, V Y Y Y 'Y.-YIa, - . : -.-V ' YV YY ; V. VqV V V- c" - .. V . ,Y , ; VVVV;i Y. Y V,- V ; ' Nodi . WESgg; ; ;Y y' vy -YHoSSSSxi" "yY yc --" ;y; - $MSiMfeV-' VOL. XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH"CAR0LINAv Wednesday Evening December 8;1915 Y Number 49 .:!,:... ' -"' . . i .n . - ' . Z ' " 1 V 1 - 'I I - '1 'I. - ' . ' I II ' I I I I II 1 1 I ' ' ' ' ' . -y. ' 1 - :,Y. . - I.:- ;. ... ,4 Rev. N. C. Yearby Is Moved to Mt. Gilead. Kev. N. C. Yearby v has been sont to kt. Gilead, and be apd his m(,st estimable family fwili eavejsey, and Messrs. Cash, Gates and soon for this new fields Few men i Clay went oat on a raid and suc mivi-ivcuiwiu. n more qoiuil success than did Mr. Year by and his departure, will bring jrriof to many of his members. H, was the first pastor to give all of his time to this church, but he ';i;is hovn the wisdom of making tjuM-hange and we doubt if any ,f iiis membeis would consider for 1 moment ging back to. the old nioile of preaching Wice a month. Not only will Mr. Yearby. be. miss- el but his splendid wife, who was m active co-laborer with him, will be sailly missed by all of the con-1 gregation.- When he goes to his new field they will carry "with them a "God bless you,'? from all of his friends, regardless of whether they be Methodists, Bap tists or Presbyterians. His successor, Rev. 0; Dowd, is from Gibson, and will receive a warm welcome to" the community. Roxboro . Methodist Church is a strong church and has! the repuiation of giving the pas tor the best at all times. "" BoxJParty at Par- :, ham School House. . ,' "Y - , There will be a boxl party the Parham School house : Wed nesday night December 15tlv,; at 8 o'clock. Young peIo covdially invited to attend. 'JIM t t t f t s AY 1 .. MORTON & SATTERFIELDS New Stores in Post Office Building , 4 9 mvuwvt wumm wwiwwwtwtvmiunvn O To Select Your Christ mas Gifts come to Our Hardware Store For this year you should give something useful. Y We have a nice line of Carvers, a full .stock of 1847 Rogers Silver ware, Roasters and Aluminum ware. Any of these will be appreciated by the women and. for " the men and boys, pocket;' knives, Razors; Razor Straps, Guns and shells., Come to usand:make your gift worth while? For this year they will be appreciated r ; Long, Bradsher" &? Go. . The' VDaddy" Still Captured j-. ' " "1 ",' On last Friday evening a: party composed of Deputy Marshal R. I W. Morris,:qollecters J p. Lif- ceeded in capturing the largest still ever captured in these parts. The still was 10 gallons capacity, and they found and destroyed 4800 gallons of beer and 30 gal-j Ions of whiskey, : .The entire. out fit was new and had only . been in operation a few days, this -probably-being the first mash ' they had made. The still was located about three miles north west of Moriah. They did not succeed in Icakur- ing any of the men; owing to the fact that a man was stationed some distance on top of the hill as a guard, and . when -he saw the pose approaching lie fired his gun seven times and then "broke -and ran, and likewise the three men operating the still did the same. It is thought this is the same crowd who have been operating along the .border of Person and Orange counties,1 first -located in one coumy and then the other, never staving at one place long at a timer- They got away from Bob this time, but just let them keep up the business and he will : land" them as he has invariably done when they persist in the nefarious business. ?Y y ' " .. . ; l , .; 1 Y- '. y ' " Cabbage plants for sale 10c a hundred; $1.00 a thousand. ; Geo. Harris. . ' . y . , 7 ' Saving money is easier than making money. ;We are saving if fit fiLics 1 f no ooira ?f you. We will sell you Uoats 5 and Coat Suits fur less money I than 'they can be bought whole- J sale prices from $7.50 to $20. All this fall's styles. . Special prices made on Gents and Boys furnishings. Men's $16.50 suits for $12.50. ' Mn's pants from $1 to $5. Boys Suits and Overcoats from $1.75 to $7.50. SHOES for the whole family shoes that give service, any price you want. We will save you money on that bill today. s Roxbdro ;;T6bacc6 ; ' - lylttrKc U , The liartotMurini sek has been pretty fiv'elv '-toost week sales before thHolidayVin drdeVjHoever, the crowd was; not as to make their Christmas . purihav,1 as the occassion was worthy es.. The prices hav&.ruledilfJoF! .ti)ouih it was a pleasant occa- f the average- for' the 'entire1 wfeeL , iQcladi imh and alK-ww'Afc 80. These figures-vare authentic; asl they are taken from the bSoW of the various" warehouses. ...... 4 Compare the averages which : are being made, on this maj-ket each week with averages on other markets and then decide ; wjier the best prices are. ruling..- An honest comparison and I you vill i .... -!".. . v . -i l bring your next load to RpxborOfl The date as, to when the iiwitre-H houses will close for Xmast jhas not vet been decided,-but' will be published in next weeks issue J v 3 " Pentecoit Nelson. The following invitation 5has been received at this office: j . Mrs; L.; B. 'Mitchell . : 1 invites ypu:to be present -itthe i marriage of her sister ,4 Ida Belle Nelson . "-to-- r:; , Aubrey Ray Pentecostal 1 :' Wednesday evening, i JDecn!be v the twenty-second, Nineteen hundred and fifteen, atj . half past oheVclock ' ' Nelson Baptist- Church " - .Nelson. ViAmia' ,'. At home after-January iflth, 1916 Roxboro, N;?t5. . Farmers' Union. The Person County Farmers Educational and Cooperative Un ion of America held a very inter esting meeting here last Monday. Many important qestions were dis cussed, and platis ' laid for next year's operations. This was a well attended meeting and much inter est manifested. . ;: Officers for next year are as fol lows; . v C. B. Brooks, pres.;' W. H. Moore, vice-pres.; J. K Fpushee, secretary; T. H. Street, Chap.; S. T. Slaughter, Con.; R. S. Long, D. K.; W. T. Swanson, T. A.; Dr. E. J. Tucked G. B. Wil liams, W. T. Whitt, excom. J. H. Foushee. Engagement Announced. It is with great in terest that the people of Roxboro read the an nouncement of the engagement of Miss Marvel Carter to Mr. Joseph David Campbell of Winston Sa lem, N. C. The wedding will take place the latter part of this montl ; Miss Carter is a former resident of this ))lace, having made her home with her kins-people, Dr. and Mrs'. O. P. Sclmub. She was also a member of the faculty of the Roxboro Graded 'school for two' years. , , Joined Methodist Conferene. Rev. M. F; Hodges, who form erly served as pastor of several Baptist churches in this and Cas well county has joined the: East ern North Carolina Methodist Conference and has-been sent to serve the Columbia circuit in the Elizabeth City District. t School Notes. , ', The Teachers Association meets , ' Saturday week.? ;.- y,- ;' Allensville; Township meeting convenes at .Q'Bnant's School f - -i" next Friday;- ' . ' s , - v i Flat River ; Township pdeetirig Thursdays Decj 06th; Topics N to be 'discussed J.: A. Beam; Y ; There should be music: in every home on Xmas.; get ; aCjVictrola from A;Xipshitz, he'll sell you X: Community Day. On last Friday Community ay "was observed at Brooklyn Church, the peo- e at community ha'd made all preparations for a large crowd s,iou and .mucl1 0()(i Wlli c.oine from -the codling together From 9:30 until 11:30 the ex- ercises were in charge of Miss An nie Howard, the teacher of the Brooklyn school, and they were of great credit to both the teacher and the scholars. We enjoyed these exercises immensely as did all present. After the exercises by the children dinner was an nounced, and of course this was enjoyed by all. Brunswick stew, cakes; pickles, etc., was plentiful in fact more than enough to have fed twice the number present. T ; There was much speech making and of a high order generally. viJRev. J.! A. Beam spoke on Moon light Schools, Mr. S. P. Jones on fyhata rural community should he, Mr. Brown Oa Hme and farm improvements, Mr. W. T. Swanson on Rural credits, J. W. t 311 on Time prices, and Rural onomy by Mr. W. D. Merritt, Ye wish-that every farmer in the. County could have heard this speech, it was fine and would have done credit to anyone. We do not 'remember having heard a speech ; with more good, sound common horse sense in many years, and ho one could, hdve heird it without resolving that in mjmy respects "was--goings to impruve on uis way or larming ? Altogether, it was a good day and we greatly enjoyed being with the good people of the Brook lyn district. Mr. Bradsher Issues Challenge. Last year several of our readers published the fact that they had killed some hogs which had gain ed more than a pound a day. Mr. Stephen Bradsher just reports the killing of three pigs which- were 8 months and 28 days old, just two days less than nine months and. they averaged 330 pounds. He says if there is any one in the County who can . beat this he would like for them to tell The Courier about it. Be exact, don't say about nine months old, but give exact days and exact weight. .We are of the opinidn that ' Mr. ! BradsheV will carry the honors this season. However, he says if you want to raise pigs of this kind buy your pigs from Ed Gen- a. try. - 1 r-' Public Debate. -The meeting of the 1 Person County business Mens Associa tion last Friday night was turned into a public debate. The Subject debated -was Woman ' Suffrage. The speakers entered into the de bate with earnestness and did themselves proud in their efforts, but the Jigges lost out, the judges decided that the tritis had won. . Some of the ladies say they did not have a fair showing and want the President and Secretary of the club to arrange -for another debate and let the -ladies ..handle theVside of the question. We rather like" the suggestion, . and t while the -men mighty object t taking part under such, circum-j stances, why not arrange J for a debate by the ladies on thetsame , "subject. Y What say you,' Mr. President? . , t - . y y y, t r . r Where Are You Going? v' If ta Durham .reniemher Will L;,Umstead, Sim , Meadows; and, R. A.'AlIen can sell your tobacco for as much money. as any menjn North Carolina.- Don't be deceiv ed buV stop -at Planters' rWare x.'i tZuZ v; n -Ji y 4 Y y Conference Appointments. The following are the Confer; ence appointments for V.the' Dur- ham Dis'trict: c V- ' , v J- C Wooten; presiding elder; ence appointments for .the Dur-. East Bu rlington; R. Atkmsoj; Burlington; D. BL .Tittle;- Bur lington ci rcuit, W. F; Galloway ; Chapel Hill, .Walter Patton; Durham-Branson, O.'T. Hinsori; Garr, G. B. tarling; Lakewood, J), E. Earnhardt, supply " Mangum St., C. 'J. Harrell; Memorial, H. M. Norths Trinity,,;. A. McCullen; West Durham, J. A. Daily; Dur ham Circuit, W. C. Martii;; .Gra ham, H, E. Meyers; Hillsboro circnit, T. M. Grant; Leasburg circuit, J. A. Martin; ' Meban6 circuity R.'G. L. Edwards; Milton circuit, J. E. Blalock; Mt. Tirzah circuit, J. l-BoonejOrange and Carrboro, W. Shellan, supply; Pelham circuit, fi. C Smith; Pearl Mill circuit,. F. M. Hall, supply; Person circuit, C. R RossvRougemont, B. F. Bpone; Roxboro, O. W. -Dowd ; Sou th Alamance, ,N; Bi Strickland;' Yancey ville circuit,;S. F. "icks; Professor of Biblical 'Literature in Trinity College and1 ' Headmaster Trinity Park School, ,W. W; Peele; Secretary Y M. C. A. in China, Confereuce Evangelist E. C. Glenn. ' - , Rev. N. C. Yearby, who has, so faithfully served tMs "field, will go Dolls, doils at Harris. Burns'. j- 'X inns Our stock is on display and we are now ready to supply you with Ghristmias goods. Besides the many stapl and useful articles usually. carried by us we have a nice line of novelties in Toilet, Manicure and Travel-; ling Sets, Hand Bags, Fancy China, Com munity Silverware, Stamped Embroidery Pieces, Hankerchiefs, Gloves, Pictures, - . - - '',"...''-.' Rugs, Card Tables and Dolls. y y y Coat Suits arid Goats We have the best stock of Coat Suits v and Coats in Roxboro and no matter if? others are ad vertising redii ced .prices, we will save you money on every purchase. W e are not price cutters but noDoay can undersell 11s. Our and that is; the reason why we UNDER SELL and make monty. I ; 1 , Prices, on v We have several nice Drujggets which, we are anxious to clear but and will "sell "at remarkably law prices : , You willhye (0 -see these to appreciate tHe great bargains: we are.oflFering. Trade Jwitb iW-ttwill j pay you ds well as us. You 'yi&idjikt you want here arid we are alwyV pleased to": serve you. : "-"TV A" Maims'. v ROXBORO'S Revs. J. J. Boone and C. v ; Y 1 - R;' Ross Are, Returned.- As will be seen from the report ; published elsewhere Rev" J.k J.!' .. Boone and Rev. C. R. Ross have 'r ; been returned t to their circuits here.- This; will be- highlyppre; ciated by. the members "of- these " ; cirpuits for bbtli of them are ex-' ceedingly, popular and, have donv. K a great work in this County, y These two Godly men, are true tpC their convictions and have,; always been outspoken as to vice wheh-:Y eyer or wherever they have; ihetV- it. May they live long and pros )er and may their tribe increase. New Firm r - - 1- , , , We beg to-' announce ' to the t j , public generally thatN' we have bought the stock of goods belong-y ,ig to the Roxboro 5 and ,10 Cent : t y Store and will open upwith a ;iuU ,y -. and new lot of Christmas goods. We will be better prepared than y ever to serve our friends and ask :7: : you to come in and look before" buying your Christmas, things.-,", for we promise to save you" some-; V thing on every purchase. , Come ; to see us for anything in the 5 and ,C 10 cent line. Respectfully,. Burch 3 y &Co.: . - ; 'v " " ' ... .y , ' . t Bazaar , . 4 p j There . will be a doll Bazar giv- 1 en December 18th, in the 1 store- room of Mr. E. D. Cheek," under . the lauspices of the - iPhilathea; ; v Iplass of, the. Baptist Church. I i- ' ? - 1 -'. name is "Underbuy .r Y v? - '. c." i 1BEST STORE. ; . 't';YY; ,." 54 it't. r V om ou easy, terms. , - y ' . Y" ' r ' ' : Y Y - - -V. ' - ." :

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