1 . If -1 v V Noell Bros., Proprietors Home-FircfcAbrpad Next 1 ?v - - $1.00 Per: Year inf Advance VOL. XXXIII ROXBORO, NORTH QAROLINA, WednesdaY Evening June 14,1916 - Number 27 ." -V ' --.,'? 'i . :..... . "The Girl and the Game' V a! Tnovmg picture serial will begin at the Gaiety Theatre Jalong, on Tuesday night June 20th. This serial will be Intensely, in teresting from the very 1 begin ning and you will enjoy eachin stallment. ; Remember the first installment June 20th and each Tuesday night thereafter until finished.5 i - The annual catalogue of the Agricultural and Mechanical College atRaleigh has jjust been issued. Tlie new number shows an enrollment, including the Short Courses, .of 800. i Year by year this vigorous young I techni cal college is going forward in numbers, in buildings, ana par ticularly in equipment to do the special work which is its mis sion. . - Messrs. E. M Davis, E. G. and W. F. Long and Misses Xu cile Umstead of Bahama an4 Sue Long left Sunday, morning for Asheville, making the "trip through the country in Mr. W. F. Long's new Overland Six. While in Asheville, Messrs. . W. F. and E. G. Long wilt - attend the State Bankers Association which is in session in that city this week. Morton & Satterfield make spe cial prices' -on Gents and Boys Furnishings. r'v 'T: iiiiniirniiiPTfr;ffim M i r - Tried For Speeding A trial that created quite a lit- f!f";o ' 1 . tie interest was tried before. Jus tice J. M. O'Briantlast Saturday afternoon in the court house.; Mr. F. A. Brown had a warrant issued for Mr. Chas. Woodside for wreckless and fast driving of Weeks. Lodge and others plsda an automobile. Mr. Woodside was driving a car Sunday several weeks ago, riimniTr; nn nine: uiteHnrov UlltMll ilVSM' nnunnnn DE- 1 HLLSBORQ near Brooksdale meeting Miss Brown and Mrs. Rigsbee driving Mr. Brown's horse, which .was proven in the trial to be shy of automobiles. The horse became frightened and ran away,, throw ing the occupants of v the buggy out, both sustaining slight bruis es. In the meantime Mr. Wood side realizing that the horse w as frightened turned his car almt.t completely diagonal across the road at which tinie his car turned turtle, pinning himself under . it. He also received slight injuries. The verdict of the Justice was a small fine of $5.00 apd cost upon the defendant. Mr. F. O. Carver represented the defendant and Mr. L. M. Carlton was employed by Mr. Brown for the state. COYS SHOWED UP WELL . I IN FIRST GUI OF SEASON Support to Nominee. , Repub licans Reject Suggestion :byRbxboro Base Bill Team in Good Koosevelt ot (compromise wn-. - Condition Good Games (Th. if Emery shirts, the kind that please, at Harris &, Burns'. Hsave voii ever Ined a-Palm ' Beach 'Suit'It'islifce'cfeia the worry of travel and expepse. jphey are Gobi, Neat, Serviceable and Inexpensive. Get yours while we have your size. If it isn't a palm beach suit, how about a nice Wash Skirt? We have the very latest stripes in these and the styles are tasty; Prices from $1.00 up. Just because we make special mention of the above two items, dont forget we carry everything in Ready-tp-Wear and also save you tnoney on Dress Goods. TRY US! New Stores in P. O. Building didate Burton Gives. Wayi6 Fairbanks. ' Xl; , Chicago, June lQpharles Evans Huirhes, former " GdVernjir of New York, and Associate; Jtriitn ice of the Supreme Courti was nominated today for tbelpreijsi ency by the Republican Rational Convention, ' Cha rles Warren J Fairbanks of Indiana, elected ,'VicV, President with Theodore Roo evelt ro9d4, again was chosen for second place. Both nominations made by over whelming majorities on herrfirst ballot of the day he thirii ballot of the convention for the' resi? aenc.v were maue vy acciamiuup iinanimnnR v. v . 4& v5?x ... i. 4 T Senator, Lodge of Maachets presented by Colonel. Rooseyeltlk a compromise candidate," receive J seven votes. Colonel Roosevelt himself received 18 1-2; scattered over H States. Tfie"'nominating.lnll6t;'-;Qied'' is r.nnnf ' " r th Hughes 949 , 1-2; Roosevelt 8 1-2: Lodire 7: Dtf'Poiit fir Weeks 4 Morton & Satterfield Mead ouiarters M. ' . ! This year you can't afford not to make your own horse food and supplies: The Deering New Ideal Mower and, Binder will en ,mn fn Hn this, arid we can furnish these machines at prices. ' And for Cultivators, Weeding Hoes, Spike Harrows we are Headquarters. Gome to see us. We want YOUR BUSI- NESS. 3;LaFollette 3;. absent s 1; Tota till .'i ' XI. 1 ''j.t TY .-L.' 1 leii tb ins : KDuwu uitib . me xugues men "wanted Burton ' for second place, Ohio withdrew artn's name, leaving the field, to Mr. Fairbanks and former Senator Burkett of Nebraska. The ballot for Vice-President showed this count: Fairbanks 863; Burkett .108; Borah 8; Burton 1; Johnson 1, ab1 sent, scattering and not voting 6. Total 987. Leaders Seem Satisfied. Mr. Hughes will be notified officially at a date to be fixed later by a committee headed by Sena tor. Harding, chairman of the con vention. Mr. Fairbanks will be notified f ) by a committee headed by Senator Borah. ' At 2:01 p.- m. the convention ad- jou rned. There were expressions Of harmony from all the leaders and mon the delegates, The del egations which on the final ballot had cast votes for others than Mr. Hughes madestat3ments declaring their loyalty to the nominees. lSix months ago, 5 ' said Chair man Hilles of the National Com mittee. 4 'I said a nominee would be born in the convention, and he was." kkI am very much pleased, of course," said Mr. Hitchcock. 1 'It means a reunited Republican par ty and victory in November. " The nomination of Mr. Hughes was made possible so soon . by an overnight break up of - the allied favorite ' C!6iiibQam:;liich early this morning .released its delegates, practicallysall iofhom were known to favorMr. Hughes when freed from their instructions. , Scheduled in the Near Future Easily Defeats Hiilsboro's "Crack Tea ii. i- In the first game of the season the Roxboro base ball team de feated! Hillsboro in an excel lent game, the final score being. 7 to 4. y, Hiltsboro put up a good fight, ird! when the game was young it looked bad for the home boys, the Hillsboro team securing three a-uns in the first inning. rCJJut tliiy was soon overcome by Roxboro, and never again during the game was the home team in any real danger. It '.wasa good clean game of pall, and the umpire, Mr. E. G. liOjag; g'ive complete satisfaction to bdth sides. - .,v3Sarly in the future the man fgQfi Mr. W. :-K. Medernach, in tends" to schedule games with South Boston and Reidsville, two of the ' best ameteu r teams in th is part of the country. ItliW bleh many. 3;ears since an elpriiaS made to have a team Kervani now the movement is leader wayv it should be given the hqftt.yr sopptfrt of ever;erinj uoxooro. aiefttOPTOinmpuco- raentt'theYuture games in The Courier and come out. , , , j , ,?The lineup for Roxboro was as follows: 1st base, Frank Wilson; 2nd base, John Morris; 3rd base, Willie Nichols; ss Elmer Clayton; rf. M. R. Longs; cf. R. H. Oakley; l.f." Charlie Pugh;v catcher, Harvey Cla.yton; Pitcher; B. G. Clayton;. The kind we sell and the kind you once buy you will al ways be our customer. It saves you- money in , , the long run. Accept .V . none that just as good" but get the BEST at PRESTON SATTERFIELD, Sect'y. & Manager. ' New AirHsiIl:'. Of JEaiiies Goods : V"'. For Mi&Sujnmer Wear Just The Gbods'For Right Now Long? Bradlsher -Compaeyo -Miss Susie Williams returned to Durham Saturday morning af ter spending a few days in Rox boro as the guest of Mrs. B. R. Long. Mr. R. A. Burch returned Monday morning' from Chicago, where he attended the Progres sive Convention last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Foushee, Miss Ada Tucker and Dr. E, J, Tucker spent Sunday in Yancey- ville, visiting the family of Mr. John Tucker. 'biigoba sczeMlfrfeight. shipments, receiyeu PtiLUc Debate. , The debate . last . niht at - the Court House was a decided Suc cess. -The young , men acquitted themselves well. Thejueryi wa: Resolved," That capital ! punish I ment should be abolished in Noft Carolina The speakers for the affirmative were Mess. Lester Mc Farland and ZatiockV Slaughter. Negati ver Mess S P Jones" and Jimmie Allen. , "The affirmative Notice I wiish aB my fertili zer, customers to come forward mmediately and settle ther ac counts by cash or note. J. L. Garrett. We are in receipt of an invita tion to the commencement exer cises of The Citadel, Charleston, S. C. Among the graduates; this year is Mr. Geo. B. Yarboro, Jr. this wdeji. Plain and iFaricy white voiles and or gandies 25 to 50c. ' - i Plain and Fancy Flaxons at 15 to 35c; Fancy Queen Mult and Hiawatha: batiste at 12 1-2 and 15c. : Fancy . French Voile, pretty stripes and! figures at 15c. , ; Rainbow Voiles in newest effects 25c. Silko Madras: for shirts, and waists at 25c. . ' .', . ':y; Ladies Hats and Ribbons. Big lot of dainty Val laces. ; Lot of nice baby slippers, v And many other things not mention- ; ed We are constantly replenishing our stock with the new You are al most sure to find what you wish right here and we are always pleased to serve you. ; 'Harris & Berins N "Roxboro's Best Store" " mm. -. I - 1 1 1 I I I WW X IjeiiQjurud- r r . 1 Roxboro Bottling Works 5 4 I won. 11 ' 5 . - Morton & Satterfield will save -i -you nioney cn Dr: Gccds,

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