. , , I . - ' - K - j. -; v ' - 4 - - - " ? ' . T I ' ' . t i 1 - J ) Sly: Crtv- illS nia (1 Tr , 1 7 . r r t 'TV . , jS Noell Bros,, Proprietors Home Fst Abroad Ncmt $1,00 PjYear.inVAdyanc ! " -' 4 1 VOL. XXXIII roxboro, foRraepj Number 21 . oi fi . . - . "Ik - hS? v. jjJy . - " . . css . ' . "' ssssssss , isa . -.". r t i- i . - ff. ,--,. vA VLSI TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS. Please paste the- following names in your telephone tory: D-3-P Allen, L. D. D-3-N Allen, Arthur," D-12-M Burch, V. C. D-3-D Burch, J. D. s D-3-Y Burch," 0. L. direc- Res. DEATH OF K. DilORIlOSHEIl o'clock Thursday evening, May Res. jllth, the hiijh school. pupils will Res. 'give a play, "Shakespeare's Mid Res, summer Night's Dream... At 10:30 Res. Friday morning May 12th, an en- D-12-C Caltolina Lumber Co. i terteinment by the primary grade D-12 N Crumpton, Bajrd s Res. will be given. At eight o'clock D5-K Clayton, Otho Y. ; Res. in the evening of the same day D-5-Y Dickens, S. J. j Res. the music class will give a recital. 117 Eagle Pressing Club. At eleven o'clock Sunday morn-7-A Garrett's Guano House, ing, May 14th, Rev. W. W. 67 Medernach, W. Kj Res. Peele, Professor of. Biblical Lit-D-12-D Montague, ( J. E. Res. erature in Trinity, College, will D-2-F 0'Briant, Robert Res. preach the Commencement Ser- 141 Roxboro Lumber Go. mon. At eight o'clock Monday 142 Rox Supply Co. evening, May 15th, the graduat-D-3-M Riley, A. G. Res. ing exercises will .be held, at D-12-S Slaughter, S. T. Res. which time Dr. Chasl" E Brewer, 143 Thaxton, Dr. B. L Res. ' President of Meredith College D-3-S Wilborn, John Res. will deliver the addrees. D-12-F Yarbrough, John Q. Res. All these exercises will be held j in the school auditorium, and the FOR SALE -My house1 and lot public is cordia11 invited to at in Roxboro. One-foorth cash and tend an-V or a of them. balance on time. E. B. Beade. A. B. Stalvey, Supt. Roxboro Graded School Com mencement. - x lie lJJio oommencemeni or me un iasi oniiaay eveuiu v i Rdxboro Graded Schools will take I clock, Mr. D. Bradshercloa , place May 11th to 15th. At eight ed her eyes in what is termed death, but we know that she did hot die; in fact her beautiful lift? will never die. Mrs. Bradsher before her marriage was Miss Sue Merritt, a most berutiful charac ter, born and reared at the old homestead of her Wm. Merrit, near Mrs. Bn.dsher was INCREASE IN SALES Notwithstanding sales and rumors of sales, our sales for April this year exceed ed our salefor April last year. We extdfft) you our sincere thanks for the liberal share of patronage you are giving us, Assuring you ourw" appreciation. .jenckaYerJtal 7 wct w "y344tM".c:,;jtil5ri;UUailU15C ' Willi v. : aneye; to quahty and; at-the same -time content 6urselves; with a legitimate profit. ; ' ' , r GOAT SUITS-We have decided to clear out our Spring! stock ot Goat Suits. You know what thjit means. Find one to fit you and w e will almost allow you to name the price. Every suit on hand is THIS SPRING'S STYLES. We are going to sell them, now is your time to buy. Try us. MORTON & SATTERFIELDS New Stores in Post Office Building seven years old and had been maf-1 neci ror aoout twenty nve years, having lived here all of her mar ried life. Her fife was most pure,1 her character most loveable, her most intimate friends say" they never knew her to lose her head and say things which neeued to q repented of, as most of us do; She leaves to mourn her depir? ture, husband, six children, per sides brothers and sisters, ana a world of loving friends. -The funeral services were hld at the Baptist Church, of which church she vas a consistent and faithful worker and member;f)6Qri1r oinOiC-a " -1; t 1 wmm - a ar a- .v-- m ' ' lUOOi inriiniicf nnc IUI.IUUU UHL iiilill..ji:iJ ELECTOe-AT-UlBGE If IttEIffi 0I51CT EARTH , SHOCKS 111 COSTA RICA. ncn M I V A: W McLean Succeeds Sec cretary Daniels as Cotomit- 'fiafeigh;lAp 28.The State conYenuon ;v oajou rnea y esteraay OfnjnlrCO, unanimously agreed-upon theptatform which had,bceteprepiirMJ - by Cameron MbH&ni6. A; 'Dbughton, E. L: iavlslfWalteT L. Pearson, J. O. CarrOhjames, A. H Wray, Victor iS.'.Bryant, W. D. Siler and Jl DIiikngston, and went home torfighIZ , Jn?-thev election of all delegates, electors And the national5 Commit- ducted by her pastor, Rev. D E. Putnam, assisted by Revs. O. HY 7 , teemunV the Democracy perform ed,tWrare,feat of accomplishing it all? Without a contest. Har monyWas' never more the word and in' such a host it did hot ap pear possible to prepare platforms Dowd and J. A. Beam. Theiandnominate men to positions of uonor wnnoui a compiamt. hSThe closing hour of the conven- Annum ' . 11 IJ1JII1II t I I I 1 lilt iiitiiuiik . ilk vmwui j ; The Daughters of itheConfed : eracy are -planning q i. interest-- Sarv .Tnco Pnof. PM f o,r 1 -' S programme lor may me iumi. Twenty distinct earth shocks held. in. the occurred here today while the Auditorium and dmner w.lbbo, mimt the capital were in the e.md th Ve"st midst of the first of-AMay festi- "lves 10 the- tt'Dstesd W" ' val. A number of buildings'-in- nous' , " :i eluding churches and schools, j "lrs- m e v.' were demolished, u ;The people "-"""" fled to the streets and squares "(."-,' earin the city was about to be FBEE-Read.the ad of Ham- Ob AUSH1U a 111 HUM lOOUDt 4V . i cream FREE at their Fountain . Elizabeth Blanks is the opening next Saturday ' r i; r?' giiest or jrienas in u irnam. floral offerings were beautifurahat numerous, rarely have we ever seen more flowers or a larger at tendance than on Monday wben we met to pay our last respects.1; To the family we offer our riost sincere sympathy for the loss-Is- beyond expression.; Ye - canffii jnt - suclnjcliaractev ,.in"r.iflind wnen sue pennea ine ronowmg tribute: : "Sweet is the scene when virtue dies! When sinks a righteous soul to rest, How mildly beam the closing eyes, How gently heaves th' expiring breast! "So fades a summer cloud away, So sinks the gale when storms are o'er, So gently shuts the eye of day, So dies a wave along the shore. " 1 Hon; was exciting 'Max Gard- ner n.ooDiea tp tne piattorm ; ana called'Manbh'iBdtler the , vVilla of NbrtfeCaro1inapbltcs?,.. Govefe nor .yraigtviieciareo; -tnai ; ine Roxboro Lumber Go ! ::; FARMERS' - If are among the best judges of lum ber that is why you see so many loaded with QUALITY lumber from Roxboro Lumber Go. Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Boxing, Windows, Doors. ' Shingles and Brick. ,. Kiln DriVLfiber owr Specially. r'i$& V.EREStolf SAEBEIElJ) Seciiy-&Manager.::- 4 The . Oliver Chilled f 50 tooth Section Harrow, : - ' ;.' is the strongest, best and the : ered made best value ever in this county. For Screen Wire and Wiiidos Doors, 9 we p. Now are Headauarters. is the time to prepare aamst the My. Compamiyo II , , i v ' in p Catalina And Agath- eridan Socities Debate, On Tuesday night after Easter tie Catalina and Agatheridan Literary (Societies of the Graded School had a public debate on the following query: Resolved, ' 'That Immigration to the South Should be Encouraged. The following were the debat ers: Affirmative, Catalina: Miss es Huldah Featherstone, Lorena Mills and Vivian Allgood. Ne gative, Agatheridan: Byrd Sat terfield, Landon Bradsher and Gilmer Masten.. The negative was successful. - The Judges were Rev. 0. W. Dowd, C. C. Cuningham and H. L. Crowell. Sunday at Bethel Hill. It is always a rare pleasure for us to spend the day with the good people of the Bethel Hill section, and last Sunday , was no exception It as our good pleasure to worship with these good people and toliear . Dr. W. L. Poteat deliver two lectures which were unusually good. Dr. Poteat is a speaker M renown and of course the knowledge of his being present drew : many from all directions. Rarely have we seen so good representation from the town-at any country gathering, and not one but what expressed thelreatest delightat being present. : But' Bethel Hill has the knack of getting the best, whenever she undertakes anything. An, interesting ac count of the day . wilL be found ! elsewhere from one fx our : best correspondents; republidan5 iuanon outier, wiiose every auv toward North Carolina is .slimy with treachery", he said.. Secre tary Daniels spoke in strong de fense of the national administra tion. The platform is neither start ling nor stupid as a document. It gives whole-hearted endorsement to President Wilson, prepared ness plans and all; congratulates the people on their emancipation from the money mastery; pledges the best for rural credits and fur ther efforts in behalf of the farmr ers and agriculture; commends the State Board of Health; takes pride in the ever lengthening school term; glorifies the good roads, movement; praises Governor. Craig for his good' roads energies! and challenges the Republicans to match the modern industrial mirai cle wrought by the Democracy. Governor Craig's speech was a passionate assault upon Roosevelt,v the incarnation of war. Governor Craig declared that It is apparent now chat Roosevelt js to be the Republican nominee. "That will settle the question?', he said. "I want the issues squarely put to the people to say whether they want Wilson and peace or Roosevelt and war. And I want it settled by them, not by him. Every man who loves peace Lshould go down upon his knees and thank - God for Woodrow Wilson." These- speeches aroused the greatest , enthusiasm. The sup posed lethargy of the Democrats was not observable. They do not appear to have been more aroused in years. 1 Cam Morrison called Marion Butler the old, old names yester day nt 2:45 and the Democratic convention, dirowsy from its three hours ot steady silence, jumped and cheered itself hoarse and ban' gry. I ; Senator Simmons had spoken one hour? amb fifty-one minutes; the conventioii had named the double-quartette to St Louis,.the j orators who nwsfrsweep the! state 1 Cacitiniiafiopage eight) ''SWsiiiflluCtion8 ' liti New sprim COAT SUITS We still have several stylish neyv Spring Coat Suits which we nowN oflFer at greatly reduced prices. You have seen rid prettier nor more desirable suits than these. lti the time to get an extra nide suit at an -fetf a low price. ? New Several shipments of the very latest styles in ladies' hats and trimmings have . come in within tlie last few days. Our stock is right up to the minute and our Milliner is and artist. For a stylish, be coming and well trimmed hat you shoul go to our Millinery Department. Millinery 1 1 New Things Added Daily Every daynew articles are; received and our stocks in all departtnents arelt as near complete as is possible jn a? rc where goods are constantly coniingjphd dmtii. We add the new things npw srvles iust as tast as thecomBoUi and keep our store filled the people want and sell them at theimocl vf Bisqriable prices Gime to Jsee lis;; i V c -are always pleased to see. arid serve you. HT 1 Ti. Di. I 1 2 I '