4 4 i i 1 -.-1 f s 'X 1 1 A! J 1 -1 x f -i .- J ' i-: ' jT: 3 Noell Bros., Proprietors HbmFirfifeAbroad $1,100 Per Year in Advanc : v VOL. XXXIII t , ROXBORGNORTHiQIJlNA, I Wednesday Evening April 26, 1916 .;:.,v.Numl)er.20 Mi t 4 ' Feathentone, Jr., E. G. Iw,-Tfr;Ur:ilCrpnnnfimV''nE.v;lin)CnP n(l I TV :;iai4 l&gi:vtiW' ttre Dick Bacon and W. F. Loni. U ML UtlliUU llJU; U j, rUIUUlf - UUUUI I. vnijfd that the County ouId: go iff -. - . . -. i w.." . .'. - ' n - . ' . . . i-'i;'? .... . . i uemocTaticas usual, ;m fact ihe nomination by calling my friends majority is expected ,; to be the together. But that is not the latest in jnany years question. 4- 1 , ' Auer adjournment the precinct . - If before the battle I cannot Hirfen me' and Vei'lected Mr. rely upon a solemn promise of, Lijnsford County Chairman. EASTER AT LOCH LILLY A large party of youngv people Mrs. J. A. Noell chaperoned the nJ., uc u, ...pieassni party. . , SeveterwMksWoTknndanC- eventeever held at Loch Lily, . ed my.caa:ei. Lodge, when the young lad.es of Marriage of Mr. and Mis. Whitt tion for thfr House of 5:Rehteseh the San bousa Club gave an East-j On Saturday morning at 7:30 tatives subject to th.'0emocra er Leap Year Houseparty cpmpli- o'clock Miss Marv Mauri Whitt ti oku;.r KiaVi entary to their friends. The and Mr. James Henry Whitt had been mentioned-st candid party left Koxboro Saturday af-; were married. at the homeof Mr. dates'for this position-! )ut? they t noon and returned Monday Jonah Whitt, a few miles north assured me of their suppoH , ni ght, the time being; most pleas- of town. I waS assnred persbfiaUr- by antly spent in dancing, card-play-1 Miss Whitt is a beautiful and Mr. C. A. Whitfield oi hV sup ing, fishing and boating. i loveable young lady, a leading port. I was inclined toaftfiblxte The guests were formally in tro-' church worker in the Providence j this to our persbnat : friendship docedto the Loch Lilly Club- Baptist Church, and greatly ad- and a degree of gratitude Vfor house at a delightful three-course mired by every one while the my constant assistance indork juncneon in me uining-room of the groom, Mr. 7Gene, Whitt, as helin the campaign of 1912'wten:he. - . ' . r - - lodge. The room was tastefully is familiarly known to his friends decorated with dogwood blossoms is one of the mostfipopular and and honeysuckle, and dainty fav- deserving young business men of ors, suggestive of the JCuster sea- the town. For several years he son, were presented to each guest, has been engaged in the insur everal parties of visitors from ance business here and has built Koxboro motored out Sunday to up a splendid business. After a spend the day with the young peo- honeymoon trip to Washington, pie. Baltimore and. other northern The hostesses and their guests cities they wilV be at home in were as follows: Roxboro. Misses Sue Long, Elma Feath- ! erstone, Breta Noell Mary Harris, 1 FOR SALE at Long, Bradsher Ethel Crowder, Lucile Umstead, & Co., nice clean lot of mam Lucile Pass, and Messrs. J A moth Yellow Sov Beans i-75 Tr Tnmae T? 1? 1 ' xr' Pei bushel J. W. READE, oel , Jr. James E. Farley, W. , Timberlake, N. C. J?. Clary, Jr., Will Reade, R. I. ! was being hard pressed1 -jbyV the 'Bull Moose" RepubUcann-of harm to support by one who has been Q..n VA m 'i , r . , heretofore honored by the party, 1.fm I am unwilling to rely with cbn-t HENRY FORD LEIDS ; n - NEBRASKA FOR PRESIOETIT Received 97 More Vbtef Than' ; Cumnuns in Race for Prcsi- dent. Omaha, Neb., April ' 24.-Re turns from last Tuesday's , pri- On last Wednesday evening m ' , t. T. 7Z ' .1; fidenceupon his active support j Sf when the struggle is on with the! "c . ' V President. in uie iviu xirzaa section ana captured a blockade still. The enemy. ( - This is no time for party dis cord and discussion. The re publicans will present a united front. This is a , condition to be met. I therefore in the interest It Pays to Buy New ndise sac rifice my ambition in such a mat ter, rather than enorasre in ah unaeeiniy scramuie lor tne nom ination resulting in party dis-; cord and disruption. I there fore retire from the contest and release my friends from any pledge of support and leave the field free to others. I could on ly make a race on record and principles. I will not appeal to didate and needed help: With out even asking to" be7 1 released from his promise, he nowafi nounces himself a candfdatev; in opposition. W; f Nothing is so wholesome as candor. There are no pbjnfe of political difference between us on questions affecting the .Qoun ty as these matters werq -fully discussed, between us. i ujubcuc Hie prejudice. This will keep the man to offer himself and. m:naM straighti cjarify the situa. his claims, but not at thettm-! and ptooe" responsibility nee oi nis party or n""; wte( it belongs. utJiiiocra tic party u w es uv tn still was a new one, only having This vote represents sixty coun- ties complete and seventyfivescat- r ;: recently been installed, Mn fact T , r .4. A 4. the second congressional district s, had not completed its.1 first run. ... fc iL u1. , K rru "L j T t 4. wi 1 go to the Republican conven They captured Jasper J. Clayton, . ? . t . T xi - . ' & X j - 1 tron instructed for Justice Hughes , who is the supposed owner of !- i. r aii jcasu ten yiiiici ucicgnvw , said to favor Hughes. the outfit and v brought him and " A!' the still to town. After a hear ing before the Commissioner he was bound over to court under a iss Pauline Thompson was ionn ua w u u at home for Easter, with her as. $300 bond, which he gave. guests were Misses CorinneBla- v . ? j lock and Kopelia , Hunt All are;. Bur Building Material of ; students at the Conservatory in - v,juaijiti akd dank ihe uost of , Durham and returnea to ineir . , Rerairs. Let us show you. ROXBORO LUMBER CO. work Monday. r Mercha !f mhnt3ise does not deteriorate in a period p pne y$ar some, ij: will not de teriorate in a nerinri nf 10 vprc duaionom thiif Bhandise carried over by us from the last sedsoh A tEietKer you think you are entitled to it or not. We sacrifice anything like old merchandise in order to keep before the people at all times new stock. We have u tew Spring Coat Suits left ahd will sell you at greatly reduced prices. All brand new and this Spring's styles. Come to see us whether you buy or not. MORTON & SATTERFIELDS New Stores n Post Office Building ing for sixteen years service in I deeply appreciate the sup- i. r: j : Pa,, fnr T TiitTo iIatio'P menus Hi"" cVviy bcc- w-t tWn.rntv ;tion of the county and shall ever Unf n,nfit. mAn in ptWo 06 ?tef ul. to them and Wish Aaa t miA fyl mriL had an opportunity to thank vthtt a t q frhr fwi each personally. fought. - 1 i'V-i I would confidently expect the V Luther Carlton. U 111 L I1IIHUI VI II I Ik) 4- Vi 1 CERTAIN CONGES The Oliver Chilled 50 tooth Section Harrow, is the strongest, and the best value ever i 9 "' offered in this county. best made Windows For Screen Wir e and i: , .. .. ; are Headquarters. f !: is the time to against Ae fly. Doors, we Now prepare S10NS WILL BE MADE Roxboro Lumber Co. Ts1 All kinds of Building Mj? "" ' . . " .- . - teril4Pndpws, Doors Mantels $hihgls, ! V 1 -i - II.'. I mm. . K - - - 1 " afc i issssssBaifc y- Gerard's Advices Considered More Optimistic. Confidential Dispatches From Ambassadbr Gerard Received LasJ'TNifeht Indicate that Germany Will Make Concessions to the Unit ed States in Response to the American Note Demanding an Immediate -Abandonment of the Present Methods of Sub- marine Warfare. Washington, April 24. Confi dential dispatches from Ambassa dor Gerard at Berlin indicate that Germany will make certain con cessions to-the United States in response to the note, demanding the immediate abandonment of present methods of submarine warfare. Whether the concessions will be sufficiently broad to meet the American demand appears uncer tain. However, officials reflected an air of hopefulness for an ami cable settlement of the issue. It is understood Ambassador Gerard has received broad intima tion that the German, government will go to great length to preserve friendly relations with the United States. He is understood to have gaiued his impression from the officials of the; Berlin foreign office including the foreign minister. , The Berlin government is con fronted with finding a way to satis fy the United States without a rousing the elements which hsi&ts u pon a relentless submarine cam paign. Mr. Gerard's dispatches are of a highly confidential nature and were received during the night. , It was a real pleasu re to have a call from Mr. M. Dv M. Calton, of Gal toliha Farm, on Monday. He informs us that they are cut ting large., quantities of lumber no wand that shipments and. sales are very satisfactory, ; - . Courlty Democratic Convention Held Last Saturday Even ing The Democratic Convention met last Saturday evening and notwithstanding no candidates were to be named there was a large attendance and much enthu siasm. Chairman Lunsford called the convention to order and Judge D. W. Bradsher was 1 made perman ent chairman, with John A. Noell, Jr. as secretary. The following delegates were named to attend the State, Con-, gresional and' Judicial conven tions: D. R. Rhew, J. J. Dixon, F. J. Hester, R. B. Holman, C; A. Long, C. A: Hall, G. M. Crowder, G. L. Cuningham, A.;j J. Green: 0. D. Bailey, J. L. Cothran, T. C. Wagstaff, C. B. Brooks, Dr. E. J. Tuckea, L. M. Carlton, J. A. Noell, Jr., D, W. Bradsher,-J. AA Long, Jr., C. T. Woods, E. D. Morton, T. K. Street, J. W. Noell, Nat Jordan and W. A. Warren. A resolution endorsing Gen. -T. S. Carr as delegate at large' to the National Democratic conven tion was unanimously adopted. The following resolutio 1 intro duced by Hon. L. M. Carlton, endorsing the administration was also unanimously adopted : , Whereas, Hon. Woodrow, Wil son President of the United States hts carried Into effect all pledges made to the people in the last national democratic platform and has stood by great, construc tive legislation measures for the welfare of the people, and has done everything consistent with the honor and integrity of the American nation to avoid becom 1 ing involved in the worst war in the history of the world. Now, tlierefore; we the democrats of PersonrCbuntyV" in convention as sembled do; heartily endorse the course of President .Wilson; and ; pledge; our sopport to him for Ms renommationi , -x . The Convention was enthusias-. We can save, you money on that bill-nmake us prove it. IRoxboro lAitofaeir I PRESTON S ATTERFIELD, Sect'y. i& Manager. : room JU. Oflerkgs Tliat Will Appeal to You Just the goods you want at the most reasonable prices.. V ! Some of the prettiest wash dresses ybu ever saw. :"f' . ' :' Beautiful shirt waists in silk and wash fabrics. ' j Stylish aijd serviceable skirts in wool ens arid cottbhr . Sport-Coats and nobby Spring Suits at reduced prices. , j The very newest and'most wanted fab rics in piece goods be it silks, woolens, linfen or other wash fabrics. "ri r ! Our stock of fancvoiles and organ-: dies at 25 cents a yardant be surpassed. -; 1 Ad of course ywm Spring hat. Our Millinery department is noted for' the stylish and:; becong hWte that are created there. You can't affprd to pass this department when youJ need a hat. -'" 7 No better or more styliish line of shoes to be found than ours and the prices ' are much lower than' the sam other places. . , r- - '-) We are always please tp serve yoii; x u '"Rdxboro's Best Store" i - A t- ' v. ' ' -'..1 ( . ' 't 1 Si l ,t ' 1 "