r - i . j , . . l , 'si. - A EI SAY ON PAGE TWO Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First 'Abroacl Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening April 19, 1916 Number J9 READ WHAT " F? -P-WE . TO oW FOREST FES SWEEP COASTAL SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rocky Mount, N. C, April 15. Driven by high winds, which have prevailed the last eighteen hours, forest fires in Eastern North Carolina already have eaused damage estimated at se veral hundred thousand dollars, according to reports j received here today. Millions of feet of timber have been devastated, it was said, and numerbus struc tures destroyed. In addition to damage already reported, a train crew early to day declared that as their train passed through Roper,: Washing ton county, the plant of the Roper Lumber Co. was in flames. The St. James Episcopal church at Pantego, Beaufert county was destroyed last night, it was re ported, and other buildings in the district were damaged. wufiwat wuutvu nuuuuuvcuicuu Sunday Morning -The. Saving of the Hard Case Why the de ciples Failed. Sunday Night Thou Shalt Not Kill. Ex. 20:13. Thursday Night Prayer Meet ing: A contrast of the work of Spirit in the Old and New Dis pensations; from the Acts of the Apostles. The Union Meeting of Heulah Association will convene with the Church on Friday night before the fifth Sunday, program will be announced later. D. F. Putnam, Pastor. rum iiinhft Tn lift GEilf IS READ1 ,u uu -""r situation Circle No. 11 of the Ladies Aid Society will serve ice cream on Court house square week begin ning April 24th. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. The ladies of the Methodist church are planning to have a Chrysanthemum Show in the fall and all the ladies in town and coun ty are invited to enter the contest and help make it a success. Valu able prizes will be given for the best collectio i, largest single flow er etc. For further information communicate with Mrs. Mamie Merritt. Mrs. N.VS. Thompson Committee. Not TooteLateYet Was '.if. Easter is almost here and perhaps you haven't the time to plan and make that dress but bear in mind it is not too late yet WE HAVE EVERYTHING READY-TO-WEAR and can fit you in a moments notice Ready-To-Wear Dresses from $1.00 to $25.00 Sport Coats and Coat Suits at prices to suit your purse. Our entire stock is brand new and up-to-date; quality of our goods is second to none and our motto is LEGITIMATE PROFIT. Try us. MORTON & SATTERFIELDS New Stores in Post Office Building HARROWS Spike 50 tooth Oliver Chilled Harrows. If you are on the market we want to show you our Harrows. Screen Windows, Doors, wire nnrl hinges. We can serve Mll O i vou to best advantage in line and now is the time to "Fight the Fly". See !oiir Cole Corn Planters, they; are the best. Your fer tilizer and corn is not put down! together. ; THE DEATH OF VILLA E UtiS II 6R Bernstorff Expected to Call at State Department ithin Next Day o So to Gain Vlevri of This Government, if Possible Washington, April 16 -TKe communication in which the Unit ed States will call Germany, to ac count for the recent numerous submarine attacks upon merchant ships carrying American citizens is understood to be ready! for transmission to Berlin. Officials indicated to-night that it might gp forward at any time. President Wilson devoted near ly the entire day to completing the case of the United States for presentation to the German gov ernment. He had before him a mass of evidence and memoranda submitted by the State Depart ment. The communication in its com pleted form, it was said authorita tively tonight, is to be emphatic in its declarations, and positively will recall statements made by the United States in recenjtcorrpond ence on submarine vfarfare. Jfafk designed to be the final worctxlf this government on the subject.. fc Secretary Lansing has been in almost constant communication with President Wilson .dariniihB past two -daysi; -TM.;serf forces to-nignc mat noaaaiuonai lpsrorm atiun of value had been received. It is Generally Admitted in Offi cial Washington ThatEyery Pay American Troops Remain .' in Mexico Increases possibility of Clashes. t Washington, April 17. Con firmation of the death of Francis co Villa still was lacking tonight, both at the state and war depart ments at the Mexican embassy. The only dispatch from Ameri can sources in Mexico tending to lend color tc the report was a brief statement from Major Howze, of the 11th cavalry, now near fParral, that he had information iwhich led him to believe that the bandit and a small party of his followers had fled some days ago toward Barja, which is close to the place where unofficial Mexican re ports say the body was found The outstanding feature of the day's messages from the border were reports to the war depart ment that six Mexicans who con fessed to having taken part in the raid on Columbus, N. M., ;had been captured and sent to Colum bus for trial by the New Mexico state authorities. Another official report relieved anxiety as to the supply problem f;lbip at the A front,;' t is vere fully Card of Thanks. We desire to take this method to thank all of our neighbors and friends sf Or the splendid service rendered us on last Saturday dur ing the fire which destroyed our burn. We would be amiss if we did not especially remember the Indies, who were the first to re spond, for their splendid efforts. Never did men work more hero ically than did those good ladies who discovered the fire. We can not begin to tell you how very much we appreciate your thought ful deeds, but wc Hksure you that we shall not forjt them. Respectfully, Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Carver. If you have not paid your poll tax on or before the first day of May you cannot vote in the next election. Better attend to this matter at once. Surveying Bethrf Hill Roid. One day last week the surveyor, Mr. A. F.-Brown and Mess IC A. Burch, C. H. Hunter and Kr. Lunsford made a preliminary sur-; vey of a part of the road leading to Bethel Hill. Within a short while the remainder of this road will be surveyed and it is hoped work will begin on this link in . the proposed highway. ' The people of the Bethel Hill ' neighborhood are very much in terested in building this road,, bet the people on the other end of it leading to Durham, by way ot Helena, do not seem to be taking any interest whatever in building" this road. Unless something inj. ' done down that way the chances - are that the road will be complet- ed to the Orange county line and lap the State Highway at or near Hillsboro. Wvlv Pay your poll tax. !, . FIRE DESTROYS STABLE. Fire completely destroyed the stable and one or two out houses of Mr. Joe H. Carver's Saturday morning. The fire alarm was turn ed in about eleven thirty a. m. and at one time it looked as if the fire was going to reach the resi dence of Mr. Carver. Mr. Carver's place is out of town and the fire department did not have hose enough to reach the fire, but a good fight was put up and the flames were soon extinguished, saving 'several out buildings in close range. The buildings were parti ally covered by insurance. now JLoiffigs lDrcMJisiiitsji. . i Company o. Good Farming. There are many good farmers in thisounty but we dfeubt if there is a farm in the County which has been more improved in the same length of time than the faim of Mr. T. A, soell at I Helena. Only a few shdrt years ago he bought this farm h a very run down condition, much of the laud would not produce anything, as he says, save peas. Today it is one of the m)st fer tile farms in the County, produc ing an average of about twenty bushels of wheat and sevm bar rels of corn to the acre. I eas and clover, he says, is the medicine which has made this wc nderful evolution. It is a real joy to strdl over this farm ana see the crop. Aside from raising corn and whsat he is gradually working into tie stock raising business, having at the present time five fine yoi ig mule colts. It shows what energy, brains and perseverance rill do, and we wish more of our farmers would follow his methods X supplied with the exception of a small shipment of horseshoes and clothing, which would go forward tomorrow. The body supposed to be that of Villa, was said by the last Mex ican reports to be en route to Chi huahua City. It was pointed out at the war department, however, that the point where it was found was nearly two day's journey by wagon from the railroad. That may account for delay in obtain ing confirmation or denial of the report that the bandit's career has ended. No instructions have been sent from Washington, either to con suls or military commanders, to take any steps to make certain the identification of the body. This fact may be significant of the atti tude of the state department. It was intimated today that the Unit ed States government might be willing to accept a formal delara tion from General Carranza that Villa had been killed, and order the recall of the troops. Roxboro Lumber Co. DO YOU Buy building-material without regard tov quality? If you do you are mortgaging your future ipme t repairs. flooring, ceiling, windows, doors KILN DRIED boxing, siding, leSji: sVmgl and.brick If you are. building or repairing it migKt pay you to talk it over with us. Some people are saving money by it. ; Roxboro Lumber Coo PRESTON SATTERFIELD,, Sect' y. & Manager. ? I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Uaaaa POWELL'S Dry C Danville, Va., pays pojtage on garments to and from Danville and make deMvery Mrs. T. E. Austin has returned from an extended visit to her sis- ter, Mrs. J. D. Uocnran in iNasn ville, Tenn. Miss Sue Noell left this morn ing for Winston Salem where she will be the guest of Mrs. O. P. Schaub for several days. We have a preparation that is guaranteed by Dr. Hess & Clark, to destroy bugs on cucumbers, squash and melon vines. If this be true why not give it a showing on vour tobacco plants. We be lieve it will do the work. Serjeant & Uayton. FINE TOMATO PLANTS now readv, 10c dozen. MERRIMON BURNS. We can load your wagon from our new storage without leaving ihA.nnvAil st.rpp.ts. Office and ; main storage jn Merritt Prizery build i incr oh Deoot St. ROXBORO ftiUMBER QO Miss Gertie: Satterfield rettfrned to her home in Raleigh today af ter a visit of several days; with Easter Ofiferiegs That Will Appeal to You Just the goods you want at the most reasonable prices. Some of the prettiest wash dresses you ever saw. Vf Beautiful shirt waists in silk and wash fabrics. v Stylish and serviceable skirts in wool ens and cotton. Sport Coats and nobby Spring Suits at reduced prices. C The very newest and most wanted fab rics in piece goods be it silks, woolens, linen or other wash fabrics. ; Our stock of fancy voiles and organ dies at 25 cents a yard cant be surpassed, o And of course you must have a new Spnrig hat. Our Millinery department is noted for the stylish and becoming Jiatc that are created there. You ca$t afford to pass this department when you need a No jbetter or more stylish line of shoes tbe found than ours and the prices are much lower than the same quality at many bthdr places. , v ;; iWe are always pleased to serve you. : Or. "Roxboro's Bst Store within four days Writ; for her aunt, Mrs.,&.B. Wmstead. complete price list: Tffffft fTTTT

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