former postmaster of Stem; Mrs. Emma Clayton, of Stem; and Mrs. D.S. Reid, of Winston-Salem, are the brother and sisters surviving. The telegram to his brother did riot 9 contain the news of the manner of the suicide, but later advices' con firmed the report that he shot him-' self near Houston. Mr. Gooch left Durham on the 5;08 train and will meet the body in Atlanta, from which point it will be brought to Lexington TeacneYs Meeting. The fTeacher Association meets here next Saturday,.Nov. 0, 115. -Let no white teachers fail to be present., Sincerely, J. A. Beam. George Stanfield, one of the good colored farmers on Route 3, paid his subscription in advance. George says that while his to- Koft rrnn i'fl pnmmnn hp has a big crop of wheat sown and has orn enoug to mn h1m while uk nrftSTWfq for meat are-verv promising. He has the right idea, for with bread and meat the wolf can not get very near his door. rrices pleased to r . -5' "BEST STORE. - . if v ' . 1 ' serve I s '4 .4 1 it: Si ' ' - -' T " : 4 ' I ' r - ! ' i - 'v - '1 '

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