p RESI WILSON AND 1 GALTTAKE MAHRiAGE 5. mrnut WHICH GIVES THE UNITED STATES A NEW '"FIRST LADY" AND THE WHITE HOUSE US LATEST MISTRESS, PERFORMED RY REI. HEH3ERT SCOTT SMITH, THE BRIDE'S PH3T8R. ASSISTED BY REV. JAS. H. TAY LOR, WHOSE CHURCH THE PRESIDENT AT TENDS. .CEREMONY VERYJMPRESS1VE. Washington, Dec. 18. Beneath ,t canopy of green banked with .ferns, Scotch heather and orchids, R0XB0R0 ROLLER MILLS. - The stockholders and others in terested in establishing- a roller mill at Roxboro met last Friday night and heard the report of the committee, composed of Mess. I. O. Abbitt andS.E. Davis, Jr. These gentlemen had visited sev eral of the best mills of the coun try and reported all as doing well, with all of the business thev could i take care of. The meeting was very enthusiastic and before very long it is expected to see one of the best mills of the country locat ed here. A committee was appointed to solicit stock for the enterprise. We trust our people vTill get - behind this mill, for it will mean much for the County. Quite a large President Wopdrow Wilson! block of the stock has Deen SUD tnd Mrs. Edith Bowling Gait 'scribed but the managers want were married at 8:30 o'clock this to get it widely distributed and n-nim I hf fCI'Pmonv eimulo .. .. : ' . . V r. tor this reason every man in town and every farmer is urged to take BRITISH TROOPS ! at suvla m m 7im nininmk m 1 1 tin in m E BEST CHRISTMAS - GIFT. a i jut impressive, was perrormea in :he parlor of the bride's home by Rev. Herbert Scott Smith, rector ,f St. Margaret's Protestant Epis copal church, which church the bride attends. Kev. James H. Taylor, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, the Presi dent's place of worship assisted. About the couple were grouped only their immediate relatives and i few most intimate friends. Therewa s no shimmer of military brawl and no clanking of swords worn by attaches, aides or other one share. Mr. Abbitt is president of the organization, which is tem porary, and will be glad to talk with any one interested in the mill. - .m-.it torn. ' It is only a few days, to Christ mas when every child in the land tr' will be lookidsr for Santa Clans, Xx : Wnd "the grown; people will be EFFECT WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT KBOWlEDSECr. Iookin -ft )ohr iUpresente. I TIOIR ENGLAND IS.BELD.ithMger expectations-the little THAT THE WITHDRAWAL HAS BEES sto0king, wift to iumg bv tl.o fire eyes will be' closed to wait for j day. The stockings are emptied !the toys are scattered over the j floor, and the child i en are happy. No other day in all the year like WITHIN FEW MILES OF VICTORY. TROOPS llli ORDER ENTERTAINMENT. On next Friday evening, Christ mas eve, at 7 o'clock the children of the Baptist Sunday School will officials. Military Washington i give an entertainment at the Bap- was absent and only the evening clothes of the men present and the handsome gowns of the wo men lessened the informality qJ the service. '.- v'-s, tist church. These exercises will be interesting and Santa Claus ;s expected to show himself. The public is cordially invited. Two.-More, Daws 4 t i j '? ti 1 here are justvvo mone days irr which to do your 'Christmas shopping. In those two days we are going to turn loose a bunch of bargains in the following: Ladies Misses and Children's Coats, Ladies and Misses Cot Suits at prices never before offered in Roxboro for the same quality goods. Ready-to-wear Dresses, Sweaters for every member of the family. Men and Boys Suits, Men's Pants, Boys' Overcoats. Infict we are going to give bargains in numerous articles, we just call your especial attention to the above. Remember also we will save you money on Dress Goods. MOR I ON & SATTERFIELDS ' New Store's in Post OfI:ce Building To Select Your Christ mas 'Gifts come to . Our Hardware tore . , For this year you should give somethtng useful. We have a nice line of Carvers, a full stock of 1847 Rogers Silver ware, Roasters and Aluminum ware. Any of these will be appreciated by the women and for the men and boys, pocket knives, Razors, Razor Straps, Guns and shells. Gome to us ahcl make your gif t worth while. For this year they will be appreciated. London, Dec. 20. -The British troops at the Suvla and Am&b districts of Gallipoli Peninsia have been withdrawn. . M a- ' The following official statement was issued here today: "All the' troops at Suvla and Anzac, ttK gether with their guns and storey have been successfully transfend with insignificant casualties, o another sphere of operations." ft Operations in other sections bjft the front on the GalHpoli penffJ sular than those from whirh troops were announced today ib have been withdrawn are to fee continued, it is intimated in an of ficial statement issued tonightj The withdrawal was affected with) out knowledge of the movement on the part of the Turks, it is de clared, if "Further details of the evacua tion of the Anzac and Suvla zones have been received, " says the of ficial statement. "Without the Turks being aware of the 'movej ment a great army has been witM drawn from one of the areas dceur- pied on iisalfopoIriiinsSit' although in the closest of contact with the enemy. By thiscontrac tion of the front, operations at other points of the line will be more effectively carried out. "Sir Charles Monro gives the credit for this skillfully conducted transfer of forces to the generaU commanding and the royal navy. " The withdrawal of the British troops from Sulva bay and Anzao zone ends, more successfully than most military men thought possi ble, the most unfortunate chapter ot the British arms in this war. Thousands of lives were sacrificed in gaining these positions, and other, thousands in holding them The question has has been con stantly discussed why the-generais commanding the Dardanelles ex pedition did not try to make a landing near the center of the peninsula in . the. beginning and cut off the Turkish troops on the lower end. W hen the attempt was finally made to secure a foothold higher up the peninsula, the Turks were fully-prepared to meet it this. Even the minds of " grand father and grandmother go bacis fifty years and they wish to be a child, again. It is Christmas. j Amid this happiness-we naturally feel that it is Christmas every where, but it is hot. . ..'The Chinese boyJuiows nothing of Christmas,: neither does the children of other heathern lends. Did you ever. stop ;tb think , that t'iree fourth&.of te 'people of the world know nothing about Christ mas? Why? Because they know nothitig of Christ, ;V Christmas is ; the :' birthday of Christ and the country, that knows not of Him knots' nothing of Christmas. . Judging, from the way some people celebrate Christ- m s we would never RnowNtnat it Wis the birthday of our Lord, but woul 1 rather think that it was the 'birthday of Satan! . Christmas' is a time of giving. It was on thisf da'hTttHSod gaye IJis Son to ( man The .wise, men aye gifts to the Soh,,ana we give Ijirietfd we give to those who do not 'need it. The wise men gave to the Son. We might be wise and do likewise. We want to make oth ers happy by our Christmas gifts. What would make one happier than to tell him of Christmas who never heard of it before? Five or ten cents placed in the hands of The Americ in Bible Society will send a testament to a heathern by which he may learn of Jesus, and know something of Christ mas. The best gift you can give is to give yourself to (iod who gave His Son to you. The poor can do this as well as the t ich. . HEWS FROM ; FUT; RIVER, Mrv. Henry Fox 1 had. a pack barn to burn some time ago; The fire caught from a stove in the stripping room: He lost between one and two curings oL tobacco.. Missottie Moore has gone to Durham : to stay with i tier , broth er. We hope she .will, be back soon. . " , 1 iV ' Miss Bessie Daniel returned from Ashevillea several weeks, ago." ; , Miss F.reddieK WiJson has gone to Dunn; N. C.'-to! spend the Christmas holidaswith .her brother.' .J 1; Mr. Boyd has moved froni Durham to our neighborhood. We are glad to welcome him and hope1 ' he will like this' ."neighbor hood.';, Mr. Hassel Clayton and Miss Rubie Foushee . were, married December the fifth. They, were united in marriage at thev;hbme of Rev. Hall, by him'r We, wish the couple a most happy married life. II WELCOME SERVICE r'V . -! ' f I' 4-fv" v.y- M O. UK.' OOfiB; MM 0Fr WO'Sl -:: ; 7 CHURCH BEUCB;,liSL'-'..' :-h ; On last Sunday night there was " adelightful.service satf the Meth- bdist church' in honor of '.the 'com ing of Rev. 0. W-Dwd as pas ' tor of the Methodist Church:, All e i i. ii . . . ' t.i : . , or t ne oiuer congregauous gave . wayand worshipped witli th Methodist brethren and sisters .qa.f this occasion The house was pacl- v w its utuiust auu a ujuftt eiiju,y-, aoie occasion it was. xtoxooro, nas Iavkv VrvM trm 1 Lci Inncni f nlif ir : and this occasien was only anothr ' op avirlonpa it flip nAfnritxr TWir vy. K. Mamonck ...was .master or ; ; WVtUWVUJWI " V ------ I program v 1 , . . : . of the town. Prayer . was. offered by the pastor, Rev, 0. WDowd, which was followed - by ; scripture , reading by "Prof." A. B. Stalvey. ; w att k v. i nTTrnn nnrrAM rrnik .i. We are having bad weather at I Presbyterian,: Church, welcomed this time, but hope that we will have good weather " f or ; ; Christ mas. "Brown Eyes' V Hugh Woods , will- sell , you a good pair of shoes, , price Jght.- the ne w . pastor, in; ..behalf . of the-4 church he represented. Ivr the al sence of the' "pastor J. W.' Noell represented t the Baptist , Church , auu CAwimcu a wciuumo wiu kuuu . .- ..i-.- ir - - - - . -"'--f ir ' wiV v .'w " -- . .- . . - .... .. -i . . . . . -v jMAiijr:' A! 5 'Tui ill. iVl oi onnaenee finr itt. ...ii 8GCIETY HEWS. Withers. B. R. Long as hos tess, the Twice Eight blub and other guests enjoyed a delight- ll meeting Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock at her home on .Lamar street,. oix iauies were arranged in the living room and parlor for rook. The Christ mas motive was carried out in the decorations, score cards and refreshments, as favors, dainty little Christmas baskets ' tilled with green and white mints were given the guests. . At the close of the afternoon the hostess as sisted by Misses Sue Long and Lucille Pass, served a turkey course with accessories, and cof fee followed by pineapple salad. arrer More, than any other, merchant is a jeweler dependent upon the confidence of the public. In what other line can you be shown two pieces of goods one, to you, apparently as good as the ether, yet with all pos sible difference in construction and wearing qualities. We cannot conscientiously recommend goods above their true worth and our honesty often costs us a sale. It is not the purchase of the . moment we depend uponr but your future buciness and' we must merit 1 your confidence to get it. That oux' efforts are appreciated is evidenced by a rapid ly increasing busines. ' THE NEWELLS ' Depot Street Roxboro, N. C. Combine style, comfort and service in any article and the la dies will find it, we have refer ence to the American Lady Cor set. Let it be your next one. Morton & Satterfields. Strayed White."' and black speckled. poii.ter dog, with Ed .ward Bootes name on collar; Li beral reward will be paid: finder if returned, or any information as to its whereabouts. T. Pen Noell Timbrrlake, N. C ' v Notice -The stockholders of Person Union .Tobacco Co.. are call to meet in courthouse at Rox boro, N. C. Thursday Dec. 30th at 12 o'clock. Important business, a full attendance is requested. C. B. Brooks, Pres. R. N. leather- stone, Secy. 'i;! Mr. Ji L, G.aV ret received pain fill im'nrips 'Mnndav p.vpminir pn.n?. r. r: I Hal hour the hostess served a ea D.y .lumping lrom uutfgy urawu - t j ..i rpv." u .ri. tj salad course with coffe. Thetol are jot serionS. however, and his i.w,I!S members were present. fnends are slad to Iearn'-tdday . Mesaames..-a. o. W .i.... i.: j;,;..:.!,, ; i A. Long, Jr., A. M. Burns, B- o erry est Wishes. : FOR A. stmas Mrs. Mamie Merritt was the -gracious hostess to tle Research Club Monday afternoon. Christ mas decorations added to the at tractiveness of the . home, and the holiday idea was further shqwn by the lovely favors, which were green and red bas ketswith a twig of holly orr each and filled with mints. The lead er for the afternoon was Mrs. S. G. Winstead, and a . pleasant hour was: spent discussing the Reformation Heroes. Each mem ber answered the roll call with a paragraph, on A Favorite Char- w nmA WW? HnwiKr VlO Cf- attci, auu t ? njf . ; xMAiAig, v" icial hour the hostess served Mn Bernard Crowell a, student at Wake Forest College, is. spend ing the. holidays. with his-parents, R.-Lonsr. W. C. Bullock, J., W. Noell. S. Winstead: :W. T. Pass, J. J. Winstead, IL S. Mor ton. -E. R Dunto. W;; D. ,Mer M r. and Ilrs.. H L.' Crowell. r ritt and T. E.. Austin. Only a short time is left to et ready for Christmas. You can greatly facilitate matters and save time by coming direct to our store. You will find a good stopk of Chnsffip goods to make your sel- ections from. Something to please any of your relatives, friends or lover, be they old or young, man or woman, boy or . : ; We again wish you ' a Happy; Ghristmas and assure you that we are always pleased to serve you.- JtSiLiras.: ROXBORO'S BEST STORE. .s -in "ri. S6X3BB52E23C r . ;